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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/16/2013 10:04:56 PM

Peggy Black: Message from the Team

Ascension 782By email from Bonnie.

Message from the “Team”

Galactic Family of Light

Peggy Black and the Team, Jan. 16, 2013

We are here, joining you in the midst of all things. You are to be acknowledged for consciously anchoring the energy from the core center of the galaxy. The crossing of this energy threshold signals the beginning of change in the collective field. Those of you who are aware of what has taken place can celebrate, for you were the physical chalice of all that was being offered.

We realize that many were expecting great and grand sweeping changes once this event took place in your reality. Let us assure you that on our level there were great and grand sweeping changes. These profound shifts will now begin to filter into the physical reality that you are focused upon. The celestial alignment anchoring the new reality of earth into the realms of the 5th dimension has occurred. The higher frequencies and the vibrations of light held in the 5th dimension are now more available to feel and experience.

Allow yourself to be acknowledged for all the active internal shifts and changes you have processed in the last series of years. We assure you that the density that has been transformed from this dimension has been monumental. You have done your personal work in clearing compressed vibrational traumas from your physical body, your mental patterns and your field. You have also assisted and supported the clearing of compressed vibrational traumas from the collective consciousness as well.

We say congratulations and keep up the good work, there is still more to be transformed. We assure you that you are making the difference by bringing your light, love and willingness to this galactic theater. We also assure you that literally the changes are coming forth with greater speed and manifestation then ever before.

In the coming days there will be an increased awareness that your spoken words and emotional offerings are manifesting more quickly. Many of you are now experiencing this very thing as you state your intentions and the results show up in your life without delay. We invite you to begin to consciously clean up just how you use the power of your spoken words. There are no throw away words.

Learn to listen to how you are stating your lack or your bounty, your challenges or your blessings, your gripes or your gratitudes. What you are telling the universal energies will manifest in some expression in your life and experience.

Each word carries the vibration of your personal power and intention. These word/sound vibrations, infused and partnered with the force of your emotional expression, interface with the quantum field of all possibilities and bring forth what has been offered. We invite you to own this awareness and power from your multidimensional perception. This truly is how the act of creation works and you know this in your deepest self.

In the past there was a buffer of time which allowed you to correct many of these false or misqualified statements that you offered without much thought or intention. In the coming times you will be amazed at how rapidly your thoughts, desires and intentions are showing up. So we invite you to claim this personal power as you practice creating life-enhancing realities for yourself, your community and the world.

You will also become aware of the incredible synchronicities that occur to bring about these realities. Recognize and remember that synchronicities are meant to be a part of your experience. They serve as guidelines or markers to let you know that you are “in the flow”; consider them signs along the way. This will become a fun and playful aspect of creating your new realities and experiences.

We invite you to look for and acknowledge these unusual events that are somehow related. Once you begin to train your awareness to see these, so to speak, “miracles” or recognize a seeming odd coincidence occurring, you will know that you are on the right track. Watch for the synchronicities as they show up and celebrate your clarity.

Also begin to notice how your physical body is feeling, for it is also undergoing tremendous changes. Each cell is shifting to hold more and more light frequencies. This does not happen overnight. So be kind to yourself and conscious of the foods you ingest, making sure that they are whole, healthy and fresh. Make a practice of infusing your conscious energy blessings, into any substance you put into your body. Remember you are a transformer of energy frequencies as a multidimensional being.

Drink water, for this holy substance supports the work of the cells and tissues in becoming more crystalline and light filled. We invite you to honor yourself with the gift of being in the nature that is available. Drink in this holy substance of energy and frequency offered by nature for it will revitalize your subtle energy bodies. Be sure that you find ways and methods to relax each day even for small moments or mini rest bits. You are also invited to play, joyfully and childlike. Be sure to incorporate laughter in your daily pattern, for laughter is a powerful healing vibration which resets your energy field.

You are also experiencing altered states of awareness, noticing a subtle shift in your perception. Welcome those experiences; you are beginning to own your true authentic self as a multidimensional being. The dimensions are much like rooms in a large dwelling; you will discover these dimensions or rooms as you explore the possibilities and allow yourself to move beyond your rigid boundaries. Again we invite you to play with this concept and potentiality.

Allow yourself to explore creating a space for this to occur naturally. Part of the shift in consciousness, the awakening and the ascension is the recognition and the ability to move freely along the timeline as well as from one dimension to another. You have had those moments where you truly do this, however we are inviting you to be aware of when you make this shift and to practice and welcome this ability to unfold.

