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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/27/2013 6:36:25 PM

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 258

As channeled by Aisha North – January 26, 2013

You have turned on the light well and truly now, dear ones, and with it, comes the realization that so much is on the verge of changing forever. For the tides have turned, as we have started already, and the wheels of time have started to speed up considerably. At the moment, speed may not be the word foremost on your minds, as now, much seems to have come to a somewhat silent and nonplussing halt.

Let us explain. For many, the month of December was a period of intense activity on so many levels, literally like being swallowed up and into a massive vortex that was spinning ever faster. But now, it is almost like you have been spit out on the other side, into something that seems almost eerily quiet in comparison. But trust us when we say that it only seems like that, for nothing could be further from the truth than thinking you have all been stalled on a sidetrack somewhere far, far away from the action you lived through last month.

For now, there is actually even more going on, but again, so much is happening under the radar as it were. And even if some of you get a taste of this newfangled action from time to time, mostly during your nightime and your sleeping cycle, the rest of the time it will seem to be more than a little hush hush. And rightly so, as you have all finished some rather gruelling rounds of energetic upgrading, and as such, too much action is not what you need at the moment. The word we seek to impart into you all today is integration, for that is what you all are in the midst of at the moment.

An old curse says ”may you live in interesting times”. And for many, the all-out onslaught of energies that you receive on a rather regular basis can in many ways be described as a sort of curse, because you get so debilitated at times you a have hard time even trying to function as a human being. But then, when everything seems to quiet down much like it is at the moment, for many, that is even more of a curse. For then they think that they have ”lost it” in some way, and that they have become totally disconnected from it all.

So yes, finding a sort of middle ground here between action and ”non-action” is almost impossible. For when the body quietens down after a bout of these energetic ”symptoms”, the mind has a habit of piping up with all sorts of suggestions. And, as many of you know, the mind has a habit of suggesting that things are amiss, has it not? In other words, when the body is less under siege from these energetic upgrades, the mind has a way of making itself heard. So now, in this strange but at times very quiet period, many will start to doubt themselves in new ways. And even if they deep down KNOW that they are just where they are supposed to be, it is easy to start to think too much.

So again, we repeat the same mantra of stop trying to DO so much, thinking or otherwise, and just BE. And know that all is well and you are just in a sort of short recreational period in order for your system to be better able to integrate this enormous amount of energy and information you have acquired these last few weeks. For it is nothing short of amazing, but it is also a rather large handfull for your system, so just be patient. And know that under the surface, there is no such thing as a lull in the proceedings. Far from it, for now, it is indeed full speed ahead, and we are all working hard and fast in order to keep up with your abilities to jump ahead.

For that is what you are all doing dear ones, pulling ahead in quantum leaps to use a phrase you will be familiar with. And just as in that exciting, but oh so strange world of quantum relativity, there is no way of knowing just what will happen next. Well, for us, there are no secrets or surprises lurking ahead, but for you, the next step is not something you can envisage with any clarity. And rightly so, as then you would probably not believe it anyway. So again we say just stay the course, and relish the small breathers you get, for time is indeed short before you get the next push ahead.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/28/2013 1:27:14 AM

Hilarion: Align Yourselves with this Vision of a New You, a Being of Light and of Love

HilarionAs channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana – January 27, 2013

Beloved Ones,

As each of you move deeper into the inner recesses of your Being, you are finding the opportunities to bring to the surface that which needs completion. During these times, give compassion to yourselves and all those who are involved in whatever situations come up. This is a time of bringing deeper understanding and knowledge from within you and for bringing peace and equilibrium in order that you may experience a greater lightness of being as you connect to the well of creativity and abundance that bubbles just beneath the surface.

