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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/28/2013 9:18:40 PM
Dear friends, this is part 2. From Wes Annac's personal blog:

Realizing Our Infinity as Spiritual Beings (Part 2/4)


182Continued from Part 1

Keeping a Positive Perspective When Becoming Aware

If you choose to become open to the actions of the cabals and the control that’s been enforced under the noses of humanity yet, right out in the open, you are encouraged to first work on developing a spiritual understanding of everything that happens on this world. Upon doing so, you can avoid a potential lasting negative perspective based on all that the cabals have done and have wished to do.

Finding out about the purposeful orchestration of the September 11th attacks as well as the initiating of natural disasters by way of advanced frequency-based weather warfare technology and a plethora of other things on the part of billionaires with influence, power and ability could put one in a state of fear or apprehension that the control such people have been allotted will be taken to extreme extents.

However, an understanding of the reality of the situation and the fact that everything they’ve done was in preparation for a cycle of evolution that they wished to see us unprepared for but that we have actually been well prepared for, will garner an understanding that our very awakening and our radiating of positivity will see the cabals unable to do anything anymore.

They Want You to Feed Fear

They want for us to be in fear of them and the plans that have not been and will not be allotted. They want us to fear the latest street drug they’ve Created; the latest engineered disease they will attempt to have spread; the latest funds they have stolen that were meant to be given to humanity; they want us to be in fear and apprehension about all of those things and plenty more, because we feed them and their astral employers when feeling any form of lower energy.

Poverty, famine, hunger, war – those are all things that feed negativity and suffering on a mass level on our planet, and we can answer to the very energies that have driven and allowed for such things to go on by first finding and fashioning an inner-connection so that we can raise our personal levels of positivity and feed very needed energies into the collective consciousness, and then by raising awareness of everything western society has kept us in a state of distraction about.

Humanity is encouraged to turn off the TV, quit worrying about which celebrity isn’t wearing the makeup we’ve been programmed to believe is important, and begin to see that too much of our planet is suffering. Too many people in too many countries do not get food or clean running water, and in the United States we take our clean water and muck it up by turning it into sugary, syrupy soda. Not to mention the fact that even in the United States, clean water that can be drank out of the tap seems to be a thing of the past.

Again – upon finding a positive and whole perspective in every moment, we can raise awareness of such things in a manner that makes allowance for the recognition of humanity’s infinite ability and power as spiritual beings. We can allow our perspectives not to be muddied by the knowledge we will gain of the actions of the cabals, and we can work toward opening our hearts and finding personal wholeness and sovereignty.

Opening the Chakras to Realize Infinity

It will be important for us to begin opening our chakras and finding a clear line of access to our inner states of perception if we wish to realize our infinity fully. Some of you reading this may be familiar with chakras, and they are essentially inner gates of access to our inner-perceptions and the bounties such perceptions offer. So many people who have found an influence on our world and spread truth and Light have in many cases, been acting as conduits for a greater truth and Light to come forth.

Here is some information about the chakras we all hold within, taken from Mind Body Green. (1)

“The 7 Chakras are the energy centers in our body in which energy flows through.

(…) It’s important to understand what each Chakra represents and what we can do to keep this energy flowing freely.

Here’s our quick summary of the 7 Chakras:

1. Root Chakra – Represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded. Location:Base of spine in tailbone area. Emotional issues: Survival issues such as financial independence, money, and food. More on Root Chakra healing

2. Sacral Chakra – Our connection and ability to accept others and new experiences.Location: Lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel and 2 inches in. Emotional issues: Sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure, sexuality. More on Sacral Chakra healing

3. Solar Plexus Chakra – Our ability to be confident and in-control of our lives.Location: Upper abdomen in the stomach area. Emotional issues: Self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem. More on Solar Plexus Chakra healing

4. Heart Chakra – Our ability to love. Location: Center of chest just above heart.Emotional issues: Love, joy, inner peace. More on Heart Chakra healing

5. Throat Chakra – Our ability to communicate. Location: Throat. Emotional issues: Communication, self-expression of feelings, the truth. More on Throat Chakra healing

6. Third Eye Chakra – Our ability to focus on and see the big picture. Location:Forehead between the eyes. (Also called the Brow Chakra) Emotional issues: Intuition, imagination, wisdom, ability to think and make decisions. More on Third Eye Chakra healing

7. Crown Chakra – The highest Chakra represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually. Location: The very top of the head. Emotional issues: Inner and outer beauty, our connection to spirituality, pure bliss. More on Crown Chakra healing

It’s been said before that we have even more chakras that serve as links to our inner-perception of realms beyond the perspective of the third dimension, and when the bulk of our DNA that has been referred to as “junk” is brought online, we will find an open access to every chakra that we don’t even know we possess within.

