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4/1/2013 10:48:29 PM
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Astral Travels: Teaching with the Golden Council of Acclipthys


The following was written for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter. We (my family and I) are trying to get out on our own at present, and strongly need subscriptions to be able to do so. The option to subscribe will be given below, and those who may repost this do not have to post this note nor the “subscribe” button at the bottom of this post.

This week, we are going to travel to the ascended city of Acclipthys and work with their Golden Council on teaching others the blessing and healing abilities we’re beginning to find and utilize during each weekly trip. In a sense, we are going to expand upon what we did last week as we will again be displaying our Lightwork to a group of souls who are themselves learning some of the abilities we have found.

It seems that even in the higher realms and with a natural understanding of the Logos energy prevalent all around forming the higher dimensional reality one would exist in, there is still a desire to learn and understand different concepts and even if the souls we are displaying our energy work to already know what we are doing in their own right, our very teaching and displaying of these abilities will further solidify them in ourselves, and we will find ourselves able to use them in different and more potent ways as a result.

Everything we are doing during our astral travels has been for two purposes; one is to help cleanse, mitigate and transmute the lower vibrations keeping our current experience in place which we are doing with the healing and blessing vibrations we’ve begun to access, and the other is to develop our personal ability to work with energy and use it for a myriad of different purposes.

Truly, all of humanity is meant to develop and understand this ability and in the time ahead when the quite-strong role energy plays in manifesting and keeping our realities in place is known by all, everybody will. Recent subscribers who may not know anything about Acclipthys should know that the place we are traveling to is an ascended city sitting in the skies of the Earth.

During a recent “Reader’s Question” a dear subscriber asked about the descending of the Cities of Light unto the surface of the Earth for all to clearly see and from what I’ve been told about Acclipthys, it either is one of these Cities of Light or is very similar to them. For me, Acclipthys has always been displayed as an “ascended city in the sky”.

We have traveled to this city in previous issues of this Newsletter, and have met up with the governing Council of this city, known as the Golden Council of Acclipthys. Worry not; this governing Council is not tyrannical or controlling of their citizens in any way, as this city exists in the higher dimensions and as such, no negativity, deceit or corruption of any kind can exist.

The Golden Council have even communicated publicly through me before, and I have remained close with these souls despite the fact that we do not travel to Acclipthys quite as often during our astral travels as we do the surface of our New Earth or other realms we perform our Lightwork in.

Here in Acclipthys, we are going to help other souls learn how to perform Lightwork and to begin our exercise for this week, I would like for you all to visualize and feel yourselves standing or floating in front of our favored “Gazebo of Acclipthys”.

The gazebo we are going to visualize and feel ourselves inhabiting is a favored spot just outside of the city, which we have previously traveled to so that we could perform Lightwork and learn a myriad of different things.

Imagine and get a clear image of this beautiful gazebo and as well, of the brimming, ascended landscape all around it. As we have before, notice that the air in this place is visible, as clear and colorful vibrations and enjoy the very feel of this landscape and of the beautiful gazebo we are in front of. Take a few breaths in the physical, and absorb the vibrations of this land as the impressions you are visualizing, Creating and receiving flow in smoothly and purely.

Notice the harmonious nature all around this landscape and notice the seeming-intensity of the colors around us; the colors in the air; the colors of the flowers, grass and trees; the colors of the beautiful sky above us and now, the radiating colors of a group of tall yet transparent, Loving beings who are approaching us from off within the distance.

Visualize and feel these souls coming toward us, and visualize what they look like as well. Beyond the aforementioned radiating auras and the transparency of their “bodies”, what else do you notice about these souls? Are they wearing anything that seems special or significant? Or are you simply enjoying the bountiful colors emanating from them, as well as the intensely-pure energies we’re receiving from being in their presence?

Continue to ponder this and to make your attempts to notice specific things about them, as the Golden Council accompanied by a large group of etheric souls finally reaches us.

The Golden Council is not a particularly large group of souls, and the group accompanying them is the group we will be displaying our Lightwork to. Again; this group could actually be teaching us in a sense, as they could potentially already know of the Lightwork we’re displaying to them and could be acting as students for us to teach so that we can ultimately sharpen our own abilities.