You are in the process of reconnection with your God/Goddess aspects of the divine within you. As you do this deep work upon yourselves, there will be many moments of spontaneous feelings of joy that burst forth, seemingly out of nowhere. This is the process of recalibration and reconnection with the purity and innocence that is at the core of your true nature. Allow and enjoy these fleeting moments and store these feelings of Oneness and unity with all that exists in this World, so that you might utilize those moments and build upon those feelings, for it is these feelings which are creating the new paradigm of your new World.

As you uncover more of what has been keeping you from moving forward with zest, with passion and vitality, be willing to allow the insights to flow through you as you recognize and observe the patterns that have kept you a prisoner in your own consciousness. Keep a journal and record these gems of inspiration and insight. They are keys to unlock the doors to your greater remembrance. Know that you always walk enfolded in the embrace of your Family of Light and that all that occurs is a part of your greater unfolding.

You are as beautiful rosebuds, gently unfurling and opening your petals to the Sun of a new day, a new dawn, a new beginning. As you allow the goodness of your true nature to emerge, you will blossom into a radiance that is clearly visible and discernible to those around you. Your Light is permeating your every cell and glowing with a radiance that is unmistakable. Align yourselves with this vision of a new you, a Being of Light and of Love, who is totally unafraid to let their Light shine and as One who walks their daily path with innate dignity and the highest integrity.

By following these steps, you are enabling others around you to empower themselves and open more fully to their own awakenings. It is now time for our Beloved Lightworkers around the World to let go of all inner sufferings and perceptions that no longer serve you. Enjoy the peace that abides within you, open to the new ideas and opportunities that present themselves each day and follow your own heart in all things.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/28/2013 1:28:41 AM

The Great Divine Director via Tazjima: Some Thoughts on Ascension

sunflowerAs channeled by Tazjima – January 26, 2012

I AM the Great Divine Director. Greetings and salutations to all those who are awake and aware in this time of transition for your race and planet!

We come today to lend our light to those who are still struggling to understand or undertake the next steps on the pathway to ascension. We understand that many, even among those who consider themselves as lightworkers, do not really know what ascension entails or what is required for one to step upon the path of initiation. This pathway leads to the self-realization that you are God. You do not have to go anywhere or to be anything other than in full self-acceptance.

Understand that you are not the wholeness of God or Creation, just a portion, but as reflected by holographic image, you are connected to the wholeness. The first step on this journey of self-discovery lies in the total acceptance of self, as you are, perhaps not as you perceive yourself to be. Acceptance of self is also a process of acknowledging that darkness can and does reside within.

By observing the existence of darkness and choosing to do nothing or to let it go, you remove the power of darkness to bind you in its tangled web. It is in the pull of darkness that one loses their way, using violence and control to bind others. Perhaps you disagree with how someone presents their viewpoint, arguing that you know better and therefore, they should follow your way—this is the way of darkness, through control, fear, limitation and intimidation.

On December 21, 2012, the world passed through a vortex into a new phase of existence. The old structures supporting the darkness and its matrix have been permanently withdrawn. All that was built under the direction of those adhering to the old paradigm will pass, will disintegrate and eventually pass from being. The length of this transition will be determined by the collective souls of the lightworkers, those who are now consciously anchoring the light on earth and bringing into manifestation a return to unity consciousness. It is these who are the ones who must take the lead, here and now, for the rest of humanity. Are you up to the task or should another take your place?

The time of feeling intellectually, spiritually or materially superior to another human being has departed. What is material can be taken away. Rest assured if your karma demands a balancing, it will come in the fullness of time. Those who strive to bring to the surface any remaining darkness within their own being, whether conscious or unconscious, will find their efforts bring a certain amount of easing of their circumstances. Suffering cannot be prevented, but your willingness to perform the inner work, can determine the degree of suffering, whether physical, emotional or mental, that must be endured.

Ascension for those starseed who came into this world during this particular cycle entails a reiteration of what has gone before, in many lifetimes and on other planets and in other universes. Ascension is part of the natural cycle of life, but one whose purpose has not be taught to the masses during this present time on your planet. Still, those who are starseed will find themselves naturally directed by intuition and spiritual guidance to discover what it is that is needed to carry themselves along this path of return.

