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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/13/2013 9:58:30 PM
Dear Friends, from Wes Annac's personal blog:

Channeled Interview with the Pleiadians: Ship-Cloaking Features, Connecting with Galactic Souls and the Bridge Between the New and Old World

[13 Feb 2013]

Thanks to Konstantinos

Picture: Thanks to Konstantinos

Wes Annac: Hello and salutations on this energetic night, dear friends.

The Pleiadian High Council: Greetings to you, and to all who will be absorbing this message at a later time. We are so happy to be able to be with you souls in this format and assist along your processes.

Wes: Many thanks, dear friends. Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of clouds that look an awful lot like ships. Having been able to see your ships at night, I’m wondering if what I’m seeing is genuinely you or if I am allowing my discernment to fall by the wayside a bit.

PHC: You are seeing us in many forms dearest Wesley, some of which you truly would not expect. Yes, as we have discussed before our ships are able to cloak themselves and appear as clouds and even planes. There are a plethora of ways we are stationed in your skies and needless to say, when the collective vibrations and mindsets concerning us are lightened a bit and humanity finds a greater acceptance of us, our technology and the assistance we wish to give, we will be able to be with you all and make ourselves and the wonders our craft are able to perform, known.

Wes: Thank you, dear friends. So have I been seeing your ships cloaked as clouds?

PHC: You have seen us on many occasions dearest Wesley, yes. We have been before you in a great many ways; again, some of which you would not expect.

Wes: I see. So is there a discernible difference between your ships cloaked as clouds and regular clouds?

PHC: There are slight differences, but we must maintain a cloudlike image for the very purpose of remaining cloaked. At times we will decrease the extent to which our craft look like clouds, if we wish to make a personal appearance of sorts. For you dearest Wesley and many others, we have allowed ourselves to be momentarily “exposed” by minimizing certain cloaking features aboard our craft.

Wes: Ah, I see. So is there anything I should look for?

PHC: Look for the bulbous clouds; the ones that “stick out” the most and the ones that really seem as if there is a special or unique energy to them. Do not ignore the promptings or impressions your heart is giving you, as your intuition carries the understanding of the signals and messages we will give you within, if we plan to make ourselves known to you.

Seek within, dearest souls, for the promptings that what you are witnessing may be out of the ordinary or may not be an aspect of your natural, outward realities as while we are temporarily shielding ourselves to look like an average cloud, airplane or anything else you would expect to see in your ordinary Lives; our very presence and the very energies you’re beginning to feel within should suggest that things on your world are not what they have seemed.

Wes: Many thanks for the explanation, dear friends. I’m wondering now if you have any advice for anybody who would wish to connect with you.

PHC: We will be happy to offer our advice, and we should preface it by saying that our presence and assistance is here for each one of you to tap into, but we are only a few out of a myriad of collectives and beings whom you can contact and communicate with, the most important of which being your higher selves.

We encourage every soul who wishes to connect with us to first find and feel an open connection to the heart, which is indeed more important to first open than the third eye. It is so very important for the heart to be opened for when opening up your hearts, you will learn to access and feel so much more than our energies or the energies of ascended beings in general. You will feel and open up to your own supreme connection with Source and with your higher selves.

Upon finding a connection with your higher selves, you will be offered energetic perspectives and the perspectives of fragments of your Selves who are helping you personally to ascend. For those of you who feel as if a strong and solid telepathic connection with us is prudent and necessary for your personal growth, we would like to offer a few tips as well.

An important tip is to affirm that only beings of the purest intention and consciousness be with you, because there are still the few influential negative beings who pretend to be us and masquerade under the labels we have given you dear souls to recognize us as, and spread misinformation and energies that you know are not in alignment with the energies you have long began to recognize and feel from (higher dimensional) communications.

It is important for the souls who wish to connect with us to seek and feel as much positivity in any given moment as possible, while allowing their needed surfacings to continue as well which can include letting negativity in, in a manner that surfaces and transmutes the very influence of such negativity as you grow and learn further along your paths.

There are so very many souls simply waiting beyond the fore of your conscious perception for you all to access our energies and begin to communicate with us, and even the idea of communication with us being sewn into the minds and hearts of so many awakening souls who latch onto such an idea will attract our vibrations toward every one of you who wish to find such a connection with us.

Every soul who has absorbed our communications and wished to communicate with us personally have attracted us to themselves, providing their vibrations are not too low and the vibrations of each of you have been sufficiently high for us to be able to connect with you; it is simply that you have allowed yourselves to feel as if a connection with us is difficult or unattainable when in fact, connecting and chatting with us is easier than ever as your minds and hearts continue to expand exponentially.

