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2/4/2020 5:39:20 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday February 4, 2020

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Dear Ones, as drivers of the shift you get to forge forward through your heart-centred guidance and personal preferences, creating new pathways that are in line with your authenticity and beingness. What energy do you wish to contribute to the whole that matches who you are today? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/4/2020 5:41:41 PM

GFP Newsletter - 2/3/2020

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You need not believe in me. I don't want believers here, I want seekers, and the seeker is a totally different phenomenon. The believer is not a seeker. The believer does not want to seek, that's why he believes. The believer wants to avoid seeking, that's why he believes. The believer wants to be delivered, saved, he needs a savior. He is always in search of a messiah -- somebody who can eat for him, chew for him, digest for him. But if I eat, your hunger is not going to be satisfied.

Nobody can save you except yourself.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
2/4/2020 5:49:33 PM

What You Believe

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There will always be those who say, “Nothing ever works! I try and try, it’s always the same. Life is hard! Nothing ever changes!”

The Universe always says, “Everything works as it should, you do it every day, life is easy! You are constantly changing!”

What is the difference between what you and The Universe believes? You, of course! Today, you are invited to take a few moments and re-align/re-wire your brain. For every can’t there is a can, for every try there is always a do and for every single hard, there is an easy. It all depends on how much effort you are willing to put into changing. It is your existence and you are worthy receiving whatever you desire. (Smiling) ~ Creator

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
2/4/2020 11:06:54 PM

Huge Positive Changes are Coming ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

huge positive changes are coming - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been excited for quite some time to witness this next phase of the journey of the human collective consciousness, because you are headed towards a time of world peace. You are headed towards a time when no one will be dying of hunger or dehydration. You are heading towards the time when racism, sexism, homophobia, and all sorts of other prejudices will be a thing of the past in your collective human history.

So the exciting time you are in is about getting from where you are to where you are going. You get to experience the laying down of weapons. You get to experience the apology and the acceptance of the apology. You get to experience what it is like to take an entire community of hungry people and give them access to all of the food they could ever want. That’s exciting. That’s what the journey is about. The journey is about the movement forward that you experience in all of those instances and many, many more.

Just imagine the relief you will feel when no one feels the need to arm themselves with a weapon, no matter how big or small. Imagine the feeling of satisfaction you will get in knowing that everyone has a warm, comfortable bed to sleep in that is inside a safe home. Imagine the collective sigh of relief that you will all feel when everyone is safe and knows that they are safe walking down the street at night alone. That’s where you are headed, that makes it okay for you to be where you are.

You created the mess that society is in right now so that you could move from the messy side of things to the nice and neat side of things. That’s why it is all right for you to not throw your hands up in defeat when you see something on the news about a mass shooting or a hate crime. Yes, it means you still have some moving forward to do, but know that you are making those positive steps forward every single day, and those positive steps forward are being made because of how many of you care.

So when you find yourself crying over footage of a bombing, remember that your tears are in that moment helping. Your compassion is tipping the scales. It is because you care that humanity is getting there. And so, it is important for you to recognize how powerful you all are in that you are the ones who are initiating and creating the changes that we have spoken about in this transmission. Let yourselves feel. Let yourselves care, because at the end of the day, it is that power of emotion, that power of compassion that fuels the human collective consciousness to where you are going.

And this is why we are so very excited to see you all on the precipice of so much positive change, so much relief, and so much love flowing through each and every one of you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
2/4/2020 11:46:32 PM

EYE of the Storm – 2020 Vision – You’ve Got this! Andromeda Council

Greetings My Beloved Masters of The Universe! In this message we are asked to stay in the EYE of the Storm, and with our powers direct the energies to go where we want them to go. By thinking positive, and staying positive we can shift the outcome of many situations into the right direction for all involved. Staying positive can be tough as we are bombarded with various stimuli throughout the day of various vibrations, but can be done with the use of, you guessed it 🙂 flower essences, homeopathy, cell salts, supplements, etc., Again I’ve put together a list to help you, which I will keep updating with new remedies as we proceed further along. You can read it here.

