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RE: Let's Wish All Those Special Women A Happy Mother's Day
4/24/2010 11:24:22 PM

Hi Robert,

Thanks so much for stopping by and thanks for the Picture of your Mom. You have been truly Blessed my Friend. Wishing your Mom an early Happy 85th Birthday and hoping that you're both able to spend many more together here on Earth.

Here's also wishing your Mom a Very Happy Mother's Day and here's a little Poem just for you both...

A Mother...

When you were a child, she walked before you, to set an example.
When you're were a teenager she walked behind you, to be there should you ever need her.
Now that you're an adult, she will walk beside you,
So that as two friends, you can enjoy life together..

Wishing You Both A Blessed & Beautiful Mother's Day,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
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RE: Let's Wish All Those Special Women A Happy Mother's Day
4/24/2010 11:55:33 PM

Hi Myrna,

It's always a Treat for me to Celebrate "Special" Times with all of my "Special" Friends.

When I saw this Graphic my Friend, I immediately thought of you, and all of our good times over at your Native American Forum.

Happy Mother's Day!

Here's to the brightest and best, sunniest and funniest, best all around Mother's Day ever.

Have A Blessed Mother's Day Dear Friend,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
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RE: Let's Wish All Those Special Women A Happy Mother's Day
4/25/2010 3:50:04 AM

Hi Friends,

Of course, we here in the USA are not alone in Celebrating Mother's Day. I found the following to be quite interesting...

Mother's Day Around The World

Mother's Day In Australia

Mother's Day is celebrated with great zeal and fanfare all across the world, including Australia. Similar to the people of United States, Australians celebrate the day on the second Sunday of May, every year. The day marks an excellent opportunity to thank and express the deep felt gratitude to one’s mother. It is dedicated entirely to the leading lady of the family. Whilst the Super Moms sit back and relax on this particular day, children take up all their responsibilities. People of all the ages, from preschoolers to adults, contribute to make the day a special one for their mother.

The celebrations in Australia are similar to that in United States, except for the traditional custom of wearing a carnation. In Australia, colored carnations hold different meaning than the white ones. If a person is wearing a colored carnation, it signifies that his/her mother is living. On the contrary, a white carnation is worn to pay homage or tribute to a deceased mother. All across Australia, on Mother's Day, children thank their mom for the undying love and care she showers on them. Right from the morning tea to the evening party, they try to articulate their feelings through a number of small as well as large gestures.

Mother's Day In UK

UK holds the prestige of being the first country in the world to dedicate a special day for mothers, as early as 17th century. In UK, Mother's Day is celebrated on the fourth Sunday in the month of Lent. Since the days of Lent are not fixed, the date for Mother's Day keeps on changing as well. However, the emotions remain the same. The feelings associated with the day are much alike those in the rest of the world i.e. to express gratitude towards our mother. It is an opportunity for the children to let their mother know that she is special and loved and cared for.

Mother's Day is the contemporary version of the original name - ‘Mothering Sunday’. The occasion has a long history, which dates back to as far back as the year 1600. During that time, the poor used to send their children to work as domestic servants or trainees in the homes pf higher class of people. Once in a year, these children were given leave for a day, so that they could visit their Mother Church as well as their own mother. The day coincided with the middle Sunday of the fasting period of Lent. It was known as 'Refreshment Sunday' or 'Mid-Lent Sunday'.

The children would visit their Mother Church and then head straight to meet their own mother, with some fresh flowers. While the boys would present their mother with flowers, girls would go a step further by presenting them freshly baked handmade cakes, which were also called ‘Simnel Cakes’. With time, the holiday came to be known as 'Mothering Sunday'. The custom of Mother's Day was halted when the world underwent Industrial revolution, but steeply bounced back after World War II. With time, the fourth Sunday of Lent came to be dedicated to the mothers in UK.

UK, however, has lost the original meaning entitled to the Mothering Day. Nonetheless, the day is celebrated with lot of excitement and enthusiasm. Roses, carnations and chrysanthemums qualify as the most popular flowers on Mothers Day in Great Britain. The people of UK also follow the tradition of making a rich almond cake for their mother, on Mother's Day, which is often called ‘Mothering Cake’ or ‘Simnel Cake’. UK people pay tribute to their mother and honor their contribution in their life. They let their mother know that she is very special and holds a very important place in their life, which no one can replace.