This would be the next step for you dear souls to find a connection with us – finding and transcending the aspects of mind and ego that would teach you that a connection with us cannot be attained. We are with each one of you always and our vibrations can be felt in any given moment, and an opened heart will see you easily able to find a connection with us and to know that you have found that connection.

Trust the intuitive and the telepathic guidance, as well as the outward synchronicities you will begin to be given as you open up increasingly to the very idea of being able to maintain a constant telepathic and feeling-based connection with us. The more you open yourselves up to the very idea of contacting us, the more we will be able to come through you as you realize your infinite and unlimited nature as spiritual beings undergoing a human experience.

Wes: Thank you for that wonderful explanation, dear friends. It is much appreciated.

PHC: Thank you for your calm and patience in allowing us to speak, dear Wesley.

Wes: It is truly my honor. I guess my next question would be similar to one I’ve already posed. Upon finding and maintaining that inner-connection, is there anything we could use to specifically identify you and your energies?

PHC: One of the ways in which we specifically will come to you dear souls and let you know it is us coming to you is the label(s) we will send down, that your openness and connection to your intuitive side will aid you in being able to attune to and receive. For example, dearest Wesley; we first came to you under a general label that you would be able to recognize and accept. We came to you with the general label representing the overall Galactic Organization we are a part of, and as you opened up more we were able to bring a more specific label through to let you know who we are.

The Sirians, Andromedans and Arcturians use similar procedures as us to let their respective scribes and the Earthly souls who become open to them, know that it is them and not an aspect of the higher self of the soul attuning to their energies and finding a communication with them.

As the dearest Hathors have told you before, there is much work done in the realms beyond your conscious perception to help you better understand and be able to absorb the information you are being given from channeled sources; one aspect of that information being the label we represent ourselves as. You can also feel specific energies that are unique to us, and each race of the Galactic Federation is represented with our own specific energy as well as our own specific label, while still recognizing the interconnected and united nature of each one of us.

Wes: What about your energy will we specifically be able to feel?

PHC: The specifics of our energy will, in many cases, be attached to the label we represent ourselves as. For instance; when you wish to communicate with us you will request our specific label and the energies behind it.

If you wish to communicate with another individual or collective, you will request their specific energies (partially) in the thought-form of their specific label. Your heart will connect with their and our energies while working with the general label and the request such label is attached to that is put forth, and as we are awaiting a connection with any soul who becomes open to our energies, we happily await the connection to be established so that we can begin communicating.

In essence, you will recognize our specific energies by our labels and as well by the perspectives that we give. Some of us ascended souls have energetic perspectives, while others have perspectives of commenting on contemporary matters occurring on your world at present. In many cases, the unique beliefs of each scribe can help determine the ascended being (and their energy) one connects with.

Wes: I see. So we are attracted to ascended souls of a similar energy and perspective?

PHC: Like attracts like, dear Wesley and while you are able to connect with an unlimited amount of souls with a diverse and wide range of perspectives, the souls you connect with can in many cases be ascended souls with perspectives similar to yours but of course, this is not the only reason you would be connected with them.

Sharing similarities in beliefs on a mental level is not a sole determiner of connection, but many of you are indeed attracted to ascended souls of a similar perspective and in many cases, this is because you are aligned on an energetic and spiritual level with the ascended souls you are connecting with.

Even while not being aspects of your higher self, many of you dear souls can connect with ascended beings who are very close to you and who have been helping you along your growth, which has been ongoing for generations and Lifetimes. You are of course close with every soul in the higher realms, but we speak of souls you have surrounded yourselves with before making your ways to the Earth, but who were not directly a part of your “soul family” of aspects of your overall higher self.

Wes: I understand friends, thank you. Recently I have been able to connect with two souls who tell me they are a part of your High Council and Council of Nine. Are these souls genuinely with you and if so, may I communicate with them?

PHC: These souls are indeed a part of our Councils, and have simply been waiting to chat with you, dearest Wesley. Shall we put them on the line?

Wes: On the line? I so enjoy your sense of humor! Yes, you may put them on.

Shima/Sherma: With Loving and warm greetings, I am Shima of the Pleiadian High Council and the Pleiadian Council of Nine. With me as well are our Councils, as well as my dearest counterpart, Sherma.

Wes: Hello to you Shima, and thank you for communicating with me at this time.

