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4/10/2013 10:57:18 PM

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles: Jump-Starting our Renaissance of Divine Love

cota-roblesJump-Starting our Renaissance of Divine Love

By Patricia Diane Cota-Robles – April 9, 2013

Please read this Celestial sharing from the Flame of Truth pulsating in the Divinity of your Heart. The Company of Heaven is revealing two vitally important Global Activities of Light that Humanity is being called to participate in this momentous year 2013. We will all be in our right and perfect place for these events.

Listen to your heart and respond according to the inner guidance of your I AM Presence. You may be prompted to participate physically or you may be prompted to empower these events through the Oneness of our collective consciousness from wherever you are on the face of the Earth.

Whatever the case is, this information is being brought to your awareness because you have been preparing for lifetimes to assist with this facet of the unfolding Divine Plan. Please do not let this opportunity to add to the Light of the world pass you by.

2013 is unfolding at warp speed and we are being asked from On High to accelerate on behalf of Humanity and ALL Life evolving on this precious Planet, the physical manifestation of the recently birthed New Earth. In order to grasp the magnitude of that profound Truth, we must KNOW what the Birth of the New Earth in the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Cause means for each of us.

The 5th Dimension is a frequency of Light that transcends separation and duality. Within this higher frequency of vibration, the gross mutations of disease, poverty, hunger, war, greed, crime, corruption, hatred, or pain and suffering of any kind cannot be sustained. Imagine what it will mean for all of us when the 5th-Dimensional patterns of Oneness, Divine Love, and Reverence for ALL Life are tangibly manifest on Earth!

The 5th Dimension is a timeless, spaceless frequency of God’s Infinite Light and Perfection. It is the frequency that we have always known as the Heavenly Realms. Now with the Shift of the Ages God Victoriously accomplished, the Heavenly Realms have Ascended up the Spiral of Evolution into the 6th-Dimensional Realms of Light.

We, as Sons and Daughters of God now abiding in the 5th Dimension, are destined to co-create experiences that will transform the Earth. We will co-create win-win situations for everybody as we persistently focus on Love, Light, and the highest good for ALL concerned. This may sound too good to be true, but actually it does not even begin to describe the wonders and joyous things we will be co-creating once we accept that the New Earth has been Birthed, and we daily and hourly live out of that KNOWING through our thoughts, words, actions, feelings, and beliefs.

The Greatest Need of The Hour

Our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven are calling embodied Humanity to a Higher Service. It is true that with the Birth of the New Earth the 5th-Dimensional patterns of perfection began flooding into the mental and emotional strata of Earth. However, in order for those patterns to physically manifest on Earth, they must be drawn through the Divinity pulsating within the hearts of the people embodied on Earth.

This is what is meant by the statement, “God needs a body.” We can do this individually little by little, but if we will come together to form a powerful transformer and collectively anchor the patterns for the New Earth through our unified Heart Flames, the Company of Heaven said we will co-create a quantum shift that will exponentially move this process forward by leaps and bounds. Both of the events I will share with you now are destined to accomplish this very goal.

Two Monumental Opportunities to Add to the Light of the World


Our Father-Mother God and the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are sending forth a Clarion Call to all embodied Lightworkers, this includes YOU. We are being asked to gather within the portal of the most powerful frequencies of God’s Transfiguring Divine Love August 10-15, 2013. This portal is in the foothills of Tucson, Arizona. Together we will form a mighty transformer through which the Light of God will flow to accelerate the process of tangibly manifesting the patterns of perfection for the New Earth in the physical world of form.

It is critical that Lightworkers from around the world be physically present for this facet of the unfolding Divine Plan. All of the Lightworkers who have been prepared to serve in this wondrous way on behalf of Humanity and all Life on this Planet will know who they are through the inner promptings of their heart. Listen to your heart, and Trust your inner guidance. Your Light is needed now!

In addition to those who are inspired to be physically present, there will be Lightworkers who will join in consciousness from points of Light around the world. These Lightworkers will project the Light flowing through their Heart Flames into the Portal of Light where the Lightworkers are physically gathered in Tucson, Arizona. Thus our unified efforts will expand a thousand times a thousandfold and this facet of the Divine Plan will be God Victoriously accomplished.

The vehicle that will be used for this gathering of Lightworkers is the 27th Annual World Congress on Illumination. The link to all of the information you will need to participate in this wondrous opportunity is available at the bottom of this e-mail.


After the quantum shift that will be victoriously accomplished during the 27th Annual World Congress on Illumination, our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven have asked us to make a Sacred Pilgrimage to Italy. This will take place October 6-17, 2013. Italy is the portal through which the first Renaissance was born.

