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3/9/2020 11:55:01 PM
What Is “Sacred Geometry?”



What patterns do you see in your own life, or in the world that have symmetry and balance? Which ones are asymmetrical and out of balance? Noticing patterns helps us build on them if they are healthy, or break them if they are not healthy. The flux between asymmetry and symmetry is the process of growth and evolution. Sacred geometry gives us a beautiful reflection to contemplate as we navigate life’s challenges seeking balance and harmony.

acred geometry involves sacred universal patterns used in the design of everything in our reality, most often seen in architecture, art, and nature. The basic belief is that geometry and mathematical ratios, harmonics and proportion are also found in music, light, cosmology. It is the invisible patterns that animate our physical world much as spiritual traditions believe that the soul animates the body.

Shapes, patterns, and visual compositions have the capacity to seduce our eyes while captivating our imagination. Whether from masterful works of art or in nature, this entrancement can be so emotionally moving and awe-inspiring that people naturally associate it with transcendence, the super-natural, or spiritual. Beneath these patterns are relationships that can be measured, numbered, replicated, and defined. This mathematical yet esoteric realm of inquiry and observation known as sacred geometry will enlighten and mystify you while inviting you to change the way you look at the world.

Spiral geometry in nature.

History of Sacred Geometry

The earliest cultures including Christians, Hindus, Greeks and Egyptians recognised the existence of different patterns or geometric shapes that repeated throughout nature. They also worked out that there was a correlation or connection between the various elements found in the earth and the heavens. These sacred geometric patterns were mirrored by earth and sky and ancient cultures believed these patterns existed in all parts of the universe. Modern science has proven these sacred geometric patterns are the very molecular shapes that form the basis of all life in this universe.

Is it Really Sacred?

The subject is vast and though it is spiritually inspiring for many, there are plenty of mathematicians who disdain the notion of correlating geometric formulas to mysticism. For this reason I will not attempt to ascribe meaning to these patterns, or connect them with specific spiritual traditions in this short, introductory blog. The mere observation and recognition of these visual relationships in nature, along with their powerful influence on art, architecture, and music are more than enough to leave you filled with wonder!

The influence of sacred geometry can be observed in the architecture of this mosque.

I was never good at math as a student though geometry was fun because it involved drawing shapes using graph paper, protractor, and compass. This idea of numbers being represented in visual form, or through music is a very special example of how abstractions (numbers, formulas) can be mirrored in the physical world. In this way, math is an interesting science that flirts in the space between physical and non-physical.

The space between physical and non-physical is usually reserved for art or spirituality. This is why it is interesting to find math formulas spanning the divide. It is also one of the reasons why this geometry is considered “sacred”. If you are interested in getting specific about the numbers and formulas, there is a great website called Math is Fun. Understanding more about the different shapes of Sacred Geometry and how they were used in ancient cultures can teach you how to harness their power.

The Golden Ratio.

The Golden Ratio

Also known as Phi, the Golden Mean, or the Golden Section, the Golden Ratio was revered as the mathematical law or representation of beauty by the Greeks. It is the numerical representation of infinity and an unreachable approximation. This begs one to contemplate the possibility of a transcendent number. From the Golden Rectangle comes the Fibonacci Spiral which is seen in flowers, snail shells, pinecones, and other parts of nature. The Golden Rectangle and Fibonacci Spiral are used in the crafting of musical instruments like cellos, violins, and the tones of musical scales are created using these same mathematical formulas. These formulas have been used in design and architecture going back at least 4,000 years and are seen in historic buildings like the Greek Parthenon.

The Flower of Life.

The Flower of Life

Another very powerful symbol that is found all over the world dating back over 6,000 years and up to 10,000 years is the Flower of Life. This symbol is made of evenly-spaced, overlapping circles with six fold symmetry like a hexagon and looks like a flower, hence the name. It can be found in Egypt at the Temple of Osiris; the Forbidden City of China, synagogues in Galilee, Israel; in temples across India; in la Mezquita, Spain; Turkey, Japan and elsewhere. Leonardo da Vinci spent much time playing with and contemplating the Flower of Life’s form and used its mathematical properties in his art. Just by gazing at the symbol, or trying to count the circles will play tricks on your mind, and there is no wonder that people from ancient times to now are enamored with the Flower of Life.

The Seed of Life.

Within the Flower is the Seed

The Seed of Life is a symbol found within the Flower of Life, as well as many other symbols of great significance including Metatrons Cube. These shapes called polygons are defined by having sides of equal length. This includes the cube, tetrahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron, octahedron and they represent what Plato called the 5 platonic solids. These are visible within the flower of life when straight lines are drawn to connect the center of various circles within it. It is amazing to see all of this symmetry unfold in one succinct pattern which is created by math. Since many traditions believe that circles and curves represent the feminine, while corners and straight lines represent the masculine, this symbol also shows a divine balance of both.

