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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/27/2011 5:10:54 PM

Here is Saul's latest message about the new awareness of what is wrong at long last pervading our planet. By John Smallman

The intensifying excitement and anticipation that so many of you are experiencing is an indication of your increasing awareness that humanity willmove into full consciousness. It is your natural state, the one that you apparently lost at the moment of apparent separation from God, when you imagined the illusion into being. Your awakening back into that state, Reality, oneness with one another and with your divine Father is inevitable because it is His Will and yours.

At this time, as the moment of your awakening approaches, much is occurring in the illusion that is very disturbing for you, as governments argue vociferously with each other about the most effective ways to deal with the multitude of simultaneous crises – economic, ecological, and political – planet-wide. These crises demonstrate very clearly the urgent need for worldwide cooperation and compassion. For far too long humans have been living in fear and attempting to protect themselves from one another, and yet all around are examples that demonstrate the insanity of this attitude as against the effectiveness of mutual cooperation.

Confrontational and competitive attempts to solve problems just do not work. You are all one with your heavenly Father, not separate individuals who can secure personal comfort and safety by overpowering or destroying others. This you know, nevertheless, you continue to deny it and seek security by defending yourselves or by destroying your enemies who are merely extensions of yourselves. Earth can support you all in a state of abundance if you cooperate with one another. If you do not, then your actions not only hurt each other, but also cause severe damage to the planet as you compete for control and ownership of the natural resources on which you all depend, and which she provides so willingly and in profusion.

Awareness of the insanity of your behavior and of the behavior of corporations and governments that you have been supporting is no longer avoidable. News of corrupt and dishonest practices all across the planet is being brought to your attention with increasing frequency because it is no longer possible to disguise or hide these activities. This is why the news is so disturbing. Previously this news was not promulgated, it was suppressed. This is no longer the case, and so these issues can be addressed, discussed, and put right. You are all sensing this, which is the reason for your excitement. The ongoing destructive practices and behaviors that have been standard on Earth for so long are going to cease, because the elite minority who have been in control of the planet will lose their power and authority as their misbehavior becomes public knowledge.

As that happens those with the skills and competence to commence re-establishing ethical and loving standards planet-wide will come to the fore to demonstrate how easily the apparently insoluble planetary problems can be resolved. As you join together to cooperate in these marvelous restorative planetary ventures your spirits will be uplifted as you see what can be achieved when all work together for the benefit of all. Most of you have experienced this for short periods on a small scale, but when it happens on a planetary scale the results will amaze you.

When these ventures start coming into operation you will observe and participate in the removal from the illusion of attitudes and behaviors that are totally alien to God’s divine Reality, enabling you to embrace with whole-hearted enthusiasm the Love and Peace that your Father is offering you in every moment. This will be the precursor to your awakening into Reality as the illusion finally fades away and you find yourselves at Home at last in the brilliant Light of your Father’s Presence.

With so very much love, Saul.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/29/2011 11:46:27 PM
Here is something different. It may mean a lot to many, as it did to me. Don't miss it.

The People Stand Firm, Unafraid, and Listen

In the face of rising warmth and light, a flower opens to the new day’s Sun.

In the face of rising light and love, a planet’s population wakes from sleep, emerges from control, and reclaims its freedom.

It wakes from fear, throws off paralysis, and reclaims its power.

It wakes from hate, throws off suspicion, and reclaims its love.

It wakes from violence, throws off control, and reclaims its peacefulness.

And the people stand firm, unafraid, and listen.

And all around, the forces that controlled them lash out with every weapon they possess – police, provocateurs, military, water cannons, tear gas, guns. They issue threats; warn of reprisals; unleash storms and earthquakes; rain chemicals from the air; disrupt their travel, business, education, families.

But the people join together not as citizens of Iran, Tunisia, Myanmar, or France; not as Hindus, Muslims, Christians, or Jews; but as citizens of the world. They recognize how they’ve been carved up into nations, classes, religions; had language differences and class divides imposed on them; and in every other way been divided and conquered. They reject all division and join together as one – men women, and children.

They raise the banner of light and love, peace and harmony. They tell the truth and seek more of it. They declare the freedom of all people and the right to health and choice and learning. They reject the use of force and control, censorship and manipulation, indebtedness and impoverishment

They set their faces against fear and hate. They refuse to harm or kill or cooperate with those who do. They lay down their weapons everywhere. They walk away from bombs and poisons, warships and warplanes.

They depart from organizations that produce pandemic viruses and tainted vaccines, plot to overthrow democratic regimes, issue threats and carry out assassinations, suppress new technologies, and pollute the Earth.