By voluntarily undergoing the strenuous requirements of physical ascension, the starseed have accepted the role of wayshowers for the population of this planet. There was a time on the planet when ascension was known and practiced by groups of initiates under the guidance of their Christed leaders. These teachings have largely been subverted and/or hidden away by the followers of the Dark Brotherhood, for the purpose of binding the general population to their controllers during lifetime after lifetime of endless slavery.

Your spiritual forefathers and mothers foresaw the coming of a cycle of darkness that would temporarily plunge this world into superstition and chaos. The ending of that cycle is now underway. As the lightworkers engage in their work of ascension and self-discovery, by raising up their own vibration and frequency, then there will come a time of synchronicity when the frequency of those surrounding them will also rise up, through the Law of Correspondence.

Dwelling in a miasma of doubt and confusion is not the way to approach your ascension. Letting go of the doubt and dispensing with the confusion by shining the harsh light of honesty into your own subconscious and unconscious minds, will enable you to let go of what does not serve you anymore. Though your acts of contrition and self-forgiveness, you will move forward and upward, drawing those who follow along with you.

As the planet ascends through her own process of cleansing, so should you. Let go of all that you feel is no longer yours, whether that entails a relationship, a job that does not satisfy, outmoded beliefs, old attachments that bind you to old ways of being that no longer serve…anything that stands in the way. Be strong, be severe and yet balance that severity with kindness towards self and others.

Criticism of self and others is not discernment. What works for you, will not necessarily work for others. What others see and experience as being the way that they want to follow, will not necessarily attract your attention. Comparison and judgment is futile and a waste of time and effort. Each of you is a unique being and will need to discover your own pathway to ascension.

Ascension is a process. It can and will occur on a daily basis if and when you commit yourself fully to the journey. It is not an easy one, but will give you great personal reward as life will eventually become easier as the various energetic levels are passed.

There will be tests along the way to ensure that you have, indeed, incorporated the lessons presented during the journey. Your mastery of your physical, mental and emotional bodies will be tested. Can you withstand hardship and illness without complaint? Can you withstand the criticism of others who will be encountered on the path? Will you demand perfection from others when you have not managed to master perfection within yourself? Save judgment for your soul and Monad. These inner teachers will lovingly point out your short-comings, not to judge or condemn, but to encourage improvement and growth.

As you move through periods of growth, you will also find that you experience periods of quiet. These occur so that you can incorporate fully what it is that you have learned. The process of learning is actually a process of remembering or coming into an outer awareness of all that already exists within. The trick is to go forth with the open eyes of a child, an open heart and a clear, unbiased mind so that you might find delight in what you discover rather than confusion and dismay. The latter is an indication that what you discover has not met with your previously formed ideas of reality and that you are, at least temporarily, in a state of resistance to change. It up to you and you alone to be willing to open to change, for that is the only way you will be able to grow.

As you climb the path, you will find that reality is not always what you have been taught by your parents and other authority figures within this or any other physical lifetime. The world of spirit and the higher dimensions do not work on the same physical laws that you live under upon the surface. As you ascend in your consciousness, these inner worlds will begin to reveal themselves to you, as has been discovered by those dedicated to meditation. At first these experiences will be very personal and then, eventually, you will begin to discover correlations between inner and outer, upper and lower worlds. The signposts are there, but do not make themselves apparent until the one ascending is ready to see, hear or feel their presence.

As you gain in spiritual awareness, you will begin to open up to a sense of the greater community that exists all around you. The natural world has never left this awareness of unity. You will rediscover it yourself, in your own way. And as your spiritual senses begin to awaken, you will be able to discern more of what there is to be seen and experienced in this world, without leaving it for another.