Either way, we are now to display our Lightwork to this group as the Golden Council manifests something specific for us to cleanse. I’m “getting” that the representation we’re going to bless is different from what we’ve been blessing on our fifth dimensional Earth (though technically it exists in the same realms as Acclipthys) in that we are not blessing things that look like or take the form of dense things on the Earth and are rather, the direct energies themselves.

Begin to notice now as a cloud of black, smoggy energy makes itself known from up under the ground of this land. To a small extent, attempt to feel the energies associated with this cloud; not to bring yourselves down or fill your auras with them, but to get a glimpse of them so that your transmutation power is stronger. In a wider sense, we have incarnated unto this Earth to take these energies on specifically and in many cases, feel and feed them so that we can heal them and as such, most of us have become quite trained in doing so.

Perhaps feel negative or twisted-up emotions coming through as a result of this energy we are exposing ourselves to and as you do, affirm that Archangels Michael and Raphael be with you to help you transmute and cleanse this energy and the accompanying feelings, rather than letting them engulf you. Perhaps if you do, you will even notice Michael and Raphael with you and if you do, attempt to notice specific things about them as we have done with the Golden Council.

Either way, if you send out the intent than these souls will be with you and now that we have felt this energy to an extent and affirmed Michael and Raphael be with us, we can begin to visualize the purest golden or sliver Light coming up through our etheric spines and out of the top of our heads. Affirm that specific blessing, healing and transmutation-based energies be added to the overall energy we are now visualizing and manifesting and before visualizing this energy hitting the black cloud, take a few moments to add as much and as pure Light from within yourselves as you can.

Now – rather than a spontaneous “mashing” of these energies together as we have experienced previously, notice that these energies we’re giving out as we affirm they be sent to this cloud, gradually intermingle with the black cloud and steadily transmute the blackness and negativity within it, and change them into bright and vibrant colors as well as positivity of incredible proportions.

There was not a brazen happening as our energies penetrated and intercepted this cloud but rather, a gradual settling-in and transmutation resulted in the most wondrously-pure and colorful cloud of energy, which we can now observe and enjoy the presence of.

Notice that as this transmutation is completed, the group of souls we were teaching begins clapping for us. They then begin performing their own transmutations and, like the souls from last week who caught onto the blessing ability pretty quickly, they are all quite successful in performing this work we have displayed before them.

It is now celebration-time for each of us individually and as always, you’re encouraged to hang around and perform more blessings, or simply convene with the Golden Council, the group or any other soul you may find inhabiting this landscape (which include our helpers, Michael and Raphael). My intent has been to help you find the means to reach these lands as well as perform blessings upon them, and you are forever encouraged not to let this exercise end simply because I am ending it.

These realms are as infinite as your exploration of them can be and if you continue exploring and learning, you may even have something new to teach me!

This concludes this week’s astral discussion.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/1/2013 10:50:37 PM

Jennifer Hoffman: The Energies of April

jennifer-hoffmanThe Energies of April

By Jennifer Hoffman – April 1, 2013

This Easter Sunday was much different from those of the past few years for me. There was a new brightness in the air that fueled the feeling of anticipation and excitement I have had for the past week. I was sitting in church this morning, listening to the sermon and thinking about Easter’s symbolism and then a new realization hit me, this is the “Second Coming” we have been waiting for. And in April we find an opening door, support from every angle, and a Universe poised to see what we are going to do next.

The second coming of Christ, which has been anticipated for centuries as when we would be released from our human bondage on Earth, was always thought to be a time when Jesus would come down from Heaven, in physical form, and take us back with him (or some version of that). I think that many of us had a secret hope that it would be a combination of Ghostbusters and Terminator, the final battle between the good guys and the bad guys, with us standing on the sidelines, cheering on our rescuer.

But while this is the story we have believed, it is a false assumption that has led us to think that Ascension would come from forces outside of us. And so we have waited for the second coming, to be saved, rescued, validated, vindicated, absolved and forgiven for sins that we never committed. Our only sin (or separation) lies in our belief that we are disconnected from Source.

We are the second coming, it is our connection to our own Christed Consciousness that has led us to this moment. Jesus didn’t say he would come and rescue us, he repeatedly said, “This you can do and more.” He just showed us that Ascension is possible, the rest is up to us. We’re there now and no one is coming to rescue us because we don’t need it, we are who we have been waiting for, it has been within us all along and we can now become it and live our lives through this aspect of our being.

It’s time to trade in our crown of thorns for a crown of stars and start shining.