Shima/Sherma: Our connection has been rekindled for a reason! You and so many others will begin to find a very clear and steady access to the energies and communications of each one of us who truly have been waiting to find a clear line of connection to humanity and to your energies.

Your collective vibrations had previously become rife with the separation and hatred that you all know will only hold you back, and our communications and the very reason we attempt to contact any Earth soul who will become open to us revolves around helping those very collective energies begin to become transmuted and expressed as the pure Source energies all of Creation are truly meant to feel.

Wes: Wonderful! Now, I recently found a connection with you and received a very clear label of your name. Shortly after, I received a very intense and blatant image of an almost Swedish-looking Pleiadian female with short, blond hair. From what I understand and have received, this soul is known as Sherma?

Shima/Sherma: Indeed, this soul is my twin flame and again, is speaking with you all now in the form of our melded-together energies.

Wes: So you both are speaking with me right now?

Sherma/Shima: Indeed dearest souls, and this is now Sherma who has stepped to the forefront of the collective energies to be able to chat with you. My energies have long been a part of the communications coming through you, dearest Wesley, as have Shima’s and a plethora of other Pleiadian souls who you have indeed reconnected with numerous times in your dreamscape, but who you are just beginning to remember and re-realize exist.

Wes: I see. Thank you so much Sherma! Would you like to comment further on the nature to which you’ll be contacting opened-up humans? Because, again, you appeared before me very brazenly and the whole experience was intensely wonderful.

Sherma/Shima: We are able to make personal contacts within the minds and hearts of any soul who begins to become open to our energies, but we must still be careful not to overwhelm because we have so very much to show you and we want you dear souls to feel comfortable with our presence all around you and within.

Even still, matters on your world must begin to pick and we are helping to initiate this pick-up by beginning to make personal contacts with members of our Ground Crew who again, can become open to receiving impressions of our presence around them without feeling overwhelmed or as if what they are experiencing is too much.

Dearest souls, there is so much beauty and intense higher dimensional joy and wonder for you to experience, and we Pleiadians are with you to help you find and feel this in yourselves again. We have been and are very close with the Earth and as such, we have a perspective of seeing Gaia’s true beauty; a beauty that goes unnoticed and unrecognized by too many Earth humans at present. We are here for you and with you, to help you realize Gaia’s outer beauty and your inner beauty as vastly powerful and Lighted spiritual beings.

Wes: You are so poetic, Sherma, and your words flow through with such grace. Thank you so much.

Sherma/Shima: You are able to receive my impressions and those of SanJAsKa, Shima and Mariara because you are close with us in spirit, dearest Wesley. We are very close to you and to many other Ground Crew members who are stationed on your Earth, and you can all begin to open up to a plethora of different souls who are happy to extend their warmth and greetings to each one of you, as well as to give you general guidance and advice along your ascension paths.

Wes: Do you and Shima have any specific advice for us all?

Sherma/Shima: What you should remember Wesley, is that it is not solely I or Shima speaking to you. We are speaking with the melded-together energies of each of our Councils, including our General Council and with that in mind, we would absolutely Love to offer you dear souls some advice and guidance.

We see much of humanity still caught up in the old ways of being and doing, and this goes as well for many dear Lightworkers who find yourselves struggling at times as you perceive yourselves as grappling with an outdated way of being, of Living.

This is so dearest souls, and we want you to know that as the higher realms and the very concepts and mindsets that drive them are as well here with you in stronger ways than ever before, you can truly put an end to your feeding of every aspect of the old paradigm as it and the mechanisms that drive it will continue to attempt to re-shift your focus and perspective back to it when so many of you are clearly ready to embrace a new way.

We speak of a way that recognizes the One Heart and the sovereignty of humanity which of course, is ordained by our Creator and can never be permanently taken away.

Beyond recognizing and putting an end to any feeding of the old paradigm that even the Lightworker public finds themselves contributing to, it is important as well for you dear souls not to let yourselves constantly search for answers or validations.

At times, the best searching can be done within the heart space and from a calm and clear mind. Yes, there is so very much indeed for you dear souls to learn, know and feel but for now, it is important to let yourselves attune to your new realities and to do this, you must let your temples and minds clear out for a small time so that the influence of the chattering mind does not overwhelm one and keep one from finding a clear, higher dimensional experience.

Outer stimulants and things that have worked for humanity for a long time are indeed a part of the old paradigm, and those of you who have used Earthly things to form a bridge between the new and old world are in many cases, still sitting on that bridge as you continue to employ the use of external things.