Your world is in need of healing. Each one of you is in need of healing. You have voluntarily undergone this process as a way of healing the world and anchoring the light of heaven upon the sacred earth of your planet. Through your physical bodies will be anchored the light and love of heaven. You are the transformers, who step down this tremendous light through your own bodies. In order to perform this sacred task, it has taken much preparation so your bodies would not be destroyed by the incoming energies. Do not be surprised if you are still experiencing physical challenges as the energies are still increasing, within cycles. There will be a time ahead when the energies diminish, but that time has not yet arrived. So be kind to body and self. Change is demanding and can be stressful.

Do not make the mistake of judging those individuals who leave the planet during these days of transition. Each one has their own soul journey to make. Some will return almost immediately in a new body, as a young crystal child. Others will go to the Summerlands to undergo more training and perhaps a time of rest before undergoing another lifetime. Some souls will choose to work from the spirit planes. Others will return to their homes, having completed the work that their soul contracts delineated. Others will move to other planets and solar systems that more closely match their vibration in preparation for other lifetimes and other lessons, until they are also ready to undergo the path of return. The timing and the pathway is very individual to each and every soul, even those who are currently considered the darkest of the dark. All are one in God. All exist in God. The yin and yang, dark and light, male and female, all exist within the One.

We stand as the brotherhood of light with you to assist as needed by any and all who call out to us. We hear every word, every thought and feeling. We do not judge. We will not chide, but seek to encourage and aid you in coming to an acceptance of your own power and beauty. We cannot make the journey for you; it is up to you and you alone to do the work, but we will aid and assist in any way allowable by cosmic law.

Our blessings go forth to all. Know us as your brothers and sisters who stand beside you always. You are known and loved as the strongest and bravest of souls, in undertaking this grand journey from separation and into unity consciousness.

We leave you with one more thought on which to ponder: It is not necessary to be perfect in order to ascend. Even the mightiest of initiates face their own inner battles and victories.

We will come again. Until then, Namaste: We bow to the god and goddess within each of you.

Thank you, beloved Great Divine Director.

Copyright © 2012 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/28/2013 1:33:54 AM

Montague Keen, January 27, 2013

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With enlightenment, you are experiencing a greater understanding of the illusion that was used to keep you enslaved. You are seeing the Light and with the light comes love, and this love reconnects you with God (All That Is). You are returning to the universal fold. Link with this love energy, as where there is love, there cannot be fear or illness. Learn once more, to look with love on everything, even those you were encouraged to fear. Your love will dissipate their power over you. Love yourself: this is so important, for if you cannot love yourself, you cannot love anyone or anything else.

To change society, start first by changing yourself. You cannot sit back and depend on politicians and the like to change anything. They, after all, are responsible for the chaos all around you. You are the architects of this great change. Create in your minds the world as you would wish it to be, where people love each other and there is no violence and no fear; where peace reigns supreme. You can do it. Everything is in place for this to happen. Everyone has to create it together. Take back your power.

Where there is fear, create joy, and the fear will disappear. Ensure that your thoughts and actions are of pure intent, then there will be no room for suffering or aggression of any sort. You are waking up from a nightmare that you have been living in for centuries. You can heal the world. Remove all barriers created by religion, governments, and race, etc, and you will be free. Those walls were deliberately created to keep you under control. Your world has to change, so these walls have to come down. Your mantra should be, I WANT PEACE NOT WAR. I WANT LOVE. You have become separated from love, yet love is all that is. Accept that you need love and watch your world change for the better. You need each others’ love. The love vibration must be in your heart and soul. Remember that in order to find love, firstly, you must GIVE IT. Where there is love, there is no war, violence, or disease. Love is perfect bliss. All the walls are but an illusion. The lack of love is responsible for all that is wrong in your world. Love is energy, beautiful energy. When you have love in your life, you have everything. Think with your heart and live through your heart. The mind is controlled, it is a matrix. In loving those you fear, you neutralise them. That is real power, THE POWER OF LOVE.