Since the beginning of 2013 we have been processing our disappointment at what we thought would be a world-changing Ascension event fizzle into a what was a rather uneventful end of December, then January and February were filled with one clearing opportunity after another. Just when we thought we had finished with our healing work, another chance to go even deeper came up.

By the end of March we were gasping for air and wondering whether there was ever going to be an end to this endless journey. The convergence of planets in the sign of Pisces assisted in our healing journey. In April, those planets are in Aries, the sign of the pioneer and it’s time to take action. (All of you Aries please read the next paragraph before you get too excited!)

With April’s energy we have everything we need to take those first steps and they are first steps. It’s not time to jump in the pool without a plan, but to consider our options based on our intention. With Mercury still in its shadow until April 6, the final details may not be clear, be sure to follow your internal guidance, ask lots of questions and then listen for the answers. In early April we have nearly all of the personal planets in Aries and they’re square Pluto, inviting transformation in a very no-nonsense way. This doesn’t happen outside of your will but Pluto has a way of tearing things down when the time is right, even if we don’t think that it’s the right time. April’s energy is building to the next Uranus/Pluto square on May 20, another point of transformation that will expand on what we have created this month.

We have a new moon April 10 that may bring lots of relationship issues to the forefront, starting with our most important relationship, the one we have with ourselves. Do you really love, value, honor and respect yourself? That may be tested this month as you see the mirror of your value in others. Remember to not take this personally and use any experiences to check in with yourself. How others love you is a mirror of your self love. The full moon lunar eclipse of April 25 will have a hurry up/slow down feeling to it as we are compelled to take action but to do it in a considered, thoughtful way.

April’s energy invites us to move forward in new ways, starting with intention and intuitive guidance. We can take action now but that doesn’t start with getting off the couch, it begins with being grounded, centered and aligned with our intention, then the next step becomes clear. When we move forward from our point of intention, we ensure that we have integrated the energy we wish to embody. When we partner with our intuition, we stay aligned with our human/Divine partnership and that allows us to receive the guidance we need to make choices that best serve us.

We are surrounded by potential this month and it is what we choose to align with that will manifest for us. Just because everything is possible doesn’t mean we want it or that it is useful to us. And most change or transformation takes you from your comfort zone, or what is familiar to you, to your discomfort zone, the new and unknown and which can be fairly uncomfortable at first. Choose what serves your intentions for joy, peace, love, and abundance and that is what you will create in your life and that enables it for the world too.

The shift into 5D has already happened, the energies are there for us to align with and use now. Trust and have faith in the process and in a loving, benevolent Universe that has been waiting to welcome you back to your Christed Consciousness for a very long time.

Have a wonderful month.

Copyright (c) 2013 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, translate, link to and refer to this article, in its entirety, on non-commercial websites, as long as you include the author’s name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/1/2013 10:52:03 PM

Ronna Herman: Archangel Michael – Traversing the Upward Passageway into the Future

archangel-michael-desktop1Archangel Michael – Traversing the Upward Passageway into the Future

Transmitted through Ronna Herman, Sacred Scribe – April 1, 2013

Beloved masters, I greet you this glorious day and send to you, through this transmission, great waves of loving energy and words of encouragement to assist you through these wondrous times of transformation.

Many of you are thinking, “They do not seem so wondrous to me. What am I doing wrong? I am not worthy enough to move forward, to graduate, and to become enlightened as you have promised. Will I be left behind? Why does my world seem to be so chaotic, in such turmoil? Where is the peace and joy you said would be forthcoming?”

Let me ease your mind and help you understand the process. You will not fail. You are exactly where you should be – you are perfect the way you are. You have all the help you need and all the answers to your problems, if you will just allow your Higher OverSoul Self to OverLight you as you strive to refine your emotional, mental and physical bodies.

We ask you to put us to the test. Please give us permission to guide and inspire you, and in doing so you will have the forces of Heaven behind you. Brave hearts, you can only fail if you do not make an effort or if you give up.

As you slowly and faithfully strive to remain heart-centered and Soul-focused, you will find that you are gradually but surely gaining more and more Will Power and God-consciousness. You are learning to maintain a constant flow of Adamantine Particles of Creator Light from the front and back portals of your Sacred Heart.

Now I ask you to project your consciousness outward, away from yourself and your little picture of reality. Assume an expanded awareness: imagine that you are viewing your life and the lives of those around you from our vantage point, giving you the ability to see the panoramic view of what is occurring from moment to moment.

