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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/9/2020 9:47:29 PM

GFP Newsletter - 5/8/2020

will's picture

Remember that the ordinary man is living a very abnormal life, because his values are upside down. Money is more important than meditation, logic is more important than love, mind is more important than heart. Power over others is more important than power over one's own being. Mundane things are more important than finding some treasures which death cannot destroy.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/9/2020 9:54:24 PM

Daily Message ~ Saturday May 9, 2020

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Laying the foundation of your dreams is one of the most important things you can do. It can also feel like the least fun phase of creation.

Think of a house. The foundation of the home just looks like a hole in the ground. It seems contrary – the house you want to build will be above the ground so it can seem like digging down is going in the wrong direction. Even as you start to see the foundation itself start to take form, it is very difficult to imagine the house itself because there are no floors, no walls, no roof.

But wisdom and experience has taught you that if you do not get the foundation done properly it will not be able to support the structure above in a safe and sustainable way. So while you are anxious to complete the house, decorate it, and move in, the foundation must be given the greatest care and consideration in order to allow your creation to become everything you want it to be.

This is the energetic phase you are in now. The land has been cleared, you have dug deep, and now you are pouring the forms (creating new templates) that make all other things possible. This is not a phase to be rushed, but rather to be attended to with care and consideration, wisdom and patience, so that it can fully support your exciting new expressions of self in ways that serve both you and the whole. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/9/2020 9:56:52 PM

Balance Is Being Reestablished

Galactic Free Press's picture

The Universe is sure you have noticed the extremes to which others are going and the vacillation between those extremes depending on what they have read/heard that day. Please understand that this is part of the human condition. When those that are on the verge of awakening do not understand the ‘whys’ of a situation, they will search to find one. It may even be contradictory to their truth. You are being asked to be kind, practice compassion, do not take it personally and understand that each has their own path to follow. Balance is being reestablished, dear one…just be patient. (Smiling) ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/9/2020 10:41:17 PM
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - Uplifting Times

Mike Quinsey

Do not despair at the seemingly never-ending changes that are taking place but they are necessary to move you from the old ways that have now served their purpose. There have to be many changes to the way you are living now; some will be far reaching and seem drastic whilst others may pass without causing more than a little ripple.

Whether you like it or not we can assure you that once you see the benefits that the changes will bring, you will be more than satisfied and never wish to go back to the old times. Some changes will of necessity take a long time to complete, but at the stage when your extraterrestrial friends can safely introduce themselves they will be allowed to assist you and speed up your activities to completion.

If you can view the effects upon your life as leading to exciting and uplifting times, you will cope a lot better; otherwise it could lead to dissatisfaction and disappointment. In fact those of you who can expect to go all the way to Ascension are considered to be privileged as many souls were eager to be part of it but were not selected.

It is as you might say a “once in a lifetime” opportunity for the first time to be able to actually experience Ascension in your existing body. It is the time you have been waiting for when your trials and tribulations have come to an end. The changes are inevitable but you shall see that in the long run everything is destined to open up your path to a better life and one that is peaceful and fulfilling.

The Masters who oversee your evolution are pleased that you have passed the marker, and wait with eager expectations and joy that at last you have proved your readiness to ascend. You are a bit like lost sheep who have suddenly found the way home, and are excited that what you have been striving for eons of time has at last arrived. It is your golden opportunity to move further into the light and leave behind the lower vibrations that have well served their purpose.

It is difficult for us to placate those souls who have not reached the required level to ascend, but there would be no purpose or value in them doing so until they were ready. Your immediate problem is that whilst on Earth you do not have a full memory of your previous lives, and have no way of judging how much spiritual progress you have made.

We understand your concern regarding attachments made during your times on Earth. You wish to feel that somehow you can renew them but we cannot give you that assurance. However, where relationships have been formed out of love for each other, a bond is formed that ensures you will meet again.

Bear in mind that, on the “other side,” time as you understand it is not the same and passes much quicker, and you can go backwards and forwards according to your needs and find that little or no time seems to have elapsed. You can in fact relive events in your earlier lives that have caused you concern.

Life in the higher vibrations is so much more rewarding and exciting and free from the type of worries you experience on Earth. In general terms there is a greater harmony and freedom to travel where you desire, and by thinking of someone providing they are free to answer, you will have made contact.