They liberate the halls of power, courts of justice, places of confinement, and mediums of communication.

And the people stand firm, unafraid, and listen.

They learn of their part in bringing on their own subservience and in throwing off their chains.

They wonder how this could have happened and what is next.

They hear how this new age has been expected and anticipated, fostered and nurtured. They learn how this awakening, emergence, and rebirth are supported by a cast of millions, who until now have worked in the shadows and behind the scenes.

They learn how these people are our families from other places, dimensions, and even ages. They learn how these people have come here to end our impoverishment, debilitation, and subjugation.

They learn how these people have seen to it that the light of freedom was never quenched or servitude imposed on us as a planet.

They learn how these people have in hand the means of abundance, freedom, and fulfilment and give it freely.

And the people stand firm, unafraid, and listen.

They hear how our controllers intended to depopulate the globe and retain a fraction of us to serve them. They hear how fear has been used to control and exploit us. They drop their anxiousness of terrorism, Armageddon, starvation, catastrophe, and annihilation.

They rejoice at what awaits us – freedom from suppression and control. They realize the future is ours to decide with no new master looming; They see that no one seeks to place us under heel but to liberate us.

They breathe in new energy, share new abundance, look upon new technologies, and see the Earth being newly cleansed. They realize the sleep of millennia is over and a new day has dawned, a day without barriers, fear, or control.

And the people stand firm, unafraid, and listen. And the people laugh and shout for joy, in loving anticipation.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/1/2011 4:58:29 PM

SaLuSa 31-January-2011…”Live your life as one who is moving into a new level…”

SaLuSa 31-January-2011

Changes cannot come without the movement of energies that become powerful thought forms, which when they reach a certain stage of growth energise the people for the purpose they were formed. It is as though there is a sudden coming together of minds that are thinking alike, with the impetus to manifest their desires. It is what is happening in the world now and unrest is reaching epidemic proportions, and it is the reaction of those who have not been treated in accordance with their rights. Sometimes regretfully it is not until matters reach an explosive level and results in violent demonstrations, that the authorities are forced to acknowledge the will of the people. If true democracy existed without corrupt practises, changes could peacefully take place through the ballot box. Using brutal force against the people will not solve the problems, and at best only puts off the inevitable. What you can see is the outworking of the new energies, that are shaking the foundations of anything that lacks the Light. It is to be hoped that in the Western countries a peaceful take over is allowed to take place. Also that new political appointments, are based upon the credentials of those who are energised with the desire to honestly lead the people into a new era of peace.

We have never condoned violence of any kind, and that includes the barbaric practices that are meted out as lawful punishment. Violence of any kind breeds more violence, whereas love is not in any way forceful but gently permeates all other energies and uplifts them to higher levels. It is the answer to so many problems, yet some people find it difficult to express their love. Sometimes it is because they have been shown little love during their formative years. It also comes from rejection and the fear of it happening again, yet all souls have the potential to express their godselves. As you grow in consciousness so it becomes a most natural aspect of life, and is easy to apply in your everyday activities. True love asks for nothing in return but is normally reciprocated because like attracts like, and it is how you uplift people without imposing upon their freewill. In these present times there is a wonderful thought form of great size moving around the Earth. It represents Universal Love that calls for peace and goodwill, to end the rule of the dark Ones. Its energy is so powerful that it cannot be denied for much longer.

So you see Dear Ones that when you send out your love and light, it is not wasted or ineffective but grows in intensity until it brings its desired result. In this way what you send out is returned tenfold, as it attracts more energy from beyond the Earth. Each of you that do so are helping build the new Earth that is forming all around you, even if you are not aware of it. Out of the ashes of the old one, the Phoenix is rising with all the promise of a Golden Age, and we are here to lead the way and help you achieve success. Why else would we be with you in such great numbers unless there was a goal to be achieved? We have your interests at heart and are preparing the way, so that your quantum leap out of the cycle of duality takes place with as little disruption as possible. Changes by their very nature can be uncomfortable and unsettling, but we will bring them to completion as soon as possible. It is true that events have not moved on as we would have preferred, but you shall lose nothing as a result.

It is not just the Galactic Federation that has a prime interest in you, although we will play a greater part in your lives by coming openly to you. There are legions of Angelic Beings also present, and you may be aware that they too have been showing themselves more frequently of late. The Masters also draw closer, and some of them such as St. Germain will play a prominent part in your final preparations for Ascension. Those that you have been familiar with will return to guide you to new pastures, and it will fulfil the promises made to you eons of time ago. At any time you feel doubts just remember how many Higher Beings walk alongside you, and call upon them if you need help. The most wonderful times beckon, and if you so desire you will be amongst those who are lifted up in the end time of this cycle. Live your life as one who is moving into a new level of consciousness, and let go of the old ways that do not fit in with your aspirations. Do not concern yourselves about others around you who are still bound by the pull of the lower vibrations, as they are not yet ready to give them up.