On one side of this bridge, you see the old world churning on as usual with the same old energies and collective frames of perception. On the other side you see a beautiful, brimming pre-Galactic landscape and you see as well that you are able to work upon this landscape and radiate its vibrations throughout yourselves.

So, this is what we would offer in the area of finding a further higher dimensional experience. Simply sit and Be, and know that your New Earth is here and you now have the full ability to access it without any outer Earthly things helping you to do so. Your inner realms are called “inner realms” for a reason, dearest souls, and they can only be attained within.

Wes: Wow! Thank you so much Shima and Sherma, that explanation was perfect. I would like to bring the focus back to Shima specifically for a moment, and I do know that you are speaking to me collectively. When I received impressions of you Shima, you seemed to be an older man with white hair and a white beard and yet, we’ve heard that age is not as much of a factor in your realms. Care to comment?

Shima/Sherma: Age is indeed not as much of a factor when inhabiting a fifth dimensional Crystalline body, but age is still necessary in a body and when this body becomes too used-up for me personally, I will either take to a different fifth dimensional body or return to the spirit energy we all truly are within.

Also, dearest soul – you were seeing a representation of me so that my very presence would not overwhelm you too much and yes, I am more of an “elder” soul than many others whom you have spoken to recently but I should let you know that my hair is not white or even grey; it is shining and colored with the pure energy of Source and since you would not quite yet be able to perceive of me with the rainbow vibrations continually flowing all around me and expressing themselves through me, I chose an appearance that would best sit with you and that best communicates my features and what I look like.

Wes: Well thanks, dear friend. I’m happy to get that out of the way. I quite enjoyed speaking with both of you and before wrapping this up, I’ll turn the temple over to the rest of the High Council to speak uninterrupted for a while.

PHC: You have our full appreciation always, dearest soul. We see that much of humanity is still following along the same lines and tracks you have long set out for yourselves to follow and we see as well, the few strong Lighted souls who are breaking the matrix and finding a genuine awakening that is teaching them that the daily current of Life as experienced on your world today has held a great many Earth souls back.

Humanity has allowed yourselves to be held back by accepting the limitations that were bestowed upon you and by accepting that you were finite beings who could not collectively come together and make the change you know to be necessary to have enacted at this time.

We see many souls in many countries that have been put down, beginning to recognize their power as a collective body and beginning to stand up to the interests whom would only keep them down for personal profit and gain. We see you, the sovereign collective of humanity, beginning to rise up and proclaim your independence in some areas of your world while in others, complacency and uncaring still cloud and fog the minds and hearts of many souls.

Humanity has been kept distracted in the considerably-more progressive areas of your world, from realizing the change that needs to be enacted and the positivity that is essential to be spread if you dear souls wish to move into the future so many of you have looked and worked toward for so very long.

We do not wish for your future to seem bleak or anything of the sort as indeed, it is not.

You are all beginning to find personal and individual awakenings and while it will take some time for the awakenings of others to become apparent, the awakenings occurring in bold and blatant ways are working on the perspectives of the souls experiencing them and the need to find inner-peace and wholeness is being joined by a realization of the need to repair your world and restore Her to Her pristine fifth dimensional condition.

Unawareness will no longer breed complacency or uncaring and in fact, the unawareness itself that has spread and been aided by sheer collective distraction will find its very influence and feedings come to an end, as well every last bit of darkness and density that has held you back exponentially up until this point.

Oh yes, you all have so much good to look forward to – so much advanced technology to receive and learn how to build easily yourselves; so much restoration and repair to do to dearest Gaia and with every bit of it, we will be by your side. We will not be directing your ventures and missions, but helping you learn to use the advanced technology that will help you with your restoration work and will as well, help teach you to do the tasks our technology does ourselves without having to utilize it.

Our technology is indeed a luxury, and we have learned to do much of what it does. We simply use them for fun as indeed, you will find that fun is one of the strongest pervading aspects of the higher realms.

We Love you all so very much, and that simply cannot be overstated. The personal contacts many souls have had with us throughout your history will begin to pick up as your Military Industrial Complex finds less of an ease in targeting our ships, and the ships we have cloaked in your skies that are helping neutralize missiles and other weapons of mass warfare will be with you as well, as you realize that such things exist.

We certainly do exist and while our existence and presence around your world has been suppressed, this has not stopped us from contacting you or you from realizing a connection with us. As you all know by this point, it can simply be no other way.

Wes: Thank you so much to the Pleiadian High Council, to SanJAsKa for being their conduit, and to Shima and Sherma – two new Pleiadian friends whom I’m overjoyed to connect with.

