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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/20/2013 10:57:00 PM

Archangel Indriel via Bella Capozzi: Out On A Ledge

imageArchangel Indriel via Bella Capozzi: Out On A Ledge

As channeled by Bella Capozzi – March 19, 2013

And so it is. You are perched on the cusp of something grand. You are but a mindset away from the glorious realization of your fondest hopes and dreams. It is this cusp which hugs the borderline between a dysfunctional world and another world of prosperity and balance; one, an existence of strife and illusion, with the other a paradigm of abundance and truth.

You walk along the the border of war and peace, starvation and fulfillment. hatred and friendship. slavery and sovereignty, Blindness and clear seeing. Which one shall it be, you wonder? Whatever shall be the end result? Why, it is entirely up to you, of course, and the first step is in the choosing.

So choose wisely, Dear Children, and know that at this given moment you stand quite literally with one foot in one realm and the other foot in another. You must realize that the time for procrastination is over and you need now decide for yourselves – will you take on a fresh approach to how you live your lives, or shall you stay with what society has taught you, however comfortable and familiar?

Dare you step out on a ledge and look outwards towards the truth and Light; and would you trust enough to balance there knowing that there is absolutely no way that you can fall? It beckons you, that Light, so warm and inviting. Dare you spread your wings and let your heart take flight, going ever higher, until you reach that Light, which is the wisdom of your Highest Self?

How Divine and lovely you are, sweet warriors of the Human race. How brilliant and accomplished. You know it, deep inside, that this is so. But dare you step out of self-doubt and believe it? There is nothing you cannot do, once you set your intention and develop faith in your own powers of creation. For to decide and be convinced that yes, ‘you shall be this, you shall do’ that, is to set into creation the realization of your dreams and goals.

You are the masters of your own destiny, my children. You are the architects of your own fate. You, and not anything or anyone outside of yourself – outside of yourself and and your unseverable connection to Source.

Those who have filled your head with such rubbish and falsehoods about your own limitations, did so out of fear. They feared the the day when you would remember that you are a powerful Being, without any sort of limitation. They feared greatly the time when Humanity as a whole would remember and set to balance the scales of injustice. And most of all, they feared the loss of their carefully constructed illusion of control.

It is long past time for every man, woman and child to fully grasp and understand the truth that each one of them is equally deserving of a fair portion of Gaia’s bountiful harvest. Each is Universally and unconditionally loved. There is no separation between ‘myself and you’, ‘us and them’. These are merely societal constructs, words, concepts – and erroneous ones , at that.

You must follow your heart and decide which truths you shall live by. Shall you be the one who steps out of the box, a pioneer of fairness and equality? Might that be you, Child? Do you have faith enough to do so, and to know that even should you stumble, we stand a-ready to catch you with our open arms? If you do step out, then do so with Heaven’s blessings.

May God’s love be ever with you.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/20/2013 10:58:30 PM

Jesus: Full Compassion is Always Warranted if Healing is to Occur

jesus-4-258x3001-150x150Jesus: Full Compassion is Always Warranted if Healing is to Occur

As channelled by John Smallman – March 20, 2013

John’s reading of today’s post is here:

Reality — the Oneness of God and all of His creation — awaits humanity’s awakening with delighted anticipation in the certain knowledge that it is inevitable, that nothing can stop the process that you are undergoing or prevent you from entering into the glory that is your destiny and your heritage.

The intense new energies that have been pouring across the planet since December 2012 have been sweeping all before them into Reality’s loving embrace, and this has led to a magnificent softening of attitudes in the hearts of all on the planet.

As you follow the news as reported by your mainstream media, this is not immediately apparent because they focus on the bad news – political, economic, social, and religious – as their lead items, but if you delve a little deeper you can see reports which confirm that a softening of attitudes is most definitely taking place. Concern for the impoverished, for the disadvantaged, for the unfairly treated, and for those who apparently cause or maintain them in those unhappy states is growing.

It is apparent that people are no longer willing to ignore the corruption, the lies, and the deceit in which elected officials worldwide have been engaging in order to “feather their own nests” or to please those who have bought their loyalty and service – loyalty and service that is supposed to be applied for the good and the benefit of the whole electorate. A sea change is occurring which is bringing to an end the self-serving ways that have for so long been endemic all over the world, as love is penetrating all hearts, even those of the corrupted ones.

