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2/18/2020 7:23:40 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday February 18, 2020

Galactic Free Press's picture

When you think you already know everything you need to know, you automatically put constraints upon what can be created or experienced. It is rejecting the discovery of new possibilities and potentials. Please know you are designed to be in a constant state of evolution, an unfoldment that is continually expanding into the new. This is where your strength is!

Each level of attainment is simply a new platform for the next discovery to be made from. You may temporarily stay in an energy to integrate and acclimatize, much like mountain climbers will make camp to to give their bodies a chance to assimilate to the conditions before they continue their journey. That is part of the forward movement of the flow, the ebb phase and the action phase. Both are designed to help you move forward with the supports you need.

But choosing to stay in one place because of a resistance to expand will always result in discomfort because the energy will expire before long. So flow, Dear Ones! Grow. Understand there is a continual unwrapping of your life that is available to you, much like a present that keeps giving, that is there for your delight and exploration. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/18/2020 9:27:09 PM

Your Birthright!

Galactic Free Press's picture

It is time to sit down and have a conversation with The Universe. Some of you have not spoken for quite some time and, with the upcoming changes, it is a very good idea to be on the same page.

What would you like to see more (or less of) in your life?

What do you need?

What do you want?

How are you planning on moving forward?

There are some very strong arguments on destiny, fate and coincidence but, you know that true action on your part will help build a world in which you feel comfortable living. Step up and embrace co-creation, it is your birthright! ~ Creator

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/19/2020 12:15:56 AM


Master Hilarion

Beloved Ones,

Duality in all its aspects is now playing out before your eyes. There is a greater picture of what is at stake here. It is a battle between the Light and the dark, it is the age old battle that is now coming to completion. Those who follow an agenda that is not for the highest good of all are taking their last stand and they are being revealed in all their tactics and every step that they take to try to regain control.

Those who follow our messages and those who have the eyes to see have been filled with sadness by the polarity energies that are being expressed by those who purport to carry the Light. We ask you to remember our words to have tolerance, patience and the understanding that these times that are now manifesting upon your world are a necessary part of the cleansing and purging that is occurring in the higher picture of the events upon your planet and within human systems and society’s structures.

It is not as dire as it seems, it merely requires acceptance, the noting of the energies that are at work and a re-centering within self. All is perfect, Dear Ones, please remember this and hold steady your Light. The sky is not falling - the world continues to spin and continues on its journey. Know that adjustments are taking place within each human person who has been expressing great angst very stridently. This too, shall pass, and life will continue.

These times that you are now observing and experiencing, are awakening times, to allow each individual to consciously choose love; the way of love, higher energy and unity consciousness. This is a necessary and desirable quality to embody in a spiritually mature individual who can accept that all they are experiencing is in a state of flux and that they have chosen sides, if you will, of where they wish to focus their energy.

If you become overwhelmed by all that you are experiencing in social media and the news media reports each day, then know that it is time for you to re-center and ground yourself back to the reality of your own consciousness and that for which you have been standing. You will understand that there is nothing that you need to change, that you need to do. It is what it is, let the energies play out and you will see great transformation begin to take place upon your planet.

The shift has begun in earnest, being made manifest in the world around you and it is about time! Each individual has the right to express and act on their own inner convictions of what they feel is the right thing to do and it behooves everyone to begin to respect each other no matter what the diversity of their opinions and convictions are. Everyone has the right of free will choice because you live on a free will planet and that is what it means to live on a free will planet!

It is the right of each individual to access their internal sovereignty and use their Divine wisdom and knowledge to make free will choices in that which they feel is the right and good thing to do. Because opinions differ does not mean that those you oppose are less than you - all it means is that they walk to a different beat, all that means is that they have taken the time to go within and choose that which they believe is the right choice to make.

These current times are all about choosing to follow your own star, to walk in joy, to do those things that bring you joy, that bring you happiness. It is not required that you need the outer world to dictate to you what can bring that joy to you, it is all within you and it has always been within you - for that is where the Divine lives – within you! That which you think about, act upon and speak is affecting the collective consciousness so those who choose peace, those who choose to follow their own authentic self - do not become swayed by those who would try to demean you because you do not have the same perspective on what is occurring upon your planet at this time.

Know that you are listening to your own hearts counsel and this is always good. We say to you, Beloved Ones, this too, shall pass. It is the nature of the affairs of the world to continue on, it is the nature of humanity to adapt, adjust and accept. Soon there will be a new perspective, a greater and deeper comprehension and understanding of all that is occurring during these times. Have patience; express your kindness and goodwill to each other. Nothing has changed in regards to the goodness within people, nothing is different. All are equal and always have been equal - there is no division in unity consciousness.

We ask you to continue to stand in your Light, to observe and reflect your inner Light, your inner goodness, the peace and goodwill that you hold towards everyone. This is what you then add to the collective consciousness in peace, tranquility and serenity; this is the energy that YOU add to the collective consciousness and this is what is most important during these changing times. Watch, observe and learn, there is much that is unfolding that is amazing and miraculous, look for those, Dear Ones!

I AM Hilarion.

©Marlene Swetlishoff.

