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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/10/2020 11:24:41 PM
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 10 April, 2020

Mike Quinsey

The Coronavirus seems to have peaked in many countries and is leaving a trail of problems behind. It heralds a period of introspection as Governments seek ways to avoid such a catastrophic experience again. The after effects will cause many difficulties in respect of seeking a new path that will overcome such a possibility again. Change is the keyword but how do you predict your future needs as you head towards new territory. You have much time to make up as you should by now have been much more advanced than you are at present. Everything you need to step into the New Age is now available, providing those who are holding you back release their hold upon you. Be assured that there are powerful forces pushing hard for your future freedom from restraint and they have been successful in curtailing the power of the dark Ones, although they will always remain a nuisance but able to be handled.

Your path to the future is ordained and once your present confusion settles down, you can focus on creating a path that will take you all the way to the Promised Land. Great things await you and you will not be disappointed. This year should see you getting your first glimpses of what the future holds for you, but be aware it may take some time before you see it come to full fruition. You need to know what lies ahead so that you can fully prepare for it, and it will be enjoyable as you secure your freedom and enter times of peace and security. By projecting your vision of what it will be like you are helping to bring it into being at the earliest time. There is much to prepare before the Event comes about and you are lifted into the higher vibrations, and we will ensure that you are well prepared.

In the meantime keep focused on your goal, as the old can no longer be of ue to you. You are now creating your future and the old ways are no longer applicable or addequate. As you progress so shall your vibrations shall be higher and continue to do so until you ascend. It will be just reward for all souls that have come so far to be here at the final outcome. In the years that still lay ahead much will change for the better and pave the way to completion. During this time you will learn much that will prepare you for your new life as a Galactic Being. You will hardly be able to comprehend the degree to which you will change and you will be a willing participant.

Whatever obstacles should cross your path take it all in your stride and do not let it deter you from your goal. This is no time for the faint hearted so be strong and dedicated to your path and you will be sure to succeed. After the chaos many souls will step forward to lead the way, and present a new approach to achieve a successful conclusion. You have all come long way to reach this point in your evolution and your skills have been made all the stronger for it. You are well prepared for the remainder of your journey and know that all along it you will have plenty of support and protection. You are special souls who have the power and strength to meet all of the challenges that may yet cross your path, and you can be assured that we are always following your progress.

You have the potential to achieve great things and much of it depends on your opinion of yourself and your abilities. Nothing is really out of your reach except that you lack the belief in yourself and your capability to achieve what you desire. Nothing can now stop your progress because as you wish or desire so it eventually it becomes your reality. By doing so you attract like energy’s to yourself which is another reason why you should not give your energies to negative thoughts. By focussing upon your fears you give energy to the very things that trouble you instead of ignoring them.

Since the New Age started we have encouraged you to keep an open mind as to what the future may hold for you, as you have entered new territory creating your pathway. as you go along. It is why we encourage you to stop looking back for inspiration. In this new time you could say that everything is possible and there is much truth in it, asthe New Age offers you a multitude of different opportunities. As you might say, "the Skies the Limit" so think big and have the belief that whatever you aim for is within your capabilities, and we on our side will help you all we can as we dearly wish you to succeed.

The prospect of at last moving out of the lower vibrations should inspire you to greater things. It is all there for the taking and you have truly earned the right to leave the lower vibrations behind. You are all looked upon as brave souls who knew that you would lose touch with your true reality. You have lived in a dream world and many experiences have been nightmares and you have now left them behind for good. The whole experience has not been wasted as you have grown in stature and strength and have also become much wiser. Perhaps more importantly you have grown in understanding, so much so that you have the potential to become leaders to help those who follow on.

It is understandable that some of you will have concerns in respect of your present family and friends, so know that all souls will find themselves exactly where they need to be to continue their evolution. Sometimes groups will remain together but clearly some souls will follow their chosen path alone. The type of society that you are used to will eventually evolve into very small units that will be self-supporting, made possible by advances in technology. Even at this time it is becoming apparent that it is the way forward.

The world has become a smaller place with the advent of travel and those who were once isolated have touched the world outside never to completely return to their old ways of living. Sharing has become more important than ever and so it will continue as things are beginning to rapidly change. It may seem something of a turmoil until things settle down, but be assured that they will.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/10/2020 11:37:20 PM

The Codes of Resurrection, Renewal and Rebirth : April 2020

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn, posted on 9 April 2020

Beloved Ones, at this time your Planet is in so much chaos and suffering. The Planetary energy is heavy and dark in many places. But yet, at the same time there is a process of deep Transformation and Change that is under way. The Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in January set off this train of events, snd the more recent energetic “dance” of Pluto and Jupiter is amplifying the energies of very deep level change.