During our Pilgrimage, we will join with the Company of Heaven and serve as instruments of God. As we traverse this very special land we will form a powerful Chalice of Light that will serve as an Open Door through which a New Renaissance of Divine Love will exponentially expand to embrace the entire Planet Earth.

To understand the magnitude of what that means, the Company of Heaven wants us to remember how the first Renaissance transformed life on Earth. The first Renaissance began over 500 years ago in Florence, Italy. It was part of a master plan to accelerate the return of the Divine Feminine, our Mother God, by awakening Humanity’s creative faculties of thought and feeling.

The first Renaissance stimulated the study of classical literature, art, dance, and music. The people involved in this awakening did not abandon their beliefs, but rather adopted new attitudes and a new level of civility. It was a momentous turning point – the start of a new Era that ended the Dark Ages and initiated a Higher Order of Being amongst the peoples of Earth.

The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth said that with the Birth of the New Earth, and the quantum shift that will take place in August, 2013, the awakening and the shift of consciousness within the hearts and minds of Humanity will be infinitely greater during the New Renaissance of Divine Love than it was during the first Renaissance.

Since the Birth of the New Earth and the dawn of 2013, unprecedented events have taken place in Italy that will pave the way for the global expansion of our Renaissance of Divine Love, not the least of which are the events that have taken place involving Pope Francis. He is serving as a surrogate for the transformation of all world religions, in spite of the resistance he is facing in his own church.

Through his actions, and the focused attention of the masses of Humanity, Pope Francis is creating a fluid field of unmanifest Divine Potential in Italy upon which the patterns of perfection for the Renaissance of Divine Love will be downloaded and encoded. This will be accomplished during our Sacred Pilgrimage to Italy October 6-17, 2013. Here is a brief review of the things Pope Francis has done already to create the fluid field of unmanifest Divine Potential for the New Renaissance of Divine Love.

Pope Francis is a very different kind of Pope. He was born and raised in Argentina, which like all of South America, is held in the radiance of the Portal of our Mother God. In spite of the patriarchal stance of the Church, his mission has been over lighted by the Holy Spirit. He has dedicated his service to the auspices of Mother Mary and lives a life of compassion and Love. He denounced the pomp and circumstance of a Catholic Cardinal in order to serve the poor and those who need him the most. He refused to live in the Cardinal’s Palace and rented a small apartment for himself. He cooked his own meals and refused the chauffeured car allotted a Cardinal in exchange for riding the bus to work.

When Cardinal Bergoglio was elected Pope he chose the name Francis after Saint Francis of Assisi. To grasp the significance of that choice, we need briefly to look at the life of Saint Francis. Saint Francis was born into a wealthy family, but rejected his wealth to serve the poor.

One time Francis was in an old church, and as he prayed before the crucifix on the altar he heard what he perceived to be the voice of God. God said, “Francis, rebuild my church.” Initially Francis thought God was asking him to rebuild the old church he was in, but he soon realized that the Church of God is not a lavish edifice, THE CHURCH OF GOD IS THE PEOPLE.

Saint Francis was well aware of the Elemental Kingdom and worked hand and hand with the animals and nature. He was never ordained into the Catholic priesthood, but he is one of the most venerated religious figures in history. On July 16, 1228, Francis was pronounced a saint by Pope Gregory IX. He is known as the patron saint of animals and the environment.

Pope Francis is the first Pope to choose to be named after Saint Francis of Assisi. When he was introduced as the Pope to the throngs of people gathered in Vatican Square, the first thing he did was bow and ask the people to bless him. Then he prayed the three prayers that he knew every Catholic child and adult would know. He chose those prayers so that people around the world could pray with him. The first prayer was the Hail Mary, the second was Glory Be To The Father, and the third was the Lord’s Prayer.

The following day, the first thing he did before officially addressing the gathering of Cardinals as the new Pope was to go to the chapel alone where he prayed for 30 minutes to Mother Mary, asking for her blessings and Divine Intervention in his mission. When Pope Francis addressed the Cardinals instead of sitting on the white Pope’s throne, he stood amongst the Cardinals as their brother and received their blessings. He said, “I am asking all of you to help me rebuild God’s church.”

Pope Francis chose to conduct his first mass on Saint Joseph’s Feast Day, March 19, 2013. Saint Joseph is the patron saint of the Universal Church. The Company of Heaven revealed to Humanity a long time ago that Joseph, who was Jesus’ father and the husband of Mother Mary, was one of the embodiments of Saint Germain. Saint Germain is the Keeper of the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection. This Sacred Fire, which is the 7th Solar Aspect of Deity, will be the predominant influence on the planet during the Age of Aquarius. How appropriate to have the first Pope after the Birth of the New Earth begin his mission under the auspices of Saint Germain.