Mother's Day In Canada

Mothers are respected and loved universally. The mother’s day in Canada falls on the second Sunday of May each year. Irrespective of the day and date of celebration, mother’s day is celebrated with the same spirit all over the globe. After Christmas and Valentine’s Day, mother’s day is the most popular festival in Canada. Like any other part of the world, people in Canada pay their tributes, express their love, and thank them. Children make it a point to greet their mothers and grandmothers, and any motherly figures in their life. Those who are far off make a distant call, that creates highest phone traffic congestion on occasion of mother’s day. It also defines the popularity of the festival in Canada. A famous Canadian author Robertson Davies quotes - “All mothers think their children are oaks, but the world never lacks for cabbages”. How instinctively told that, to a mother her child remains the best and vice-versa. Mothers in Canada receive cards, gifts, and flowers as common gestures of love. Read the article for more insight into mother’s day celebration in Canada.

Mother’s day in Canada is not a federal holiday. However, it falls on Sunday, which is a government holiday, and most of the organizations, schools and government organizations are closed. Though, commercial business is at its peak due to mother’s day celebrations. You will find hustle-bustle in malls, and restaurants may be busier than usual as people usually treat their mothers out.

Though mother’s day is celebrated throughout the world early celebrations originated from Canada’s neighboring country USA. A range of flowers with different colors and genus symbolize ones love and affection; Carnations in particular are a popular mother’s day symbol in both Canada and USA. Some people also show their solidarity with the festivity by choosing to wear a carnation as a brooch on mother’s day. Nevertheless, other flowers are also used to grace the occasion.

Canada is a technologically developed country and festivals and celebrations are commercialized to a large extent. On mother’s day celebrations in Canada, sales of greeting cards break all the records. Children who stay far away from homes make personal phone calls to their mothers and wish them. A family gathering and organizing parties is also a part of mother’s day celebration. Mothers are treated to lavish family breakfasts, brunches, lunches, and dinners either at home, at a café or at a restaurant. There are special recipes prepared on mother’s day by family. Special, delicious cakes and cookies are baked by children and gifted to the mothers.

Mothers are pampered with personalized handmade gifts, coupons and a day off from the kitchen. Children write mother’s day poems and messages to gift it to their mothers. People in Canada gift chocolates, jewelry, clothes, handmade items, and gift vouchers. Children also gift their mother’s movie tickets or tickets of her favorite play. One of the favorites of mothers day gift are fresh flowers, bouquets are arranged in artistic manner and presented to dear mothers. Handmade photo frames, collages, and family albums are one of the ways the Canadian people express their love and gratitude for mothers.

Mothers Day In France

One of Napoleon's famous quotes is - ‘The future of a child is the work of his mother”. Mother is said in various ways around the world. In France, it is “Mere”. Most part of the world celebrates mother’s day on second Sunday of May. However, in France mothers can get a second bout of special attention on June 7 by celebrating France’s Fete des Meres. This French tradition of honoring mothers was made official in 1950 and was inaugurated by Napoleon. Much like in America, this day in France, calls for a variety of honors for mother. It is usually a family affair, and mothers are treated with gifts, cards, poems, flowers, dinners, or they are simply allowed to relax and chill. Ask a small child about his or her mother and they would reply” My mommy is the best”, how true we all must say this for our mums. Everything you become, you owe to her. In trying times, her strength and wisdom guides you. When you are down, her zest for life inspires you. She touches all around her with kindness and warmth. She is one of a kind. To honor her selfless services, children and adults throughout France take the opportunity on mother’s day to make their mother the centre of attention. Check out some ways of celebrations in French style.

The French celebrate mother’s day traditionally by honoring her with a cake. It resembles like a bouquet of flowers. A family dinner is the norm for mother’s day in France. France is a country of wine and grapes. Some families celebrate mother’s day differently, by gifting champagnes, or wines that the French prefer. Children in France make cards, crafts or write poems to gift them to their mothers. Many families treat their mothers by cooking a breakfast or giving her a treat of a perfect mother’s day brunch in style. People in France are connoisseur of food. They have a special taste for cheese and chocolates. And so French mothers are treated to their favorite delicacies in a variety of flavors. Fashion and perfume is another important aspect of lifestyle in France. Gifting coupons or shopping for them are some of the great ideas for French families. In France whether it’s a pleasant conversation over a glass of wine, organizing a party, or playing indoor and outdoor games with family, mother’s day is made playful and celebratory. Art and literature has always been in forefront and an important part of culture of France. Gifting paintings and books of favorite authors is also a part of celebration ideas of mother’s day in France. The French have a spiritual connection with cosmetics and perfumes. Presenting mothers with gift baskets of their favorite brand’s cosmetics or spa coupons make them feel special.

Mother's Day In Ireland

In Ireland, Mother's Day is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of the Christian fasting month of Lent, instead of second Sunday of May. Though it is celebrated on a different day, the feelings and emotions attached to it are the same. The day is devoted to all the mothers, for the pains and hardships they have taken to make life better for their children. All the children in the world realize the importance of mother and the contributions she makes in their life and hence, a day like this gives them an opportunity to thank her for all what she has done.

