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10/31/2012 10:12:51 PM

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: The Beginning of Everything is Within Yourselves

2012 OCTOBER 31
Posted by Stephen Cook

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: The Beginning of Everything is Within Yourselves

Stephen: Don’t forget Ron Head will be my special guest when he makes his radio interview debut on The Light Agenda on Wednesday November 7.

As channeled by Ron Head – October 30, 2012

As you can easily see, the events that are now happening on all sides of you could easily shake you from your centered determination. We congratulate all of you. If you are reading this, either you have not been affected, or you know well how to recover your calm and center yourselves.

Your personal process of change continues, regardless of all the outward commotion. Unknown to many of you still, there is great progress being made in many places upon your world.

It is unfortunate that your communications media still reports only sensational and negative events, but that situation will not last much longer. What they will soon assume are negative events, you will in fact recognize as being very positive. Remember to view the events and not the fear filled interpretations imposed upon them.

There are only less than two months left in this very important year. The definite increase in the energies of your world has already begun. We know that many of you are able to sense this yourselves, but it is still so faint and gradual that you sometimes find yourselves in doubt. Each day now, this will increase, and it will build upon itself. There will soon be no reason for doubt whatsoever.

Gauge these things by your own feelings and intuition. As we have always told you, the beginning of everything is within yourselves. No matter what happens outside of you, the reason, meaning and final outcome are all internal to yourselves. There would be no reason at all for any of it were it not lifting you into your higher consciousness, if you were unable to feel and understand it.

Therefore, make it your first priority to learn to sense the state of your own and your world’s consciousness. This growing, rising, and expanding state is the entire purpose of all that is happening within you. And what is happening around you follows that as it always has and always will.

As more and more of you begin to realize and make use of these principles, the change will accelerate even more. You can measure the progress you are making by this acceleration.

We, your angels and guides, are amazed and overjoyed. We can actually see this happening right now. Many of you can, as well. Reach out. Look around you. If you are not yet able to sense it for yourselves, you will be able to find those who can if you look for them. If you do sense it, you will be able to help those others, and in the process, reinforce your own growing happiness and joy.

We tell you frequently that we are with you at all times. We tell you now that the ‘veil’, as you term it, is now so thin that almost all of you will feel our presence if you but try. We are at your shoulders now and will speak again shortly. Good day.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/1/2012 5:11:25 AM

Hi Luis,

Thank you so much for bringing that by for me. I appreciate that so much. I believe in GOD and I do believe that all established religions do try to instill upon their flock the word of GOD. However, I also believe that no matter what denomination it is, every religious following has in it's version of the Holy Bible the story of the farmer who brought people in from the surrounding area, people to tend his crops for the day. Each was offered the same pay for a day's work, and each agreed on the terms. However, at the end of the day, when the workers that had worked a full day noticed that those who started later in the day received the same pay as they did. They became angry, saying that it was not fair that those that did not work the same amount of hours as they did, should not be paid the same amount of money. The farmer simply smiled and said, "Did you not agree to my terms of payment?" This same arguement prevails to this day. If a person gets injured on the job and can no longer work, he or she has to rely on the government for some type of help. The farmer had the money set aside for each of his workers, as the government is suppose to have money set aside for it's workers. Therefore, in His Divine Wisdom, the farmer had, way back when the bible was first written, designed a monetary system that would work for all, however, throughout the years, the money that was intended for the people was used on other matters and when it came time to pay the people, the money was not there. We are now faced with the perplexing problem of re-designing the monetary system simply because we could not follow simple directions handed down to us from GOD.

In a way, when the decision was reached to Bail out the Auto Industry, I felt that it would have been better to let them go Broke. There are enough used autos sitting on Auto Dealership lots throughout the United States that every single person in America could own a vehicle, and the zealous auto manufacturers are making more vehicles now then they were before. There are still a lot of people in the U.S. out of work, but it is not so much that there are no jobs, but rather they don't have transporatation to get to the jobs. I believe that if the Auto Dealerships began a program where if a person needed a vehicle to get to work, they would loan them a used vehicle, not new, just something to get them to work, with a signed statement that after their second or third paycheck, they would begin making payments on the vehicle until it was paid, a lot more people would be working, a lot more money would be going into the system, because the recipient would still be responsible for putting gas in the vehicle and maintaining it himself or herself. At the same time, the Dealership could sign an agreement with a government agency to the effect that if the recipient managed to slip away without making any payments at all, the dealership could take the retail price of the vehicle off his taxes. It would do no good to hunt down the one that got away, because that would cost too much unnecessary expenditures. I believe that there would be a lot more people that would stick to their commitment and recommend that dealership to others and trade up when the time was right. There are a lot of programs like this that could work if people just put a little effort into it and make it work.




Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
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11/1/2012 5:49:57 AM

10_1_136.gifHi Michael,

I left a comment on your forum. As I mentioned, I agree with some, but not all. As this forum is bringing in messages of a brighter tomorrow, I believe if we can think of positive ways to help this happen, our transition could be a good thing. As I mentioned above, we have been given directions in the bible, but we have not followed them. It is like on Christmas morning when we would be putting toys together. Many of us did not want to follow directions, so when our son came in all bruised up because his new bicycle did not have brakes, we suddenly knew what those extra pieces were. We were intended to help each other, but we don't do it, because if we are making good money we are too busy counting it to worry about the next person. In order for us to survive, we have to stop worrying about all those people that may be doing wrong and resolve to do what it right. If we run a restaurant, rather than throwing out tons of good food every year, we have to contact places that help the hungry and donate it. There are legal documents that you sign with the organization that accepts the food that basically states that once you turn the food over to them it is their responsibility. If people get sick, it's on them, not you. Plus, in most places you can take the price of the food off your taxes. Unlike, if you throw the food out it is waste and you get no compensation. By suggesting programs like this to different business people, we could help the waste that goes in the dump each day, eliminate slow money days by utilizing tax right-offs, showing people in your community that you care, helping society, and eventualy, by everyone doing their fair share with positive thinking, we can eliminate the need for many government offices. Remember, no matter what country it is, the reason that we have all these government offices taking care of us their way is because we have failed to take care of ourselves our way. If you have an extra Raincoat, give one to someone who has none. These are basically the messages that Luis has been bringing to us right along, and I just realized that by taking care of each other, we give (Big Brother) nothing left to do. When their scare tactics no longer work, they are out of business.



Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
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11/2/2012 2:47:49 AM
Hi Mike,

I really lack the words to tell you how much I appreciate your visiting here. Your posts are like rays of sunlight illuminating our path in a dark day. At least, I can perceive your good intention in every word you say. They are so creative. Not always do they seem practical to me, but I have always been skeptic regarding what people can or will do for their neighbor and the world at large, and more now that things have become harder for most of us in the world.

People are generally frivolous and the rich among us, those who could perhaps help, are mostly centered on their own needs summed up in consumption and in getting fun. Not to mention the politicians, greedy people who will usually ruin the private charitable effort if and when it finally manifests. And beyond them, the 1 percent whom they mostly work for, who not only are greedy beyond reason but will never let the poor get any relief if they can prevent it from happening. But this is only my opinion, and my only comment is we would need several thousands like you, people with golden hearts to initiate such wonders as you describe. If only we could get direct help from above!

The scriptures talk about times of immense distress when holy men like Elijah and also saints from remote countries would invoke the divine help by simply clapping their hands on the surface of the sea, or of a river, to get such urgent help and bring such much needed relief for the world by putting all good things like you describe into motion... but maybe it is I who is being impractical by talking like this.



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/2/2012 2:57:43 AM
I say, maybe SaLuSa brings here an answer to our present unrest

SaLuSa: Meet Us Without Fear

2012 OCTOBER 31
Posted by Steve Beckow

At the end of his speech in Sedona on Wednesday at 4:00 p.m., Mike Quinsey gave an impromptu message from SaLuSa. Mike did not give it as SaLuSa speaking directly, but as Mike reporting what SaLuSa was saying to him.

Thank you, dear ones, for coming to Sedona. I’m speaking for SaLuSa who wants to say that they’re more than grateful for people coming to Sedona. You’ve created much more light than previously which will go around the Earth and help to speed up evolution around the planet.

The forces on the motherships and other craft are so near to us now. They’re monitoring everything that goes on around the Earth. The consciousness levels have never been as high as they are now and when they reach critical mass there’ll be an explosion of light on the Earth.

They want us not to make the extraterrestrials superior in any way. They come as equals and when they come we’ll have a great celebration. They’ll continue to be with us after Ascension. They want us to become part of their plans for the future and they have a lot to offer us and will lift us into the higher levels they have described.


They want us to meet them without fear. When they’ve come to the Earth, they haven’t done anything that would harm us or put people in a place of fear. But they do realize that the dark ones have always set about to bring us fear of their presence.

They want us to evolve very quickly so that they can bring us the benefits of technology. The Sirians want to meet the Sirians among us, the Pleiadians, the Pleiadians, and so forth. After Ascension some of us will get the opportunity to return to our planets. It’s a choice we’ll make. Our real families are extraterrestrial, which we left when we volunteered to come to this plant to help with Ascension.

They know us well. In the nighttime some of us go meet them on the ships but when we go back they close off our memories because the memories of experiencing their superior technologies and the warmth and comfort would distract us too much from our work on Earth.

Even now they don’t want to upset the work of the end times. They’re very proud of the work that the lightworkers have done and even now they are very present with our spirit guides. They are as available to us as our guides and if they can help us in any way they will. What they do is when they are around us they try to influence us.

They’re not very much inclined to give us dates but all will come in the very near future. They prefer that we allow things to flow and accept things as they are because all of this is in our best interests.

SaLuSa thanks us for our warm interest. He is the voice for the original group that has come from the motherships. They don’t work separately. They work as teams. This teamwork will happen to us as well in the near future.

Mankind has worked very hard in the past frew years to bring all races together and become one. SaLuSa does not want to be idolized. He does not consider himself to be anything special. But he does appreciate that we are helped by the messages. He appreciates that many of the messages have been repetitive but that is unavoidable.

He can see us now. He can see our love, our light, our auras. He sees beautiful people merging together and creating a wonderful impact on the people of the world. The galactics appreciate our efforts and are coming nearer and nearer and appreciate our efforts.

It didn’t exist some time back that people welcomed their presence. Previously fear was more prevalent than love but that has changed. The more love that comes, the easier it is for them to come.

This is where SaLuSa wants to end his message but he wants to come back on Monday and we’ll continue.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