His words at the first mass were also profound in Light of this Cosmic Moment and the shifts of consciousness that are taking place. When he spoke to the 300,000 people gathered in Vatican Square and the millions tuning in from around the world he said:

“I Am asking all of you to assume the role of protectors. We are all protectors of Creation, protectors of the Plan of God which is written in Nature. We are protectors of one another and of the environment. But it is not allowed that signs of destruction and death accompany our journey in this world.”

On Holy Thursday, the Thursday before Easter, it is traditional for the Pope to wash the feet of his disciples as Jesus did on the day before Passover prior to his crucifixion. In the past the Pope has always washed the feet of Cardinals and priests. Pope Francis, however, went to a youth detention center and washed the feet of young people. He even washed the feet of a woman and a Muslim which is unprecedented.

He has refused the lavish Pope’s apartment and the ostentatious limousine the Pope usually has. Instead he lives with the Cardinals and is chauffeured around in a black Volkswagen.

If you have the Heart Call to join us on this Sacred Pilgrimage to Italy know that this will be the trip of a lifetime. We will begin in Rome and complete our Pilgrimage in Venice. We will spend a few days in Asissi and experience the wonders of the powerful place where Saint Francis was born and raised.

The Beings of Light said this Pilgrimage will be a vital part of Earth’s transformation. The most critical time of any major shift on the planet is at its inception. We are now in that Cosmic Moment and how we download and encode the patterns of perfection for the Renaissance of Divine Love will determine how quickly we tangibly experience the patterns of perfection for the New Earth in our daily lives.

Listen to the inner promptings of your heart and respond according to your heart’s call. If you have the heart call to serve as an Instrument of God in this powerfully important phase of the Divine Plan, trust and KNOW that your I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven will assist you in paving the way. This is true whether you need assistance with time, energy, or money to accomplish this facet of your Divine Mission.

If you do not have the Heart Call to be on the Pilgrimage to Italy please send us your Light and join us in consciousness.

Just for fun, watch this wonderful video made in Italy. It will give you the feeling of our Renaissance of Divine Love and the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. It is titled Free Hugs.

Thank you for remembering who you are and why you are on Earth at this time. And thank you for your willingness to add to the Light of the world.

God Bless You,

Patricia Cota-Robles

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose

Link for the 27th Annual World Congress on Illumination

All of the information you need to participate in the 27th Annual World Congress on Illumination is on our website. Just go to our Home page and click on the box for the 27th Annual World Congress on Illumination.

Link for the Sacred Pilgrimage to Italy

All of the information you need to participate in this Sacred Pilgrimage to Italy is on our website including the brochure of our itinerary. Just go to our Home page and click on the Italy 2013 box in the upper left-hand corner.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/10/2013 10:58:25 PM

Suzanne Lie: Pleiadian/Arcturian Alliance – The Landing Party, Part 6

MultipleWorldsThe Landing Party, Part 6 – Galactic Alliance with Earth

By Suzanne Lie – April 9, 2013

Contact Person Speaks:

I have decided that I must write down my experiences, as a confirmation that these experiences are real and not just a “figment of my imagination.” There is a fearful voice in me that is confused, but I know there is also a part of me that is very wise. Last night I dreamt that I had another experience. I was standing in a long corridor with many other Beings.

I say the term “Beings” as many of those with me were not human. Some were very tall with blue skin and a few had very dark skin with a third eye in the center of their forehead. Their mouths were very small, and I could see no ears. I soon learned they were telepathic when I heard one of them talk inside my head. It had no gender that could be determined, was very friendly and asked if I were from Earth.

“Ah, yes, I think so,” I muttered with my old-fashioned voice.

The Being’s small mouth expanded in size to become a lovely smile, which made me laugh. Not that I was laughing at It’s mouth. I was laughing because It totally understood me.

“Do you mind if I use my voice,” I said. “I can’t talk with my mind like you do.”

“Oh but you can. You will remember soon.” It telepathically responded.

I wanted to ask It more about our location, when we were ushered into a large, very beautiful room. The room was lined with many portals, which revealed that we were in outer space. Lush, comfortable chairs lined the huge room, with small tables in front of them. On the tables were small glasses of an unknown liquid with a pitcher to refill our glasses.

I sat between my new friend and a male who looked quite human until he started to talk and his voice made a shrill sound that I could make no sense of. I started to tell him that I did not understand his language when a huge Being of Light entered the room. I felt a familiar loving sensation and found myself relaxing because of this Being’s presence.

However, that relaxation turned to excitement when the tall blond man with the blue eyes entered the room just after him. Why was this man so familiar and why was I so filled with joy to see him? On the other hand he seemed to barely notice me, which hurt my feelings. Why would he not acknowledge me when I felt like we knew each other?

Before I could ponder that thought any longer, the huge Being of Light began to speak in a telepathic manner. However, this telepathic message was heard in my heart rather than in my head.

