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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/13/2011 10:55:01 AM
(Continued from last post)

Saul (John Smallman) 2-09-11…Your chakra system is being enhanced…

This seemed to fit well with the many recent posts about new energies coming in, the 2-11 2-11, dark ones being removed, Egypt government overthrow, and so on. We cannot carry the old systems into the higher dimensions. Saul points out that our chakra systems are all being upgraded, and with it comes aches, pains, and so on. This is being carried out carefully, so we do not go into shock.

“As humanity awaits its wake-up call to enter into its fully-conscious state of being, much is going on that, in your unawakened state, you are unaware of. Your bodies are being prepared to enable them to operate smoothly and easily with the more powerful energies that your fully-conscious state requires, and that your bodies will provide. Your whole chakra system is being enhanced, which entails much, very complex renovation and modification. This has to be done with great care so that your bodies, which of course are also part of the illusion, do not go into shock.”

We recently had an earthquake in Chile. I point out here that the Earth system is also received what one might call “planetary chakra adjustments”, This has been occurring often over the past two years, and perhaps earlier than that. But these are manifesting in strong, but not devastatingly strong, so the planet remains intact, yet is also prepared for entry into the Higher Dimensions.

Perhaps it is like an electrical fence or grid. Connected together at certain points, with insulators and so on, if any of these grid points is faulty, or if the connectors are rusty or not up to speed, the fence/grid will not operate at full potential. So it is with our grid.


Your chakra system is being enhanced

02/09/2011 by John Smallman

As humanity awaits its wake-up call to enter into its fully-conscious state of being, much is going on that, in your unawakened state, you are unaware of. Your bodies are being prepared to enable them to operate smoothly and easily with the more powerful energies that your fully-conscious state requires, and that your bodies will provide. Your whole chakra system is being enhanced, which entails much, very complex renovation and modification. This has to be done with great care so that your bodies, which of course are also part of the illusion, do not go into shock.

A large number of courageous volunteers are already undergoing this essential realignment of their spiritual energy systems to enable any problems that could occur during this process to be isolated and resolved before it goes planet-wide. When it does so those of you who are more energy sensitive will probably experience some unaccustomed bodily tingling, and most of you will experience a variety of emotional mood swings as your bodies adjust to these new and powerful energies. Remember that you will be letting go of a large number of negative attitudes such as fear, judgment, blame, and self-righteousness which prevent you from recognizing the divine Light shining forth in one another. And doing this will have an amazing effect on you. You will find yourselves in a state of total acceptance of what is, which will most probably be a completely new and rather unsettling experience for you. However, you will quickly discover that it is an incredibly relaxing and de-stressing state, and you will realize that you are not alone in this, that you are not going insane, but that you are re-establishing your sanity.

God’s plan for humanity is truly awesome, as you are to discover. His Love surrounds you in every moment, and has done so without break or interruption since He created you, and you are once more going to experience the supreme bliss of that wondrous state – your natural state – permanently. As the illusion disintegrates around you the brilliance of Reality will embrace you in the ecstasy of its almighty and soothing energy field. It is infinitely beyond anything you could possibly conceive of, and yet when it does embrace you, you will immediately recognize it for what it is — your divine, eternal Home.

Creation is God’s gift to His children because He adores you all, and it provides in eternal abundance everything you could ever need or desire. You are perfect, divine beings created in power and glory to delight in your existence at one with your Father. You chose, in a brief moment of insanity, to build a very convincing illusory reality in which you could hide from Him. He knew that this would bring you misery, but He had given you free will and so He did not interfere. Instead He instantly provided the solution to that unhappy state: a brilliantly lighted path to guide you Home when you chose to leave the illusion and return to His divine Reality, as you most definitely would. The moment for the initiation of that return journey, which will take but an instant, is approaching rapidly. The preparations that will enable it to unfold are complete. When it arrives you will be ready to awaken from your nightmare into the wonder of experiencing God’s infinite and unchanging Love for you, eternally.

With so very much love, Saul.


Thanks Kahuila!

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/15/2011 4:37:23 PM
Time for a Special Intermission here!

Rio de Janeiro will Solar Power 2016 Olympics~Pretty Nice?
by ҨΕlizabeth Trutwin₪ on February 12, 2011

" Solar City Tower", built atop the island of Cotonduba
will be the welcome symbol to the 2016 Olympic
in Rio de Janeiro.

It will be seen by the game visitors and participants as
they arrive by air or water.

The tower, captures solar energy. It will supply energy
for all of the Olympic city, as well as also for part of Rio.
It pumps up water from the ocean to create what
appears like a water fall and this fall stimulates
that produce energy during the night.