You will find the perfect method which will support this shift in awareness. Sages and ancient ones have all given clues of how to bring about this shift; our favorite will always be the use of sound vibrations; chanting and drumming will certainly create a shift, as will dancing and meditation. There will come a time when you will able to shift your consciousness and alter you perception just with the desire and intention.

You will begin to explore the other dimensions and timelines with greater ease, each time bringing a new awareness back into this dense dimension of physical reality and duality. You will learn how to be in the altered-state of non-duality and still be present in this here and now. The doors are open for you; allow yourself to cross the threshold into the wonder.

We are welcoming you into the galactic family of light. Your planet and humanity is moving more fully into this realization. It is important that you always honor your physical body and presence in this dense polarity and dimension; however we also want you to honor and welcome your divine multidimensional presence. Each day invite this divine partnership, anchor this energy to the electromagnetic and geomagnetic field of this planet, and embrace the clear knowing that you are receiving pure energy and support from the one true source of the All That Is.

Remember you are here on assignment to transmute and transform the dense unconsciousness and the misqualified energy that has been offered into this matrix or reality. You are a master and we are just reminding you of your true self. When we invite you to “lighten up” we mean this on every level.

Bring your light of consciousness to each experience; offer your light of joy and gratitude as often as possible; drink in the energy of light that is being given to you at each moment, from all of nature, the stars and your very galaxy. Your every cell is adjusting and shifting to hold and anchor more and more light conscious vibration. You are literally being bathed at all times with this beautiful healing, ever expanding, vibration of light.

Welcome this pure energy you call light, acknowledge this pure energy of light, and begin to offer and share this light with all you encounter. You are becoming a true being of light vibration. Remember that you are light. You come from light and you will always be an extension of light. You are a guardian of the light.

We are honored to have this opportunity to acknowledge and welcome you into the divine family of light and love. We offer our gratitude and deep appreciation for the work and service you continue to extend into this physical reality. Be kind to yourself and others as these shifts and changes in density bring challenges. We are always available to assist and support upon your invitation and request. the ‘team’

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/16/2013 10:06:02 PM

Jesus: The Stage of the Illusion in Which You Seem to be Presently Contained is Coming to an End

jesus-4-258x3001-150x150Jesus: The Stage of the Illusion in Which You Seem to be Presently Contained is Coming to an End

As channelled by John Smallman – January 16, 2013

Message from John Smallman: Hello, this is John with Jesus’ message for Wednesday January 16th 2013. First I would like to thank you all most sincerely for your uplifting comments, the healing energies that you sent me, and for the love that you shared with me while I was off sick. It is very inspiring and encouraging for me to hear from you, so, once again, a heartfelt thanks to you all – readers, rebloggers, translators, and those who have felt angered or offended. I post these messages publicly in love, so please accept that that is my intent. Now sit back and receive the abundance of loving energy that Jesus’ message extends to everyone of you.

John’s reading of today’s post:

You truly are on the verge of enormous changes in the ways you experience life, and those changes will be well worth the long wait that you have been undergoing.

The energy field that envelops the planet and all the sentient life forms that she supports — the field of divine Love — has greatly intensified and strengthened over the last few weeks of Earth time, and every day the numbers of you opening your hearts to accept its embrace increases exponentially.

Tremendous progress has been made in bringing humanity closer to wakefulness due to your determination and your intent to do your Father’s Will by offering only love in all your human interactions. You do not always succeed, but you always intend to succeed, and it is your intent that changes the world.

Do not judge yourselves when it seems to you that your intent has failed, that you have dropped your focus and become distracted, or been overwhelmed by anger brought on by in-your-face issues and emotions, or by the actions or inactions of others. That is all part of the ego’s plan to entangle you in the illusion so that you forget that you are spiritual beings of immense power, and consequently it seems that you have lost the ability to make contact with your divine aspect.

Instead, all these unpleasant beguilements have become very important to you and appear to demand your undivided attention because – your ego would have you believe – you yourselves are personally responsible for changing people who are behaving insanely, or indeed for changing the world, by drawing people’s attention to their faults and inadequacies which are obviously the underlying cause of so many terrestrial problems.