Spirituality and Sacred Geometry

Higher frequencies of energy and awareness are transmitted through sacred geometry. Sacred geometry reveals that there are mathematical, or abstract patterns beneath everything that we see in the physical world. How might this relate to our own personal journey of integrating science and spirituality? Our internal beliefs create patterns that slowly ripple outward from us and manifest into real world experiences. The invisible informs the visible. Sacred geometry is a visualization and metaphor of the connectedness of all life, the interface between abstraction and physical reality. When we change the mathematical formulas, the relationships, we also change physical form. This is the teaching of many mystics.

The flux between asymmetry and symmetry is the process of growth and evolution. Just like a symphony or a film that uses tension to build for a great climax and resolve, we humans are always moving through this constant state of flux. Spend some time looking at these symmetrical patterns, as a means to strengthen your resonance with symmetry and balance. Maybe even attempt to plot-out and draw some of these patterns in your spare time, or color them in with markers… There is a reason that spiritual traditions have used these mathematical patterns for centuries, and by bringing them into your life you will be well on your way to a more balanced and happy life!

Check out all the examples where sacred geometry is found in nature.

H/T: UpliftConnect

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/10/2020 6:39:25 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday March 10, 2020

Galactic Free Press's picture

Dear Ones, the unfoldment is not just an external flow that is incredibly beneficial to surrender into because it offers the perfect pace to lead you to your next highest experience. It is also something that is happening within yourself. Your entire enlightenment journey is a glorious unfoldment that allows you a greater knowing of your true self, which can then create in empowered ways like never before. Embrace both the internal and external unfoldment as beautiful presents you are in the process of unwrapping that support each other as they lead you forward in these unprecedented times. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/10/2020 6:44:03 PM

GFP Newsletter - 3/9/2020

will's picture

Compose music, play on the guitar or on the flute, because it is easier to stir the heart of the people, to wake it up through music than through words. Dance, but dance in a new way so your dance becomes a teaching of meditation. Dance in such a way that the one who looks at you starts feeling that it is not only a dance but something more, something plus; so that he starts feeling the vibe of meditation that is happening inside you.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/10/2020 11:03:26 PM

Graceful Intention

Galactic Free Press's picture

Picture, if you will, the most beautiful movement you have ever seen. With it held firmly in imagination, apply it to your thoughts. The free-flowing movement of thought creates form and form becomes reality…all with graceful intention. ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/10/2020 11:44:00 PM

Marilyn Raffaele ~ The Arcturian Group: Letting Go of the Old

Marilyn Raffaele

Welcome all readers,

The time has arrived in which those who are ready are being guided to let go of all remaining concepts about how everything is or must to be in order to be correct and acceptable--all, not just the not so important ones. Good concepts are just as illusory as the bad ones, both must be seen through. No matter how comfortable or efficiently some concepts may of served you in the past, many can no longer do it because you have changed.

As individual consciousness evolves and begins to resonate with a higher frequency, much that resonated in the previous state of consciousness automatically shifts out of alignment. Many of you are discovering that favorite books, movies, friends, foods, even employment and much more that up to now have been satisfying facets of your life have suddenly begun to feel boring and empty, you no longer find satisfaction in them.

Allow the things that no longer resonate to fade away no matter how important they may have once seemed or may still be to those around you. This can take courage for usually these things-- events, beliefs, systems of functioning, and activities involve others--family traditions, business, church etc.

Letting go of that which no longer resonates with you need not be overt rejection which can easily slip into an ego exercise. Rather, simply, silently, and without fan-fare allow these things to gradually and gently fade out of your life without assigning power for good or bad to them. This does not mean you must no longer engage in an activities that once worked for you and may still be important to those around you, but rather engage if you choose but without attaching importance and necessity.

Ideas, projects, life issues more in alignment with your expanding consciousness will replace many of the things now fading away because everything you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell in the third dimension is a material concept of its underlying spiritual reality--you cannot make something out of nothing. Vehicles of transportation are actually Divine Omnipresence materially interpreted. A home is actually Consciousness. Therefore the Divine reality will always re-appear on new and higher levels if not blocked by false concepts and beliefs.

This is a process that does not take place over night. Never think you have failed if you find yourself in the midst of some physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual dilemma. Old and finished energy is flowing up and out for everyone--the un-awakened as well as the awakened. Allow it to flow out, addressing any accompanying issues as needed. Try not to claim these energies as being yours personally. They may seem to be, but can never really be for constitute the illusion having no law to maintain or sustain them. .

