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2/13/2020 11:52:12 PM


Opening to 5D Love

There is perhaps no feeling quite like that of suddenly experiencing your heart bursting open to a Love that fills your entire being and streams out to everyone and everything around you. Your chest feels warm and expanded, pulsating with vibrant energy. And all mind chatter ceases, as you continue experiencing this extraordinary transformation of your being.

If you’ve ever had this experience, you have likely found that the energy rushing through you is so great, tears fill your eyes. You may even dissolve into sobs of joy and gratitude.

Such an experience can be so intense, you can feel as if you are made of nothing but Love. It doesn’t matter for whom you feel the Love; it’s the Love itself pouring through you that fills you with joy and exhilaration. And you experience the immense power of this Love; you recognize it as perhaps the most powerful force in the universe.

Spiritual Love vs. Emotional Love

It can sometimes be confusing that this kind of transcendent Love emanates from the same heart in which very harsh and painful emotions can also exist. How can this be?

We all actually have two energetic aspects of ourselves that have been called the “heart”. The first is our emotional heart, the one most people recognize. It’s the one that can experience emotional love, but also can feel all emotions, including those of a lower vibration, such as hatred, fear, jealousy, and grief. This heart, of course, is the one that needs healing.

The other heart – the one we could call the Sacred Heart, the Spiritual Heart, or the Higher Heart – is actually a center within your being that has little to do with dark emotions.

Located just above your emotional heart, it is a complex configuration of higher energies and is where you experience spiritual Love, one of the primary qualities of your Soul. It has been called the “portal” to the Soul; and, once you become aware of it, it can indeed feel like a doorway to this higher aspect of yourself.

Emotional Love

However, the kind of Love you experience in your Sacred Heart is not the ordinary kind of love that most people living in 3D consciousness know about. In the Third Dimension, love has many different meanings for people.

But it is probably safe to say that the word refers to an emotion that generally feels really good; yet, depending on how emotionally and spiritually mature a person is, it is often mixed and confused with a sense of need, emotional desire, and/or lust.

It is also an emotion that is conditional; at times, it can even switch instantly into hatred. The experience of being “in love” is especially fraught with sensations of desire, need and lust, and usually with a hope of finally feeling loved and desired.

Spiritual Love

Spiritual Love is quite different. Even aside from intense heart-opening experiences as described above, spiritual Love doesn’t much resemble the feeling of an emotion. Although a powerful emotional element can accompany it, spiritual Love actually is not an emotion; it is a quality of the Soul that naturally appears as an expression of this higher aspect of you. As such, it is totally unconditional in its expression.

When you experience spiritual Love toward a person, it simply is. There is nothing the person can do or say that will ever change it, because you are relating to them as a Soul, rather than as a personality.

You may not choose to allow them to express certain behaviors toward you, or even wish to spend time with them; but, no matter what they may do, you continue to love them, just as they are. You understand that, like everyone, they are doing their very best with how spiritually or psychologically awake they happen to be.

In the Fifth Dimension, this is the kind of Love you will be experiencing toward everyone and every living creature. This 5D Love will be natural, with no conditions. No matter what is occurring, compassion, understanding and empathy will be present.

Accessing your Sacred Heart

Experiencing spiritual Love in your Sacred Heart is an important step in preparing you to enter the Fifth Dimension. But, if you’re feeling closed down and separate, it can sometimes be very difficult to experience it.

In order to fully enter your Sacred Heart and experience the profound Love residing there, it is generally necessary to first pass through your emotional heart. But to do so, this heart needs to be free of low-dimensional energies. Your emotional heart cannot be closed and full of fear or anger, as these emotions will block you in trying to enter your Sacred Heart.

So, if you are experiencing heavy emotions, it’s important to first learn how to open your emotional heart to love. This can be challenging, as it can be painful to fully meet scary emotions that create so much suffering. You feel a natural resistance, a fear of getting overwhelmed by them. You just want them gone.

Healing Your Emotional Heart

To heal your emotional heart of heavy emotions such as grief, sorrow, and hurt, you must be open to allowing them to rise to the surface in your awareness and meet them with compassion.

