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2/29/2020 9:19:02 PM

ALL The Choices

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When you were young, did you ever think that you would be where you are now, doing what you are doing and being the person you are now? An infinite number of choices and personal decisions brought you to where you are in this moment. Just think about that for a moment…(smiling)…extraordinary, yes? Now, imagine all the decisions of a lifetime condensed into a few short weeks. Just think of all the things you could accomplish!

The newest incoming wave of energy from The Universe will be giving you that opportunity! So, what would you like to do dearest child? Watch it pass you by or jump in and get to work? Regardless of what you choose, know that you are loved, protected and cherished. ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/29/2020 11:21:21 PM

Thursday, February 27, 2020
Portals of Light -The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie


Becoming Portals of Light

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Your desire creates the perceptions that represent that which you wish to perceive.First become ONE with your Higher SELF
Then become ONE with your Planetary SELF

In other words, first you will need to merge with the great potential that is within you.
Then you can more fully merge with the planetary potential around you.
In this manner, YOU will become a “Portal of Ascension.”

When you recognize that YOU can serve as a Portal of Ascension, your perception of SELF and your perception of the world around you will change.

Dear Arcturians
Do you have a message that I can share today?

Yes, today, and every day, we, your Galactic Family, have a message for each and every one of our brave grounded ones. These Grounded Ones took on an earth vessel during this NOW of great planetary challenge.

We, your Galactic Family, wish to remind all of you Brave Ones who have chosen to take an earth vessel during this NOW, that we wish to remind you that you are NOT alone. We, the members of your Galactic Family, such as the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Antarians, the Venusians, as well as other Galactic Families that are also assisting dear Gaia.

We say, “Gaia,” rather than "Earth" because all the Galactic Members call the planet on which you are currently living “Gaia.” We, the joint members of your Galactic Family, are aware of the many challenges that are now occurring to your selves, as well as to your planet.

Part of the reason for these challenges is that there are those in positions of power that are not evolved enough to realize that Planet Earth is a Living Being, with all the needs and protections that the humans need.

There have been times in Gaia’s history in which Gaia’s Earth was honored and even worshiped by those who live on Her Planetary Self. Unfortunately, there has also been eras in which there were wars with persons against persons that caused great damage to Gaia and all Her Elementals.

Unfortunately, many humans do not even know what an Elemental is, therefore we will remind you. We say “remind you,” as we, your Galactic Family, remember the true Multidimensional Being that is you innate SELF.

Within your innate Multidimensional Being you are able to communicate and commune with all the myriad humans, animals, birds, fish, insects, as well as all the trees, mountains, valleys, and even the air and the atmosphere.

What if more and more members of the human family began to remember that they, humans, are as much a component of Gaia’s Earth as every component of Gaia’s great body called Earth.

Of course, we Arcturians, as well as all the Galactics, call the planet known as “Earth” by many humans, Gaia. Gaia is the higher dimensional name for what the third dimensionals call Earth. The “Lost Ones” wearing an earth vessel have long ago forgotten that the planet on which they live is, in fact, a living being.

When we, the Arcturians, say “Lost Ones,” we refer to the many brave ones who left their own fifth dimensional Home worlds, such as the Arcturians, The Pleiadians, The Antarians, and The Venusians to assist their sister planet Gaia with the great challenge that she is facing within this now.

It appears that the too many humans on Gaia’s Earth have forgotten that Gaia is a living being, just as all the other planets, as well as all the beings, plants, waterways and atmosphere of Gaia’s Earth Body.

Yes, just as humans are the essence that is wearing their human form, Gaia is the is essence that is wearing a Planetary Form. The “primitive” humans were well aware of the fact that ALL life was ALIVE. However, as humans evolved, which in many ways they actually devolved, they lost contact with their own “Higher Dimensional Expressions of SELF.”

“How can one loose contact with their own self?” we hear you ask us. We, the Arcturians, have also been puzzled and greatly distraught about how did our brave fifth dimensional ones loose their Multidimensional Essence once they took on a third dimensional form on a third dimensional planet?

We, your Galactic Family, have tried to understand how this “loss of SELF” became so common once one of our Galactic Family Members lowered their essence and form into the third dimensional frequency of reality.