Look back over your year – over several years – and take an inventory. Have you not made great strides? Are you not a much wiser, more compassionate and more enlightened person? Can you not see the perfection or at least the justice in what has occurred in your past? Are you not stronger and wiser for your trials and tests along the way? Observe those closest to you. Have they moved forward and expanded their awareness, or are they still stuck on the treadmill of inertia, trapped and fearful in their tunnel-visioned view of life?

During this process, Dear Ones, try not to see or judge anything as good or bad, see it as it truly is: a matter of balanced or imbalanced energy. Focus on that which is balanced and harmonious in your life, and see if you cannot expand that energy into the areas of imbalance.

Many small issues of your ego-personality keep you caught up in situations which could easily be resolved if you are willing to release the need to be right or self-righteous. Is it worth the pain and disharmony? If a situation is presented to you, seemingly from out of the blue, a situation in which someone seeks to dominate or control you, or someone in your life seems to have radically changed their behavior all of a sudden, consider it a gift.

Many of you will say, “What have I done to draw this to me?” Constant negative thought forms will surely shift you out of your Sacred Heart center of power into the astral planes of fear and guilt. That is why we told you in last month’s message: HOLD STEADY, BELOVEDS, for you are reaching deep into your innermost Core Being in order to release, once and for all, the impacted, restrictive energy patterns of the past.

Allow me to ease your mind, Dear Ones. Endeavor to become the observer when any of these situations are brought into your awareness. If you do not assume a defensive or adversarial stance; if you stand firm in your integrity and speak your spiritual truth as you perceive it without criticism or the need to dominate or control in return; if you focus on the God Spark within that person (no matter how dim) and not their negative attributes; and if you allow them their beliefs, but do not take them as your own, and just move past and beyond the event without allowing it to impact you in any way – then you will have passed the test.

Precious Ones, a true master does not have to demonstrate his/her mastery before others; they live it. They do not have to vocalize their level of awareness; they radiate it. They lovingly and quietly go about their mission and their work, leaving love, knowledge and words of empowerment behind. Oh, they may be very visible, if that is their mission, but they are always unassuming, patient, tolerant and willing to share words of love and encouragement wherever they go. By their works you will know them. By their actions they will demonstrate their power and purity.

Those of you who came to teach, guide and keep the knowledge flowing, which will eventually evolve into wisdom, thereby creating change and allowing new philosophies to be implanted in the fertile minds of children – as well as those who are awakening and ready for higher truths – yours is a formidable task, for you must teach by example as well as the spoken word as you transmit the validity of love, joy, peace, honor, integrity, unity and abundance, rather than fear, hate, guilt, isolation and limitation.

Many of you came from the lofty planes of the higher dimensions bearing so much love for the Creator that it has been very difficult to adjust to the material world and the physical body. You are the ones that have denied all things in the realm of physicality, rejecting material comfort, wealth and desire, as well as the bodily form, in the belief that you could not enjoy or accept the sensations of the physical world and still be spiritual.

But that is why you came, Dear Ones. We know you are capable of being pure Spirit – following the Will of the Creator in the higher realms. Remember, your assignment was to co-create a heavenly Earth and to experience all the beauty and wonder of Spirit in solid, physical form.

Once again, we offer you some of the guidelines from the past to help you traverse the narrow, winding pathway into the future with ease and grace:

The Holy Spirit or your Higher Mental Self is the discerning higher intelligence which monitors and regulates the Light infusions and the gifts of Spirit that are allotted to you according to your level of spiritual awareness and your present needs. Special dispensations are also monitored and dispersed by your Holy Mental Self, which is the intermediary between you and your Divine I AM Presence / God Self.

However, any special dispensation that is bestowed upon you requires that you diligently endeavor to do your part. You must make the maximum effort to use the special gift of Divine Creator Light for the greatest good. Remember, each of you is a co-creative partner with our Father/Mother God.

As you become more proficient as co-creators on the Earthly plane, you will learn to constantly monitor your energy patterns and seek to upgrade them. You must strive for sustained harmony and refined godly expression. Your goal is to liberate the power of the Sacred Fire which has lain dormant for many thousands of years so that you can direct and focus your energy into the areas of your life you wish to change.