PHC: Thank you, dearest Wesley, for offering your temple up as a Divine instrument for the higher realms and we souls of the higher realms to come forth.

Wes: Again, you know that it is my honor, dear friends.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/13/2013 10:22:33 PM

How to Flashmob the Planet on Feb. 14, 2013 as One Billion Rise

Join one billion people on the planet Feb. 14, 2013 dancing as a flash mob to end violence against women. To watch a livestream tomorrow, go to

And you may wish to listen to Eve Ensler, the source of One Billion Rising

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/13/2013 10:26:02 PM

World Sound Healing Day also on Feb. 14, 2013

Apparently Feb. 14, 2013 is also World Sound Healing Day. It takes place at 12 noon, with our Nova Earth Day meditation at 1:01-1:11 pm local time. Could not have planned that better. Thanks to Jennifer.

World Sound Healing Day

Global Consciousness Project Data

World Sound Healing Day occurs on Feb. 14th of every year. It is a day when people throughout the planet spend time projecting an “AH” sound filled with the energy of love—sending a sonic valentine to our Mother Earth. This typically takes place at 12 noon Eastern Time, though soundings occur throughout the day.

There are currently two organization—the Global Consciousness Project out of Princeton, NJ and the Global Coherence Initiative, out of Boulder Creek, CA, that are engaged in measuring the effects, of prayer, meditation, and other spiritual activities such as the energy that manifests during World Sound Healing Day.

The Global Consciousness Project uses a series of random number generators spread throughout the world to collect their data. It seems that when events of great compassion occur, the numbers become less random and they can be charted. Thus, what should be a relatively straight line because a rather mountainous looking peak when events of high compassion occur. You can clearly see such a rise in the peak shortly after the noontime even on February 14, 2009. As Roger Nelson, Director of the GCP, observes: “This looks like a confirmation of the idea that large scale communal thought and emotion may show up as structure in our data.”

The Global Coherence Initiative measures something else with their magnetometers—the geomagnetic field of the earth in relationship to the human energy field and its interface with this planet. Associated with the Institute of HeartMath, the GCI is collecting data to demonstrate if there is some sort of interactive interface between the human electro-magnetic field and that of the Earth. Such interfaces seem to occur and be most powerful when the human electro-magnetic field is in a state of coherence—with the heart and brain synchronized together and generating the energy of appreciation and compassion. Continued research will indicate the validity of this.

The Global Consciousness Project graciously supplied data on World Sound Healing Day 2009 which has been available on this website for awhile. Very recently, I received data from the Global Coherence Initiative’s data from that same day. Neither the GCP nor the GCI will make any specific commitments with regard to what this data means. I understand. There are so many variables and anomalies occurring that could influences both readings. Nevertheless, I do find it so very interesting that the charts found on the next page featuring the data for the GCP and the GCI are so very close visually—both showing quite a large peak happening during World Sound Healing Day and specifically during the prime time when the majority of global toning occurred. No comments are made about the meaning of these two charts. I leave it to you to form your own opinion about the significance of this data. But it does indeed look promising with regard to the power of “intentionalized sound” to influence and affect some aspect of that which has been called the “noosphere” or the consciousness of the planet Earth.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/13/2013 10:27:17 PM

Archangel Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel: The Field of Pure Potential

Torus-Field-around-EarthAs channeled by Shanta Gabriel – February 11, 2013

Don’t fill the empty void you are experiencing with old pain, Beloveds. Heed our words of caution and recognize the situation as it is. These are the In-Between Times. These are the times when the world gets ready to move forward to the beat of a different drummer; the times between an accelerated activation of high-frequency energy and the use of that energy to propel new life.

Think of this time as an open field of Pure Potential. You can fill these empty spaces with powerful thriving energy that can support a new way of life for you. This energy can be focused in a direction you truly want it to go. This energy you are experiencing is vast, and may feel like an empty void. It is a habit to fill the emptiness with old familiar feelings that may no longer serve you.

Consider instead that the spacious tableau laid out before you by the Universal Presence of Life is offering you a Field of Unlimited Potential. This field is open and awaiting your command for its creation into form. Into this field of pure potential, you can carefully describe the world you want to live in, and create a new life that works in abundant ways to support you.

Fear of the Unknown

There is a temptation to be afraid of the Unknown. Fear can stimulate your imagination or bring up the familiar ways that you have lived that did not make you happy. When you remember the old pain, it can fill your consciousness in a way that takes over the empty field of potential, thus creating the same old experiences.

