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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/2/2020 12:07:06 AM


Beloved Ones,

I come on the wings of love! The current energies flooding every nook and cranny of this planet are causing a love revolution within the hearts, minds and souls of all her inhabitants. The feeling of peace and goodwill permeates every encounter that takes place, between people and between people and animals, between people and nature, between people and the elementals…the lines of division between them are melting away and the full meaning of “we are all One” rises into higher consciousness, taking the Earth and all her inhabitants with her. Those of us from the higher dimensions and those of us who inhabit a human body known as the ‘ground crew’ are joyous at this momentous occurrence. Finally, the pieces of the Divine Plan meant to bring movement forward are falling into place!

Continue, Dear Ones, to radiate the Light wherever you may wander, wherever you may go, for this is your way, this is the path of service you have chosen, to BE the Light in order to ignite the same Light within hearts, minds and souls upon the planet. How do you know that it is happening? – by the feeling of light-heartedness that takes place within those whom you encounter, and the reciprocation of this energy returned unto you! Being joyous and light-hearted fills the emptiness that might have been felt before and people are uplifted, inspired and empowered to spread this energy within their own sphere of influence. This is how revolution and evolution, happens! You have but to be aware and awake of this and on board with it in these changing times.

It is important in these current times to stay centered, calm and grounded, for the cosmic alignments taking place in the heavens bring powerful energies of change and this energy can be overwhelming to the majority of humanity. Your ability to BE the Light during these energetic downloads will help to maintain stability upon the surface of the planet. Hold to the vision of peace, harmony, abundance, joy and love that the new Earth reality brings to the inhabitants. Start each morning in a state of joy and maintain this higher consciousness throughout the day. Know yourselves and your innermost thoughts because this can be an important aspect of self protection that you can use to recognize when thoughts, feelings or images come into your sleep/and or dream state, for example, that you know are not your own. All one has to do in this case is say to oneself “that is not who I am!” and these extraneous attempts to influence you will stop.

The influence of the cosmic alignments taking place will not be felt instantaneously, rather, their influence will be made in increments as each person assimilates and integrates these in their own unique way. There will, however, be an eventual confluence of harmonious energy from each of these that will coalesce into one unified field of consciousness. When this occurs, this field will become the living reality upon the planet and will open the door to higher realities of illumined living. Many possibilities will be perceived that were not readily apparent before and life on this planet will grow and thrive as never experienced before. There will continue to be challenges to overcome but the solutions to them will come more easily and effortlessly and humanity as a whole will be willing to work together to accomplish larger goals that take the well-being of the people and the planet into consideration.

These new ways of being and living will set the people of the Earth into new areas of endeavor that will see the population developing and bringing forth their unique gifts and abilities to share with others. Each individual will be honored and respected as an important aspect of Creator Source who is a living extension of the externalization of the spiritual material substance of the Divine. Each person will know their Divine origin and that they are deeply and eternally loved and supported in all ways. All that was of concern in the old paradigm that is now known as the underworld is forgotten as humanity enthusiastically embraces their freedom, unity and harmony in the new Earth reality. They set the sails of their own ship in the direction of ever growing awareness on their ascension path of Light.

Until next month…

I AM Hilarion.

©Marlene Swetlishoff.

All rights reserved to the author/scribe and Copying, sharing and translating of this article is only by Scribe approved translators and can be posted ONLY on Ron Head’s “Oracles and Healers” website, no other is permitted. However, sharing the live link to the Scribe produced video at the link below can also be shared with others:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/2/2020 12:33:58 AM

Intuitive Astrology: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse January 2020

The ancients believed that when the Full Moon fell in your sign your pineal gland, the seat of your soul, would be activated, allowing you to align deeper with the cosmos and higher dimensions around you.

Having the Full Moon in your sign typically happens once per year, so when it does, it’s like you are being given access to special energies that will guide you through the next 12 months.

While all zodiac signs get their own Full Moon each year, in 2019 there was one sign that missed out.

To all those born under the Cancer Sun, 2019 offered you no Full Moon. You missed out on your opportunity to receive the special wisdom and illumination that comes when the Full Moon is in your sign.

But now, the first Full Moon in line for 2020 falls on January 10th in the sign of Cancer, but it’s not your average Full Moon. It is a Lunar Eclipse.

Lunar Eclipses fall on the Full Moon and are extra potent. Seeing as Cancer missed out on it’s Full Moon in 2019, you can expect this Eclipse energy to be extra extra!

Now that Cancer has its moment, it is going to be sure to use it to shine big!

All of us, no matter our sign, are going to feel the Cancerian energies raining down hard under this Eclipse.

What adds to all of this energy is that the Sun, along with four other planets will be in Capricorn, forming what is known as a stellium.

This Capricorn stellium will try to reign in Cancer’s watery, emotional sensitivity, but this may only result in making things worse, not better!

Cancer needs to have its moment, and it’s not going to let thoughtful, logical, practical Capricorn rain on its parade!

Cancer is coming out of its shell to remind us of its full power, and we are all going to get a taste under this potent Lunar Eclipse.

Lunar Eclipses bring portals of accelerated energy that help to shift and move things from our lives.

They can also bring endings and resolutions to things that we have outgrown but are yet to let go of.

Lunar Eclipses can be harsh as they often clear a path for us that we didn’t quite feel we were ready for. They can accelerate our soul journey by releasing something from our lives or illuminating truths that we need to realize in order to keep moving forward.

As Cancerian energy will be strong, it is likely that this Eclipse will be super emotional, and we may find ourselves feeling extra sensitive or even irritable.

Cancer rules over the heart chakra as well, which means we may feel the boundaries around our heart cracking wide open, which can be both beautiful and painful at the same time.