It will also hold the Olympic flame.
The Tower possesses an amphitheater, an auditorium, a cafeteria and boutiques. Elevators lead to various observatories. It also has a retractable plat-form for the practice of bungee jumping.
At the summit is an observation point to appreciate the scenery of the land and ocean, as well as the water fall.
City Tower will be the point of reference for the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/15/2011 5:01:25 PM

Master Hilarion's Weekly Message

February 13-20, 2011

Beloved Ones,

Much progress was made in the past week in terms of the completion of the clearing and releasing that still needed to be done. The World watched as the new way of being unfolded in an ancient land and they sent their prayers and their Light to these brave and mighty people who have set the tone for the great changes sweeping across the Earth by standing in their Light and in Unity for a peaceful change to be made manifest in their country, and even though the road ahead is filled with challenge, a people united can bring about miracles with faith and determination.

People all over the World cried in joy, thanksgiving and celebration knowing within their Souls that the highest good and the highest outcome was brought about by those who stood in their honesty, integrity and determination to bring about positive change in peace. There will be many more of these events taking place like a wave across the land as the people rise up and say ‘enough is enough’. Truly the times will bring about great changes, positive changes. The joyful energies that reverberated across the Planet have moved all of humankind further into the higher frequencies and the Ascension of Earth and all upon Her is firmly established.

We ask the Beloved Lightworkers to keep on keeping on, holding the vision of a better and more peaceful World which honors everyone and everything. Hold steady your vision in the coming days and remain steadfast in the face of all the changes taking place. These changes begin first within individuals and then will spread throughout communities, cities, nations and continents. The greater Light shall prevail as we all hold and anchor our Light and the Cosmic Light to keep the energies in balance. This is why you have come, for these most exhilarating of times. We watch the events in wonder and awe and applaud all who believe that change can take place in a peaceful and determined manner.

Fast disappearing are the days of those in authority keeping control of their people through threats and fear. The Awakening Ones will not succumb to these tactics and will continue to press for peaceful changes in all areas of mundane living upon your Planet. It is a time for feeling and holding joy and gratitude within all hearts as this feeling continues to spread and radiate positive and uplifting energies and these will begin to manifest in your daily lives in all facets of it. Humanity is now willing to accept responsibility for their actions and deeds in an honorable manner and that is very good news for all. If every human being on Earth accepted responsibility for their every thought, word and deed and began to bless everyone and everything around them, the changes would be instant.

In unity much will be accomplished and that which was planned in the higher dimensions as your bodies lay sleeping is now coming into effect. Love is the greatest force in the Universes and there is upon this Planet billions of loving people who desire to experience goodness, kindness and sharing with their brothers and sisters. They are more than ready to live their lives in a new way, without having to take from others in order to have what they need and desire. This new way of relating with each other will start slowly but will gain more ground in the months and years ahead and life will take on a new and greater expression than before.

The days before you now, Beloved Ones, are taking everyone into a whole new territory and it is incumbent upon all to align themselves with the flow of these new energies. The way forward will be shown as each of you go within, for these times call for periods of stillness and contemplation. Listen to the voice within and know that all is well. Call upon us each morning and we shall walk ever at your side.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/15/2011 5:07:47 PM

SaLuSa 14-February-2011

You have come a long way in your evolution to have reached this point in time. This cycle has been one where you have touched the depths of darkness, yet in spite of the experiences you have gone through, have found your way back to the Light. On the one hand it would not do to have a complete recall of what you have gone through, but if you had you would fully appreciate what a magnificent achievement it has been. You are not so to say out of the woods yet, but with a better understanding of what remains before Ascension, you should successfully cope with it. Those unawakened souls that see only doom and gloom can be forgiven for dropping into moods of despair, without seeing hope for the future.

However, as each challenge arises those who have a more positive outlook, see the problems as opportunities to move into a new era of peace and cooperation. It is a matter of having faith in those who are lifted up, who come forward and speak of the way in which a quantum leap can be achieved. They require your support and the more people that think positively, it will bring about a conscious desire to bring the changes into being. It is not even necessary that the answers be known, but that the energies of intent are sent out. When they reach a certain level such as critical mass, there will be a manifestation of such proportions that it will be unstoppable. Indeed, you are beginning to see such results beginning to surface now, and it sets up greater possibilities of events like Disclosure taking place.