Just be aware of what has happened: you have become entangled (temporarily!) in the snares and confusions with which the illusion attempts to divert you from your spiritual path. Do not judge yourselves or others, and instead release the hoards of “shoulds” and “musts” that are so successfully holding your attention, and relax back into your natural non-egoic state of peace at the true center of your being whence you can send love and compassion to all, including yourselves.

You are all divine beings having an illusory experience — and remember that illusions do not last. They are ephemeral happenings or events, even though they feel intensely real while you are undergoing them. The stage of the illusion in which you seem to be presently contained is coming to an end. There will be continuing disturbances as it disintegrates, and some of them will be painful for some of you, but when compared to the wars and plagues, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions of earlier times their consequences will be far more short-lived.

Change is messy, and it is often difficult and unsettling, but out of its apparent chaos wonders will be created that will astound and delight you. You have been bringing it about so that the planet and all her myriad life forms can be renewed and reinvigorated by the healing, compassionate, and loving energies that you are engaging with daily. They have reached out to you from the encircling, divine energy field which offers succor to all who ask for it and who allow themselves to open their hearts to receive it.

The task of holding the Light or showing the way has become more intense recently so that it seems even tougher and more demanding than ever. That is because you are all allowing the far more powerful energies, which arrived with the great energy shift that embraced the planet, to pour through you to assist all the sentient life forms whose survival and renewal, like hers, is an enormous but inspiring responsibility that you have so willingly agreed to be a part of. It is a vast responsibility and you are strong enough and capable enough to do your bit. And you cannot fail because you are constantly, divinely supported in your intent.

Do not forget that you are divinely assisted in every moment even if you cannot feel it or sense it. You are never left alone to fend for yourselves, but are always lovingly watched over and given the help and guidance that you need and will accept. Open your hearts to receive the divine inundation of Love that is your heritage and your birthright, and complete your journey home.

Your loving brother, Jesus

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/16/2013 10:07:04 PM

Saul: To Awaken is Simply to Release Yourselves from the Bondage of Time

SaulSaul: To Awaken is Simply to Release Yourselves from the Bondage of Time

As channelled by John Smallman – January 16, 2013

Message from John Smallman: Hello, John here bringing you Saul’s message for Wednesday January 16th 2013. First I would like to thank you all most sincerely for your uplifting comments, the healing energies that you sent me, and for the love that you shared with me while I was off sick. It is very inspiring and encouraging for me to hear from you, so, once again, a heartfelt thanks to you all – readers, rebloggers, translators, and those who have felt angered or offended. I post these messages publicly in love, so please accept that that is my intent. Now sit back and relax into the loving energy that Saul’s message extends to everyone of you.

John’s reading:

Humanity’s journey has been long and arduous, and although most of you have very little sense of it, you are very close to awakening.

Time is a strange concept and yet it is an essential part of your illusory reality. It is one of its main foundations, and the more you can focus on and live in the ever-present now moment, the more effectively you can cooperate in dissolving time and the illusion.

As you know, you have never left your Father’s side, His eternal Presence, and to awaken is simply to release yourselves from the bondage of time and all the other unhappy aspects of the illusion in which you have seemingly become ensnared.

You have unlimited assistance available to you just for the asking whenever you choose to pay full attention to the present moment, the only real time. For much of your lives you are distracted by the “outside world” – other people, places, activities, problems that absolutely insist that you pay attention – when the “real world” is the one within. Not the one of anxieties, concerns, suffering, and judgments, but the one of total peace and contentment that you can access and enjoy when you cease striving to reason out solutions to the many problems or issues which seem to define who you are or why you exist.

You can only find yourselves by letting go of your logical mind and then allowing the thoughts that come to mind to flow through without your engaging with them. Doing that does bring a sense of relief and peace that you cannot find anywhere else — a sense of space, of freedom, and of security, because you are effectively floating in the arms of Love, in the Presence of God. This kind of experience or brief awakening gives you the strength and courage to face and learn the lessons with which the illusion continuously presents you.

You do of course live and experience life in the illusion and so you do have to deal with the issues and problems with which it presents you, but try to do that in the moment instead of dwelling endlessly on issues which cannot be resolved until some future event or time because you do not at present have the necessary information. When you have the required information then the issue can be resolved; until then enjoy the inspiring moments that life is constantly offering you if you will open your eyes to see.