For now, we will focus on a couple of specific chakras in relation to finding your personal infinity.

What isn’t mentioned in the above reference is that the third eye chakra also breeds telepathy/psychic abilities in everybody who finds themselves able to open it through inner-searching and dedication. We all have these abilities within, and making the true effort to grow toward them and unlock them so that we can collectively enjoy and express our infinity will see us able to do just that.

Opening the Heart & Then the Mind

When I first heard about the third eye chakra, I was very excited to work toward opening it. I wanted to access the telepathic and energy-channeling abilities that opening our third eyes will see us able to do, and I was at first disheartened to find out the very advice I am about to give you all, which is that we should first work toward opening the heart chakra before we can fully reap the benefits of an opened third eye.

This is because our heart is actually an essential interpreter and channeler of energy, and upon opening the heart we will be able to channel higher dimensional energy of all different kinds and structures. The phrase “opening the heart” may sound a bit cliché to some, but it is meant in the very real sense of opening the emotional center of ourselves, which serves as a very potent gate to our inner-realms and to the personal infinity accessing such realms gives us.

So how can we access the heart chakra and begin feeling the flow of higher dimensional Love energy as it comes through us?

Well, the heart is represented as an emotional center for a reason. Obviously the physical heart does not play a strong role in influencing emotion, but the heart has always been looked toward as a representation of Love and this is because our heart chakra and the positive emotions we can find and access will open us up exponentially.

Kindness is the Way to Opening the Heart

Practice kindness toward those around you. Practice positivity in your everyday Life, as you’ll find yourself able to be positive and express what you will begin to feel within, in a myriad of ways. Recognize the Golden Rule for the truth it speaks, and treat others with Love, empathy and respect. Learn to understand and respect the plights of others, while finding and retaining a balanced center that won’t see you tipped overboard empathically.

When practicing this, you may be met with lessons of empathy and the theme of many of such lessons will be not to allow yourself to be martyred or not to extend yourself out too far in the name of serving others, and to recognize the balanced and measured yet still necessary service-to-self. Allow yourself to care about and help others, for doing so will help to open your heart and foster a connection to all that is positive and good, but to retain positivity we must show ourselves such positivity every now and then and if this means not helping someone one time out of ten; that is ok.

If the entire collective of humanity could practice fostering positivity and expressing such positivity toward all around them, we would very easily be able to come together and the differences we once argued so astutely over will be seen as hollow and unimportant in the grand scheme of Life.

Continued in Part 3 tomorrow.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/28/2013 9:47:05 PM

Arcturian Sacred Geometry

The Arcturians have provided us with a large range of images for meditation to produce or speed up changes within us. The images were created by John Paul Polk with Arcturian messages and meditations channeled by Jill Mara. We reproduce a few here but the entire article can be found as a page here.


Sacred Geometry

Arcturian Geometry

We are Arcturians of 6th dimensional consciousness. We relay to you the meaning and awareness that these graphic symbols can provoke in the viewers being. Each is coded with a particular pattern that aligns with a specific frequency that is encoded in the potential of each human being.

By viewing these images, and reciting the intention meditation, one may activate these frequencies within oneself. These images can be used as tools to awaken the whole self to a higher level of consciousness or inspire ascension to a more aware state of being. All aspects of the image; color, shapes, sizes of shapes and the positioning and number of each shape in the whole image has meaning to the matrix of Earth, and the human being within its sphere.

The following images were created by John Paul Polk with Arcturian messages and meditations channeled by Jill Mara



The force of creation within the three dimensional realm is awakened from this image. It activates the ability to make desires manifest in your world. It heightens creative ability and the motivation to make concepts take concrete form.

Intention Meditation
The desires of my soul are made manifest in my reality.

Soul Purpose

Soul Purpose

Soul Purpose
Each person comes to incarnation with a purpose they wish to fulfill. This formation activates the inner knowing of that purpose and allows one to see the signs that will lead them to their highest intended destiny in each day.