Mother's Day is not a new concept in Ireland, finding its roots in the medieval age. In 16th century, children of poor families were sent to work for the rich, as domestic help or apprentice. During the month of Lent, these children were given a holiday to visit their 'Mother Church' and worship Virgin Mary. These children, after visiting their Mother Church, would go and meet their own mother and also take some flowers along. After industrial revolution, situations changed and there was a pause to any such celebration. The festivity was later revived, after the World War II, by the Americans and was spread in European countries as well.

Today, Mother's Day is celebrated with great pomp and show all across Ireland. Though, the emotion associated with the celebration is the same, the way of expression has changed a bit. Commercialization has crept into the articulation process. Along with the traditional flowers, cards and gifts are given to mothers on this day. People in Ireland also make their mother feel special by doing small things for her, like making meals or taking her out for dinner. Special programs, drama and theater are also organized to admire the efforts of women.

Mother’s Day In Germany

You can track down the time of celebrating mother’s day as early as the time of Greeks, when they used to honor Rhea, Zeus’ mother. Today mother’s day is celebrated with great enthusiasm all over the world. But you can find Mother’s Day falling on different days across the world. England has a history of celebrating Mother’s Day from as early as the 13th century and is celebrated as Mothering Sunday, which falls on the fourth Sunday in the Lent season and is usually celebrated in the month of March or early April. Earlier for mothering Sundays, servants were allowed to go home to spend some time with their mother and gift them with a ‘mothering cake’ which was to be kept until Easter. Similarly in Argentina, mother’s day is celebrated with the arrival of spring which happens in October. They consider women as spring since they bring new lives into the world and therefore it is celebrated on the second Sunday of October. In Spain and Portugal it is celebrated on May 8th and in Norway mother’s Day falls on February 11. Here given are some traditions and customs on Mother’s Day celebration in Germany.

German poet and philosopher, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said

"Von Vater hab ich die Statur, des Lebens ernstes Führen, von Mütterchen die Frohnatur und Lust zu fabulieren."

"Of father, I have the statue, life serious leading, of mother the happy nature and desire to fabulieren".

In the middle ages, there was a Sunday in Thuringia (one of 16 federal areas of Germany) when relatives used to visit and congratulate each other with a new come spring. Spring was associated with the beginning of life, and women gave to humankind that life. Nobody worked, everybody went to parents' place, and mothers were blessed by natives on that day.

Germany celebrates its mother’s day on the second Sunday of May as it is celebrated in most of the countries. Germany observed its first mother’s day or ‘Muttertag’ as it is called in German, in the year 1922. But it was declared an official German holiday in 1933 on the second Sunday of May. Mother’s day earned a lot of significance as part of the Nazi motherhood cult under the Hitler regime. There was a tradition of giving away medals—das Mutterkreuz—in bronze, silver, and gold, awarded to mothers who produced children for the Vaterland or Father’s land. The medal was nicknamed "Karnickelorden," the "Order of the Rabbit." After World War II the German holiday became a more unofficial one that took on the cards-and-flowers elements of the U.S. mother's day. In Germany, if Mother's Day happens to fall on Pfingstsonntag (Pentecost), the holiday is moved to the first Sunday in May. So it is often said that the idea of celebrating modern Mother’s Day came to Germany from America in the beginning of the 20th century.

Mother's Day in Germany is celebrated with great pomp and gaiety. It is a holiday to express love and gratitude to mothers and make them feel special. People congratulate and thank their mothers for everything they do, say good wishes, and give them flowers and presents. Today many German children compliment their moms with mother’s day cards and e-cards. They also give their mothers small souvenirs, pleasant presents and unexpected surprises. But as you know the main gift for any mom is children's attention. On mother's day German families try to be together, especially for a wonderful meal.

Wherever you may be Celebrating Mother's Day...

Wishing You The Happiest & Most Blessed Of Days,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
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RE: Let's Wish All Those Special Women A Happy Mother's Day
4/25/2010 7:35:48 AM

Thanks Phil,

Great information and great sentiments.

Simnelcake2010.jpg picture by romacmail

Simnel cake, UK

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RE: Let's Wish All Those Special Women A Happy Mother's Day
4/25/2010 9:59:19 PM

Hi Roger,

Thanks so much for stopping by and thanks for your lovely Comments. Always glad to spark some pleasant memories.

Thanks also for the Wonderful Picture of the Simnel Cake. I found a recipe, it sounds delicious and I'll probably try to make one, however with 583 Calories and 27 grams of fat in each serving, I'm not sure whether I should try a piece or not.

Here's a little Poem I hoped you might like...

Somehow we always say the least,

To those we love the best,

And hope our thoughts are understood,

Although they're unexpressed.

That's why it means so very much,

When days like this are here,

To say how very much you're loved,

Each day throughout the year.

Happy Mother's Day


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10

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