The Arcturian Speaks:

Dear members of our Away Team,” the Being began, “It is lovely to see you all in your natural state. We understand that returning to your natural form is a relief after wearing the guise of a human circa 2013 AD. We are aware that while you are wearing your human form many of you have forgotten about your true SELF who is with us now.

In fact, some of you totally forgot about your Multidimensional SELF when you are awake in your human form, which is why we have brought you here now. We who live safe and fulfilling lives on the Starships often forget the difficulties of a third dimensional frequency of reality.

Hence, before we give you our primary message, we will remind you that all of you are crew members of this Starship. You have been chosen for a special mission to bi-locate to planet Earth to assist with Gaia’s planetary Ascension. You are originally from many different worlds, and are all holding an Earth vessel during the Earth time of 2013.

Because the illusions of that world are so powerful, most of you have forgotten your true SELF and believe that you are “only human.” Therefore, we have decided to invite you to join us in your higher dimensional form while your human body sleeps.

Our Starship resonates beyond time, hence you are joining us from many different timelines on Earth. Since most of you have been forgetting about your true SELF while wearing your Earth vessel, we have decided to gather you together as your higher dimensional SELF to remind you what you were told before your mission began.

We wish to commend all of you for the great contributions that you have made in your guise as a “normal” human on planet Earth. Despite the fact that most of you have temporarily forgotten your true nature, you have been able to carry out your assignment to work towards awakening and educating humanity regarding the importance of the timeline in which they live.

We organized this mission at the request of Gaia, who is the collective consciousness of planet Earth. Gaia is returning to a higher expression of Her multidimensional planet and wishes to take as many of Her humans as possible. Gaia, as well as Her plant and animal kingdom are ready for the transition. However, many humans have become lost in their third/fourth dimensional density of separation and limitation.

Therefore, they feel separate from each other, separate from the planet and separate from their true SELF in the higher dimensions. Much of this forgetfulness is because the polarity of Light/Love and dark/fear has been tipped towards darkness and fear rather than Light and Love.

Hence, so much energy and attention must be placed on the process of daily survival that there is no ‘time’ for the meditative exercises that are vital for them to communicate with their Higher Expression aboard our Ship or on their Homeworld.

We wish you, who have joined us in this NOW, to know that a higher expression of your Multidimensional SELF is in deep meditation to hold your essence here on the Ship while you are, also, bi-located into your sleeping human on planet Earth. In this manner, you are concurrently experiencing three realities within the NOW.

  • You are your Higher Expression on board our Ship
  • You are our Crewmember who is NOW de-briefing your Mission on Earth
  • You are your human Earth vessel that is currently sleeping

We ask you to listen to our message with your multidimensional thinking, as your third-dimensional thinking is unable to grasp simultaneously living in three different realities. In fact, as you re-activate your multidimensional thinking, you will easily remember that your Multidimensional SELF is capable of maintaining myriad realities within the NOW of the ONE.

The primary reason for recalling you to the Ship for debriefings is to remind you to maintain your multidimensional thinking even while wearing your Earth vessel. If your thinking becomes third dimensional, you will quickly forget your reality on our Ship. Then, you will be in great danger of becoming lost in the illusions of third dimensional Earth.

Furthermore, as long as you can remember your multidimensional thinking you can also maintain your multidimensional memory. When your full memory is activated while you are wearing your Earth vessel you will not forget the reason why you have stepped-down your great consciousness to consciously encompass your reality on ascending Earth circa 2013.

Because we underestimated the power of third dimensional illusion and many of you became lost to your Multidimensional SELF, Commander Mytre will reiterate the purpose of your Mission.”

(When Commander Mytre stepped forward to address us my heart skipped a beat. What is it with this man that makes me feel this way? However, when he began to speak, my questions had to cease. I must also be a member of this “Away Team.” If so, I certainly did forget my instructions. In fact, I forgot my SELF.)

Commander Mytre Speaks:

Greetings my friends,

(Mytre’s statement made me wonder if Mytre and I were friends.)

I am here to remind you that your mission is to assist all life on Earth to expand their primary consciousness from the third/fourth dimensional resonance of Earth into the fifth dimensional version of Earth.

For the sake of this conversation, we will entitle this recalibration of consciousness the ‘Creation of New Earth.’ However, you will not actually be creating New Earth, you will be expanding your perceptions to include the frequency of New Earth.

First, my fellow Shipmates, we underestimated the density of consciousness on Earth and the power of the illusions of separation and polarity. We realize now that you will need to be debriefed on a regular basis in order to free yourselves from those fear-based emotions and indoctrinations. In fact, these were the issues that caused Gaia to call for our assistance.

(Just before Mytre begin to speak, his eyes caught mine. Within that moment, time stood still. I had obviously forgotten. I had not understood much of what had been said, but with my attention focused on Mytre’s bright blue eyes every word began to make sense.