As the light of truth appears, it exposes all that kept you in darkness. Though they use their power to keep you ignorant, they are fighting a losing battle. Each time a soul embraces the truth, there is rejoicing here in the world of spirit. We are with you every step of the way. We ask that you step forward and spread the word. Share your knowledge with all you meet, as to open another mind to truth is very rewarding. You do not need weapons to conquer the world, you need love and truth. You are living through the greatest change your planet has ever known. You have chosen to be the ones to remove the dark and return it to the light. Enjoy the journey, for it is the most exciting one of your lives.

I ask all those who link with spirit to offer protection to those in the front line of this transition. Everyone needs to take part. By sending love and light, you, too, are playing a role. It is the biggest role of your life, so much depends on it.

The corruption that was hidden so successfully for generations is now out in the open, exposed in all its depravity. They can no longer control the flow of exposure. All corruption has to be exposed and removed. There is no place for corruption in a world where love and peace rule. No country will be attacked. No people will ever live in fear of war again. You, all of you, are making this happen by embracing the light.

My dear wife gets many messages of love from around your world. They are all appreciated and they serve to link together in love so many countries. It is the power of love that enables Veronica and I to continue to work together. We are delighted that so many of you are delving back in history to ancient times in order to establish the truth; a time before the takeover by the dark forces. It is time for you to know who you are, and your history.

You ask why the Irish DNA is in so many countries, if what you were told in the corrupt history was true, that they were illiterate, ignorant and uncouth? In fact, they were the teachers of the world, 2000 years ago. They are the ARYAN RACE. The evidence can no longer be kept hidden, it will be exposed for all to see. Truth cannot be denied to you forever. Come together in love and harmony and bring this change about. You have the power to do this.

My love never leaves you. I show you that I am with you at all times.

Your adoring, Monty.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/28/2013 1:46:56 AM

Poofness Update for January 27, 2013

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Greetings and Salutations:

The gears on the world change over are engaging. You will hear with your own ears, very shortly. There was a ‘come-to-Jesus’ meeting at the White House a couple of weeks ago that laid down the gauntlet on US politicians. Nothing like being told, ‘we are about to move ahead and cast the US adrift to fend for itself’. In other words, the world needs it’s stuff and weren’t putting up with the US egos holding everything up. Every damn doc has been signed and left no reason to hold back from flipping this world on it’s head. Some have set themselves up to be sent to undisclosed locations, oh well, not like they weren’t warned. If you’re looking for the sense of that, just remember, some folks don’t believe fat meat’s greasy. Which means ‘reason’ is beyond their capacity, like a mule with blinders, side vision is not real strong with them, need a club to get their attention.

There is no military might that can stop an idea whose time has come. So mister Cheney can forget the military industrial complex stopping the people of the dragons from exercising their power for using their jewels to make a balanced world. Aren’t the words, ‘they who have the gold, rule?’. If you had no intent to pay back what you borrowed, should’ve never borrowed from them. They never were stupid about money and ‘worth’…but left-brain logic, doesn’t work completely, with people who use their right brains for more than drawing pictures. Actually the folks in the Himalayas teach a technique to assist in the process of merging the right and left hemispheres of the brain and, their functions; making it possible for a human to be single-brained. Draw back…’normal’ people may think you’re weird because you can walk and chew gum at the same time. lololol…and pat your belly.

As I said wait your turn, there have been alterations, thru the years for one reason or another. Who cares; the world is changing anyway and with the freedom being given to the former ‘serfs’, the panoramic view will shift very quickly. You know what needs fixing out here…set about when you’re given the chance, your back is being watched. The matrix serves more than getting bankers in pocket! So, off you go, and make a difference. No more Freddy Flintstone—time for the Jetsons’. Play nice and leave the grumble monkeys behind, smile at them when they say…it’s all BS…dust your feet off and walk on. We are Not going to hell in a hand basket, after all.

Consultations available until the knock on the door.

Love and Kisses,


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