The power of thought is the key to most things when you are at a level of vibration so high, and it means that unlike living upon Earth you can create virtually anything you want. Realise how much more freedom you will have in a life totally unlike the one you will have left. Assuredly you will never want to return to the old life style which although beautiful at times, could also be a very painful experience. Yet it serves its purpose by helping you evolve.

Experience in any form is essential to spiritual growth and it is why you agreed to take physical incarnations. It is recognised as the fastest way to evolve and prove your ability to be able to successfully live through physical lives.

Naturally as you progress the challenges become harder but when you overcome them it is a great feeling of satisfaction. With help you will eventually succeed as between each Age you carry forward what you have already learnt. The system has been in existence for eons of time so you may rest assured it is perfect for the experiences needed to evolve.

Karma is one of the means by which you evolve as it is necessary to highlight where you are going adrift so that your evolution can proceed unhindered. Life is not a series of accidental events but a series of carefully arranged experiences to ensure you make progress.

You are not however left on your own to cope with them and your Guides are always on hand to guide you if only you will take notice. If you do not, the problem still remains with you and acts as block to your progress, so please take notice of the challenges that come up in your life as they are so important.

The testing times you are going through are going to show whether you can go with the flow, and not allow events to upset you but accept that nothing happens without good reason.

Whatever comes up on your path is vitally necessary, so after the experience carefully consider what lesson can be learnt from it. If you fail you must know by now that the challenge will come around again. It is obviously in your interests to successfully clear your karma so that you can make good progress, knowing that there is no reason why it should come around again. Learn your lessons well and be sure that you are continuing to evolve.

The golden chance is inviting you to ascend so that you will have no necessity to walk the same path again. You would carry the experiences with you, and they will serve you well where any future challenges are concerned

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/9/2020 11:29:51 PM

The Council of Radiant Light: Expanded Potentials for Participating

Ailia Mira


Divine Ones,

We greet you in love. It is a time of tremendous change. You know this. Yet the changes are happening on many levels, and the changes are also happening in different spheres of experience. What you perceive of that, varies. We would like to explain a bit about that now and invite you to intentionally orient as you wish.

You are opening within more and more and this opening, is accessing increasingly broader spheres of life. As you open more, and become aware of broader spheres of life, your potential for participation also expands. In this broader awareness, your choice to cultivate harmony becomes an elevated way of being. For as you are aware of vaster fields of energy and light, AND choose to cultivate a state of harmony the choices, and perspectives will also be expanded. And reflect higher light.

There is power in higher consciousness. Power, meaning capacity. Making choices that are informed by increasingly expanded fields of energy and light, you develop higher consciousness. You gain a larger perspective – on life; on your own pathway of contribution and fulfillment; on what you think is possible.

This expansion…

This development in your embodiment, into higher consciousness, has infinite potential.

And as you develop in this way, as you grow spiritually, your capacity to live Oneness, opens.

For living the Oneness that is All, is a function of your capacities in consciousness. The broader, more expansive your consciousness, the more your choices will be informed by what serves All Life. This is not conceptual, this is experiential. You cannot know what is your highest potential for participation, when your awareness, is limited.

So becoming more and more capable in living and expressing higher consciousness is a path of continual expansion until there is great realization – Divine Self realization.

This is the greatest contribution you can make with your embodiment – to become aware of the Oneness that is All, to evolve and expand your consciousness, increasingly broadening your awareness and as that awareness, that you experience as your life, your presence, opens and reveals more and more of All That Is, then, your sense of what feels right, will also harmonize with more and more of Life.

You will naturally align with higher light, higher will and your flow, your being, your doing, your perspectives will become increasingly benevolent and harmonious with, components of Divine Perfection.

As you choose this path, you thereby allow your choices, to be informed by an expanding, increasingly vaster field of light and energy. Allowing you to express Higher Will, Divine Will, in your choices, to align and harmonize with Universal Expression and become an aligned participant in the unfolding of Oneness as Light in this realm.

This is how life in your world, elevates. As more and more of you awaken to your true Self AND expand your capacity to love transparently; allowing love to be given unconditionally, and without agenda. Loving because it is who you are to love.

Think on this, if you will.

Then, contemplate too, how as you become more and more centered within, you feel stronger. More stable and steady. As your inner connections, through your attention to them, through your investment in growing spiritually and going within… as these connections become wider and stronger, you feel better. You feel more connected. More clear. More often you will find yourself feeling resilient, capable, optimistic.