Life lived to the fullest extent possible is inspiring, uplifting, and very rewarding. Nevertheless, many times you switch off your awareness of it and drift away into worry and anxiety about issues that, in the present moment, you can do nothing about. Then life passes you by while you ignore it and you fill your minds with trivia that cause you only pain and suffering.

Yes, of course you have all suffered, maybe you are suffering right now — but why? Are you, in this moment, in pain. Yes, of course some of you are, but most of you are not, and for those, your suffering is very likely self-imposed because you are thinking or worrying about issues that in this moment you can do nothing positive or meaningful to resolve, and you are missing the smile of an infant, the beauty of falling snow and the peaceful contentment that awareness of wonders like that provide.

I am not disparaging or discounting the pain and suffering that many are truly experiencing; I am just trying to draw your attention to things of beauty and wonder that you miss when you let go of your awareness. Letting go of awareness is shutting yourselves off from life and all the delights that it offers in every moment. Even if you are in pain, the smile of a loved one or the colors of a sunset can uplift you into a moment of rapture.

The illusion wants your attention; in fact it demands your attention because it relies on your attention to support and maintain it. If you can be in the world but not of it, you relieve yourselves of an enormous burden because you cease to feel responsible for correcting it, or for helping to destroy the evil in it. Evil is a lack of love, it is an act of desperation by one or numbers of people who feel lost, alone, unloved and unlovable, who, in great suffering (often denied or deeply buried within them), try to escape from themselves by ill-treating others. Of course it does not work, so they may try harder until it becomes obsessive.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to restrain or contain those who would hurt others; at other times it is impossible because they apparently have power and authority to inflict pain and punishment without restraint. But they can only be healed by love. And if they are severely damaged it can take a very long time.

Everyone on Earth is here to learn lessons personally selected or chosen, and to help everyone else to see the illusion for what it is. There is really only one lesson, despite the innumerable forms in which it can be and is presented, and that is to accept the Love that your Father offers you constantly, and to be a channel, a conduit through which that Love passes to all with whom you interact so that a spontaneous and constant flow of Love envelops and embraces you all.

Free will can seem at times like a spanner in the works because it allows you to reject Love, to hide from It, to refuse to believe that such a thing exists. But It is all that exists; It is the flow of God amongst his beloved children, seeking only to embrace them and see them peaceful, content, and happy, always. Yes, Love is the lesson, and all will learn it. However, free will allows each to decide when the moment is right, and, notwithstanding the denial of Love to which many have attached themselves, there will come a moment when even the most ardent refuseniks will open themselves to the Love that constantly surrounds them.

All are saved and will return Home — it is just a question of timing. Open yourselves to Love now, in this very moment, if you have not already done so, because further delay is most definitely not in your best interest, especially when you consider that there is nothing else, only nothingness, illusion, whereas Love is everything.

With so very much love, Saul

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/16/2013 10:17:17 PM

Sheldan Nidle Update - January 15, 2013

13 Chicchan, 13 Chicchan, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We return! Your world continues to move forward toward the day chosen by Heaven for manifesting your new reality. Our Agarthan family informs us that their part in this operation has reached completion. Likewise, our secret sacred allies confirm that their activities have reached the point chosen for them by Heaven. We continue to allow the use of our technology to assist everyone in ensuring that all these interlinked operations are manifested exactly as planned. The one thing now remaining is for us to obtain the final green light from our heavenly hosts. This signal is shortly to be given to us. Until then we wait, watch, and oversee what is so close to happening. Meanwhile, the dark panics and wonders how and when the arrests will take place. At present, they are in a state of some anxiety because many of their co-workers have simply 'disappeared,' and thus they can no longer ignore the fact that the about their non-compliance that have long been presented to them are inescapably real, and that their positions of power are not to last much longer. Their vast fortunes have dwindled and the banking system they control is close to being shut down.

As all these dramas play out, your world appears on the surface to muddle along as before. Yet the dark knows that this charade is nearly over and that new governance is in place in America, ready to assume authority. The changeover will start with a series of announcements that are sure to astound most of you. Then the new financial reality will bring a huge sigh of relief to each of you, as freedom from want and anxiety allows you to move into joy and abundance. Debt forgiveness on this scale will heal the many deeply entrenched rifts in a society that has been badly lopsided for millennia. The rich and powerful have used this double-standard system to hammer the masses and force them to do their bidding. Now all of this is to be removed and a level playing field has replaced the unjust world that has tormented you for so long. Moreover, governance more to your liking is beginning to 'call this new tune.' But do bear in mind that these improvements in your circumstances merely herald much greater changes to come, including disclosure. Here you get to the magic moment when we can formally introduce ourselves to you.