Use the marvelous communications systems available to you all to seek out and interact with the vast numbers of loving beings who, like yourselves, are opening enthusiastically to the new energies that have arrived to assist you in recognizing who you truly are and to help you live up to the responsibilities that that awareness entails. Those communications systems are not limited to your new electronic technologies, which can be and frequently are very distracting; they also include spiritual insights obtained through channelings, intuitive perceptions gleaned during meditation or after a good night’s sleep, information from chance encounters with strangers and from books or news items that come to your attention seemingly by chance.

Nothing happens by chance, it only seems like that because its purpose is not immediately apparent. You all, each and every single one of you, designed perfect life paths for yourselves with the help of your guides and angels before you incarnated as humans. Some of you have been following a life path so designed through many human lifetimes, picking it up again each time you reincarnated, while others have chosen a new path for each incarnation. Whichever kind of path you are on is perfectly suited to you, and will present you with exactly the lessons you need, and chose to learn, at precisely the right moment for maximum understanding to occur.

Of course it frequently does not seem like that! You have to choose in the moment to be open to receive the understanding with which the lesson is presenting you. However, your egos frequently manage to persuade you that your learning is long since complete and that the lesson must be meant for someone else – a spouse, child, parent, sibling, friend, boss, or unenlightened one – and as a result you do not open yourselves to the insight offered, and the lesson will have to be repeated.

The experiences you undergo during life in the illusion can be very stressful and cause you much suffering, and one of the major lessons that can be learnt from those kinds of experiences is compassion. If you have not undergone suffering it is very difficult to understand compassion, let alone experience it. But as you look around you, you can hardly fail to observe suffering. Loving compassion offered and shared relieves suffering and enables the ones suffering to expand their awareness beyond that state. Fighting against it intensifies it, surrendering to it eases it.

And remember that there is no one on Earth who has not at some time or in some lifetime behaved in ways that were corrupt and unconscionable, and who has not also suffered under the oppression of people behaving in those ways; it is part of the illusory experience of being human. Therefore compassion is due to everyone having an earthly experience because it is one of the most effective and soothing balms that leads to healing. Lack of compassion is an ego defense mechanism, a barrier set up to protect the one who hides behind it from suffering. It is a barrier that is frequently erected in childhood to block out unbearable distress, so full compassion is always warranted and needed if healing is to occur. And healing is an essential part of your awakening process.

Embrace compassion, behave compassionately, offer compassion, and by doing so help to bring all closer to the grand moment of awakening. You chose this incarnation to do just this, and you have infinite assistance from those in the spiritual realms to enable you to put it into practice.

Your loving brother, Jesus, who is one of those constantly assisting you.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/20/2013 10:59:53 PM

Saul: The Pace of Change in Attitude Across the World is Gathering Momentum

SaulSaul: The Pace of Change in Attitude Across the World is Gathering Momentum

As channeled by John Smallman – March 20, 2013

Listen to John’s reading this latest message from Saul here:

Humanity is on a roll! Yes, you really are. The pace of change in attitudes and behaviors all across the world is gathering momentum as the newly engaged-with energies that were released to you in December 2012 strengthen your collective intent to awaken and eternally enjoy Reality — your normal fully conscious and fully enlightened state.

In that wondrous state, Love is the engine, the creative energy, the divine power grid that maintains, supports, and makes possible all that exists. It is totally clean, infinitely abundant, fulfilling, and available, and from It all of creation receives everything it could ever need or conceive of to maintain infinite quantities of live, loving, intelligent consciousness, creating further abundance in perfect beauty and harmony, eternally.

The most practical form of allegory I can use to give you some tiny comprehension of Love is to compare It to electricity. Electricity flows easily and powerfully in many strengths and intensities to bring to life many systems, appliances, and convenience items that you nowadays consider absolutely essential to maintain an acceptable standard of living.