When Mytre broke our gaze to address the entire room I was sad beyond all reason. If Mytre and the Being of Light (whose title of Arcturian suddenly filled my mind) were correct then I was a crew member of this Ship, and this was my true home. With this thought great joy flowed into my heart, which allowed me to listen closely to Mytre’s message.)

Dear members of our Away Team to ascending Earth, we are all here in human form to remind you of your Higher Expression of SELF who is living in these higher realities. We hope that this reminder will assist you to remember, embrace and communicate with your Higher Expressions of SELF on Starships and in your Homeworld.

In fact, even though you may appear to be wearing a human form, you are actually members of our Away Team to Earth. We have come here to remind you that YOU have the ability to create a new, higher frequency of Earth. Within your NOW on planet Earth, the most important task in your life is to remember YOU are your Higher Expression.

Then, the next most important task is to tell the Truth, as you are receiving it, from your Higher Expression. Fortunately, when your consciousness is resonating to the fifth dimension and beyond, your Truth IS the Truth because your consciousness is in alignment and calibration with the ONE.

Within the ONE there is only Truth, and that Truth is perceived from many different “points of perception.”

Therefore your three-fold task is to:

  • Remember your SELF
  • Set up an ongoing and intimate relationship with your SELF
  • Translate and transmit the Truth that you are receiving from your Higher Expression of SELF to all who can listen

We need our Family of Light who became lost in the third dimensional illusions to:

  • Wake Up
  • Look into your own eyes and see your SELF
  • BE your SELF while still wearing your clay form

We realize this is a huge request, as the clay form you are wearing is of great density. Hence, it is extremely difficult to hold your consciousness in the fifth dimension and beyond while wearing that dense shell. We know that we ask a lot, but we also know that others among you have fulfilled this promise.

Yes, you all decreed that you would BE your Higher SELF while wearing your clay, Earth vessel.

We are beginning to understand how so many of you have become lost. Furthermore, some of us have only incarnated on Gaia a few times. Therefore, we had no “past” lives in which we could learn the rules, or lack of rules, of the “3D Game.”

It is NOT important that you fulfill your mission perfectly. In fact, your first challenge is remembering that you even have a mission. Therefore, be kind to yourselves. You will likely feel alone at first, unless you are able to remember your Higher Expression of SELF. Fortunately whether you know it or not, your fifth dimensional Divine Complement will be guarding and protecting you while you are bi-located into your third dimensional Earth vessel.

Even though it appears that you, the members of our Away Team, were beginning this Mission all at once, you each bi-located into different Timelines. Hence, you may not be able to find each other again until you move into the higher, more timeless frequencies of the fourth dimension.

Therefore, please take a long moment to look into the eyes of your comrades here on the Ship, as they are also members of this Away Team. Look into each other’s eyes to ignite your memory of the friends that surround you, and the reasons why you accepted this mission. I will now repeat the first dispatch for this Earth Mission.

During the time of nuclear testing, and the wars that followed, Gaia called on the Galactic Federation for assistance. Most of the Timelines of nuclear testing lead to total destruction of planet Earth. There is one timeline that has the greatest chance of avoiding that disaster. Unfortunately, that Timeline actually had WWII with the nuclear bombing and many other atrocities.

Nonetheless, that Timeline has the greatest hope for Ascension. Hence, we are sending you into that version of Earth. We are inserting our “Ground Crew” into important times and places where they can make the greatest impact on revising the path of those Timelines.

We see great potential for that timeline, as many have begun to awaken to their true Multidimensional SELF. The Away Team will be placed in the period of that reality from the beginning of the nuclear testing until that timeline of 2065. Thus during the period of 2013 the volunteers will be:

  • GREAT GRAND PARENTS during 2013 – born to survive WWII and the myriad smaller wars, and their children the:
  • GRANDPARENTS during 2013 – born just post WWII and surviving until 2013 and forward, and their children the:
  • ADULTS during 2013 – born to be at peak adulthood at 2013 and their children the:
  • ADOLESCENTS during 2013 – born to be young adults in the years just after 2013.

This Away Mission will extend 45 years past 2013 into 2053 (one full generation) to protect Gaia from those who cannot change and expand into the higher frequencies. Fortunately, once these Lost Ones leave their Earth vessels, they are freed from the polarity of Earth.

The Guides that they have ignored will then greet them and remind them to look back on their lives of fear and/or power-over others, victim and victimizer, to finally realize that they too have Higher Expressions of their Multidimensional SELF.

With this realization they will be able to envision into the Timeline they just left and send it the necessary Unconditional Love to heal the wounds that they caused to the Matrix of Gaia’s physical form.