Before attempting to immediately release or change them, you need to be willing to fully experience them and accept them without judgment. In essence, your heart first needs to break, before it can fully mend and heal.

You may have noticed at times that when a sensation of deep love begins to fill you for someone, you initially experience a sense of your heart painfully breaking. Before you begin feeling the love, you surprisingly feel overwhelming grief or sorrow arising. For this reason, you might immediately want to close down, not realizing this is a preliminary step for you to experience the opening of your emotional heart.

At the same time, when you do feel deep grief arising, it’s important to not fall into the third-dimensional tendency of feeling self-pity. Instead, you can choose to just consciously allow the sensation of heartbreak and be with yourself compassionately, as waves of sorrow pass through you.

In doing this, you will discover that, right behind this sorrow, is the Love you have so desperately longed for, along with an enormous sense of relief and gratitude. You realize that the Love that Source has for you has always been there; you’ve just somehow blocked it. And you become aware of the pain you have caused yourself in holding back your own Love for yourself. As the painful energy that has been locked up in your emotional heart is released, you may find yourself alternately crying and laughing.

With this release can then come a profound opening into the Sacred Heart and a sense of spiritual ecstasy that is part of your spiritual nature. And, with the discharge of negative energy from your emotional heart, you will find that your Soul can then enter more fully into your body and be experienced.

Breathing the Pain Out

Facing and releasing pain from your emotional heart can be an intense process. If it feels too difficult to do alone, it may be helpful to seek professional help with this. However, there are simple techniques you can try on your own that can help you to gently release painful emotions.

One of those is a type of meditation that involves the breath. You begin by taking some continuous deep breaths, in and out, from your emotional heart. With each in-breath, draw in divine Love from Source; with each out-breath, breathe out the heavy emotions. Or, you can breathe in the Love and then visualize it circling back around and re-entering your heart.

This practice can greatly loosen and release heavy emotions. At some point, you can feel into your Sacred Heart and experience there the warmth of the abiding Love that has begun flowing into your entire being.

However you manage to clear heavy energies from your emotional heart, you will find you again have access to the profound mysteries of your Sacred Heart. If you maintain a conscious focus on this Heart, you begin to naturally radiate Love wherever you go, and eventually you experience yourself as Love, itself. And, with this consciousness, you become a healing Presence to all around you and to the world.

/Vidya Frazer/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/14/2020 12:24:26 AM


Greetings. It is I, Uriel! As I have mentioned the last we met as a collective, these are very auspicious times that you are creating for yourself and for your students. Many things have occurred. Many doors have been opened in your conscious awareness and in your ability to create, maintain and use the Living Light of Source of which you are a part.

As these energies begin to integrate and be set in place and used more often, many anomalies are replaced. Some of them conscious; some of them unconscious. But make no mistake, life as you know it is changing dramatically. It is important that these Light frequencies are set properly so the foundation is created. The various components of the color radiations that we have discussed in the last few weeks can be utilized, as well as the Light frequencies and sound, to create changes within the physical as well as the non-physical. And at a Soul level. It is at this Soul level that we are now placing our attention.

As Master Kuthumi has so adeptly spoken of, what has been put into play now is the merging of the Soul with that aspect of Prime Creator that some call ‘Spirit’. Just as we have worked on the mental and emotional body, this portion requires some attention and some conscious awareness.

When one embodies in a physical body you are limited in your ability to access various dimensional levels of consciousness. Your Soul is also limited in its ability to be aware of the presence of the Prime Creator and the energetic components of that from which you and the Soul were created. Within that complexity there is an energetic template that was separated or fragmented at the time of the Fall of Consciousness. The complete Soul essence was not available. That Soul/Spirit merging was divided.

By bringing in the energetic components you have, you bring in part of the complexity of the Godhead or Prime Creator. They hold specific configurations that reflect that essence to the Soul, allowing the Soul to awaken to a different state of consciousness and an awareness of a more complex, multidimensional aspect of the Godhead.

This is where we have been working. We have been laying the foundation for that Soul merging that we talked about a few years back but you had no real concept of what that merging was. It is not merging with the physical aspects of the body or the various realms of self. It is the merging with the God essence from which you were created and are. That can only be attained when certain energetic formats are first put into play into the consciousness; when the Soul allows the entering of that essence of the Godhead. Then, when we place the Eye of Horus within the three centers within the head, those higher chakras and those gateways open to allow a different configuration of Light directly from the Godhead.