Intention Meditation
My soul purpose is being revealed to me every day and I am acting upon this

Please go here for the larger article.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/28/2013 9:48:30 PM

Ronna Herman: Archangel Michael – “Hold Steady, Beloveds”

archangel-michael-desktop1Archangel Michael – “Hold Steady, Beloveds”

Transmitted through Ronna Herman, Sacred Scribe – February 28, 2013

Beloved masters, what we term as Sacred Breath consists of the normal third/fourth-dimensional air containing oxygen as well as Prana, which is third/fourth-dimensional air/ether that also contains the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light. The magnitude and power of these Divine Particles increase with each higher level of consciousness you attain.

The empowering Breath of Infinity opens the pathways that lead to the multidimensional levels of Creator consciousness. Your inner perspective will automatically broaden as you gradually change your way/mode of thinking and perceiving.

The Inbreath loop of the Infinity Breath passes through the Medulla Oblongata and out the back of the head as it sweeps upward into your Soul Star. The Adamantine Particles of Creator Light that you have inhaled through the back portal of your Sacred Heart are programmed to integrate a specific number of Life-Code Seed Atoms from your OverSoul-Higher Self as the Sacred Breath passes through your Soul Star.

The Outbreath or exhale passes through the Root Chakra and enters the Kundalini Seed Atom contained therein. Monitored by your OverSoul-Higher Self, measured portions of the Adamantine Particles stored within the Root Chakra are added to the Sacred Breath. The Adamantine Particles of Light which are stored in the Root Chakra are unique, for they have already been programmed with some of your special talents, attributes and qualities from past life experiences.

The Sacred Breath then moves back up in front of the physical vessel and automatically enters the body where your crystalline Still Point Seed Atom is located. This Seed Atom was designed to magnetize, integrate and hold these higher frequency Particles of Light. It could be called a holding center, for it is directly connected to your Sacred Heart.

The Adamantine Particles of Light are then drawn into your Sacred Heart to be activated through your seed thoughts and intention. These programmed Adamantine Particles are then ready to be breathed out into your Twelve Ray Creator Wheel, as well as out into the world-at-large. A dedicated portion will also stream into the World Pyramid and other pyramids of Light of your choice.

The Pineal Gland could be called a Light filter for the brain. The chakra system is designed to magnetize and filter into the body the appropriate vibrational frequencies – RAY-diated by the Archangels bearing the attributes, qualities and virtues of each particular Ray. There is a complex formula composed of a broad variety of frequency patterns that constantly penetrate the human auric field, which are then conveyed to the glands within the physical body. Your level of comprehension and awareness will increase with each download of higher frequency energy.

Once you have gained access to your Sacred Heart and have activated your Solar Power Center, the Zero Point or the Still Point Seed Atom within your Solar Power Center begins to store your reserve of cosmic energy. As you become a Self-Master and a conscious co-creator, you will have access to an infinite amount of Adamantine Particles to use in your creative endeavors and to share with others.

The SACRED WHITE COSMIC FIRE, Adamantine Particles, that you magnetize to you as an awakened, Self-master, must continually circulate. Only a certain amount, that which is appropriate for each Soul to integrate at their current level of en-Lighten-ment, can be stored within the physical vessel. The balance must be RAY-diated out into the world-of-form.

Mature spirituality is not an unconscious experience. You must endeavor to develop a self-sustaining divinity whereby you are constantly breathing the rich Pranic Breath of Life/Adamantine Particles of Creator Essence. By doing so, you will begin to receive spiritual sustenance from the River of Life via the Eighth Chakra, your Soul Star, and through the back portal of your Sacred Heart.

Each Self-aware person functions as a living star capable of receiving and conveying harmonic frequency vibrations according to his/her level of consciousness. As you are now aware, these frequencies are called your Soul Song. You are a point of Light, a vibrant Spark of the Divine. This Sub-Universe is composed of one gigantic Celestial Soul Song.

As you develop the ability to breathe in the Sacred Breath deeply and effortlessly, your awareness will gradually descend into your Sacred Heart Center, and then even deeper into the Vesica Piscis Mandala which contains the White Fire, Sacred Seed Atom – your own personal Divine Facet of our Father/Mother God.