As this healing increasingly occurs, Gaia will be set loose from Her moorings in the lower frequencies. She will then begin to release Her lower frequency realities. As she releases the old, she can more easily expand into the higher dimensions of Her Planetary SELF.

Many of you have bi-located into a Timeline in which you have the possibility of maintaining your Earth vessel long enough for you to move into New Earth while you also maintain your 3D Earth vessel.

If you can remember that you are your Multidimensional SELF wearing an Earth vessel, you will, eventually, remember how to bi-locate into New Earth. Then, you can keep the physical anchor of your human body within constant contact with Gaia while you also create your Lightbody and cross the Great Void into fifth-dimensional New Earth.

Then the generations after you will maintain that Portal that you have opened. Please remember that time is an illusion of the third dimension. From our higher perspective, we are able to see all these generations through the viewpoint of the NOW of the ONE.

Hence, we can see how the contributions of generations after you actually influence your generation which appeared to be in their past. Thus, generations before and after you are all influencing each other within the NOW.

Finally, we must remind you again that once you enter fifth dimensional New Earth, there will no longer be time. Therefore, you will be able to look into different timelines as easily as the humans change the channel on their television. Hence, when you awaken, please remind yourself again and again to release the illusion of time.

(With these words, I awoke in my bed. I knew that if I did not document this experience, I would forget it. In fact, as I walked to the computer I wondered how many times I had already forgotten it.)

Note: See part 5 in page 479 of this thread.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/11/2013 2:14:44 AM

Think Nothing’s Happening? Nothing has Changed? Here’s 1362 Examples that it HAS… document, “PROOF of MASS ARRESTS RESIGNATIONS & RETIREMENTS of ELITE”


Click to enlarge…

Thanks to WWP (YouTube name, “styleeffexxx“), who recommended this document. There are 1362 lines in this document, each one listing a PTW type who has resigned, been arrested, died, or whatever. And there are links to most every one.

[Recall that American Kabuki was the first to collect many of the arrests going on into one place]

I have converted the document to the following formats (note, the pdf formatting is a bit off, but you get the idea; please feel free to reformat the xls or ods files to your heart’s content):

The original document is available from this Google docs link.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/11/2013 10:59:24 AM

Thousands rally across US for immigration bill

Associated Press/Charles Dharapak - Rigoberto Ramos from Seaford, Del., originally from Guatemala, rallies for immigration reform in front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, April 10, 2013. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

WASHINGTON (AP) — Tens of thousands of immigrants and activists rallied nationwide Wednesday in a coordinated set of protests aimed at pressing Congress to approve immigration measures that would grant 11 million immigrants living here illegally a path toward citizenship.

Organizers said demonstrations were taking place in at least 18 states and in Washington, D.C., where a large, festive crowd gathered on the west lawn of the U.S. Capitol Wednesday afternoon. Many carried hand-lettered signs and chanted "Si, se puede," Spanish for "Yes, we can."

"We won't win immigration reform just coming to Washington. We need to walk the streets all over the country," said Ben Monterroso, national director of civic participation of the Service Employees International Union, which represents nurses and lower-wage employees including janitors and child care workers.

In Atlanta, more than 1,000 people marched around the Georgia Capitol Wednesday midday, calling for comprehensive changes to immigration policy and an end to deportation.

Supporters massed in several rallies in New York City, including in the Washington Heights section, as well as in Queens, Manhattan and The Bronx.

In San Francisco, several hundred demonstrators marched toward the federal building holding red and orange paper flowers representing the number of people deported daily for immigrationviolations. In San Diego, about 50 demonstrators gathered on a sidewalk outside the office of U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a sharp contrast to massive protests in 2006 when thousands of demonstrators shut down downtown streets to support looser immigration policies.

Senators writing a sweeping immigration bill have said they hope to finish their work this week, opening what's sure to be a raucous public debate over measures to secure the border, allow tens of thousands of foreign workers into the country and grant eventual citizenship to the millions living illegally in the United States.

A person familiar with proposed bipartisan immigration legislation being written in the Senate said Wednesday the bill would require greatly expanded surveillance of the U.S. border with Mexico and greatly increased detention of border crossers in high-risk areas. The person provided the information on condition of anonymity because the deliberations were private.

Groups opposed to illegal immigration say they aren't worried that lawmakers or voters will be swayed by emotional messages, and argue that extending legal rights to immigrants living illegally in the U.S. will create financial problems for cash-starved governments and spur more illegal immigration.

"There ought to be a rally for the 20 million Americans who can't find a full-time job," NumbersUSA President Roy Beck, whose group advocates reductions in immigration levels, said in a statement Wednesday.

Immigration rights activists said the size of their movement would be on display at rallies around the country, including in the nation's capital, where National Association for the Advancement of Colored People President Benjamin Jealous delivered the keynote address.