However, unlike Love, the downsides of mere electricity are numerous: it can burn or kill you if incorrectly handled; it can destroy the item it is driving; it uses up vast quantities of non-renewable energy sources in its manufacture, which pollute your environment in their harvesting and burning; and of course without it, modern life, as you have become accustomed to living it, comes to a standstill.

Your situation without it is not comfortable, but you would most definitely survive – and remember, many billions still live successfully without it.

However, without Love – an absolute and utter impossibility – there is nothing!

Love is the Oneness of the divine Source of infinite and eternal (just to be absolutely clear: no beginning and no end), loving, intelligent consciousness, creating harmonious and stunningly beautiful abundance just for the pure joy of it.

To awaken from the illusion is to re-enter that blissful state, and that is the process that humanity is undergoing, has been undergoing since the moment of apparent separation from the Godhead. The illusory world you built was very cleverly constructed because you wanted to be separate, independent, free to ignore your Source of Life and Consciousness.

And it does seem that you achieved what you set out to do, except that existence separated from that Source is eternally impossible. You built an illusion that depends completely and utterly upon your collective belief in it, and while you maintain that belief the illusion is well-supported and enables you to play the games that you have been playing within it since you built it.

But it has brought you much suffering because you were created out of that Oneness for an eternal life of joy in the harmonious Oneness that is All That Exists – the Supreme Intelligence, the divine Source, God.

One could allegorize again and suggest that life in the illusion is what life would be like for a human body devoid of its own working systems of the fluids and air essential for it to have a living conscious existence – permanently on artificial life-support in the intensive care unit of a large hospital – totally unaware of the intense hive of activity going on all around it.

Life like that has to be only temporary. Machines cannot keep a human body alive. They may give an impression of aliveness, but without the life-force it most definitely is not alive. It is being maintained. Some of you have had, or know someone who has had, an NDE (near death experience), and those artificial life support systems at the hospital enabled you to return the life-force to your bodies and continue life in the illusion.

But the choice to return was a difficult one, because while you were out of your body you experienced a tantalizing glimpse of what life could and should be like. Others have been in that state but have returned with no memory of a heavenly experience, and that has always been their personal choice, as they decided that to return to the illusion with memories of heaven would be too crushing to endure.

Just remember that everyone on Earth at this time is here to assist in the awakening process, no matter how unaware they may appear to be of life in any form other than one embodied as a human being. You are all spiritual beings of vast knowledge and intelligence, created from and eternally one with the divine field of Love, of eternal existence, and you are going to be free to discard those artificial and inadequate forms, should you choose to do so, that you presently confine yourselves within and return Home to Reality.

Daily relaxation in your inner place of peace is essential to the awakening process that you are undergoing, because it is there that you are most receptive to and best able to hear the guidance and intuitive insights that you need to maintain awareness of, in order to awaken from the illusion.

Those messages of guidance, those insights are as oxygen to a spark, inflaming the Light of Love that is within each of you and enabling you to bear it on high for all to share and enjoy. Love demonstrated is an energy of incredible power, and each one of you has that power within you in infinite abundance. Don’t hoard It, share It, and help to bring humanity Home

With so very much love, Saul.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/20/2013 11:02:09 PM
Dear friends, another invitation, this one coming from my country:

Pat Crosby: A Special Equinox March 2013 Invitation, Request, and Appeal for Your Help from the Lake Titicaca Galactic Portal

laketiticacaAs channeled by Pat Crosby – March 19, 2013

Dear Friends of Loving Light,

On the eve of this March 2013 equinox, we are gathered at this very moment on the starry shores of the Lake Titicaca galactic portal in Peru overlooking the magnificent sacred lake.

We are gathered here at the specific request of the Galactic and Lemurian Councils to do some very important and necessary grid activation work to support people through this great doorway of change and transformation.

In the past few days, guidance has been working with us, opening and preparing us to be of service to the higher causes of light in the ascension process of Mother Earth – our Pachamama.

The children of Mother Earth are hurting ~ and the time is ripe to help release and clear some of this hurt and trauma.

Today, the Galactic Council has asked me to extend this invitation to you all to participate and send your blessings, energy, and highest intentions during the open window of this powerful time of balance and alchemical raising of the vibration and access portals of higher consciousness onto your planet. The alchemy is replacing the dross of past misdeeds with the truthful gold of divine love and intention.