Now having said this here is the message that I have received from the Andromeda Echelons of the Highest Order of Light.

In milieu of astonishing phenomena occurring globally in your world the disinformation flowing freely in various channels of communication have established a rapport of causing ill effects of such transmissions. And so, in milieu of various global upheavals which your ethers are filling with as we speak, we ask you to stay centered and see the grand scheme of things.

Stay centered in the NOW moment of your reality bypassing the misinformation, which is being spread in your ethers for all to remain in the three dimensional reality structure which is breaking rapidly as we speak.

For in truth the information that is flowing freely through all the channelers stationed in your ethers is of such nature as to adhere to the true principles of BEing, and in so doing, the information that is being presented to you through your media shall have no effect on the outcome of that which has indeed been predestined eons into the past.

What we are trying to say to you dearly beloveds, is that the time to remain in balance, the time to put on your “2020 vision glasses” as you say, and see things for that which they are has arrived, and the time to “read between the lines” as you say is indeed here in the NOW.

And so it is imperative for you to listen to the guidance that you are receiving and stay in the zone, in your own zone, stay in the center of it all, stay in the “eye of the storm” as you say, and move through this time period with the storm by staying in its center, by staying centered, by being in the NOW.

Keeping your vibrations high is of utter importance, and removing the energetic signatures that are being enforced upon you by those who try to keep your world trapped in the veil of forgetfulness is necessary, for in truth the power that you have within you can transform this world into the heaven that you seek to experience, the power is within you, the power to envision your reality as you wish to see it without being influenced by the external factors being imposed upon you through various fear tactics that have prevailed in your ethers for a very long time.

Many messages have we sent through all the various channelers in your world, many message which are all calling you to one thing and one thing only and that is to look deep within and to remain in balance, remain in the zero point of creation, remain still, and observe all that occurs in your world, observe without engaging into anything that is not of the highest good of all involved.

For by your engagement in the various “political schemes” as you say you begin to lose your own powers, for you give your energies away to those who wish to absorb them into the masses to upkeep the veil of forgetfulness.

Yet, that is not to be, for the increasing tenderness from within each stationed therein, shall break through the veil for all to partake of the deeper truth of all that is. For indeed, no matter the hurdles that lay ahead for all of humanity, the truth, benevolence and might shall persevere and a new reality shall indeed blossom in your ethers in due time, and yet for all to go as smoothly and as diligently and as fastly as possible, we ask you to remain in balance, mind not the information that is triggering various negativity to arise within you, mind not that which you see in your news for all that you see is but the fear tactics and fear based programming which is so very necessary to keep all locked down and buried underneath false layers of misinformation.

For more information about the Freedom Journey Karmic Release Guided online course please visit:

For in “keeping your eyes on the prize” so to speak, we ask you to step into you powers to step into your divinity and allow your vehicles of time and space to experience true bliss, and so and thus, we ask you to stop indulging in the negative news readings, we ask you to stop listening to your nearest and dearest who communicate to you all the seeming disasters that are happening in the world, and tune into your very own channels of communication with the divine and see the truth of any given situation, look deeper than the headline that you see in your news, use your power and conjure up the energies necessary in order to break through the coded message and see what really is being said to you, are you being influenced to act in a way that shall prove harmful to you? Are you being asked to give your power to that which shall not be of highest good for all involved? If the answer is yes, then you should move away from said information, release it into the light and return to balance.

Act from your heart, listen to your own divine voice, to your own voice of divine truth, and you shall be able to maneuver through the coming of times with ease and benevolence, ease and peace, peace and harmony, harmony and light, light and love, understanding and surrender to the divinity that is YOU.

Heed our words with care and might, call upon your very own higher selves and remain in balance, intuitively knowing that all is well, all is well beloved masters of the heavenly abodes, for with your thoughts you create your realities, with your energies you can break the veil of forgetfulness, with your energies you an create that which you wish to experience, put your energies into positivity and shine your beautiful light for all to see.

That is all that we have for you now. We are with you. We love you. Goodbye for now.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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