Stop fighting, struggling, or attempting to get things back to the way they once were whether through learned metaphysical techniques or through the three dimensional belief system.

Allow the I that you now know you are to express, trusting that IT can only express ITSelf as ITSelf which is and forever has been infinite wholeness completeness, harmony, abundance, safety, security etc.

God is and this is all you can ever know about God until God reveals ITself to you. It is an exercise in futility to believe one can know what God is with the human mind. A finite mind cannot and will never comprehend an infinite God regardless of how many articles, experts, or religious leaders expound about having done it. Up to the point where God reveals ITSelf to you, simply know thatGod is--period.

Spiritual evolution is the gradual process of moving though and beyond the accumulated layers of illusion that overlay personal and collective awareness. This all happened over a long period of time and through many lifetimes lived in third dimensional frequencies that created collective alignment with those energies rather than with the higher frequencies of Light left behind when incarnating.

Clearing is simply the dissolving of those energies still sustaining and maintaining the shadow appearances and is individual. You are quickly evolving to new states of awareness and the high frequency energy is why clearing has become intense for some at this time. It is like shining a bright light into a dark room where much that was not seen before is suddenly exposed.

Alignment with duality and separation caused each to accumulate and store in cellular memory intense experiences of both good and bad from each lifetime until at some point every individual begins seeking for "more". This is the meaning of the bible story that tells how Adam and Eve were forced out of Eden through their act of eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Some of you are suffering intense physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual discord at this time. Allow... Trust...You are learning to let go of the need to struggle for control over everything. The mind is confused. It is trying to help you through what it knows but is limited, offering solutions based in the collective belief system as well as in the metaphysical knowledge you accumulated through years of study leading up to this point. Metaphysical knowledge is an important part of the journey for most, but must never be considered the end point.

Let go of trying to figure everything out and then heal, change, or fix it. Nothing needs fixing or healing. Allow your real Divine Self to be your reality without feeling that you need not tell it how. This is an extremely difficult process for those who are used to being efficient, organized problem solvers. The temptation remains to take charge, jumping in with solutions based on what has been learned over the years.

As the Divine Feminine energy integrates on earth and begins to more fully express in the world as balanced male/female energy, the aggressive, active, be-er, do-er, traits of unbalanced masculine energy will recede. As the receptive, intuitive nature of the Divine feminine aligns with the masculine, life will be easier for those men and women who have always been compelled to jump in and take charge of every situation whether they are needed or not.

The time has come to stand back and allow the I of your being to function through, in and as you rather than constantly trying to control everything through eyes unable to see the whole picture. Like it or not, it is an energetically powerful time for everyone who has chosen ascension. You must accept that many of the old ways are simply no longer valid in the presence of increasing more higher states of consciousness.

Many continue with attempts to make something that is complete and finished (often relationships) work according to the world's concepts of how things must be in order to be correct, fulfilling, meaningful, or loving. These concepts are encouraged through your media, and a society that continues to embrace only third dimensional concepts based in duality and separation with regard to all issues of daily living.

At this time the world is experiencing a great deal of fear regarding the virus disease that has penetrated world consciousness. As the media continues its non stop promotion, it gives ever more reality and substance to the issue for you are creators. Do not fear and do not give it power and thus substance. As with all things that are not God ordained, maintained, or sustained, it will pass into the nothingness that it is, if allowed.

There never has been or could ever be death for you are spiritual consciousness and not physical bodies. When a person leaves their physical vehicle behind it is always with permission given on a deeper level. Stand back and allow, become a silent observer of unfolding consciousness rather than a participant in the illusions of sense. Even if your work lies in some area of world discord, you can still maintain a objective stance, helping, and serving for the highest good of all, but not aligning with appearances.

Living spiritually does not mean you can not see a doctor if you feel the need, nor does it mean you stand back and simply ignore the fear and suffering of yourself or those around you in an attempt to live the absolute. Rather than pretending to a state of consciousness not yet attained, hold truth while lovingly ministering to self and others in the ways you are guided to which may simply be to do nothing but hold the Light.

It is a new time, new ways, new ideas, and change and to be a part of it you must allow and move with it. It is why you are on earth at this time. Align with and hold Light for Gaia as well, for she is a living soul and not an inanimate piece of dirt. She needs your love and support as she too is clearing old energy.

Let the past go. Let the present go. Let it all go and move into allowing. You are ready.

We are the Arcturian Group 3/8/20

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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