Heart activations are possible under this energy, so if you have been working on heart healing, you can definitely use this energy to push yourself that little further and open your heart center a little more.

Sometimes we have to act on a Full Moon in order to benefit from the energies, but under this Eclipse we may just have to sit back and allow the Universe to bring in whatever it may.

We can allow ourselves to be guided, we just have to put our faith in the Universe, and trust that whatever comes or whatever goes is part of our soul path and destiny.

This Cancer Lunar Eclipse works in tandem with the Solar Eclipse we had back on December 25-26, 2019.

Themes around the Solar Eclipse may come to the forefront or may be magnified under this energy.

As this Lunar Eclipse falls in Cancer, our attention may turn to our home and family environment or to our feelings of being at home within ourselves.

We may feel caught up in family dynamics in some way or find ourselves reflecting on what family or our relationships mean to us.

We may also find ourselves making space in our lives to feel more at home within ourselves or to set better boundaries with the ones we love.

We all tend to feel Eclipses a little differently, but all of us are likely to notice themes emerging around our home and family environment and the feelings that these things conjure for us.

Saturn, Pluto, and Mercury also very active around this Eclipse and Uranus is also getting ready to station direct the day after.

Saturn and Pluto are major players in the astrology of 2020, and you can read more about their influence here, but Mercury’s involvement is likely to bring communication to the forefront.

We are going to have to work on being clear in how we communicate with others and how we approach any difficult or tense conversations that may arise.

We may also be encouraged to speak our truth and to share our wisdom in a way that helps liberate us and release us from some of the heaviness that has been weighing us down.

There is this sense that the truth will set us free, however sometimes truths can be painful to hear at first.

If some new truths are uncovered, Uranus turning direct on January 11, will help to bring some clarity.

Overall, the Cancer Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is a heavy one and will set the stage for the months to come.

It will be guiding us to express ourselves, open our hearts, get in touch with our emotions, and work on feeling at home within ourselves.

It may also stir up family dynamics or issues within the home. We may also feel a need to speak our truth or we may find that a truth is illuminated for us that changes our path and life direction.

The January 10th Lunar Eclipse will guide all of us in some way to release and let go of things that are no longer serving our highest purpose so we can accelerate and leap forward on our soul journey. We are ready.

Your Cancer Lunar Eclipse Ritual is coming soon!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/2/2020 2:03:51 AM

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    • Ask Archangel Michael Love Donation Webinar Replay
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  • ​​​​Host Quest For Mastery Training In Your Home
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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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1/2/2020 2:48:20 AM

Sarah Barton at Angel Cuddle Cafe

Sarah and Peppi at Alets-les-Bains

Hello Miguel,

Thanks for being a loyal subscriber (and angel cuddler). I appreciate hearing from you. Let me know if you ever have any questions or feedback to share.
Greetings from Plaigne!

I wanted to wish you:

Happy End of a Decade!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Decade!

I will share the link to the Alets-les-Bains video with the love transmission and Ho'oponopono cleansing, in a moment - to cleanse what needs clearing from the old year(s) and make room for the new energy of the new year and new decade.

First, I will let you know the Angel Cuddle Publishing updates:

There are two 2020 calendars available:

2020 Sacred Geometry Calendar -

Beautiful calendar with sacred geometry on wonderful watercolour universe backgrounds.

Messages of Love Colouring Calendar 2020 -

A calendar to colour in yourself, with excerpts from Camilla Lundberg and Sarah Barton's book: "Messages of Love Angel Inspired Colouring Therapy."

I'm also working on some lovely 2020 Planners, so watch this space!

Now - Love Transmission & Ho'oponopono Cleansing for the New Year and the New Decade...

This video I made on my return visit to Alets-les-Bains is appropriate, with its Ho'oponopono cleansing - for ending the year and commencing the new year and decade. A friend was with me and she found it powerful. It is her dog, Peppi in the river.

Excuse the bad hair day look!!!! LOL...

You can see the video HERE.

Don't forget, if you would like to get in touch with me or work with me for a consultation, healing facilitation or me helping you with cosmic ordering, or self-healing, you can contact me HERE. I look forward to hearing from you. I love connecting with you. You are reading this for a reason. We connect with those we are here for and who are here for us…

If you are contacting me to say about your experiences with the tips and remedies I've shared, or to ask questions about them, that can help other people too, if I share your questions, my replies and your experiences.

By the way, Angel Cuddle Cafe members benefit from special rates.
Voilà! I’m looking forward to welcoming you again at Angel Cuddle Cafe.

A Healthy, Happy You means a Prosperous, Wealthy You

Angel cuddles,


P.S. HAPPY NEW YEAR! The love transmission and Ho'oponopono video is

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
1/2/2020 2:58:47 AM

Blessings of the New Year and New Decade, Amazing One!

This comes with Many Blessings for an Amazing and Fulfilling 2020!

It's true that "2020" sounds like we've all suddenly got clear vision, as the Collective point out in their new video at -- and that's exactly what's happening.

In that message and energy work, they are asking us to drop all judgments of ourselves and others, to stop feeling that our lives are only the sum total of what we see around us.

They would Love for us to see ourselves in new and expansive ways, drop the worry and stress, and look at our lives in a much bigger context, by remembering we are not just inside the expanse of this Universe -- we ARE the expanse.

And they remind us that we are far, far greater than any circumstances we are experiencing right now.

Enjoy the energy work, and know that so many good things are coming to you now in such perfect ways, you will barely have the space to hold them all.

I send much Love, with Blessings for a phenomenal new year and decade!

May the Source Be With You, and with us all,

P S All of the Collective's books -- on relationships, on money & Abundance, dealing with challenging or traumatic situations, and everyday Light Bearer situations -- are now on sale on Amazon (40% to 50% off) now thru Thursday, January 2nd.

Many Blessings! :)

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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