This is when you may draw forth all the Sacred Love you can contain. This is where you realize that you are the dreamer as well as the dream. It is in this Sacred Space that you will begin your journey back into the wholeness (holiness) as you strive to recreate yourself into a SUN CHILD of our Father/Mother God. This has been preordained; it is your Divine Heritage.

Please remember that only a minuscule Facet of your complete “Being” is incarnated in the density of the third/fourth dimensions. The fourth dimension is the astral plane, a bridge to the fifth dimension. The three lower sub-levels are filled with a great array of emotional-energy debris and a broad spectrum of discordant frequency, mental thought forms. The fourth dimension is the storehouse for the mass consciousness beliefs of humanity from all past ages on Earth. The fourth dimension also contains the mental body auric field of the Earth.

You are called Star Seed for a reason, for as you return to Self-Mastery, you will initiate the process of integrating highly-developed crystalline, Life-Code Seed Atoms; a new, advanced evolutionary process to be used in the next forthcoming Golden Age. Humanity is ready to take a giant leap in consciousness. At some point in every person’s Soul journey throughout time and space, there is a yearning to return to the higher realms – a Divine discontent sets in that cannot be denied.

First you must become aware of the voice of your conscience. The whispers of your Soul will grow louder and more distinctive as you begin to pay attention to the call of Spirit. A sensitivity grows within your feeling nature as you become attuned to higher vibrational patterns of people, places, thoughts and actions. Eventually you will learn to distinguish the Soul Song vibrations of your Soul family, and of the different Masters and Angelic Beings.

Yes, humanity is in the midst of dramatic changes, an evolutionary process of profound proportions. However, remember, it is just a part of the never-ending spiral. All of you who are awakening to your God consciousness have experienced a great variety of momentous transitional processes throughout this Universe.

Please take heed: no longer will you be allowed to stagnate or even stay at a certain level very long – time and the process of transformation are moving too rapidly. Your language is changing; your thought forms are different. The old areas of your brain which contain your past are gradually being refined or dissolved, so it is beginning to seem as though everything that happened before, even last year, is a vague dream. New areas of your brain are being activated and you must learn to think in a whole new way.

Light packets of information, holographic pictures of great significance and sacred geometric patterns will begin to come into your consciousness, and you must learn how to decipher these. It may seem as if those whom you are moving beyond no longer understand you, or you cannot find words to carry on the old mundane patterns of conversation. You will also find that you do not need to verbalize every thought as you begin to telepathically pick up the energies and thoughts of those around you. Your intuitive abilities will increase, and you will not be easily deceived. You will speak your truth with spiritual integrity, and you will not be willing to engage in the negative games of the past.

We implore you: do not become attached to any way of being, any one modality, any philosophy that is too narrow or structured, or buy into any agreement that gives power to someone outside yourself. Discernment, discernment, discernment – we cannot emphasize this enough, for as quickly as an apparent truth comes forth and you incorporate it into your belief system, it may be superseded by a higher truth or a new concept.

In looking back, can you not see that much of the knowledge you now accept as your absolute truth was beyond your wildest imagining ten years ago, or even six months ago? Be aware that many of the things you are so certain about today will undoubtedly change tomorrow or in the near future.

Mentally, new ideas and concepts are bombarding your consciousness. Nebulous at first, but gradually solidifying as you use your enhanced reasoning abilities to unfold and decode the formulas and inventions of the future. As you tap into the higher planes of the fifth dimension, you will begin to remember facets of the blueprint of Creation for this Sub-Universe: how to hold a pure thought until it is brought to fruition and how you assisted in the creation of a great variety of wondrous things. Many of you will begin to see geometric shapes, sparkling crystals, and brilliant new colors as you move through and beyond time and space into realms of Light.

We have said that many special dispensations are being given to those who bravely step to the fore and claim their heritage. As the masses awaken and cry out for assistance, solutions, information and encouragement, you will be needed more than ever, my brave ones. We are waiting to empower you, to gift you with wisdom, abilities and knowledge beyond your wildest imaginings.

You see, your brain has always functioned at 100% capacity, which may come as a surprise to you, for you have heard that the average person only uses approximately 10% of their brain power. Before the mid-1900′s, the masses have only had access to that limited portion of the brain which resonated to the frequencies of the third and lower-fourth dimensions. It is the mind that is/was restricted, not the brain.