Be conscious about your fear. After all the work you have done on yourself, trust you will know when you are being shown actions that will put you in danger or new unfamiliar energy. Separate the intensity of energy in your body from the impulses that are there to protect you. Be aware that for most people reading this – you are safe, you are fed and there is a roof over your head. You can trust that you are taken care of in this moment. You are safe. It is important that your body registers this truth, so you can create a more empowered life.

When you can trust yourself, and truly know in the present moment that you are safe and protected, you are able to be in connection with your Higher Self. This connection to the greater truth within your being guides your actions in pathways that are harmonious with your soul. From this place you will be able to make conscious choices for the life you want to experience. Your deepest beliefs color your ability to create new life. Your feelings and emotions will show you what you are truly believing in the moment. You may want to make different choices more in harmony with your intentions for life.

The Breath of the Heart

When you breathe more Light into your heart, it will lighten the energy within and around you. When you are experiencing fear, breathing into your heart will settle your mind. Your heart is the Great Balancer of your nervous system. When you can detach from the emotions and breathe into your heart, you are able to also balance your emotional states.

Practice the Heart Balancing breath work when you are not upset, so you can introduce your nervous system to the Peace and Harmony that comes when you breathe into your heart. It creates an instant connection and enhances the power when you place your hands onto your heart. When you breathe into the heart space you recognize you are empowering yourself with Divine Love and it is freely flowing into you. In this way you become immersed in the light of a Peaceful state of being. You can tell yourself that in that moment, All is Well and you are Safe. This allows your nervous system to work in a healthy way to soothe your mental/emotional states.

Perseverance, Persistence and Prayer

The energies of 2013 are still very malleable at this time. You have known and heard that you create your life experience with your beliefs and emotional states. Don’t falter in your knowing of these powerful truths now at this pivotal time. This is when you need to have Perseverance, Persistence and Prayer to support you in a very great way.

When you use a conscious, disciplined approach to create a more balanced emotional state, your imagination can then awaken to a more creative form of activity. Consider that the Field of Unlimited Potential is open and waiting for your command and direction. Think about the different form of life you would prefer to live in, and you have the freedom to choose a new direction in which this pure, neutral energy can operate.

When the Equinox comes March 20, the new energy for life will be set into motion. Prepare the way by becoming more clear about a life that you would truly love. Use your imagination, and the power inherent in the Creative Potential awaiting you, to set forth new ideas. It is wondrous and even encouraged to make your intentions very grand so your inner spirit can be empowered with new feelings. When you imagine your new life, allow it to inspire you and bring the power of enthusiasm into your energy field. Positive energies bring more abundant lifestyles into your being.

Remember Gratitude

Also bring the Light of Gratitude into your process and know that your Higher Power holds you in great respect, and will honor what you focus on as the Truth you would enjoy experiencing. This Benevolent Force is powerfully willing to fill your life with Beauty, Abundance and an exalted state of Well Being. These living fields of energy exist in the unlimited potential surrounding you right now. There is a Creative Solution for every area of your life to open into. Give thanks for the illumined possibilities available for you now. An attitude of Gratitude can change and uplift your energy frequencies and open new pathways for you to walk upon.

Remember your future can be empowered with new energy and does not have to reflect your past ways of experiencing life. Come to this new time as a novice willing to reorganize your life with empowered prayer and new intentions. From this expansive focus, create a momentum for the life you are wanting to live in. Engage both sides of your brain by writing down the prayers and intentions for your life and offer them into the Universal Field of Unlimited Potential with Faith that all is possible. Know that life can support you when you create a new focus for your thoughts and feelings and keep it empowered with prayerful action. Consistency is a key component to this empowered action.

Here is a suggestion for your prayers:

Beloved Divine Presence,

Awaken in me a new focus for an empowered life. Remind me of all the amazingly beautiful ways I can live instead of what has been my past experience. Help me to open the doorways for a life that is filled with harmonious and supportive relationships. Show me that my work can fulfill my needs and allow me to use my God-given talents and skills in a new way. Inspire me to use this high-frequency energy to create a life that helps me to thrive and flow in the new energies available now. Teach me to bring more Happiness, Joy and Beauty into my being so that it reflects into my outer world.

Help me to know that all I can perceive is possible for me to achieve. Give me the Strength, Wisdom and Courage to step into the unknown field of potential and use the new energy frequencies to uplift my life. Reveal to me the avenues for greater Health, Abundance and Inspired Activities which are in alignment with my Soul Purpose. Infuse my heart and mind with your Guidance and teach me to walk these new pathways with more Balance and an awakened perspective. Help me to remember that I can open wisely to the flow of God’s Grace so that all my needs can be met. Allow me to know that I am always receiving God’s Love, and there is never a time when I am not wrapped in Wings of Pure Light.

