I must say that the Christ letters are a lot more imaginative and innovative than the crass stupidity of "The Secret" and other such wafflelated clap-trap but they do appear to be a very much refined version, all the same. When on this Earth, Jesus related face to face with the public and his disciples. He used the traditional and most popular means of imparting wisdom and information, the oral recitation of stories. He trained His disciples to go throughout the land and teach others to do the same while faithfully relating His truth. Now I am expected to believe that He has returned and that He has chosen one lady to be his Recorder. I can understand that He would be familiar enough with today's technology to know that this lady could broadcast His words over the internet and ensure that enough traffic was generated for the words to become public property. Instead, these letters are on specialist, marginal web sites and in books that people are expected to buy! Is that really His will? No doubt I will be shouted down but there is a huge credibility gap here.