As you balance and integrate the higher frequencies, you gain access to more and more of your brain power that resonates to the higher-fourth and fifth dimensions. Some advanced Souls are even tapping into the lower levels of the sixth dimension. It is not possible to access those advanced portions of your brain until you attune to those refined frequencies.

The major goal at the present time is to raise your vibrational frequencies to the level necessary to clear the membranes of Light which guard the portals to your Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart and the fifth-dimensional levels of the brain structure. That is when you will truly begin to make progress in your spiritual quest.

Be aware that there is an ebb and flow to the process of Ascension. There are great pulsations of new higher Cosmic Ray vibrational patterns bombarding the Earth, with quiet times in-between so as not to create an overload situation. Ascension is not a steady, forward-motion process. It is an insurgence of energy and new information, and then a time of assimilation, integration and manifestation.

Many of the sensations seem more pronounced to you at this time. You may feel as though you have taken a great leap into the unknown at times or taken a step backward into uncertainty. At other times you may feel an intensified sense of vulnerability. By now, you should be somewhat accustomed to the ebb and flow of magnified, accelerated frequencies; however, when you are pushed to the next level of awareness, it often sets off an alarm of varying degrees in your physical/mental/emotional bodies.

It is decision time, for this is a time of a harvesting of Souls. Everyone must decide whether they wish to move forward with the Earth as she spirals into the higher dimensional frequencies; whether they will choose to leave and return at a later time, or move on to another planet of third-dimensional reality to finish their lessons in the physical expression.

Many Souls will choose to leave the Earth plane as a part of their contract and Divine mission, and many other beautiful Souls are being placed or readied to assume positions of authority, positions of power. They will remain low key, possibly in the background, until it is time to step forward and make themselves known. They will be dynamic, forceful and carry a new vision for humanity – one that will serve all people and create the foundation for the New Age to come.

And so we say to you, ‘HOLD STEADY, BELOVEDS.’ This is the time to seek your truth, to once again take control and dominion over your world, to remember you are a representative of the Creator on an important mission called “the evolution of humanity and the planet Earth.” Accept your power as a master of co-creation. Accept and activate the gifts you were endowed with that lie dormant within.

This is a time of mass awakening as more and more dear Souls begin to feel the nudge of Spirit and begin to listen to the whisperings of his/her Soul Self. Therefore, in our missives of the future, we will include a few of the earlier concepts we have given over the past twenty years. This will be a good review for those of you who have been devoted students for many years. It will also encourage and inspire those who are just beginning to seek the Light of Truth, for the messages will include segments that they can clearly understand.

Do not despair, Beloveds, if you have been led to our current teachings and they prove to be too difficult to understand. Our many messengers of Light have labored tirelessly to bring forth our wisdom teachings that address the basics tenets of spirituality through the many intermediate levels, and now to the current advanced cosmic teachings. If you will seek out these past messages, you will find your own level of understanding and you may comfortably proceed from that level forward.

The evolutionary process for humanity is in full-swing and moving forward at an astounding pace. Open your minds and your hearts, Beloveds, and embrace the infusion of Divine Love/Light that awaits you. Bask in the glory of reunion with us as we move forward together on this incredible journey into a new reality. We are with you always. You are loved most profoundly.

I AM Archangel Michael

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/28/2013 9:50:11 PM

Archangel Michael on the Pause and Full Restoration

archangel-michael-desktop1I had a personal reading with Archangel Michael on Feb. 19, 2013, through Linda Dillon, and was able to ask him for more information on how the decision was reached to give humanity additional months before the full restoration of consciousness so that more than the estimated 30% could come with us.

I also wanted to hear more about the rough timetable of Ascension. Denise Le Fay has suggested that September 2013 is the approximate timetable. Archangel Michael here offers a longer window and doesn’t want to be pinned down.

Neither Linda nor I want to participate in giving ironclad dates because so many variables enter into the situation and we don’t think it’s possible to predict exactly when full restoration will be. But if people are prepared to hold this discussion lightly, then Archangel Michael does go over the matter here. Thanks to Lorraine for this transcript.

Archangel Michael: So how are you doing? You, my beloved brother, your circle and many [others], you are making remarkable strides and progress. You are doing well!

Is the collective there yet? No. But are they under way, even those that you think are sound asleep? They are not [sound asleep], you know. For even in their sleep they are being impregnated with dreams of peace – with fantasies of joy of inspiration of potential. We, and when I say this I mean the Company of Heaven, are seldom surprised. Now were we somewhat taken aback by the collective decision? Yes. But you continue to surprise us with the rate of your progress and with your decision to go forth. You are doing well!