Worse yet, because there are too many humans, and too many leaders, who have forgotten their own Higher Dimensional Self, they cannot effectively confront and deal with the MANY harsh challenges that Gaia, as well as all the living beings on Her Earth Body, are facing within this NOW on Earth,

We say “Earth” here rather than Gaia, as Gaia is the Essence of Earth. Just as humans have higher dimensional potentials within their aura, Earth also has man higher dimensional potentials within Her aura.

Unfortunately, the “lost humans” (meaning the humans who have lost their connection to their own higher dimensional SELF) are unable to even realize and confront the great challenges that need to be confronted in order to assist their dear planetary mother Gaia to transmute the Her Planetary Body into the Fifth Dimension.

Please remember that “the darkest night is before the dawn,” and Gaia, as well as the many living beings that She offers as a Homeworld, are preparing to transmute into the frequency of the fifth dimension of HERE and NOW!

The “here and now” of the fifth dimension can be difficult to adapt to as your current 3D human expression has grown accustomed the TIME and SPACE of the third dimension, as well as the polarities of “good” and “bad.”

First become ONE with your Higher SELF
Then become ONE with your Planetary SELF

Aligning thoughts and emotions to create thought forms
To create a thought form of slow, but steady transmutation of your earth vessel

As your consciousness begins to maintain a steady connection to the higher frequencies
Your body begins to shift in an attempt to stay in alignment with you thought form

If your thoughts and emotions are not in alignment with each other,
Your body becomes confused and is unable to create a steady frequency rate
Watch for thoughts of limitation or loneliness, as they lower your frequency
Allow memories of true SELF to arise and send the LOVE

Expansion of higher dimensional perceptions
Recalibrate you higher and higher frequencies of your thought form of ascension

Remembering your other incarnations on Earth
To assist you to remember your Mission and special gifts

Remembering past ascension experiences
Thoughts and emotions in alignment with your Mission
You are the same YOU in every incarnation

Align with this latent energy field within your core
Align your own core with the core of Gaia
Feel the safety and comfort of Gaia’s Core

Align your personal transmutation with planetary transmutation
Entraining your consciousness with unconditional love
And unselfish thoughts of serving Gaia and all Her inhabitants

Transmutation begins on an elemental level
Alignment of body elements with 5D Elementals
Gnomes (earth), Sylphs (air), Salamanders (fire) and Undines (water)
Use every inhale and exhale to intermingle personal and planetary elementals

Inter-dimensional Travel
You do not go out or up, you go in and through
In the fifth dimension and beyond there are NO polarities
No “others” in 5D
First “landing pad” is fifth-dimensional expression of your own MD SELF

Fifth Dimensional Form
Wearing a form if you choose
There is no fifth dimensional concept of “others”
Everyone is an expression of the same Oness.

Creating Your Perception
3D tree—4D tree—5D tree
Merge your consciousness with experience of being besides a tree.
Allow your perceptions to follow the dictates of you imagination
Perceive what your imagination is creating, to create what you wish to perceive

Perception IS Creation
You perceive what you want to create and create what you want to perceive
Your desire creates the perceptions that represent that which you wish to perceive.
Your state of consciousness, which dictates your frequency of reality

All realities travel in a circular path of creation/perception ~ perception/creation.
Separation is a 3D illusion
NO communications of separate words in sequential order in 5D and beyond.
ALL is within the NOW of the ONE.

All that you could desire, perceive, create or communicate
IS within that NOW with which you are ONE!

Sue Lie

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/29/2020 11:47:12 PM

The Quantum Awakening

By Gilliam MacBeth.Louthan

February 2020

Lately we All feel prepped like soldiers waiting instructions. Not understanding why we are on edge, but everything around us says ‘be aware’ something does not feel right. Our bodies experience unusual phenomena not understood by medicine. Our hearts beat different as if we have two or three. Our emotional bodies encircle us like binary moons looking to land. We as a planet all cycle together.

We move forward with caution as if we are walking in shifting quicksand or an abandoned minefield, knowing at any minute the paradigm can change and we could be flapping on the outskirts of emerald city. We look to nature for understanding and insight but she looks back at us, just as confused. The rules have changed for all of us. Like Neanderthal man finding an I-phone, we bang our heads trying to figure out what to do next.

Most days it is best not to try to force an outcome, like a wizard of old trying to make an x-wife obey, it’s just futile. We look out our car windows, our home windows, and the windows of our souls, seeking a sign that will hold up in the upcoming shifts. Like driving thru a dust storm, all you can do is pull over, until it passes. Many are parked along side of their lives waiting for the one event that will change their existence, setting them free to walk the good red road.