Gustavo Andrade, who leads a large immigrant advocacy group in Maryland and helped organize Wednesday's event, said about 400 buses carrying activists converged on Washington for the rally.

Several Democratic lawmakers including Sen. Bob Menendez and Rep. Luis Gutierrez, spoke briefly, as did Puerto Rican singer Olga Tanon and the Latino pop-rock group La Santa Cecilia.

The activists already claim victories nationwide, including a successful lobbying effort against a plan in North Carolina to provide driver's licenses to immigrants with the words: "NO LAWFUL STATUS."

The immigrant activism movement gained national attention in 2007 when President George W. Bush and a bipartisan group of lawmakers unsuccessfully tried comprehensive immigration overhaul. Some high school and college students who were brought to the U.S. as young children began living openly and holding rallies.

The movement gained new supporters in 2010, when Congress debated but did not pass the DREAM Act — legislation that would have granted legal status to young immigrants living illegally in the country.

President Barack Obama announced in June his deferred-deportation program allowing young immigrants to apply for work visas. During his State of Union address in February, Obama called on Congress to quickly pass sweeping immigration measures.


Associated Press writers Erica Werner in Washington, Claudia Torrens in New York, Elliot Spagat in San Diego, Terry Collins in San Francisco and Kate Brumback in Atlanta contributed to this report. Burke reported from San Francisco. Follow Luis Alonso Lugo and Garance Burke on Twitter at and .

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AP ENTERPRISE: Rebuilding a former Taliban haven

Associated Press/B.K. Bangash - In this Thursday, March 28, 2013 photo, a Pakistani internally displaced girl Amina Bibi attends class at a school rebuilt by the Pakistani army, in Tank, the bordering town of South Waziristan, the Pakistani tribal area bordering Afghanistan attends. After battling Taliban militants in the tribal areas bordering Afghanistan for over a decade, the Pakistani military is engaged in a new fight. This time it's for the hearts and minds of the people who are returning to the region after living for years as refugees in their own country and harbor a longstanding mistrust of the central government. (AP Photo/B.K. Bangash)

In this Thursday, March 28, 2013 photo, Pakistan army vehicles patrol Sararogha, which was the stronghold of the Taliban in South Waziristan, the Pakistani tribal area bordering Afghanistan. After battling Taliban militants in the tribal areas bordering Afghanistan for over a decade, the Pakistani military is engaged in a new fight. This time it's for the hearts and minds of the people who are returning to the region after living for years as refugees in their own country and harbor a longstanding mistrust of the central government. (AP Photo/B.K. Bangash)
In this Friday, March 29, 2013 photo, Taliban supporters offer prayers at Pakistan's army de-radicalization center in Tank, the border town of South Waziristan, the Pakistani tribal area bordering Afghanistan. After battling Taliban militants in the tribal areas bordering Afghanistan for over a decade, the Pakistani military is engaged in a new fight. This time it's for the hearts and minds of the people who are returning to the region after living for years as refugees in their own country and harbor a longstanding mistrust of the central government. (AP Photo/B.K. Bangash)

SARAROGHA, Pakistan (AP) — Driving through high mountain passes with mud brick houses perched on cliffs overhead and caves down below where Taliban fighters used to hide, Brig. Hassan Hayat talks excitedly about the Pakistan army's latest operations in these long-hostile tribal areas.

"Now we are getting into the olives," he said as the road passed through groves of trees, explaining how the military has been bringing in Italian olive trees to graft onto local growers' trees to improve production. "Some 400 trees we've already done."

He had wanted to plant daffodils, he mentioned at another point in the trip. But it turned out the flowers would be too hard to export. Bee farms have proven more productive.

After battling Taliban militants in the tribal areas borderingAfghanistan for over a decade, the Pakistani military is engaged in a new fight, aiming to win over a population who are returning to their homes in the region after years living as refugees in their own country and who harbor a longstanding mistrust of the central government.

The military is rebuilding infrastructure and setting up economic and job projects for the population in South Waziristan, one of the seven tribal regions along the border with Afghanistan. It's a classic counterinsurgency tactic similar to that used by the U.S. military — with mixed results — in Iraq and Afghanistan. The aim is to decrease support for militants and bring peace to a troubled region — in this case, tribal areas that have long been sanctuaries for the Taliban and other militant groups fueling instability in both Afghanistan and Pakistan.

"Once the people are more aware, more educated, they will not take up arms but go for the development and be a positive contributor in society," said Hayat.

With a month to go before nationwide elections that will see a transfer of power from one elected government to another for the first time in Pakistan's history, security will be a major campaign issue. Since many of Pakistan's security problems are linked to what happens in the tribal regions, the success or failure of the counterinsurgency campaign could have major repercussions for the rest of the country.