What you see on Earth of the coarseness and vulgarity comes from a lack of respect for each other, and is a state of being resulting from the gradual erosion of caring and love for all souls. However, as you desire to instead bring beauty and harmony into your lives, those lower vibrations will be shaken off. You are continually assessing your approach and attitude to what is considered normal and acceptable, and as you become more discerning so you discard those things that do not harmonise with you. The result is that your vibrations are continually rising, and the feel good factor becomes a major part of your life. You will have noticed that the mass media including television and films spend a disproportionate time highlighting crime and war, until it possible to become saturated by such energies. That is how the dark Ones draw you into their vibrations so that nothing no longer shocks you or sickens your feelings, and you become in danger of losing your sense of what is right or wrong.

For a long time teachers whether incarnate or through channelling have tried to spell out what is needed to lift you up. They have introduced you to Universal Love and the true purpose of life, and warned you of the lower energies that can creep up on you if you are unprepared. You have been helped to understand your true nature and potential to become the gods that you are. Those that have taken heed of the higher teachings, have eventually found that all knowledge is held within and have started their own journey home. Guidance is perfectly acceptable and if you have recognised your intuitive powers you will rarely go astray, but even so will probably quickly find your way back onto your path of Light.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and have an understanding of your difficulties. I say put faith in your own ability to ride out the storm knowing that all will end well, and as you have been led to expect. May you be blessed with true understanding and knowledge.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/2/2011 4:49:27 PM

SaLuSa 2-February-2011… We will not wait much longer…

Posted on by kauilapele

SaLuSa 2-February-2011

The stirring in people’s consciousness is speeding up the awakening process, and it is helping to focus their minds on a solution to the problems of the world. You will already have noticed that corruption is beginning to be rooted out, and honesty in all dealings is being sought. It is all part of the new energies that are pressing to be manifested, that have been building up for a long time. Progress and change cannot be prevented even if they can be delayed, and the Divine Plan is assisted by Great Beings who are directing events. Their powerful energies are affecting the whole Earth, and there is no place for the lower vibrations to hide. They will be transmuted and in so doing the dark Ones are rapidly losing their control over you. They are confused and in panic as what they have worked for brought them in sight of victory, but has crumbled and is falling apart. Even so, they cling forlornly to the hope that something may happen to restore their power, but we can assure them that it is no longer possible. Their days are up and they are destined to complete failure.

The people will pick up the pieces but not to restore them, but to confine them to history where they now belong. Changes such as you are experiencing are inevitably going to test your resolve, but with a glorious future ahead it becomes much easier to last the full course. Our coming is still to be a pivotal point in the near future, and the pressure is increasing almost by the day for disclosure to come out. You will find that it is happening now, but not in the way that will be announced to all countries. However, once it is you will learn that every country has been contacted by Space Beings over the last century, and quite often in recent times. All will agree that our approach has been one of peaceful intentions, and we have made clear that the end times have to be prepared for and that we will not wait much longer. The war machine is one of the first groups that will need to be disabled, so that we can work safely with you. Our craft have been fired upon and chased through your skies, although that is in fact pointless as we have a far superior technology to avoid their attention.

We have also in recent times prevented the weaponisation of Space, and have previously warned the Big Powers that we would not allow it to happen. Time and time again our advice has been ignored, but it makes no difference. We have shown what we can do without involving any kind of confrontation, and we have easily stopped attempts to provoke another world war. It is now time for wars to cease and the energies put to better use, to bring peace and happiness to the people. The tiredness at repeatedly being placed in states of fear is evident, and if your governments do not respond soon then we shall. Our plan is to immediately lay down the foundations for peace, and the redeployment of forces of war and their removal from foreign countries. Freedom is to return in such a way that many laws intended to control you will be repealed. Treated fairly and with compassion we know that you will reach a new level of respect for others, and crimes against each other will drop quite dramatically. In an atmosphere of trust and a bright future to look forward to, people will live their lives more fully and open their hearts to each other.