Steve Beckow: Can I ask you a question about the collective decision?

AAM: Yes.

SB: Could you tell us more about the process by which the collective decision was communicated to you or communicated to the Mother – and how that all came to eventuate – so that readers can have a little more background on that please?

AAM: Yes, and in very practical terms and in terms of your society you can almost think of it as a vote or a consensus. These are not conscious decisions. But call it a soul decision, please, not an unconscious or subconscious or conscious decision, but a soul decision.

SB: All right.

AAM: So within the populace of Earth, of this magnificent Gaia, whether they were aware or unaware [of it], every soul has been aware of the Ascension process and the plan to go forward interdimensionally, multidimensionally and to bring the adjusted physical form along, and the impact that that would have on not only Gaia and yourselves, but throughout the omniverse.

As the time grew nearer, much progress was made —– and that was something we have not spoken enough about. (1) We have talked during our many discussions, prior to December 2012 of the enormous progress the human collective, not just Light workers and Light holders, but the many very positive strides that were being made by the humans.

Now that also entailed help, shall we say, from this side of things – like containment, some moderate adjustment, the beaming love with increasing frequency from moment to moment from the heart of the Mother/Father One, as well as your star brothers and sisters, different frequencies, different rates of receiving. Nevertheless, the beaming. So much was done. Now as you know, during our latter conversations, it was still felt that about 30 percent of the population was, shall we say, good to go. (2) Then there was the gray area, and then there were those who were well behind the fence.

Very married, very connected, very reliant upon, very much in love with the illusions of the old third dimension.

Now there comes a window and you tended to think of that window – and I do not just mean you personally, I mean you collectively, you who were actively working on such things. There was a window that actually was open for well over a year then shrunk into the November 11, 2012, December 12, 2012, December 21, 2012. But the window was actually quite broad and momentum was gained and being gained every day.

Now on our side, yes, we understand time, but we ask you to bear with us as I try to explain this in ways that will be comprehensible to the readers. There is an instantaneous moment, and you can think of that moment as a moment within a very elongated process, but there is a moment of soul decision, when either the collective shift takes place - even though some where already through the portal and anchored, but many were not, most were not.

The collective of humanity, the soul decision consensus, plea, vote, however you wish to think of this – the plea went up to ask the Mother, not for a halt, not even for a pause – that was not the plea. The plea was: we came together as one family, to do this, to make this monumental change that not only changes each of us and our family and Gaia, but has effect so far beyond – we are aware and we choose to make this shift, but not all are completely ready. But we are asking, and it was a request, in that instantaneous moment: May we do it together? And the answer was yes.

The heart plea was the most earnest perhaps that we have ever witnessed from the collective. Now it wasn’t instantaneously put on hold or halted. The process is still very much underway – we did not put a timer on it, but you – humanity, your soul collective – said that we want to do this – and we listen to what you are saying to us – we do not want it to take hundreds of years or decades – just (what is your expression) give us a chance to get our ducks in a row. And that is exactly what you are doing, and might I say, that you are doing it with surprising rapidity.

So when we say, or indicate to you, that it was a collective decision – that is what we are saying. It has nothing to do with whether the collective had earned it, whether they were ready. You were ready the moment you incarnated and made the decision to return. So the readiness has always been there on the soul level.

So you say to me – well Michael, Lord, what happens if some of those beings are slower than others don’t hurry along. And what I am telling you is that not only we, because we have not stopped doing what we do. But you, each of you, in your own way, as builders and determiners of Nova Earth have stepped up your activity. You have moved it from a point in time to a completion. So you have moved it from a simple event to something you are creating and doing with us.

So you have entered into a much stronger form of partnership and you may see this – you see it in your energy fields, you see it in how you feel, you see it in what you are experiencing, you see it in your level of exhaustion, your ascension symptoms and in what is happening. And yes, I know, you will say to me – Lord, it is still not fast enough. And my brother, I could not agree more with you, but it is still happening. Does this help?

SB: Yes it does Lord and I think it would help us too, and I’m very much cognizant of the channel’s [Linda's] agreement with you around dates, but the problem that I am having is that earlier you said months. Is that as in less than one year, or is it in more than one year?