Everything is lined up like a big bad-ass opponent during a homecoming game. We go face to face with what pushes our buttons in all forms. Can we make it go away until another day, maybe…. However, do you want to do that? Life is getting thicker and stickier to the touch. Wherever you go you have a piece of that left on/in your energy field (no matter how much you deny it). You can scrub till you are red in the face but it will stay adhered like crazy glue until you stop trying to get rid of it.

Imagine a past life review/ complete with out-takes/ before you get to the pearly gates of heaven. A visual time-out for good behavior allowing you to get all of your molecules going in the right direction. A last chance resort allowing you to be the person you have always wanted to be. A chance to rewrite what is written in disappearing ink within the ciphers of your soul.

The energies that come this spring will give you that opportunity. To see yourself as you have always known yourself to be deep in your heart, a good person with a good soul and good intent. If you are on earth you are a highly evolved being that has taken form in a reincarnational cycle to fit the learning’s you have chosen this life. It is a role you play, that you wrote and are directing now.

If you chose to change roles, you as the director producer and actor of your drama (or melodrama however you wrote it) can do just that. It starts with one thought and intention. However be aware that switching one role for another is not always a better choice or an easier choice, the grass is not always greener under the septic tank. All choices come with their own set of rules and agendas. There are no vanilla boxes in these multidimensional choices. All serve the highest good of the individual. No exceptions.

Embrace who you are right now, all of you and all of your choices from time immortal, stop searching for perfection in some far off land when those sandy shores of Paradise are reflected in your own heart and soul. At any given time in any given life you did the best you could in the circumstances, stop penalizing yourself for a game that was played 100"s of years ago. You were created to be a winner, this species was created to be a winner, hold onto that and be free!

From The Quantum Awakening & Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

produced by Julie Coningham

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/1/2020 12:04:19 AM

Ushering in a New Era for Humanity ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

ushering in a new era for humanity - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been able to assist you with the evolution of your consciousness to a certain extent, but we would never take the credit for what you have done with what we have given you. You are the ones who are living the challenging lives that you are. You are the ones facing your financial, health, and relationship issues, and you are the ones who use all that you are given to raise the level of your consciousness to new heights. You are the ones to thank for the progress that is being made in the human collective consciousness, and we know that.

We know the role that you are playing as the awakened ones, and we know that many of you have taken on more than your fair share of the energetic and emotional burden. You are doing clearing work for your genetic line. You are doing clearing work for the area where you live. You are doing clearing work for your past life selves, and you are also the ones who have the ability to handle the karma and trauma from your galactic histories. Therefore, we invite you to celebrate each other. We invite you to see your humans as the heroes for having taken on so much.

Every time you see a person carrying a heavy burden, know that the person is a master. They would have to be in order to create something that would be so hard on them emotionally, physically, psychologically, and energetically. Offering your healing, your love, and your compassion to your fellow humans is much more appropriate than looking at us and the other beings who are helping in the higher realms as the heroes of human struggle.

We can feel into how hard it is there, and that is just one of the reasons why we support you so much in what you are doing. We want you to know that the path ahead for humanity is going to get easier, and that includes your individual paths as well. We will always encourage you to lighten your loads as much as you can because you have already done so much, and it is time to reap the rewards for all of the positive creating you have done for yourselves and for the rest of humanity. This is the time.

This is the ushering in of a new era for all of humanity, and it is the perfect time for you to be letting go of those heavy, burdensome weights that you’ve been carrying around. Now is the time for forgiveness, for compassion, and for surrender, and we know that those of you who are awake have learned enough about life there on Earth to recognize that the time for struggle is over and the time for letting go is upon you. There is nothing left to do. There is nothing left to accomplish, and there is everything to be gained by hanging in there a little longer and letting in all that you have summoned for the good of yourselves and all of humanity.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/1/2020 8:24:43 PM

GFP Newsletter - 2/29/2020

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Contemporary mind is a contradiction in terms. Mind is never contemporary, it is always old. Mind is past -- past and past and nothing else; mind means memory. There can be no contemporary mind; to be contemporary is to be without mind.

If you are herenow, then you are contemporary with me. But then, don't you see, your mind disappears; no thought moves, no desire arises: you become disconnected with the past and disconnected with the future.

Mind is never original, cannot be. No-mind is original, fresh, young; mind is always old, rotten, stale.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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