All rights reserved to the author/scribe. Copying, translating and sharing of this material is not permitted. The making of videos in any language is not permitted. This article is for the reading enjoyment of those who come to this website:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/19/2020 12:37:03 AM


This image of Melchizedek was commissioned by ©Marlene Swetlishoff through ©PsychicArtbyJanine. All rights reserved.

Beloved Ones,

I come on the wings of love! I wish to have discourse in this moment ofNOW about the unseen influences that are bombarding your planet and because it is all on the energetic levels, the masses of humanity upon your planet are not aware of the greatness of the changes and the most sublime of opportunities that are available to those who are discerning at this time. The personal experiences within each lifestream at this juncture are reflecting the higher Light that is streaming and spiraling in the atmosphere around you. As many of you have noticed, what you are experiencing in your personal lives is a microcosm of the bigger perspective of the evolvement of your planet into higher realms of consciousness.

The Earth is cleansing the density that has entombed her and her inhabitants for too long. There will continue to be much cleansing and many changes taking place as she strives to shake off the lower densities in ways that will do the least damage to her beloved inhabitants. It is important at this time to remain centered in your heart and to practice feeling the pulsations of your higher heart, emitting your Light out into the world. The daily anchoring of your Light and the cosmic love energies that flow through you into the crystalline core of the Earth helps in maintaining as much stability as can be managed and still effect the transformation that is needed during these times.

Your efforts are much appreciated by dear Mother Earth, as it is her inhabitants who must set the intentions to create positive loving changes in order to transcend the old paradigms that are now beginning to crumble. Those who have been doing this work for a long time know that all that came before is in the process of transmutation and even those systems that were relied upon before as stable are being changed by the new energies coming in. Be prepared to be of service by adding your Light and your love to any situations or events that come up as this process of growth, expansion and progress continues to unfold.

Those who are led to these messages are those who have been employed in the service of the Divine Plan in ways that assist in keeping Divine Order as the energies of seeming chaos do their work in these times. Viewed from the higher perspective, these times show that there is not one facet of life upon your planet that is not in some way undergoing deep changes that will affect the next generations of humanity in a new and more meaningful way. All of your efforts to maintain calm in creating greater stability for the higher energies as they flow into the atmosphere around your planet are assisting in this task. These energies need to be assimilated by the Earth and all her inhabitants so that the physical transformations can take place as required.

Many celestial events are occurring that humanity as a whole is not aware of and these will continue to take place even as the stretching and reaching to higher levels of understanding continues to expand upon your world. Many occurrences that defy explanation in both your personal and planetary constructs will continue to take place. These will help humanity to make the shift in their awareness to the realization that something BIG is looming before them and that they are required to awaken and take notice of the events and changes that are taking place. There will be a movement forward in the consciousness of humanity to seek greater levels of understanding in order to comprehend their part in this drama that is unfolding and what is required for them to make the transition from the lower densities to higher levels of thought and practical applications of these new ideas.

These times require clarity of thought, purpose and the will and intention to continue to follow through on your determination to BE the change that occurs upon your world. Stay focused, Beloved Ones, and keep on keeping on!

I AM Melchizedek

©Marlene Swetlishoff.

All rights reserved to the author/scribe and Copying and/or translating of this article is not permitted. The making of videos in any language is not permitted. This article is for the reading enjoyment of those who come to this website:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/19/2020 12:56:21 AM

Delivering Everything You Need in Every Moment ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

delivering everything you need in every moment - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have an efficiency with what we bring through this channel here. We are able to deliver to you so much more than the economy of words that are spoken. There is a need, always, to engage with your minds, but we are reaching out to you and energetically depositing much more into your fields, as you give your attention to what you are receiving. This is a dynamic process, as many of you have noted. We know what you are asking for, and we also know what your higher selves want you to hear. But no matter how you feel about what is being delivered, and what you are able to perceive, you are getting so much more on the energetic level than your minds could possibly imagine.

Now, this is true not only of The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council and the messages we deliver through this channel. This is also true as it relates to your environment. Everything that is in your life, and not in your life, was carefully selected to give you the greatest possibility of growth and evolution. Every detail of what you are experiencing right now is significant in some way. So you, as your higher self, are delivering to your ego exactly what you need, and sometimes even holding back something that you want, in order to get you to go further with your spiritual evolution.

Now, this can be very frustrating for those of you who have been wanting for years, or even decades, but we want to assure that every time you desire something, you are summoning the energy to create it. It does then become available to you, and in that moment of letting go and letting it in, you experience the opposite of all of the angst and all of the yearning that you have experienced over the time you have spent desiring that thing, that experience, or that person to come into your life.

We invite you to accept the idea that there is so much more that you could be receiving by thinking less and feeling more. We invite you to shut off those fast-moving minds of yours and to get into your bodies and your feelings. Stretch your consciousness out right now, and feel what is available to you. We guarantee you that you will not be disappointed. We know that there is much more for you, as you continue to learn how to receive, and we invite you to start by exploring what else you might be receiving as you read, listen to, or watch this channeling.

We do absolutely know what you are asking for, and we are doing our best, working with your guides and your higher selves, to deliver to you what you have asked for and what you need to continue on in this journey that you are on to becoming your higher self and experiencing the fifth dimension.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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