This new scenario on your Planet is asking you to look deep inside yourselves and feel your own relationship with the cycles of Life and Death that make up the Earth Reality experience. Are you able to accept these cycles in a balanced way, knowing that the Light will always follow the darkness, and that Love and Compassion are the essential fabric of the MultiVerse. There will always be cycles of Resurrection, Renewal and Rebirth that follow any cycle of “death” and “ending”.

Having faith and trust in this incoming cycle of Renewal and Rebirth will allow you to move through the days with equanimity and grace, and not allow yourself to fall into unstable mental and emotional patterns as the powerful waves of transformation wash over you. It will not serve humanity if you, as Light Family, allow yourself to become paranoid and anxious about what you see around you. Know that although this may seem like the darkest of times, it is part of the “ending” and will be followed by the new beginning and the Rebirthing that is the New Earth timeline.

Stay focussed on the New Earth and how you will live in the New Earth. Focus on an Earth that is healthy and strong and pristine, and where your body is healthy and strong, and so it will be! You are always loved and supported by the Elohim Angelic forces and the Galactic Beings of Light.

You are never alone!

The Divine Feminine and the “Death of the King” and the Renewal Codes.

At the beginning of April, on the 2nd and 3rd, the Beautiful Feminine energy of Venus transited through the Pleiades. This allowed for strong “Beauty and Grace” codes to be initiated from Alcyone and directed towards the Earth and become part of the Transformation energy. The Sun, while now in Aries, is on its journey towards Taurus, and is moving through that part of the Galaxy where it comes into close alignments with Sirius, Orion and the Pleaides!

This is the place of many of your stories of Origin, as many powerful Teachers and Avatars have come from this area to descend to the Earth to assist in the Evolution and Ascension of the Earth and Humanity.

The Pleaidians and the Sirians initiated what they called the “Resurrection” or “Renewal Codes” for Planet Earth.

These Symbolic Codes were implanted into human Reality in the form of a Story or Narrative that functioned to activate the energies of Renewal in the Human Psyche. This Story would activate at this time of the year, when the Sun was in Aries, the place of beginnings. The season in the North ,where the Pleaidean and Sirian Star Teachers seeded this story, was Spring. The time of Renewal.

The first form of this story was the “Death of the King”. Your ancestors, who lived close to nature, accepted the alignment of the cycles of the seasons with the cycles of life and death in human society. The cycle of autumn/winter into spring summer was allied with the death of the King. The aging and death of the King led to hardship and transformation, but was followed by renewal with the arrival of the next King in a spring and summer for the community. The choice of the new king was always associated with the Feminine energies, a time of going deep within and contemplating who and what would be best for the Community in terms of a new king.

So, Beloved Ones, this is where you are. You are in a time of winter, of going within and choosing what new masculine energy and structure you will choose for the next cycle.

As you connect with this Code/Symbol, its will activate this process of inner journey and renewal within you!

The Sirian Renewal Codes : Isis and Osiris

The Sirian Star Teachers brought the story of Isis and Osiris into the Collective Consciousness thousands of years ago. The purpose was to renew the Codes in the Consciousness of people who were now living in Towns and Cities and might have lost their former connection with “wild” nature.

This story tells how the king Osiris was murdered by his jealous brother Set (the shadow energy). He descended to the underworld. He was found by his wife, Isis (Divine Feminine) who used her magic to conceive a son, Horus, who became the new warrior King for a new age.

This Code/narrative contains the same elements. The King who dies and is replaced with the help of the Feminine energy.

In this way, the Sirian Star Teachers ensured that going forward in their evolution, Humanity would not forget that energy moved in cycles on Earth, and that endings and new beginnings were part of the “mechanisms” of timelines and time cycles and the renewal and rebirthing of Time within the Quantum TimeSpace Reality.

The Easter Story, Ascension and Renewal :10th-13th April 2020

The Sirian and Pleaidian Star Teachers joined together to rewrite the Renewal Codes about two thousand years ago when they sent the Avatars Yeshua and Mary Magdalene to the Earth.

Yeshua and Mary Magdalene rewrote the story of the “Renewal Codes” and left a metaphor for the Ascension process in their lives.

Yeshua became the King who died. Mary Magdalene was the Divine Feminine energy that carried his teachings and message to the World. The new King is the “Second Coming” of the Christ energy, which is being birthed in all of you who awaken and ascend at this time!

Dearly Beloveds……in this week of 10th to the 13th of April, these codes of Resurrection and Renewal will be activated very strongly. The power of the Pluto and Jupiter conjunction adds to the dance of Death and Renewal that is playing out as the Codes are activated.