As your inner connections develop, and you feel stronger and more centered and balanced, more steady and connected, your capacity for love and compassion also expands. For the capacity for love and compassion relate very much to your capacity to love yourself and to your capacity to experience life, the world, other people and situations and be calm, centered, stable and connected. In that state, you see the divine within all life. You, in your harmonious, balanced state, can offer that frequency that coherence, and those reaching for it, will find it easier to align and open within. You become a beacon of light, radiant and relaxed. Calm and spacious in your presence. Allowing. Knowing. Being. Loving. Open. Free.

There are many situations in your life right now, that might feel as if they have the potential to destabilize you, to bring you out of your centered state of inner peace and joy. The opportunity here, is to be deliberate and devoted to your inner path.

You have the greatest potential to love, serve and express divine qualities when you are centered, connected and feeling clear and calm.

Your ability to receive all that you need also comes from this state of being.

This does not mean once you are steadily connected, calm, feeling secure and centered that you will never have other feelings. Or, experience what you think of as problems, or challenges. What it does mean is that you will still feel calm and secure, steady and centered. And in that state you will know how to proceed. You will know how to be calm and listen within you for the guidance, to feel the inspiration of timing and what to do, that will serve you and that serves LIFE in bringing forth the higher expression. You will grow in your ability to break patterns of disconnect, limitation, lack, patterns of all kinds that in any way, are diminished from the ultimate truth of who you are – who you ALL ARE. Because in your centered and connected state, you will simply not take on those energies or project them back. More and more you will simply be yourself, be loving, be compassion… You will see what presents, have access to steadiness within you and feel compassion and love for others.

All of you, and us, are One.

All other people are variations of the Oneness that is YOU.

YOU are fundamentally everyone and everything.

In that knowing, it is natural to choose to be your best self and to care deeply for every other living thing. To care for your life so that you feel good. So you can be your best self, and so you can offer to everyone, every other sentient being, the gift of love, respect, caring and connection.

We are all One. We are all in this together.

We are all capable of discovering ever expanding connections to the power, love and light that is our Source; our true Self, for Life Itself is infinite! This is true no matter where one is now, or what experience has been, for these potentials are innate.

Your world is experiencing a tremendous shift right now. This pandemic did not come about to punish, nor to provoke or awaken. That is not how things happen. The pandemic is happening as a natural outcome of many many many different choices that you are making collectively about how you live and relate to life in all forms. The virus is not evil, nor is it cured by light.

So, please, do not view this pandemic as divine light “waking you (or others) up…” That is not it. This pandemic does not have some meaning because it was created by the Divine to snap Earthlings into awareness. It did not happen for the purpose of transformation.

And yet, there are immense opportunities for transformation, for making new choices, choosing new paths, orienting differently and living in new ways. How wonderful that this is more obvious to you now, that you are free to change and do things differently, to pay attention to different things in your lives.

You, and everyone here, beloveds, are free.

You are here, you are free to live as you chose.

We come into conscious connection with you, offering reminders and guidance to assist you in returning to your inner connections so that you might live out more and more of your higher potential and feel fulfilled and joyful in your living.

There are great opportunities in life when patterns are interrupted, or habitual ways of thinking, being, choosing and feeling, are for any reason, suddenly gone.

The first opportunity is to realize that you are inherently free and that freedom is fundamentally an inside thing – something you recognize, accept and then embrace. As you love and choose freely, feeling within you for the harmonious way, your way, your life comes online and expands.

The opportunity to have this experience is always possible.

But perhaps right now, given all that is disrupted, you might feel more deeply and in a way that is more real, how readily life can change and in that awareness, go within and feel, connect, ask and become aware of what you care most about. Then center in that and go from there.

As you continue to expand in awareness, your desire to be a presence of love, of harmony and of light and coherence grows… As this occurs, you natural begin to focus upon higher will, the light and harmony of vaster fields informs you and what you want to be and do begins to flow into you from higher realms of consciousness; from your own wholeness, informed by higher light.

This shift into higher awareness is underway for many of you. Be very gentle with yourselves and each other as you evolve, remember, change and rearrange your lives.

There is great potential in this moment. How wonderful that is.

We love you very much.

I AM Quan Yin, with Ashira and the Council of Radiant Light

Copyright © 2009-2020, Ailia Mira | Expect Wonderful by Ailia Mira. All rights reserved.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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