The souls from different cultures, backgrounds, sexes and various dimensions are gathered here – representing various encoded patterns from various races and seeded cultures.

The humans here physically also serve as proxies for the rest of humanity in this clearing process whose souls are calling out for clearing and help in raising vibration.

The Galactic Council requests you – from wherever you are – to aid this process by sending your highest energetic wishes for the clearing of older denser energies, and for the amplification of the newer higher vibrational energies entering our planet during these very precious moments in cosmic time surrounding this significant and powerful equinox.

Beings of light are hovering in alternate dimensions. The humans have arrived and brought their bundles of sacred objects and highest intentions for sacred ceremony during the equinox.

It is a perfectly balanced mix of male-female, north-south, eagle-condor representation.

During the equinox, we will be gathered at the Lemurian Amaru doorway and powerful places around the sacred Lake as we are guided – to work with guidance from the realms of light to activate and connect the Lemurian, crystalline and galactic grids.

This connection will enable greater flows of higher wisdom to enter our planetary streams of consciousness and thus assist humanity in its ascension process.

Please join us wherever, whenever, however you feel so moved and guided by sending your highest intentions and utilizing your loving gifts of light to help our planet heal and raise the vibration of humanity and help ease pain and suffering.

Specifically, some of the things we will do is to clear the deep karmic and racial pain embedded in the cellular memories and DNA codings of groups of humanity. By unhooking these heavy chains of past trauma from our racial and cellular memory holding patterns, we work to help free humanity – individually and collectively – from the deep weights of the past atrocities at the individual, cultural, racial, sexual and genetic levels.

By opening wider portals of cosmic divine intelligence through the planetary grid work, we work to help individuals spark into wakefulness and assisted clearing while getting some divinely guided release from heavy weights from the past. This clearing process is coupled with an infusion process of pure golden divine light and high frequency light codes.

More details about the purpose of this mission to Lake Titicaca can be found here.

Here’s a little information about this equinox.

I hold you in the Creator’s loving golden light.

Thank you for your service and highest intentions.

Pat Crosby for the Lemurian and Galactic Council
Lake Titicaca portal, Peru

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/20/2013 11:03:46 PM

French Minister Resigns Over Bank Probe

French Budget Minister Jerome Cahuzac has resigned over allegations of tax evasion.Source: AAP

French Budget Minister Jerome Cahuzac has resigned over allegations of tax evasion.Source: AAP

French Minister Resigns Over Bank Probe

From: AAP, The Australian – March 20, 2013

French Budget Minister Jerome Cahuzac has resigned after prosecutors announced a probe into a Swiss bank account he allegedly used to hide assets from the tax authorities.

The prosecutors’ move to deepen a preliminary investigation that had been under way since January made Cahuzac’s position untenable as he was the government minister in charge of combating tax evasion.

President Francois Hollande, already languishing in the opinion polls less than a year into his five-year term, announced Minister for Europe Bernard Cazeneuve would take over Cahuzac’s brief as part of an enforced and embarrassing reshuffle of his cabinet.

Thierry Repentin, currently a junior minister with responsibility for professional training, takes over responsibility for France’s relations with the rest of the European Union.

Cahuzac’s decision to step down came hours after prosecutors announced a full investigation into claims by the Mediapart news website that he had an undeclared account with Swiss bank UBS until 2010.

The prosecutors said they believed Cahuzac was the man heard discussing the alleged account in a taped conversation which the investigative site used to substantiate its report.

Mediapart has reported Cahuzac held funds in the Swiss account until 2010 and had, in breach of French law, failed to declare the account to the national tax authorities.

According to Mediapart, in the recorded conversation with one of his aides, Cahuzac voices concern about the UBS account coming to light but claims he has “dealt with the matter.”

Mediapart alleges that the contents of the Swiss account were transferred to Singapore.

In a statement, Cahuzac, 60, said he had resigned to ensure his case did not interfere with or overshadow the functioning of the government and reiterated that he was “innocent of the slanderous allegations made against me.”

Cahuzac has repeatedly insisted he has never had an offshore account and had denied that his voice figures on the incriminating tape.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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