And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel

February 9, 2013

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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2/13/2013 10:29:57 PM

Blossom Goodchild: February 13, 2013

Blossom Goodchild newBlossom Goodchild: February 13, 2013

The Galactic Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild – February 13, 2013

Blossom: Good morning! I could do with some reassurance to be honest. Is it just me? I TRULY didn’t realise I had so little patience or tolerance. Nothing seems to be changing … it seems to be getting worse and it doesn’t feel good! What’s going on? Can you tell us in a little more detail than our last communication?

Galactic Federation of Light: Warmest greetings to all. You are FEELING uncomfortable with your discomfort are you not? Yet it is to be recognised that although it may be seemingly that one is out of sorts … one is actually moving deeper into the correctness of who they TRULY are.

So … it doesn’t really FEEL like this is anger from old patterns that needs to come out … it FEELS different … would I say ‘fresh anger’? How stupid does that sound?

And yet we would say it is not anger at all.

Well my ranting and raving to an empty room or car certainly FEELS like anger … definitely lack of tolerance. It’s like I hardly recognise myself … or certainly not this part of me.

Let us unfold these twists and turns in a manner that is suited to your requirements. Firstly … that which you deem as anger is a dissipation of energies that conflict with the way you TRULY are. You would do well to understand that indeed a HUGE SHIFT took place within the self and the planet on the said date before your Yule Tide and although many tended to disagree … at that time … now perhaps one can FEEL and recognise that this was in fact so. Do you FEEL the same as you did before Blossom?

No … yet I can’t say I FEEL brighter necessarily.

Tell us how you do FEEL?

Odd! Distinctly odd! Neither one thing or t ’other . Just ODD! Unsure of who I am NOW. I had grown to like the old me and not so sure that I like the new me.

You wanted to say ‘middle me’ did you not?

Yes. Even odder!

Yet this is exactly what you are experiencing … The middle man! You are in place between the old and the new. This is why so many of you are misplacing your energies and FEELING so out of alignment with the TRUTH of who you are

YOU ARE MOVING INTO THE NEW WORLD that has been created by you. Yet, it would not be agreeable on all accounts to find yourself suddenly plonked there. It would not be the easiest way for you to adjust and although you are FEELING ‘ODD’ at that which you are going through to get there … get there you shall. It is quite difficult to describe in Earthy terms … as many things … as you know … often are .

Imagine it to be a transitional period. A time when you simply are floating in a sea of ‘unknown’. You cannot get out … and you FEEL you are being tossed and turned by the flow of the water. Yet it seems more at these times that there is no particular direction of that flow.

More like I am in a washing machine!

We shall then take that train of thought. The cycle shall end and what is the outcome? Everything has been cleansed!

So are we going through a cleansing then?


All well and good. Yet as stated last time we spoke … there is always a cleanse going on … how many cycles do we need in order to get the stains out?

Would you not say that you KNOW in your heart that this is it? This is THE CHANGE. This is the final rinse … so to speak.

Well, I would definitely like to think that. Inside me I FEEL like we are onto something BIG. As much as ‘soon ‘ has now become a swearword … I DO FEEL that we are embarking on a new reality and it is literally around the corner. Yet … around the corner could mean a century away!

Dearest family … our friends upon the Earth. Take hold of your KNOWING. Let us look at things in a ‘clearer Light’.

YOU KNOW you came to Earth for a reason.

YOU KNOW you have purpose… and that purpose is far more than removing karma or ‘simply’ advancing the soul self.


We then, as a consciousness … have worked with you for many years of your BEING, which we would say means we have also worked with everyone who chooses to read and connect with that which we have to say.

ALL that we have said has been working towards THIS TIME NOW. THIS TIME THAT YOU ARE IN.

Many felt cheated and disappointed … many allowed the fact that due to ‘NOTHING apparent happening’ that there was no happening at all.



There was A HAPPENING. A CHANGE. You are experiencing the aftermath of that transformative date. You have stayed with us throughout because you KNOW that you are following YOUR TRUTH. So all that you think may be around the corner … IS .

Yes, but on whose time line? … You don’t have one!!!

On the timeline of TRUTH … if the souls of EARTH allow it to be.