Just as Yeshua “died” and was resurrected through Ascension, so too are you dying to your old selves and rebirthing into a new Reality and a new Time Line.

The New Earth time line awaits you and will support you into a New Reality.

Beloved Ones, at this time of Spring, Full Moon and Easter, we ask that you focus on your Renewal and Rebirth as a Collective and also as individuals who are the Christ Reborn!

The New Earth will be a “Christed Planet”, rebirthed through the Magic and the Power of the Divine Feminine. This means that each one of you needs to connect with your inner Divine Feminine, your intuition and your “magic” and creativity. You will find the grace and the beauty and the joy that will guide your resurrection to a new state of Divine Love in the New Earth.

So, Beloveds, as your Planet experiences this pandemic with its heaviness and pain , know that it is part of the disintegration of the old and a deep healing process that must be traversed so that the New can be birthed. Do not try to rush the process, simply allow it to unfold as you pass through the period of winter and the death of the old king and into the spring and the birth of the New King.

The Divine Feminine will sustain you. Call on her and develop her energy within you, through meditation, prayer, writing, dancing, singing, painting, music….whatever energies of the Divine Feminine that call to you.

Walk with Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary and Isis. Allow Yeshua and Osiris to lead you in the path of the Christ Energy.

For YOU are the New King/Queen that is being birthed on the New Earth timeline.

YOU are the Resurrection and the Truth and the Way.

We ask you to keep this in mind as you pass from day to day, holding the energy of Grace and Wisdom and Peace. Knowing that All is Well and that the Spring is but a breath away!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/10/2020 11:44:52 PM

The Path to the Fifth Dimension ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

the path to the fifth dimension - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael

The Path to the Fifth Dimension ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very excited about the progress that we see you making there on Earth with the expansion of your consciousness. We know that we sound like a broken record, telling you this, day after day, but you must remember that we are non-physical beings who are tracking your progress through feeling into the overall vibration of humanity as a collective consciousness. And as such, your spiritual evolution is what we are focused upon. We want to say to you that there were bigger catastrophes that you all could have chosen for yourselves as a collective. There were more immediate cataclysms that you could have chosen.

But if you look at your situation logically, and you see how this pandemic has been affecting humanity as a collective, this was in fact the choice that gave you the biggest opportunity to heal from past life trauma and to come together as a collective through your love and compassion for your fellow humans. You are being given an opportunity to have your hearts opened, and a big part of the shift in consciousness is to stop operating from the consciousness level of your mind and to start operating from the consciousness level of your heart. And so, that is also why we keep telling you to stop looking for answers.

We want you to remember that addressing this crisis from a mental approach is going to leave you in that same vibration that you were in prior to it. But if instead of looking for the who and the why, you allow yourselves to feel what you need to feel and to get heart-centered, you will take all of the expansion that is available to you right now, and you will carry the rest of humanity into that higher frequency range that you all want to be living in.

The path to the fifth dimension was always going to be one that involved individuals going within and finding what was present inside of them. It was always going to be a journey of feeling, a journey that allowed you to notice an uptick in your personal vibration. And we have also told you time and time again that those of you who are awake would be leading humanity in the ascension journey that you are all on. You lead through your example, and you lead by holding a high enough vibration to affect those who are operating from fear, anger, and hate.

You present those individuals with an alternative by approaching the situation you are in and all of humanity with open hearts, with compassion, and with unconditional love. This is what you’ve been waiting for. This is your moment to shine, and the light that you have within you because of all of the clearing, all of the processing, all of the meditating, is brighter and stronger than it has ever been. And so, we invite you to use the light that you have within you to guide humanity into the higher frequency range that is the fifth dimension.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/daniel scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/13/2020 12:20:06 AM

GFP Newsletter - 4/11/2020

will's picture

When awareness is very very deep-rooted, when you are present to the present, you attain to a psychedelic vision of life. That's why mystics talk of so much beauty, and you don't find it. Mystics talk of immense celebration going on, and you don't see any celebration anywhere. Mystics talk of great music, but you don't hear any music.

And the mystics are right -- a great music is passing by, but you are deaf. Great beauty is all around, but you are blind. The whole existence is celebrating this very moment... Existence is celebration.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/13/2020 12:25:35 AM

Daily Message ~ Sunday April 12, 2020

Galactic Free Press's picture

If you could imagine a loving pet name your inner wise one has for you, what would it be? Now imagine if every time you talked to yourself or thought about yourself you started with that pet name. How would your self talk change? How much more loving would you be? How much more accepting of yourself would you be? Starting any self focus with that term of endearment is an easy way to shift into treating yourself with the love and understanding you crave and deserve. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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