AAM: It is around a year.

SB: Around a year, is it under 2 years?

AAM: We would say yes.

SB: All right, because light workers may get very, very testy, touchy, if we passed a year and something has not happened. We need to try to give them as much certainty as is possible given all of the other factors that are at play.

AAM: We understand this.

SB: All right. So just to clarify. We’re aiming for less than one year, it may take longer, but it won’t be two years. Is that correct?

AAM: Now we are not saying that this is ironclad, but that is the 99% percent likelihood, yes.

SB: All right, then to clarify again, the 99% likelihood is that it’s under 2 years?

AAM: That is correct.

SB: And we are aiming for under one year. Is that correct?

AAM: You are all aiming, and so are we. It is the Olympic sprint.

SB: All right, okay then. Now, I am going to have to move fairly smartly to get all of my other questions in within the hour framework.


(1) Sanat Kumara has said that the Company of Heaven did not correct our impression that we would ascend on 21/12/12 because so much momentum was being generated and the COH did not want this lost: “So why did we not warn you that you might be disappointed? Because the energy, the forward thrust of what you were creating together with us, was so strong that we had no desire, particularly in the unfoldment of the Mother’s plan, to say, ‘Wait a minute, and stop. Let us take time out and breathe.” Because that would have … hmm … you have a saying, “put a wrench in the works.’” (Sanat Kumara on An Hour with an Angel, Jan. 7, 2013.) Archangel Michael says he has not discussed the progress we did make as much as he might have.

(2) Archangel Michael stated this figure to me in a pre-21/12/12 reading and referred to it again in a post-21/12/12 reading: “Archangel Michel: As you know, in our private channelings, we have indicated to you thirty percent. Think of it as a family decision, saying, slow down, because we all want to come. The plan has still need to go forward with great rapidity, by the way. But we will slow down because we want to accommodate everybody [who wants to ascend, that is].” (“Archangel Michael on 21/12/12 and Other Ascension-Related Matters – Part 2/2,” Dec. 26, 2012, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/28/2013 9:52:13 PM

Awakening with Suzanne Lie – The Arcturians and Symptoms of Transformation

Ascension Symptoms 26FEB13The Arcturians and Symptoms of Transformation

By Suzanne Lie – February 26, 2013

Our Dear Ascending Ones,

We, the Arcturians would like to address the symptoms of transformation that many of our Earthling expressions are experiencing. We call you our “Earthling expressions of Self” just as you may call us your “Arcturian Expressions of SELF.” For if we are a higher dimensional expression of YOU, than you are lower dimensional expressions of US.

This situation does not denote that we are superior to you, for we ARE you. There is no sense of hierarchy in our statement. Instead, we are merely stating that your consciousness has its primary focus on the physical reality of the third/fourth dimensions, whereas our consciousness has it primary focus on the formless dimensions of the eighth through tenth dimensions. In both cases, it is not a matter of deserving or rank. It is, instead, a matter of choice.

You, our Earthling expressions, are choosing to increasingly shift your attention away from your physical expressions and more into your higher dimensional expressions. And we, your Higher Expressions, have been increasingly shifting our attention into the fourth and fifth dimensions to assist our Ascending Ones. Some of you will simply exit your form and return to your formless self. However, others have a dedication to assisting other humans as well as the planetary body of Gaia.

Those of you who have made this commitment are in the process of transmuting your third/fourth dimensional form into your fifth dimensional expression of SELF. It is because of this process that you will likely experience symptoms of transformation. You are experiencing these symptoms because the download and integration of your new Multidimensional Operating System and the consequential opening of your Third Eye is turning ON new codes of DNA in your biological computer/brain.

First off, your brain is regaining its former capacity and you are being re-programmed so that you can have usable access to a larger percentage of your brain. Furthermore, your corpus callosum is reversing its function. Before, your corpus callosum separated the masculine and feminine areas of the brain so that your reasoning and intuition remained in different camps.

Now the corpus callosum is being reprogrammed so that it functions as a bridge which connects the right - feminine, and left - masculine areas of your brain to such a degree that you actually creating a new brain. Whereas the old brain functioned from the Separation Principle of Either-Or, your new brain functions from the Unity Principle of Both-Always.

In fact, not only are the masculine and feminine hemispheres now unifying, they are being integrating into each other by the neurons that synapse back and forth across the corpus callosum at the speed of thought.