By establishing and constantly upgrading your Creator Wheel of Life, you are planting the seeds of focused change, and you are supplying the Sacred Fire of Creation needed to manifest what you have envisioned. When you can do this proficiently, your personal world will become a wonderland, and you will become a beacon of Light for all to see.

We cannot emphasize enough how important the breath is in reclaiming your Divine nature. Not the shallow breathing that the majority of people on Earth have accepted as the proper way to breathe. This type of ineffective breathing has resulted in many debilitating symptoms and dis-eases as well as limiting your intake of Divine Essence, which is critical to your well being and the reclamation of your vessel of Light. We have explained and emphasized the Infinity Breath, the Accordion Breath and how important is the practice of breathing with intention.

The Infinity Breath could be called the Ascension Breath, for it aligns your Galactic chakras with your physical vessel, and opens the return passageways to the higher dimensions via the Binary Sequencing Technique. It speeds up the process of building your ascending vehicle of Light called the MerKiVah. It also facilitates the opening of the portal to your Sacred Mind and the front and back portals to your Sacred Heart. The Accordion Breath facilitates a double benefit: it draws forth the Adamantine Particles stored within the root chakra and also the Adamantine Particles stored within your Etheric Replica, which is located within your fifth-dimensional, personal Pyramid of Light.

Your SOUL SONG is composed of mid-fourth- and higher-dimensional vibrational patterns of Unconditional Love, wisdom and harmony. As a Self-master, your Energetic Signature and your Soul Song will merge into a Celestial Mandala of Light, sound and color by which you will be identified in the higher Realms. You are recognized by the brilliance of your inner Light. The more Light Essence you incorporate into your physical vessel, the more brilliantly your aura will glow.

There is a path open for each of you to follow; no matter at what station or in what circumstances you may find yourselves, a golden opportunity is waiting to enable you to assume your power, tap into your creativity and bring to the fore those many latent abilities you have stored deep within your memory banks. And now, as never before, we are close by, observing, waiting to assist, encourage, create the miracles, smooth the way, and assist you in moving onward and upward.

If you can view all that is presently in your life as transitory except the Love/Light and Spiritual Fire within your Sacred Heart and Soul, then you will know what we are trying to convey to you. Release your fear of the past and future, eliminate the emotional and mental controls others have over you, and become the free Spirit you were meant to be. When the Infinity loop and the time line of your past are balanced, and the major portions of your discordant energies have been transmuted, you will step into the Infinity loop of your future.

You are in the process of walking into the Light of your future while leaving the shadows of the past behind. Throughout your times of stress and daily challenges, never forget, my brave Ones: you are in the midst of a cosmic reunion process, and you will evolve in due time, in one way or another. You must be aware that this transformation process is a long and complex cycle; however, it can be a grand journey if you will take advantage of the wisdom teachings and the tools we are offering to you.

The Law of the Circle states that every new creative endeavor must begin from within the Still Point of Will-Power, the Core Essence of the Creator/co-creator. Remember, one person who is centered within his/her Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind can convey cosmic truths and inspired thoughts to millions of people, while the loving vibrations of his/her auric field blesses everyone with whom he/she comes in contact.

The World Pyramid is a Mid-way Station for your multiple Soul-Selves. Your good deeds are stored within the Treasury of Light Storehouse within the World Pyramid. There is a harvesting of good deeds every year, and your loving thoughts and deeds are magnified and stored there. The greater portion is melded with Creator Light to be used to create the greatest good for all humanity. You will receive your special gifts and Divine dispensations in accordance with what you have contributed to the Storehouse of Light.

It is time for each of you to step to the fore, take a stand and be heard. Begin where you are, at your highest level of understanding, seeing through eyes filtered by Love, feeling with a heart filled with compassion, and functioning with a mind that is not clouded by guilt, fear or judgment. That is the way you will validate your truth and gain your wisdom, Beloved Ones. That is the way that your world and reality will be filled to overflowing with love, joy and abundance. That is the way of the master, the way of Living Truth, the way back home.

Never forget that you are always your own judge, and you decide, with the assistance of your Guardian Council, what the major details of your next life’s experience will be. When in the environment of the higher dimensions, a Soul is always eager to rectify past mistakes so the auric field may be cleared of any inharmonious vibrational patterns, and the journey toward en-Lighten-ment may continue. It matters not if people deny the truth in what we are conveying to you; it is the Living Truth and Universal Law nevertheless; and every Soul is affected and ruled by the tenets of the Divine Plan, whether they believe or not.