There are in fact a number of possible announcements that are nearly ready to be brought into the open. The world situation is making many countries more receptive to approving what is planned, as clearly progress will not be made if there is serious opposition to them. The days of working solely for self-preservation are nearly over, and decisions are to be made for the good of everyone. Their needs may be vastly different, but that is where we come in with our backing capable of handling any problem regardless of its size. We know which people will excel when their expertise is required, and there will be many political problems to sort out. Most of our principle contacts are aware of their responsibilities and some have been contacted directly, but it is not unusual for it to take place when they are out of the body during their sleep. Should you wonder how common such experiences are, we must tell you that virtually every soul leaves the body at such times. Much good work can be done through such opportunities to meet you. Normally you will meet your friends and loved ones who have already passed on. Sometimes you bring waking memories back with you, but are likely to put them down to dreams.

You are beginning to realize that you are much more than your physical body. You are an immortal soul that has infinite life, and your real home is not in the lower vibrations. You are in reality godlike souls with immense powers of creation, and the ability to reach levels of Christ Consciousness. Duality is nothing more than a hologram, produced to enable you to equally experience the dark and Light in a freewill dimension. After many cycles and hundreds of lives, your time in duality is now reaching a conclusion, and you are attracting immense attention. Many other civilizations are avidly watching to see how you get on, and aware that the Galactic Federation is ensuring that you complete your time successfully. We have often informed you of the fact that you are to ascend with your uplifted physical body that will change to a crystalline structure, and that will be unique. You can imagine how masses of Beings often from very high dimensions are involved in the changes, and why there cannot be other than a complete success.

Dear Ones please go with the flow and look for all that is going to ensure a positive outcome. Ignore the negative aspects often resulting from the intent of some souls to destroy what you have achieved so far, and confuse you with disinformation. If something does not ring true set it aside, and you can always come back to it if necessary. The revelations about Humanity will give you the truth about your history, and open your eyes to recent events that are far from what you are led to believe. You will learn to be more discerning and quite easily able to identify false information meant to take you from your path. Believe us when we tell you that the dark Ones are fully aware of Ascension, and try their best or worst, to stop you making it. For very soul that turns to the Light they are losing their control, and know that they cannot achieve their aims for total domination of the world and its population.

The Internet is your source of largely truthful information and we look forward to the day which is coming, when the media is also able to freely and truthfully report events. Communications is one of the areas that we shall address, and we shall make easier for everyone to contact each other regardless of where they are in the world. Eventually you shall develop to our levels of telepathic contact, and some of you are beginning to experience it quite normally. The new Human will become unrecognizable to what you are now, not so much in appearance but in your abilities that come with being a Galactic Being. It is more the real you and you will join our Federation, if that measures with your future plans for the next step in your evolution.

If you feel excited at the prospects of ascending, you have every right to be so as everything will be quite different to what you experience now. To say you were leaving Hell for Heaven would not be an exaggeration, although neither exists quite as your religious teachings suggest. Yes, the higher dimensions are heavenly and a state of bliss and absolute happiness. Life is one continual joyous experience and there is harmony between all life forms. It is the beauty of everything without the beast, and the consciousness levels of all life means that it is constantly in touch with you. Some people already talk to their plants and animals but very few hear them talk back, but you will once in the higher dimensions.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and love the opportunity to uplift you out of the morass of so much negative energy that is on Earth. It will be cleansed in due course as all of the lower vibrations are transmuted. The Love and Light will permeate the Earth as it is also prepared for Ascension.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/16/2011 3:14:06 PM
Hope you enjoy this update.

Update from Sheldan Nidle

3 Cimi, 4 Zac, 7 Ik

Selamat Balik! We return once again with more to discuss with you. Currently, our Earth allies are engaged upon a series of moves which is to lead to victory! Meanwhile, the dark cabal is busy goading radicals and firebrands within the populist uprisings of the Middle East into confrontation and unrealistic demands in an effort to destabilize local economies. The goal here is to mess up the final stages of the Earth allies' new economic packages waiting in the wings. Another dark agenda is to generate desperately needed petrodollars for the cabal's now-empty coffers by driving the price of oil to record levels. To counter this, our Earth allies have stepped in covertly and are working with the regional leaders of both sides to secure agreements that not only preempt the sharp rise in chaos intended by the dark cabal but also prepare for a smoother transition to the new financial and economic systems. The allies' goal is to turn nationalist fervor into a force that can be used for peace, prosperity, and stability for every nation in the Middle East, and we have used our good offices to aid the efforts of our Earth allies.

In addition to the unrest in the Middle East are the pockets of instability in Sub-Saharan Africa and in East and Southeast Asia. These are caused by the economic difficulties produced by the mountain of debt that has accrued throughout these areas of the planet. In fact, the western-driven fiat-money economy is reaching a point of immense collapse. A number of elements are ready to force the issues of fiat money and virtual wealth which have brought your world to this breaking point. The primary remedy is the setting up of a true precious-metals-backed currency alternative to the dark cabal's broken monetary system. Our Earth allies have worked extensively on ways to introduce these new currencies to you, and now the time has come to begin to usher them in. We are told that the means to do this will be the deliveries of the various types of prosperity funding. The goal of our Earth allies is to start this now, and then use the legal situation created by the deliveries to bring the new governments into being. With their official decrees a new global monetary policy comes formally into operation.