Our arrival changes everything. Your sense of global identity is based on the fact of being unique in the cosmos. In fact, you are not alone. You came, long ago, from all over the galaxy to colonize this world. Your original colony of Lemuria was the start of your time on Gaia. Presently you are locked in the state of amnesia created by limited consciousness, and the moment has now arrived for you to be freed from this inability to know who you are and why you came to this beautiful blue-green world. The task of removing your amnesia has been given to us, and after a few decades of preparation we are ready to take you on a journey of discovery that will return to you the joys and wonders that are full consciousness. The first part of this journey begins with our broadcasts explaining what is to happen. Shortly after that, we will land and start a series of open and thorough discussions, coupled with technology transfers which will provide you with the wherewithal to return to your original, natural state. Then you can begin the individual full consciousness training that will allow you to begin setting up your new star-nation.

Our core reason for coming to your solar system is not merely to watch over you but to return you to your spiritual and space families. Your Agarthan ancestors, too, are looking forward to taking up their own roles in the mentoring process. Until now Heaven restrained them from many of the things they wished to do for you, but now these limitations have been lifted and we expect them to play a large part in advising your new governance and in drawing up a number of policy statements regarding the new regulations of your banking and finance system. It is vital that you pass quickly beyond the first stages of your new prosperity and learn how to operate without the need for money as such. Our galactic societies function by direct manifestation of what we need, without resorting to being dependent on the energy resources of our home world. We also understand that our task is to nurture and support our living world, and our society is a divine culture that takes its place as a truly magnificent part of divine co-creation in our most wondrous galaxy.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! The march toward a blessed new reality continues. Our sacred associates are at the point where, with Heaven's blessing, a new world can swiftly manifest. This sacred approval will shortly be given. Heaven is to proclaim a sacred day and this reality will finally come to pass. The dark has been informed that all our work to date will, on that day, be swiftly completed. This includes new governance and a series of broadcasts that will introduce you to those souls who have worked so courageously to make your new world possible. The success of this most ambitious undertaking is also dependent on the contribution of the Agarthans and a network of personnel from our space families. We the Ascended Masters are very grateful for all that is being done to prepare you for your life as a fully conscious Being. Our own mentoring of you will also serve you well, as it prepares you for what first contact will bring.

Mentoring you for full consciousness requires that we come among you physically and begin teaching you to understand how this limited-conscious realm operates. We ourselves learned about this as we worked our way up into higher states of consciousness. It is important for you to know how 3-D operates because it lays the foundation for the greater wisdom of how the higher dimensions operate. This knowledge allows you to prepare for what your metamorphosis will bring. You are transitioning from a state where you are surrounded by many arcane beliefs to one that is fully transparent and truly amazing! This is a transition that each one of us made. Now it is your turn, and you are to be guided in this most graciously to enable you to reach that sacred destination.

What is shortly to happen on your surface realm is more than just a metamorphosis; it is to be a major feat whereby you will integrate the many different parts of you into a most glorious unity, both individually and collectively. This process will undo a collective experience that lasted for nearly 13,000 years and is the culmination of a sacred promise made to you by Heaven. The dark and its innumerable blasphemies are to fade away. A new Age of Light will dawn and the time of the sacred prophets of the Creator will again be seen. Every one of you is a potential prophet and a deliverer of Good News! You are to form a society based upon your great Light, which is to shine in glory and multifarious service to the Creator. You will join us, as we guide you along those sacred paths assigned to us by the wondrous workings of Heaven and the divine plan.

Today, we reviewed what is shortly to happen. Your surface realm is on the verge of reuniting with its inner complement, Inner Earth. This new, conjoined realm is to be the staging area for your metamorphosis into full consciousness and for the creation of a new star-nation. We rejoice, and wait patiently for this glorious time to manifest. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Myrna Ferguson

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1/17/2013 12:21:50 AM

Oakbridge University - Jeshua Online
Message of the Day

Things morph. That is the wonderful part about being creative: you can morph; you can change; you can change the circumstances around you. If you are not happy with the circumstances around you, start envisioning, “What would I like the circumstances to be? How would it feel? Who should I talk to? Who can I share this with?”


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