Pakistan's battle against the Taliban began after the U.S. invasion of neighboring Afghanistan in 2001, which pushed many militants across the border into the tribal regions of northwestern Pakistan. There, they found allies among a local population historically neglected by Pakistan's central government. Much of the population is Pashtun, the ethnic group which has been the backbone of the Taliban. Working out of the tribal areas, the Pakistani branch of the Taliban launched a campaign of attacks inside Pakistan.

South Waziristan became the main sanctuary for the Pakistani Taliban, until the army launched a large ground invasion in late 2009. Amid the assault, some 300,000 of the territory's 545,000 people fled to other parts of Pakistan. Entire villages and towns were left virtually empty, particularly in the eastern part of the territory where fighting was heaviest. But the offensive largely broke the Taliban hold, with many fighters who survived going into hiding or fleeing into Afghanistan or the neighboring Pakistani territory of North Waziristan, which remains a militant stronghold.

"The population was hostage to these people," said Hayat. "They had their own rule of law. Whatever they wanted they could do in this area."

But many residents have a softer recollection of Taliban rule. Many said they didn't have a problem with the Taliban and only fled because of the fighting.

"During the Taliban time the situation was good generally. The Taliban have not done anything wrong to anyone. Pakistan and Taliban have the problem," said Sami Ullah, who owns a hotel and restaurant that opened in late March in Sararogha, thanks to the army's rehabilitation efforts.

The army, which essentially runs South Waziristan now, launched the rehabilitation and rebuilding program in 2010. It has grown since, mostly in the eastern part of the territory.

But major challenges remain. Only about 15 percent of residents who fled have been allowed to return, as the military lets them back only at the rate that their towns are rebuilt.

Many of those who have returned complain about lack of compensation and services. They chafe against military restrictions. The army, for example, has stopped mobile phone services, likely to prevent the Taliban from using them to communicate or detonate bombs. No one is allowed to carry weapons, angering tribesmen who consider their rifles a symbol of independence and pride. Anyone entering or leaving South Waziristan is checked against a database of who is allowed in and who is not.

It's also unclear when, if ever, the military will be able to hand over power to a civilian government in South Waziristan, a territory about the size of Delaware.

"The progress is slow," said Abdur Rahim Khan, who is running in the May 11 election for a parliament seat in a South Waziristan district. His own village has not yet been resettled and most of his potential constituents are scattered around the country.

One of the military's most high-profile projects is the roads being built in areas previously only accessible by four-wheel drive, camel or on foot. The U.S. government's development arm is paying for most of the roads. Part of the plan is to open a new corridor to give traders easy access from Afghanistan to Pakistan's central Punjab province, the heart of the country's agriculture and manufacturing.

In Sararogha, local businessman Danet Khan said the new roads save time and money. On the gravel roads, the average vehicle only survived four or five years. Now the smooth two-lane highway through his village cuts travel time dramatically.

The military has built shopping areas where villagers now sell goods out of small shop fronts with roll-down metal doors painted with a green and white Pakistani flag. A barber — something forbidden under the Taliban — cuts hair in one of the stalls, though he says most residents don't need a shave because they still prefer long beards. Hayat would like to bring in a CD shop, something also banned by the Taliban.

Soccer fields, schools, poultry farms and homes for widows have been built, and the military is trying to rehabilitate a leather factory sacked by the Taliban.

With few jobs at home, families here have historically survived on wages from family members sent to work in the Pakistani port city of Karachi or the Persian Gulf. So the army built a vocational school to teach local men skills like computers and electricity repair. Since many people also joined the militants simply because they paid well, the school potentially deprives the Taliban of new recruits.

"They don't have any opportunities. They need something to live on. That's why they joined the Taliban," said one student studying to be an electrician, Sajjad Ahmed.

A cadet college run by Pakistani military officers was provided after requests from local residents who have been starved of quality schools and plagued by an absence of decent teachers.

In the long term, the future of this region will be influenced in large part by what happens in Afghanistan. American troops are scheduled to leave at the end of 2014. Pakistani military officials worry about a repeat of the civil war that followed the 1989 pullout of Soviet forces.

And the final goal of handing South Waziristan to a civilian government is a long way off.

"Right now we are ok and feel safe as long as the army is around, but I am not sure about the future," said one local resident, Malik Fareed Khan.

The tribal areas, known as agencies, have historically been seen as a security buffer between Afghanistan and the rest of Pakistan, administered mostly by government officials appointed by Islamabad and following a different legal system from the rest of the country. That system left a legacy of neglect and a feeling among locals that they don't answer to the central government.

But for real stability, the tribal areas need to be better connected with the rest of Pakistan.

"The military is playing its role but at the end of the day, you need to answer those questions to be successful in bringing total peace," said Hayat.


Associated Press writer Ishtiaq Mahsud contributed to this report from Dera Ismail Khan.


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