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RE: Christ's Letters Of 2006 & 2007 Confirm New World
11/19/2010 1:39:47 AM
Hi Greg

Plenty of people are doing good now and trying to correct wrongs. See Video

This Video series is about Australia but if you watch it all you will learn about UK and other countries. This is about The U.N. take over of our FREEDOMS.

yes,it is known that there are those amongst us that play by a different set of rules than the rest of it we have established a good reason to be suspicious and to trust no man made system for it ultimately covers an agenda of oppression, exploitation, greed and false superiority. I am witnessing many people waking up and learning how to say no more. This is a good thing. What remains is this; the leaders say BUT, the followers say IF, and the rest of us just go and DO IT anyways
What concerns me sometimes is silence
Doing nothing about what we know to Do
Right thought,right action
as soon as the harmegeddon battle within a people is fought lets hope that love is not still a victim of compromise after the smoke clears
Flag of Arthur Webster

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RE: Christ's Letters Of 2006 & 2007 Confirm New World
7/1/2011 8:43:30 PM

I must say that the Christ letters are a lot more imaginative and innovative than the crass stupidity of "The Secret" and other such wafflelated clap-trap but they do appear to be a very much refined version, all the same.

When on this Earth, Jesus related face to face with the public and his disciples. He used the traditional and most popular means of imparting wisdom and information, the oral recitation of stories. He trained His disciples to go throughout the land and teach others to do the same while faithfully relating His truth.

Now I am expected to believe that He has returned and that He has chosen one lady to be his Recorder. I can understand that He would be familiar enough with today's technology to know that this lady could broadcast His words over the internet and ensure that enough traffic was generated for the words to become public property. Instead, these letters are on specialist, marginal web sites and in books that people are expected to buy! Is that really His will?

No doubt I will be shouted down but there is a huge credibility gap here.

Flag of Jim Allen

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RE: Christ's Letters Of 2006 & 2007 Confirm New World
7/1/2011 8:53:52 PM
You make a fair and valid argument my friend but this kind of thing is virulent as you may well know. What with "Channelers of everything from Elvis and Galactic s" everyone is getting in on the craze. Anyways seems like all bases are covered except homeplate and that one is up to yourself.

But think about it, forty years ago would you have believed we could be having this conversation in this fashion?
Be honest with yourselves.


I must say that the Christ letters are a lot more imaginative and innovative than the crass stupidity of "The Secret" and other such wafflelated clap-trap but they do appear to be a very much refined version, all the same.

When on this Earth, Jesus related face to face with the public and his disciples. He used the traditional and most popular means of imparting wisdom and information, the oral recitation of stories. He trained His disciples to go throughout the land and teach others to do the same while faithfully relating His truth.

Now I am expected to believe that He has returned and that He has chosen one lady to be his Recorder. I can understand that He would be familiar enough with today's technology to know that this lady could broadcast His words over the internet and ensure that enough traffic was generated for the words to become public property. Instead, these letters are on specialist, marginal web sites and in books that people are expected to buy! Is that really His will?

No doubt I will be shouted down but there is a huge credibility gap here.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Flag of Arthur Webster

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RE: Christ's Letters Of 2006 & 2007 Confirm New World
7/12/2011 7:11:18 AM

Hi, Jim,

Would we have had this conversation 40 years ago in this fashion? Of course not - nor would thousands of other people have been able to sit back as spectators to what we said.

If Jesus really wanted to get his letters read and we know from His behaviour on Earth that He wanted as many people as possible to have access to His words, he would have used the millions of available forums. Even if He only wanted to deal directly with one person (his "Recorder"), He would have guaranteed the viral aspect of His letters by ensuring that they were posted to high profile sites and bound into volumes for FREE distribution.

Sorry, Jim, as much as I would love to believe these letters, the stench of manipulating hypocrites emanating from every word convinces me that they are bogus.

RE: Christ's Letters Of 2006 & 2007 Confirm New World
7/12/2011 11:11:40 AM
Hello Arthur

I think everyone has their own reality and if the message in Christs letters rings true to people they should follow their own heart/instinct. I can see no harm in the messages in Christ letters in fact I found them quite inspirational.

Today people can have access to a vast range of knowledge via the internet and the World is definitely changing very fast.

What will 2012 bring? I think it will bring about a very different world and many people will be caught off guard. The real leaders of the coming new society are the people researching all this is happening across a vast spectrum now. I know many here at Adlandpro including myself are learning every day and trying to share what they learn. Christs Letter are feee to download and read. In recent time it has become available to purchase a hard copy if you wish to. It's obvious to me the cost is to cover printing and distribution.


Hi, Jim,

Would we have had this conversation 40 years ago in this fashion? Of course not - nor would thousands of other people have been able to sit back as spectators to what we said.

If Jesus really wanted to get his letters read and we know from His behaviour on Earth that He wanted as many people as possible to have access to His words, he would have used the millions of available forums. Even if He only wanted to deal directly with one person (his "Recorder"), He would have guaranteed the viral aspect of His letters by ensuring that they were posted to high profile sites and bound into volumes for FREE distribution.

Sorry, Jim, as much as I would love to believe these letters, the stench of manipulating hypocrites emanating from every word convinces me that they are bogus.


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