Why am I Posting now??? “I have no idea”, is the correct answer. There seems to be a message coming through, and I do not ask questions anymore about the time nor the place. So here goes…
1:51 AM HST (11:51 UTC), January 4, 2011
We present to you a veritable list of options for each and every one of you that has stepped up from the Earth to join us in our endeavour to lift this planet from its current level of stasis. Although much has transpired in this past year, in fact these past 9 years of enlivened, shall we say, spiritual upsurge, there is yet a majority of numbers for whom this does not apply.
Stasis, look up that meaning and you will know what we mean [see note below]. Stasis is what might be called the adversary of the multitudes. The multitudes have yet come very close to allowing some recognition of who they really are, their true spiritual nature, yet veritably they distract easily still.
As much is required for those un-up-steppers, we have been considering various options to accellerate the masses (multitudes) into stepping out of their (primarily mental) boxes. So there are steps we are preparing to take that will rapidly encourse humanity to accept themselves as hue-manity. What will be required of those en-lightened ones as you who resonate with this message, is to be prepared to assist those of the standard self-boxed-in humans as these steps are taken, by us.
[We are asking the channeler to stop and center. Thank you.]
Within the period of the coming one year, you will see a complete re-orientation of all governments upon this planet. The United States will no longer be viewed in their militaristic garb or as a hege-maniacal entity [see note below]. That power will have been stripped. The humans of that country will find life to become much simpler.
Within the period of the coming one month, steps are taken to begin this process of dismantling of every single military machine that has ever been used. This means devices, manufacturers, utilizers, corporate leaders, and command structures. Steps also are taken to begin the process of exposing each and every “leader” figure on all levels, country, state, city, local, so that their pants or skirts will be down for all to see who they are. This may not always seem pleasant, those working for the so-called “dark”, and those operating on a self-centered-individual and self-centered-politically will rapidly expire from their positions. And thus will be expunged from government systems, in time. But this begins within this month.
This month continues and finalizes the economic transformation of this planet. A rapid decomposition of fiat currencies approaches, but to be “saved” by a seeming miracle of economic rectitude that cannot be disclosed where it came from yet. Some think they have the answer but is more than their “thought” can imagine. Many sadnesses among the very few of so-called rich wealth. However, hats are turning from dark to light and many in this crowd utilize for benefit of hue-manity.
We say this next week, even contains surprises and wake-up calls for many. Dead fish are removed and live fish are fed. Sad faces are turned to smiles when this happens. This is the week that is for the uplift of hue-manity. Yet recall transformation sometimes means bending, or breaking old rot and replacing with solid material. This seems painful for only those who cling to the rot. We speak bluntly but that is how the old overused overdone concepts smell. We are not sorry for that because the rot smell assists in release.
So we leave with this…do not analyze this communication, just allow what is to unfold, unfold. We are here to bring this to pass. We have permission from the Higher Laws. You have as a collective given us permission to come at this time and break the walls of old and clear the trash from this planet. Expect not an apparent mercy. All are susceptible to pain if clinging continues to illusory concepts that serve not hue-manity.
We close for now. We will return. Namaste.