All of these things have sequentially happened over the last year on your planet. But, this particular aspect that was put into play a few weeks back, the Eye of Horus, brought with it a very dynamic Light frequency pattern that the physical body and mental/emotional bodies benefit from. The Soul itself and that essence of the Godhead begins to come more fully into awareness and into unification.

These things are foreign to the rational mind and to the body itself. It stands to reason that there will be some upheavals within the mental and emotional bodies until more integration takes place. Until more awareness begins to come into play and more time is spent utilizing that Living Light in a totally different format.

This is a Light that you are not familiar with, nor have been familiar with, since the separation and the Fall of Consciousness when the Soul and Spirit were separated. What is happening now is we are merging all of you into one unit – one God essence – that is beyond your comprehension at this time. It is very real however and is taking place as we speak.

Now, this said, I would like to engage you in an interactive conversation.

Next Monday: Soul and Spirit

This is an excerpt from a conversation between Archangel Uriel and Jim Self as they prepare a class together.

We thank Joan Walker for bringing forth Uriel to speak through her. With her collaboration the Mastering Alchemy Level 3 course unfolded.

(From: A Course in Mastering Alchemy)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/14/2020 12:45:53 AM

Your 9th Dimensional Angels ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

your 9th dimensional angels - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have an important role to play in your ascension, just as you all have an important role to play in ours. As we help you, we help ourselves, and as you help yourselves, you help us. We have a vested interested in seeing you all succeed, and because of that, you can certainly trust what we are saying to you. We want to ascend to the tenth dimension, just as you are looking to ascend to the fifth.

We see our role as guides to all of you, and we are also your ninth dimensional angels, as we seek to offer you the love, light and energy that you are seeking and that you will continue to seek, even after you have completed your shift to the fifth dimension. As you help each other, you also help yourselves. You help that other person, who is in need of your help, and as you do so, you integrate a part of yourself that the other person represents. Therefore, even if you start out despising someone, if you can get to the point of feeling neutral about them, and then even loving that person unconditionally, you will have given that aspect of yourself exactly what he or she needs to reintegrate, to heal, to become whole again.

Now, we would prefer that you help others out of a feeling of compassion that you have within you, but not everyone is as empathic as those of you who experience that tremendous amount of empathy. We also recognize that helping others feels good when you do it, and therefore, that good feeling becomes the reward and the incentive to continue.

Now, of course, you’re not always going to feel like helping someone else, and in those moments you might experience guilt and even shame. You create those experiences so that you will forgive yourself for not being able to be everything to everyone. And by forgiving yourself, you integrate a part of yourself, you see. All of these co-creations of coming together with others and having your experiences are about you all becoming whole again.

And so, embrace every experience that comes your way because there is something in it for you. There is some growth to be experienced. There is some integration that will occur, if you allow yourself to feel everything, and then you will move on to the next experience that you will need to take you along on your ascension journey. When you are having a very hard time with one of your fellow humans, call upon us, your ninth dimensional angels, or call upon the archangels for help.

We want what you want, and so we will deliver that help, and those of you who are open to receiving will receive it, and you will be able to move past the challenging experiences that you sometimes have with your fellow humans. Know that you are there to challenge each other. You are there to challenge each other to love unconditionally.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/daniel scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/14/2020 6:57:40 PM

Daily Message ~ Friday February 14, 2020

Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/14/2020 7:06:09 PM

GFP Newsletter - 2/13/2020

will's picture

Chuang Tzu is reported to have said, "My greatest problem is one which I am unable to solve. The problem is that one night I dreamed that I am a butterfly. Since that night I am confused."

A friend asked, "What is your confusion? Everybody dreams, there is nothing special about it. Why be so worried about it, that you are a butterfly in a dream? So what?"

He said, "Since that day I am puzzled, I cannot decide who I am. If Chuang Tzu can become a butterfly in the dream, who knows -- when the butterfly goes to sleep, she may dream that she is Chuang Tzu. Then am I really Chuang Tzu or just a butterfly dreaming?


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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