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Potw Team

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Vote for the 227th POTW
4/15/2010 9:50:54 PM
The 227th POTW Award Vote

There will be at least a list of 4 names to vote on every week and as a member you can vote by selecting one of the members from the list of the eligible in a polling thread. The member with the most votes will be Person of the Week.

For a member to be eligible as one of the POTW vote they must have been logged in for the last 30 days, have a photo and a forum and not be a previous winner of the POTW within the calendar year.

As a member of Adlandpro you can look at the eligible names below and review their profiles for the Person of the Week. Then cast a vote for your choice in the poll below.

Poll will close on Thursday approximately 5pm Central Time - GMT -6 hours

Nancy Gleason

Donovan Baldwin

Lucy Walker

Robert Talmadge

Shirley Rushing

Vote for the 227th POTW
Vote for the 227th POTW
Nancy Gleason - (2)
Donovan Baldwin - (2)
Lucy Walker - (8)
Robert Talmadge - (7)
Shirley Rushing - (6)
This poll has expired.
Total Votes: 25

Please login to vote.

Winner for the 227th POTW will be announced Friday, April 23, 2010.

Person of the Week Archives:


Your choice of one of the two options below:

Option # 1:
The Social Network Registration package is a new product which will provide you with an unfair advantage over your competition. Dell, New York Times, Coca Cola and other companies traded on stock exchanges, use today social networks to market and are hiring people to post on those communities and support their brands and receive exposure to those communities.
There are millions of potential customers which don't know about you and there is an easy way to get in front of millions of eyes if you know the right door.


Option #2
The winner of this week's contest will have his/her ad posted to 80,000 recipients through our business or marketing promotional newsletter. These two newsletters are published and mailed out alternately every Wednesday and reach over 80,000 viewers. Another bonus is it’s saved in our archive section so your ad is available for years to search engines and to viewers who are reading our archives.

Marketing Newsletter:

Business Newsletter:

Barry Scott
Phillip Black

5931 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: Vote for the 227th POTW
4/15/2010 9:59:23 PM

Hi Barry,

Another Great Group!

Best Wishes and Good Luck to all of our Friends who've been Nominated.

Have A Super Weekend My Friends,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Barbara Delgiudice

1912 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: Vote for the 227th POTW
4/15/2010 9:59:26 PM
Hi Barry my vote is in.

Good Luck Nominees!

Love and big hugs.

Barb :)

Arve Thornes

393 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: Vote for the 227th POTW
4/15/2010 10:07:13 PM
Hi everyone

This week it was very easy...........

I voted for Shirley Rushing
I have voted for here because she is a warm trolley marketer,That I respect

May you all have an fantastic day.

Hat of for all of you



Profitable Email Marketing

Potw Team

2183 Posts
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RE: Vote for the 227th POTW
4/15/2010 10:24:46 PM

Hi Barry,

Another Great Group!

Best Wishes and Good Luck to all of our Friends who've been Nominated.

Have A Super Weekend My Friends,


Hi Phil,
I knoew you would be one of the first! :)

Thanks for getting us started.
