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2/16/2020 2:30:15 AM

How to Process Your Powerful Emotions ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

how to process your powerful emotions - the 9th dimensinoal arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very familiar with the ways in which you all have been processing your emotions, and we want to encourage you to do more of that processing that involves you letting go what has triggered the emotional response. We know that the injustice, or the unwanted circumstances that you created all by yourself, are very tempting to focus upon. It is very easy to look around at your life and the lives of others who are less fortunate than you and to get fixated on the problem, as defined by you. It is very easy to then slip into the idea that you are there to do something about those circumstances that have your stomach tied up in knots.

But we want you to understand that what triggers you is far less significant than the feelings that come up from that event or circumstance that has gotten you to access that emotion. When people talk about letting go, oftentimes that can be a bit ambiguous. What are you supposed to be letting go of? Well, from our perspective, it serves you tremendously to let go of the reason for what you’re feeling and to focus in on the vibration of that feeling.

If you allow yourself to feel fully what is happening in one or more of your chakras as a result of an experience, or even a triggered memory, you can get through the processing of that emotion a lot faster. Now, it is still recommended that you talk about what you have been going through. It is perfectly fine to tell others about the circumstances, events, or memories that have you accessing your negative emotions, but that is where too many humans stop the process.

You call it venting, but you really do need to go deeper than describing the details of the injustice that you have experienced. The feeling is the significant aspect of being human. It’s what makes you such a unique race of beings. The fact that you feel so much and so deeply is your strength, but you have to be willing to go there. You have to be willing to feel those emotions in order to access the power of your emotionality. We recommend that you pay closer attention to these powerful emotions that you feel so that you can get through the heavy and darker ones and get to the lighter and more joyous ones as quickly as possible.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/daniel scranton

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/16/2020 6:37:39 PM

GFP Newsletter - 2/15/2020

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If the dream is there, one thing is absolutely certain: the dreamer is there. If the doubt is there, then one thing is absolutely certain: the doubter is there.

This is the foundation of all religions: "I am." It need not be believed -- there is no question of belief, it is a simple fact. Close your eyes and try to deny it. You cannot deny it, because in the very denial you will be proving it.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/16/2020 6:45:48 PM

Daily Message ~ Sunday February 16, 2020

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How can you create more space for you in your life? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/16/2020 11:41:40 PM

Look How Far!

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You may find that, as you learn and grow, your wants, needs and desires have changed. What once was the epitome of your existence is now just a footnote in your past. Allow yourself a few moments to see how far you have come…and know it is all because of how diligently you have worked. You are amazing! ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/17/2020 12:35:40 AM

The Splitting of Two Worlds

by Teri Wade / February 11 at 18:11

Human consent...

Remember, human consent is manufactured through deceptive forms of mass manipulation and for all you that have been following me for a while you know this is a topic that is very important to understand. We need to be very aware with the consent we give away because it greatly influences our culture.

We need to be very aware of the manipulation of mind control that purposely manipulates mankind out of their informed consent. Basically, humanity has been tricked in ways that are way out of our perception of understanding. Mainstream media and their psychological operations and propaganda are used to manipulate the uninformed public to support ideas and agendas that only benefit the controller's of this offworld alien anti-human agenda. I call these people sleepers and they're oblivious to the manipulation.

When humanity better understands what we are truly participating in we can then make informed decisions. Like I've said many times this anti-human agenda has manipulated humanity for thousands of years only because they've stayed hidden along with their destructive agenda. We are in the time of the apocalypse which means the unveiling, the revealing which means their reign is over.

This global agenda illegally, by force takes control of informed consent of the human public using psychological operations and it is currently escalating in more aggressive ways. When a person gives away their personal consent to a social structure, belief or another person it compromises them and ultimately takes away their ability to self govern. Worship of anything or anybody does not have your best interest in mind. No one who has your best interest in mind wants you're blind obedience. Worships purpose is to diminish all self connection to Source.

Never giving authority over oneself is why you're in this world, but not of this world. Our multi-dimensional consciousness exists outside of time and when we connect to that higher consciousness we are way beyond the control Matrix of this 3D realm. Connecting to Source, our higher self should be our highest priority to retain power over our personal sovereignty. This action is extremely important while deflecting the constant bombardment of 3D mind control tactics designed to manipulate our consent.

Currently the Earth and its inhabitants are being subjected to hidden and quite obvious mind control technologies used to increase humanity's cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is engineered and designed to ultimately manipulate our consciousness to accept this anti-human death culture and accept world slavery and parasitism.

It's quite sad what has happened to our species meaning most people on Earth would never give their consent away to be slaves or to be used for energy, so they are mind controlled to stay in denial, survival mode or escapism to avoid seeing this painful truth. It's time to wake up! People that are highly suggestible, that have weakened minds are easily programmed and it directly impacts their unconscious thought process. It eliminates critical thinking and common sense.

I'm not going to make this post too political but we are currently seeing the splitting of two worlds. One group is fighting like hell to stay in the status quo, they're fighting to stay stagnant because they fear change. I call them the resistors. We have another group that is being pushed meaning this group is accepting this higher vibrational bombardment which will no doubt bring about change there is no other option. The chaos we are currently experiencing in this lower realm is the resistance to this higher frequency. Remember, any species that remains stagnant will no longer continue to exist.

Many of you have asked yourself... Why would humanity endorse this death culture when its ultimate purpose is to enslave and kill the human race? Well, this is cognitive dissonance in action, the deliberate ignoring and denial of the war over our consciousness in order to avoid conflicting thoughts. Basically, these people are ruled by fear. They refuse to acknowledge what is in plain sight, right in front of their faces because they are clinging to denial which is generated by fear.

Cognitive dissonance is that uncomfortable tension that exists when holding two conflicting thoughts in the mind at the same time. It's an inconsistency in our thinking. Many people give their consent away through Cognitive dissonance because they don't understand their spiritual self so their consent is given away through confusion they have with conflicting belief systems.

When we believe manipulated lies as truth we give up critical thinking, common sense and intuition that helps us make informed decisions. Example: We are greatly manipulated by the Center for Disease Control (CDC.) We think this organization is the medical authority given to us to preserve public health while recommending our children be injected with 69 harmful doses while putting our common sense and intuition on the back burner. This is a dangerous example of Cognitive dissonance.

We need to ask ourselves do we believe the CDC demonstrates ethical conduct and is sincerely concerned about public health or are they just a corporate shill? Are they just profiting from the billions made by big pharma serving the negative alien agenda? There will be a portion of humanity that will never wake up to this. They will cling to their belief systems till the day they die no matter how much information is put in front of them and they will deal with those consequences no doubt about it. Hence, the splitting of two worlds..

Teri Wade

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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