Here again, the inner veil applies, and you must break through the limitations of the negative third/fourth-dimensional environment in order to gain access to an expanded, wondrous connection to the Creator. You always have been and always will be connected to the ALL THAT IS. The sense of disconnection is all within your mind, and the way to “unlock the door” to the River of Life is within the SACRED HEART.

As you refine your resonance, you are gradually becoming Multidimensional, which means that you are tapping into the frequency patterns of several dimensions at once. In order to make room for the refined frequencies of the multiple levels of the fourth, fifth and higher dimensions, there must be a clearing/cleansing process. Via the lessons and instructions we have given you over the years, we are endeavoring to give you the knowledge needed to traverse the path of Ascension with ease and grace; however, you must assume the responsibility for your return to personal Self-mastery.

We are standing by to assist you as you reclaim your rightful status as a spiritual Being on a Divine mission for our Mother /Father God. We salute your bravery. You are dearly loved.


***Note from Ronna: Dearest friends, because I have been incapacitated for almost three weeks, as he has done on several past occasions, Beloved Michael guided me to different paragraphs within many messages of the past so that it would not be so stressful for me to bring forth this month’s message. It is quite an interesting process to observe, for he knows exactly where the segments are that he wishes to convey – all I have to do is just follow his guidance. It is “automatic writing” in the highest form.

I have only missed sending out a message one time since I became Archangel Michael’s messenger in 1992, and that was in December, 1996 when we moved back to Reno, Nevada from San Diego, California because I did not have my computer hooked up. This month’s message seemed to speak directly to me, as I am sure it will to many of you.

I have been quite ill since Saturday, March 2, with a very potent strain of the flu: violent coughing and a fever, but not much congestion. However, I did develop bronchitis and my doctor prescribed a round of antibiotics and Prednisone. I am gradually improving and slowly getting my strength back. Beloved Michael has told us in the past that sometimes a virus accompanied by a fever acts as a catalyst for clearing/cleansing old impacted frequency patterns that are being expunged because we have integrated an infusion of higher frequency Light. I have found that several times, when I have experienced a “major leap in consciousness” this occurs.

My husband Kent also “caught the bug” and ended up in the hospital as a result. He is presently in a rehabilitation center, for I am not able to care for him. I am not going to go into any details; however, there is a strong possibility that we will have to have him placed in a group home so he will get the care he needs. He is 85 and his health is deteriorating quite rapidly. It has been a very stressful time for our family, as I know it has been for many of you.

Do not forget, dear hearts, that we are receiving some extremely potent Adamantine Particles of Creator Light. We are being prepared to live in a more-refined environment as we take a giant leap in God-consciousness. Isn’t it worth the effort and the challenges we must experience to attain this new reality of loving interaction, peace, prosperity and joy? I, for one, am willing to do whatever it takes to manifest the vision of the NEW EARTH that I have been allowed to see.

Eternal love and angel blessings, Ronna

Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/1/2013 10:53:09 PM

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 293

Aisha North Manuscript of SurvivalThe Manuscript of Survival – Part 293

As channeled by Aisha North – March 31, 2013

As many of you have already ascertained, this being tossed to and fro in these undulating waves of energy is by no means over yet, but we do hope that you have all been able to get a mouthful of fresh air at least once during these proceedings. We venture to guess that for many of you, the effects of all of these constant surges of wavelike energy will feel somewhat different from what you have been exposed to before, and rightly so.

For you have indeed been raised not just another notch this time, rather, you have all been raised to a whole new level of existence to call it that, and therefore the effects from what is constantly being beamed onto your planet and into your whole system have changed drastically.

To your physical body, much will feel the same, but in fact, there are some dissimilarities from before. But as they in some cases are rather subtle, you may find it hard to hear the different resonance this is making throughout your whole system. For the tune has indeed changed, and so have you, and as such, the melody being played out by each and every one of you has also changed. And together, the choir you make up has changed its tune in such a way, the whole of Creation is able to perceive it.

And yes, this will indeed affect us all, and as such, the reactions to it will also change. In subtle ways, but also in some more noticeable ones. For remember, there are still those around trying with all of their might to quell these sounds of revelation, and as such, they will also feel forced to up the ante in any way they can. Hence the somewhat surprisingly vehement attacks some of you have encountered lately.

