Posted by Alice C on January 21, 2013
As channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel – January 20, 2013
VIDEO (recommended)
My Beloved Ones, I AM Your Own God-Self!
I AM Speaking to you, to remind you of Me, so that you Remember Me.
I AM the Substance of your very life and existence.
I AM Pure Light and Consciousness, Emanating As Love in your heart.
As such I Embrace all Worlds and Universes and the most minute particle of your body-mind.
In Me ALL-THAT-IS arises, and I AM That.
Such is the Greatness of your own Ultimate Being-ness and State.
You have not been used to such a Perception of Yourself from the beginning of your life, because the circumstances you haven been born into, did not support this Truth.
You have been raised with and taught the idea to be a mere body-mind that is your thoughts, emotions and your physical body, which are all levels of different densities. But in Reality you are none of these.
You are Not Anything that can be measured, although you can experience all of this. You Are not Anything that can be touched, or heard or seen.
The Mystery of Your Being is limitless Radiant Consciousness.
But to Realize this, you must widen and go beyond, your usual perception of yourself, which describes boundaries, limitations and awareness of the subject-object relations. In other words, all that can be known.
In Reality there are neither subjects nor objects. They are phenomena in the domain of duality and appear to be real as soon as you start to identify with a finite personality.
If you leave behind or transcend the pairs of opposites and duality, and of any arising at all, you Are the One That You Always have been, before your entered the fields of experiences.
Because of your senses, and let them even be subtle, you divide in differentiation and otherness, all because of your identification with a part of the Whole.
Your challenge is, in order to Be fully Who You Are, to break open all limitations and dare to forget the worlds of familiar phenomena, allowing My Radiance of Infinity to be your Only and Very Identity. This is True and Real Happiness Which never can be diminished.
It is Radiance beyond the imagination that is possible in your world, and it Is your Home you came from.
In due course of your journeys in the universal realms of creation you wanted to experience different densities and learn their implications in lives, adapted to them. Thereby you have limited your awareness more and more, until you thought that you are but a dense, separate object that you call body. And I Am even Speaking about your subtle bodies too, even your light body.
Is it not that you think of advancement when you identify with your light-body?
But see, it is still a separate thing, as you can look at an infinite number of light-bodies.
You speak about the light-bodies of Saints and Masters and identify them as separate identities and personalities.
See, the Core and Real Substance of all these entities is still the Same than that of your own: My Infinite Radiant Consciousness, or the Divine Force of Infinite Consciousness, as Divine Consciousness is always One with Its Own Force or Power or Energy or Light.
In your case, you human beings have incarnated in a very dense physical body, but nevertheless also your physical body is arising in the Infinity of My Divine Consciousness.
My Radiant Consciousness is the Witness of all. To Realize this State and to Be It, allows you to witness all the embodiments through which you experience your worlds, and all the experiences themselves, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Your experience depends then on your level of the identification that you desire.
However, Identification with the Witness cannot be chosen with the mind.
Because you will now understand that even the mind must be transcended, in order to access Perfect Identification with It.
In the beginning it is a process of purification then, where you gradually let go denser vibrations, thoughts and emotions and conform them all to Me. This process is not to be imagined, but is a matter of actual and direct experience which transforms literally and tangibly your body-mind, because your awareness and consciousness are changing profoundly: you become an entirely different species in this process, so to speak! Because it is Consciousness that defines your Being and experiential existence.
For now you may have an intuition of the one or other degree of what it would be like to be Awake As Ultimate Consciousness.
But to Realize It, is again very different: Realizing It, means Becoming It, means demonstrating It, Living It in any moment.
It IS possible to Realize It, but it requires to leave EVERYTHING familiar behind!
All your identifications with limitations, which includes all forms, experiences, objects, memories, beliefs, preferences, and so on. They are all constituents of your present individual worlds.
Once you have transcended it all, the foundation of your Presence will be the “Other World”, beyond creation, and you will not reach from where you are now towards the “Other World”, but you will Reach from the “Other World” to here!
This is the Great Difference! You will have erased all bondage to here, all seeds of karma and repetitive tendencies. This world here might even fully dissolve for you in Light and disappear from your awareness.
That is when your journey comes to rest, as you returned to where you once came from.
All depends on your desire for experience! As long as you have such tendencies, you will be drawn to places accordingly. Know that it is yourself that governs the course of your journey. And know that this course is entirely up to you!
I AM your own Origin, and if you desire to return to Me the door stands open.
But even if it is your heart’s deepest wish to travel further in the Realms of experience, do not forget your Very Source, My Radiant Infinite Consciousness and Never-Ending Love-Bliss-Happiness. Never forget Me!
The mere Intuition of Me in the Deep of your heart and your Love of Me will shed My Radiance on all your steps. And if you dedicate your actions to Me, I will Fill your Life with the Light and Beauty of Integrity, Happiness and Love.
I AM your God-Self
Message conveyed by Ute
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