You see … this is where the frustration comes in. Here are many of us … millions perhaps …. who all sat in that classroom you spoke of … and we KNOW we are doing our best. We KNOW we can manifest a world of LOVE and HARMONY … We KNOW you will present yourselves to us … We KNOW we will get disclosure. We are doing are utmost to awaken those sleeping … I don’t think we can go at a quicker pace than we are … yet if we are to wait until another million or so are ready … well indeed that could take a few more life times … and many who have waited for so long … many souls who are at the latter end of life, FEEL disillusioned for they may not be here to see it through … Not only see it through … but see it!!! I mean really … How long must we wait?

This is exactly what we are trying to tell you Blossom. Can you not FEEL a power within you that is rising up inside? These FEELINGS you are experiencing that you call ‘anger’ … may be interpreted as something quite different.

Do tell.

Maybe it is the fact that this is YOU … the real YOU… expressing the fact that you will stand for it no more. That you will no longer tolerate the old and that the FEELING you are experiencing at such depth is merely a ‘time to move on out’ recognition.

NOW is the time when many of you shall FEEL such conflict between the old and new … and this is up to you to dispel all that you can no longer settle for. Your reasoning behind the scenes is telling you that you are no longer prepared to put up with aspects of this third dimension for it simply does not resonate with the vibration that you are becoming.

You are not of it yet … hence the whirlpool FEELINGS of not KNOWING where one stands. Not being grounded. The FEELING of not having ones feet firmly on the ground.

Would we be so bold to say that at the moment there is no ground for one to step on! Not yet! It is there awaiting you … and you will surely KNOW when you get there. We would say you are in no man’s land at this stage of the journey. Yet it is an important part of the journey none the less.

You cannot expect to apprehend all that is taking place. The more you accept that this is part of the plan the more you can willingly move through it. You are not following blindly dear ones. You SEE so clearly … if you just allow each phase to shine its Light in order to move you into the next one.

I see what you are saying, and I will do my best. It just FEELS wrong to be so out of sorts for so long. I feel like I have become this ‘out of sorts person’ as opposed to just being out of sorts for a while.

Yet that is all it is. A time of transition. As you recognise that which you do not want within your Being, you can clearly choose to have only that which you do want. The difficulty that many may come across is accepting that much they thought they were on a par with … they no longer are … and that may mean the letting go of those they never imagined they may have to let go of. It is not only regarding souls … it is IN ALL that no longer resonates with the YOU that you are moving into. How can you allow yourself to move into a Higher vibration of self if you want to take with you that which cannot and is not ready for the vibration that YOU are moving into? It cannot work that way. For there is nothing that can reside in a Higher vibration if it is not accomplished enough to do so. You can choose to remain in a lower one … if you are not quite ready to let go … and if so … then there shall be continual discomfort and conflict within the soul self … for one is not adhering to the TRUTH of the self.

You have each embarked upon the longest journey … a never ending journey … and this we tell you as TRUTH … there is not one that shall not make it home … and perhaps the journey shall then begin again … or continue down a different path … yet onwards always shall it evolve.

It is not your responsibility to make sure everyone continues to walk at a pace that suits you. Each individual has its own agenda and own choice in the matter.


Let go of those FEELINGS of ‘gloom and doom’ for those who appear to be much further back on the track than yourself. They are where they are because that is where they are meant to be. It is not your business.

Yet … didn’t we come to waken them …. Therefore is it not our business?


Those who choose to wake our doing so … yet there is a balance needed of those asleep and those not … at this time . Yet this is far too complex to go into at this point of today’s communication.

As often suggested … we ask you now to take in a few deep breaths …and ask yourselves … do you KNOW you are on the verge of breakthrough?

Well … I just did that … and the answer was an overwhelming YES! Things are changing … TRUTHS WILL OUT. I mean The Pope has just resigned for goodness sake … have you a quick comment on that?

NO. We have a longer one! This is just the beginning of much that is to be revealed. There is a procedure to follow in order for people to be able accept the TRUTH of the lies that have been cast. This soul has not suddenly made this decision. This has been forced upon the religious group that this soul stands for. Keep your eyes and ears open … He is not to be the one and only that shall suddenly step down from a prominent position ….

And the walls came tumbling down.

That’s it. That sentence was my nod that time is up. Thank you so much. As you know I am away in England for a month. (How I wish you could step in and transport me! ) If we manage to get together during that time … that would be great …. If not … so be it.

Our Love and uplifting energy goes with you .

Thank you

It goes with you all … wherever you may be. We are just a thought away.

In Love and thanks.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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