For remember, your voices and your mere presence signals the arrival of a Light that is becoming more and more brilliant, and for those eyes still more accustomed to shading themselves by constantly being focused on the dimmer regions of your planet, this brightening Light will feel like it is almost piercing into their brain, even into their very core. So they lash out in protection, and anyone standing in their way may feel the brunt of these attacks.

So it can be hard at times standing in this new Light, for it exposes so much not only within yourself, but also within those around you, and that can indeed be painful in so many ways. For what you see it not always easy to digest. But again we say, you are exactly where you are supposed to be, and no matter what arises in these next few days, whether it is within your own sphere or it is on a more macro level, know that all is well and everything is happening for a reason.

Remember, this is not ”Judgement Day” in any connotation of the word. For this is neither doom nor a final reckoning of anyone’ s feasibility. For this is just the final clearance of anything that may still stand in the way of these arrows of Light, and as such, give thanks to whatever you might find popping up in your life at the moment. For it is not coming up in order to make you feel bad in any way, far from it. It is only popping up to show you that you are jettisoning the last remants of any baggage you might still have concealed somewhere on your person, and this baggage must go in order to help you take that final step forwards.

So again we say, this is a process that can seem to be bewildering, as you will feel yourself being tossed between a complete state of bliss one moment, for then to be thrown into confusion by something that suddenly materializes in front of you. But even if it might seem like it to many of you, this is not a case of one step forward, two steps back. For no matter what you experience now, whether it can be looked upon as smooth sailing or fighting for breath, they can all be considered as steps forwards.

So rest your weary heads and your confused bodies, and know that you are constantly being propelled forwards, in the best of ways. For we are helping you to keep putting one foot ahead of the next, as we see to it that you are gently guided to look in the direction that will give you the best of opportunities to find the most effective way to advance. And remember, you are not alone in this, and even if it all comes down to each and every one of you how you want to tackle this journey, you will have access to all the help and assistance you need in order to be able to fulfill this quest for glory.

And glory is what you will find, no matter how deep you seem to be mired in the old muck at times. For you are not stuck there, not in any way, and the moment you realize this, you will not waste any more time fighting against it all. For surrender is once again the key word here, as to surrender is not to give up, it is merely to accept this process for what it is. And when you do this, you will indeed find yourself being carried on a swift current towards that final resting place, where you can simply step into your completeness and leave all of this toil and worry behind.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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Suzanne Lie: Pleiadian/Arcturian Alliance – The Landing Party, Part 4

4DconsciousnessPleiadian/Arcturian Alliance – The Landing Party, Part 4

By Suzanne Lie – March 31, 2013

Mytre Speaks:

I must apologize for our story moving through different periods of time. You see our Ship has entered the mid-fourth dimension of your planet Earth. Therefore, our broadcasts to you are greatly disrupted by the time differential between the fourth dimension and your third dimensional physical world.

Furthermore, your third dimensional physical world is expanding its essence into the fourth dimensional expression of your reality. Some of you are able to follow the expansion of Gaia’s consciousness into the higher frequencies of multidimensional Earth, and some of you cannot.

Therefore, we are only in communication with those of you who can expand your consciousness enough to calibrate your attention to the mid-fourth dimensional version of your reality. We know that this expansion of your consciousness may be somewhat confusing to you because you are also holding a physical form in the third dimension.

However, if you are able to tune into our message, you are likely aware of your multidimensional nature. Hence, you can also understand that there are many versions and frequencies of reality swimming together in the great cosmic flow of the ONE.

As your consciousness becomes calibrated to the extending arm of the higher frequencies of Gaia’s New Earth, you will flow into the higher expressions of your planetary reality. These higher frequencies of Earth all flow in the Cosmic Sea of the NOW of the ONE.

Within this Cosmic Sea, the many timelines of “life on planet Earth” intermingle like currents within the ocean. Because of the intermingling of different timelines and the frequencies of your changing reality, it is common for you, our Ascending Ones, to simultaneously experience more than one reality.

We left off, or are still experiencing, our interaction with our first contact person. It is very common for those living in a polarized reality to think that a unique experience can be a dangerous one. This is the cautious thinking that is necessary for life on a polarized reality.

We now remind you that our contact person’s last thoughts were, “He wants to tell me something, but I have a feeling I may not like what that is. Fortunately, I have to go, so I can put this communication off for now.”

