I have decided to restart this forum which will run once a week and feature my favorite newsletter of the past week. To make sure you receive them all you can subscribe for free at:
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Nick Grimshawe
How are you this sunny morning of the soul?
As you are about to begin your day, how are you composing the symphony of your minutes?
Have you planned out every detail meticulously? Do you know your moments from A to Z?
Well planned, well executed, finished!
Or have you left room for the creature of your heart to shine forth and take you down any shinning path?
Do you make room for the heart?
In our busy lives, sometimes we feel we have no time for a social chat, or a detour to get Grandma that special candy bar she so loves.
We have no time to find the time to give ourselves time to
We find it hard to give to others, so cramped is our day with rushing duties.
We get annoyed at little delays, and people who don't seem to understand the urgency of our many tasks.
I know that it happens, it happened to me yesterday.
In my rush of things, I forgot to breathe in the world of love an compassion.
I did not plan it to be that way...I wanted my world to unfold differently.
We pay the price of our unconsciousness, for when we sleep, the old patterns reassert themselves and steel away your work.
But don't despair!
Climb back into that dream of you...you have worked so hard on...and find that place of grace again where compassion rules the day through heart and love.
Be proactive: Each day create the perfect you in your eyes. Each night review how close you came. Falling from graces is no disgrace except if you fail to get back up again.
If one completes the journey to one's own heart, one will find oneself in the heart of everyone else.
Source: Father Thomas Keating
Do the work on you each day...and all the rest will follow.
With Love