Concurrent with the new monetary policy is a whole raft of new banking and corporate regulations which are to take effect immediately. These rules return your world to a state in which your unalienable, sovereign rights take precedence over the dictatorial nature of current government and corporate policies. The social leveling-action of the redistribution of the globe's wealth added to the rise of true de jure governance alters everything: the dark cabal loses access not only to its illegal wealth-building machine but also to worldwide governmental influence. The new governments are to be people-oriented. Their first concern is to enact a number of policies reinforcing the wealth and well being of their people. Further, these policies will enable them to introduce several technologies that can greatly enhance your daily life. However, for us the most important action is to end the current UFO cover-up. This act alone transforms your world! You are to move beyond your present xenophobia and learn that you are not alone and that your origins are indeed off world.

As we await the actual moment when first contact becomes possible, we watch your world and see the change that is accelerating around you. Gaia intends to alter her surface world and desires to speed up the steps to this end. Meanwhile, your power structure is rapidly transforming. Those in power are only now realizing that the world that has existed for nearly 13 millennia is crumbling at their feet. The various factors that kept them in power are no longer as reliable as before, and the excesses of the dark cabal can no longer be covered up easily. These elements conjoin with the fact that we are here and that we are acting as your defenders. What we require from you is a firm belief in what is happening and some positive action on your part in whatever form comes naturally to you. Support those who openly espouse change. Use your skills to educate your communities and have your views made public. It is time to be an activist for change! This simply means that in some major way you become part of this movement.

As more and more of you adapt to these new realities, you make it possible for a grand transformation to come into your lives much more easily. It is this that excites us about you: you are admirably adaptable, and when the Truth becomes known you can alter your core beliefs quickly. Our part in this is to put before you the necessary amount of evidence which can demonstrate new concepts about your reality. You have, for the most part, submitted passively to the monumental atrocities that the dark cabals have perpetrated upon you in the past, and the present is a good time to change the way you respond to what the dark is once more trying to do. Use your communications technologies and your sheer numbers to help the Earth allies. Show your global society that what was done in the past to stifle you can no longer work. Times have changed. A new attitude is afoot, and it cannot tolerate what the dark is intent on doing. You can no longer be deceived or enslaved!

We are here, as we have said, to provide a galactic option. This option proclaims to your oppressors that there exist ways to terminate their dominance and compel them to concede power and wealth back to you. This gives you a moral responsibility to ensure a meaningful transformation and it is this process which paves the way for your rise in consciousness back to your fully conscious state. Our mission is to work with you to accomplish this. We come not to prevail over you but to welcome our family back. We come to give you the freedom and liberty to return to your natural state of Beingness. This benefits all of us! Your newly garnered wisdom and your special place in this galaxy provide you with special sacred compensations, which are to end permanently the galactic wars that have torn apart this galaxy for millions of years.

You form a vital cog in the Treaty of Anchara. These documents ended the galactic wars nearly a decade and a half ago and now our first-contact mission is to bring you back into the Galactic Federation as a full-fledged and fully conscious member. As you do this, you are to interact freely with the Agarthans and, together, forge a new solar system and star-nation. This star-nation is to consist of the four water planets of your inner solar system and the spirit Beings making up the higher realms who are an important part of your new interdimensional reality. Your new star-nation is to welcome both the former dark ones of this galaxy and those who have been a part of the Galactic Federation for literally millions of years. You are to be a special Beacon of Light that welcomes all of us, as well as those who come from myriad neighboring galaxies.

This sector of the universe has an important role to play in unfolding physical Creation. We know this and rejoice in all that we are about to do. This brings us back to the present: you are on the verge of a unique journey. Our role is to mentor you through the final stages and then to welcome you as the wonderful Beings that you truly are. First contact, as a process, is in its final phase. We can at last emerge openly from the shadows to which the dark and its major governmental allies had consigned us and bask in the Light that is natural to us. We can introduce our technology to you and reveal the discoveries long hidden from you by your governments. The Agarthans and you can then help Gaia to achieve her full-conscious Self.

Today, we continued our discussion of what lies ahead for you and for Gaia. It is to be a time of wonder and joy! A most marvelous journey is ready to unfold, which reunites you with your Spirit and Space families. A grand celebration for us all is about to begin! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)


Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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