Contact Person Continues:

I went through my morning with the feeling that the tall blond man with the blue eyes was watching me. Interestingly, his observation did not feel invasive. In fact, it felt quite comforting, as if some who loved me was over-looking me to make sure I was OK. However, I had never met this man before, so how could he love me? Nonetheless, he seemed to radiate Love.

Eventually, the business of my day took over my mind and I forgot the man, as well as the feeling of love. After all, how often do people walk around feeling a radiation of Love? By nighttime I had completely forgotten my experience of being protected by Love and went to bed, too tired from my busy day to even reflect on what had happened.

I remembered paying my bills. I remembered going to the gas stations, the grocery store and the bank. I remembered going to work. But I did not remember the man with the loving feeling. Why?

Why did I remember all the boring, survival things and forget the feeling of Love? However, I did realize that I was wishing that I had someone looking over me and sending me Love. I fell off to sleep feeling depressed by the loneliness of my life.

I awoke the next morning at my usual time and drug myself out of bed. I was exhausted and felt like I had not slept a wink. However, I did remember feeling sorry for myself as I fell asleep. Then, when I got in the shower and felt the warm water hit my head, I remembered something.

For just a brief moment, I saw myself in a very large room with many people that I did not know. Even then, I still did not remember the tall blond man with the blue eyes. I was too busy. I had to go to get some breakfast. I had some calls to make and then I had to get ready for work. I had to go about my day, just like every day.

However, as I got out of the shower, I found that I did NOT want to have this day be just like every other day. Something had happened, but I could not quite remember it. I decided to put on my robe and meditate. Whatever had happened yesterday upset me a great deal. I had to find out what that was and release it so that I would not be grouchy all day.

I went into the other room, lit some candles and put on some soft music. The meditation meant that I would not have breakfast. I was hungry, in fact starving for something else. Unfortunately, I did not know what that something was.

I was surprised how quickly I went into a deep meditation. It was as if I was looking for something, or someone. With that thought I suddenly saw a tall man with blond hair and blue eyes.

I just got a short glimpse of him, and then I doubted myself. Just one second of doubt and the man disappeared. Of course, I knew he was not a real man, as he was just in my imagination. However, I wanted very much to spend some time with that imaginary man. Within that short glimpse I felt such Love that I wanted to him to come back.

Therefore, I tried and tried to get him to come back. Why did he leave so quickly? Why wouldn’t he come back? I was getting increasingly angry. I was angry with him for leaving so soon and angry with myself for – well – I didn’t know why I was angry with myself.

In fact, anger at myself felt normal. In a kind of sick way it felt comfortable. If I was angry with myself instead of being angry with others or the general condition of my life, then at least I was not a victim. And then I started to cry.

I cried and cried. In fact, I cried so much that I had to call in sick to work. I went back to bed and cried some more. Why was I crying? I could not possibly be crying because of an imaginary man that I kept forgetting.

But, my tears were about forgetting. While I lay in bed amongst my tears and misery, I realized that there was a lot I had forgotten. I could not remember what that “lot” was, but I felt the hole in my heart. There had to be more to life than running errands and doing work. There just had to be!

Then I remembered that when I was a child I always played with imaginary people. I also remembered how these imaginary people sent me Love and understanding, which was much more rewarding than anything I got in my outside world.

In fact, I remembered how I had an inside world and an outside world. Inside was filled with Faerie, Angels and people like the tall blond man with the blue eyes. Then I really cried. I sobbed until I could hardly breathe. Suddenly, I felt so very lonely – lonely for my inside life. How could I have forgotten what had made me happier than anything that I found in my outside life? With that thought, I fell into a restless sleep.

When I finally awoke it was mid-day. All I could remember was bits and pieces of being back in that room with a group of people. Someone was talking to us. Actually, it was more that some thing was talking to us because it was certainly not human. In fact, it appeared to be a tall, glowing light that once in a while sent out a ray almost like an arm.

I was hypnotized by this Being and felt such Love, not just coming from it, but also coming from me. I loved this being so very, much. It was not a romantic love, or even a human love. It was a spiritual Love like I used to feel for the Being that looked just like that when I was a child.

It was then that I began to remember. Then, beyond my control I fell into a deep trance. I was in that room with the great Being speaking to us, and I was sitting beside the tall man with the blond hair and blue eyes.

Note: See part 3 in page 470 of this thread.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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