We have often spoken of living to your highest ability in anticipation of ever increasing levels of awareness. See in others their potential to lift up into the higher vibrations, as the same opportunity exists for each soul. Encourage others to open their eyes to what is happening, and assure them that a wonderful future will arise out of all the changes. It is not about any particular religion but it is about God, the One God that is known by many names yet is the same to all people who are birthed in his/her image. It is Man who has distorted such an image by attributing human traits to God, instead of understanding that every soul is a part of God with the ability to express pure love. Look inside to see if you are aware of your divinity, and if so lead your life as one who is awakened. Treat all souls as reflections of each other when it comes to seeing the Light that they carry. Focus on their good points and drop the habit of being judgmental, as it is not given to any other individual to know the facts of their life. Each of you has your own life plan and it is quite unique, and is especially for you and your evolution.

There is so much lined up that is at breaking point, and we are pressing for progress to speed up. We feel the time is right to now move forward, and we urge our allies to be ever aware of opportunities when they present themselves. Do not allow circumstances to pull you down, and see every change as a prelude to much greater happenings that will bring you much happiness. Every step of the way will lead to fulfilment of your spiritual quest, and you will leave duality a much more experienced soul than when you first came into it. That is indeed the object of all the lives you have had, which have been planned with your objective in mind. Regardless of what you have done with your various lives, there is not a single soul that will not have benefited from their experiences.

Remember also Dear Ones, that the babes in arms are nevertheless old souls who have their reasons for incarnating at this time. Perhaps they are renewing links with those they have known previously, or simply desirous of being part of Ascension with Mother Earth. They will have already decided what they want to do in the future, and it is most likely they are already well advanced spiritually. Look into their eyes and it will tell you a lot about them, realise that they understand far more than you probably give them credit for. It is being realised that recent generations have been attracted to Earth not only because of Ascension, but because they have something to offer mankind beyond what would normally be expected of young persons. Listen carefully as many have much wisdom to impart.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and I know that the Light is ever increasing upon Earth, which is a very good sign of the progress being made. Out of the darkness a grand Light beams out and reaches all around the Earth, moving into those areas of turmoil and bringing a more peaceful energy. Shine yours to wherever there is unrest and it will help bring in peaceful vibrations.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/5/2011 3:39:57 PM

Message from James Gilliland ~ Update On Earth's Shifts 02.01.2011

...<snip> "March 2011 is the end of the frequencies of tyranny and separation. There will be a time compression and what used to take years will take weeks to manifest."

The Earth's destiny is to join the rest of the universe in peace and live in harmony with each other and their environment. The benevolent ancient Gods, Saints, Sages, Angels, Ultradimensionals and the Elemental Kingdoms are all working in ......cooperation with this process.

It is time for humanity to join the rest of the kingdoms in this process. There are a few regenerate beings still out of alignment with this process yet through a natural evolutionary process and with help from on high these regenerate forces human and nonhuman are being exposed and healed.

In some cases with extreme resistance they are being removed or are removing themselves due to refusal to adjust with the new energies. These incoming energies are part of a natural process.

This solar system is moving to a new highly charged place in space. There are planetary alignments and Galactic Core alignments underway which are affecting the Sun; which is in its process. This process will have a direct impact on Earth on every level. There is a vibrational lifting a rise in frequencies known as the awakening and healing process; which is well underway.

The social, economic and physical Earth Changes are a part of this process. The mass cry for freedom from the tyranny of the international banksters, the global elite and their puppet leaders is just one of many examples of this process.

This is going to continue despite every effort to control the masses. The forces and frequencies behind this awakening and healing process are beyond comprehension. There are only two options in the days to come. Align with the awakening and healing process or find a new physical expression. Resistance to these new frequencies and energies is futile and there is no bunker, mountain top or army of body guards that will save one from this process.

One cannot hide from their karma, deeds and denials. The massing of great wealth and power will also be to ones own detriment. Shifting ones assets into the awakening and healing process, helping others and the environment is the only path left for those who have amassed great wealth at the expense of humanity and the Earth.

The masses are awakening despite all attempts to terrorize, dumb down, confuse and in some cases euthanize them. The great wave of Unity Consciousness is just around the corner. March 2011 is the end of the frequencies of tyranny and separation. There will be a time compression and what used to take years will take weeks to manifest. Suppressing truth, acting in ways that are harmful to humanity and the Earth will have almost instantaneous consequences.

The Earth is going to react violently in some cases during this process. You are seeing an exponential increase in severe weather, earthquake and volcanic activity yet his will also be within the time compression accelerating these events in severity and number. In May I would take any dreams of major water movement very seriously. This has already begun on a smaller scale.

Make your own personal Spirit, God, Creator connection. Move with the inner guidance with loving detachment. There is more information to come stay tuned. Be Well

James Gilliland;

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