The masculine/feminine, thought/emotions, logical-sequential/holistic functions of polarity are being united within the center point. Hence:

  • Masculine and Feminine are becoming androgynous
  • Thoughts and Emotions are becoming consciousness
  • Sequential and Holistic are becoming perceptions

Without the effort of having to compare and contrast polarities, the cognitive “in-between” is connecting the two polarities into the “Infinite Unity.”

Finding the center flow in your brain assists you to find the Center Flow of the Galactic Center, into which you are now moving. Within this Center Flow is a tunnel of protection, much like our Arcturian Corridor. This protective Center Flow emanates the FEEL of Unconditional Love into your High Heart and is perceived by your Third Eye as Multidimensional Light.

As your Third Eye and High Heart combine their messages of Love and Light your Divine Creative Force is activated. It is the combination of your thoughts, carefully selected by your intention and attention, in unison with your Unconditional Love, as received from your High Heart that ignites the Divine Creation of your “Spirit into Matter” Lightbody.

Whereas your physical body is more matter and less spirit, your Lightbody is more spirit and less matter. In fact, your Lightbody begins your transmutation from matter back to your innate form of Spirit. As you ground your the higher frequencies of Light streaming from the Galactic Center into Gaia’s body of planet Earth, you are plugging in the process of personal and planetary transmutation.

The humans, who are the Keepers of the Land, have volunteered to ground this expanding transmuting force into the Earth, whereas the Cetaceans have volunteered to ground this force in the water. Once grounded, these higher frequencies of Light replicate to create a body that has more light and less matter.

This expansion of light is greatly facilitated by the fact that Gaia’s planetary body is basking in the Multidimensional Light and Unconditional Love flowing form the core of the Galaxy. In this manner, the Flow from the higher dimensions is grounded into the physical plane with your in-breath, and you are sharing it with all life via your out-breath.

As the higher dimensional spirit/energy is integrated into the lower dimensional matter/form, the frequency of the form begins to transmute. There are components of your consciousness, body and life that will need to be released for they are too dense to transmute. In the same manner, areas of Gaia’s body are too dense to transmute and will have to be released.

This process of releasing density is the core of the process of transmutation of matter back into its higher frequency of expression of Spirit.

Furthermore, this transmutation will involve every area of personal and planetary life, whether it is an insect, a plant, an animal, a person, a planet, a solar system or a Galaxy.

The leaves of the bud that holds the flower dies so that the flower blooms.

The flower that holds the seed dies so that the seed can become a fruit.

The fruit falls upon the ground and dies so that its inner seeds can be released into the Earth to birth a new tree.

Death is just another word for transmutation.

The Earth vessel that you have worn is to be replaced with a Light vessel. The tree (the Tree of Life) represents your consciousness, which is forever repeating itself in different planets, time spaces, parallel realities, solar systems, galaxies and dimensions. The tree never dies, as it has created so many versions of itself that one version is in form somewhere, in some time and in some form of manifestation.

However, the tree may decide that it wants to return to the overview (higher dimensions) so that it can observe all its manifestation within the perspective of the ONE. In this case, consciousness returns to its Source to view all of its creations and collect them into its ONE consciousness.

Meanwhile, the human brain is one of the many creations that is preparing to leave duality and exist in the realm of unity. To accomplish this, the Mystical Marriage of masculine and feminine must be sealed in Light so that their child of love – Lightbody – can begin to expand beyond the cocoon of the physical Earth vessel.

As the gender-based version of the brain begins to merge into ONE Biological Computer, the DNA codes turn ON the system of ones and zeros to create the “Seed of Ascension,” which will replicate itself into the higher resonance of consciousness to match the higher frequency of your Lightbody.

As the higher Light from the Galactic Center enters your Crown, your Earth vessel accepts, grounds, and integrations the higher multidimensional energy into your physical Earth vessel. It is at this point that the symptoms of transformation escalate as the higher Light flushes out the lower frequency thoughts, emotions, memories, and physical toxins.

In this manner, your Earth vessel becomes LIGHT enough to begin its transmutation from the dense, physical body you have been wearing into the higher frequency form of your Lightbody. However, the Symptoms of Transmutation can be quite uncomfortable. Hence, we will now answer some common questions:

Arcturians Answer Questions about Symptoms of Transformation

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
