The last barrier is the idea that your are empty, you are Enlightened, you have achieved, you have reached, you have known, you have realized God - the last barrier. Because with this realization, the 'I' is still clinging. Only the objects have changed, but not you. First, you were clinging to riches, to your prestige, to your power, domination, your house, your car. Now they have changed; now it is emptiness, now it is Enlightenment, now it is God. But your hands are still not open, you are carrying something within them. Your hands are closed. The very word, 'emptiness' means that now you have nothing, not even the one who can declare. That's why Joshu says: Do something, but be finished with this idea.
Being willing to both give and receive is choosing to experience yourself as an integral and beloved part of the flow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Your Earth plane is moving into a new phase. Many of you are re-thinking what your life is supposed to look like and making changes that best suit your needs. Others are choosing to remain in anger and denial. The Universe would like to remind you that these are all stages of grief. As your old normal begins to fade, something new and unfamiliar is moving in to take its place. This can be both unsettling and uncomfortable. Now is the time to practice patience and compassion with yourself and others. There is no need to push…all will be well in good time. ~ Creator
Love is a rosebush. One does not want those thorns, one would like the rosebush to be all flowers and no thorns; but they come together, they are aspects of one energy.
Dear Ones, the most powerful agents of change on your planet are the human beings who consistently show up as the peace, as the love, as the conscious creators. We cannot impress upon you enough how much your beingness and heart-centred leadership serves the whole, for it creates stabilization within the chaos and forges pathways into the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young