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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/23/2012 1:57:38 AM
This wonderful message caught my eye at Jill's 'Mountain of Love' forum... I am bringing it over from the original site. As the shift of age approaches, more and more things that were occult from old times are finally coming out into the light

Tuesday, August 21, 2012



The Sacred Site of AGARTHA in Matawini have been discovered by Astraelia at the age of 7 after a powerful mystical experience occurred as a Great Blue Heron came levitate over him his wings spread opened in the center of the sun. It is a very ancient sacred site, whose discovery have been kept a secret for more than 50 years. This megalithic site goes back to the previous Age of Light on Earth, and is being reactivated to play it's inspiring role in the birthing of the New Age of Light. This New Age of Light is expected to arise with the return of the Ancestors, those the indigenous peoples call the ''Star Nations'' the great Armada of the Galactic Federation of Light actually around our Planet.

The time has come for the discovery of the fundamentally spiritual nature and meaning of the presence of the Celestrial civilizations actually around Earth in the invisible spectrum. These spiritually advanced extraterrestrial civilizations of the Light, are sent here by Prime Creator, in a paramount mission of birthing the spiritual Ascension of humanity. They are both our archaic genetic ancestors who have seeded humanity on the sacred paradise of Gaia, and are also what we know to be the Gardian Angels sent here by Prime Creator to assist him in the full implementation of the Divine Plan of return to the spiritual dimensions, that has been prophesied by the Ancients for Earth Humanity.

The disclosure and landing of the Galactic Federation Armada will be leading to the eventual revelation of the long hidden secret of the existence of the Inner Earth Agartha Kingdom who will play a key role in the Ascension process by providing light transformation chambers that will enable us to reaccess the forgotten memory of who we are, and will reconnect our chakras that have been closed since the great devolution that occurred at the end of the Atlantean Era. The members of the 5th dimensional Agartha Kingdom are the descendants of the LEMURIAN ancient Star Civilization that have built the Agartha sacred site. They had to find shelter in the womb of Gaia after the invasion of the Dark Empire of Anchara who covertly took over our beloved planet 550 thousand years ago.

The impending Spiritual Ascension process is accessible to all spiritually inclined people of Earth who wish to walk on this sacred path of their own free will. We are destined to become the steward gardians of Gaia that will be reborn in it's original state of a sacred paradise planet of the Light existing on the 4th and 5th dimensional level.

Astraelia is also a contactee for the Galactic Federation of Light, a Light Worker working ''on the sacred side of things'', reactivating the primordial living link between Earth and the Spiritual Dimensions, through the medium of ceremonies, sacred singing and tantric extatic yoga practices. This whole story of the discovery of Matawini is a genuine living legend of our time, bringing us a glimpse of the Light, Bliss and Divine Love which is our true destiny has it will be revealed to all of us in 2012. This is the magnitude of what is being hidden from us, behind the whole secrecy on the subject of UFO presence around our planet, and on the profound spiritual meaning of the Ascension process that is to occur in 2012.

The celestial legions of the Angels of the Light are here, in their heavenly vehicules of living light that we still call UFO, in this paramount mission involving the greatest UFO Armada ever assembled, including over 1000 giant Motherships, dozens of Planetoid size Starships, and over 15 millions UFO, in orbit around Earth waiting for a massive First Contact landing, in order to implement the Divine Plan of liberation of Earth from the entrenched remains of the Dark Force of the Illuminati, and the return to the spiritual dimensions of all those that are ready and willing to enter the dimensional portal of 2012, of their own Free Will and with blissful Love and Joy in their heart. A Divine Intervention of very great magnitude is about to happen. May we all soon be One in the supreme Light of Divine Love.

The role of the Agartha site is to be an anchoring point in the Light Grid of Earth for the Light current energies that are being channeled toward Earth from the Galactic Center and the Planetoid size Starships of the Armada of the Galactic Federation, in preparation for the dimensional ascension of 2012, that will bring us back to our previously enjoyed full consciousness.

There are 5 magnificent sacred sites around the Matawini mountain. There is a crystal obelisk in the sacred cave, a megalithic stone circle on the top of the Matawini mountain, & a Cristal Crop Circle of the symbol of the Galactic Federation on the Giant Rock Site and many UFO shaped ancient Dolmens. Crystal Obelisks shaped like ''Flames of Stone'' have been predicted to be found on the site, and after many years of quest, many have been found, the largest one being over 600 pounds. In 2010 a new sacred site has been discovered, the Agartha Pyramid site.

The discovery of the sacred site by Astraelia at the age of 7, is also the fulfillment of an ancient local Indian Elders prophecy, who had predicted the discovery of an important sacred site in Quebec by a seven years old child. This prophecy also mentioned an important Sacred Bundle would be found. The prophecy has in all it's aspects been fulfilled... The Agartha sacred site is dedicated to the return of the New Age of Light & spirituality on Earth, the reunion with our ancestors, the Celestrial Civilizations from the Star Nations, & the Agartha Inner Earth Kingdom, and the dimensional spiritual Ascension Process of 2012.

May the Great Spirit Sun shine it's Bliss in our heart.
May the christed light of love radiate in our hearts
And announce a new Day for Gaia & her faithful guardians
The most important journey, is the one that leads to ourself


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/23/2012 4:27:14 PM
The Unstoppable Tide of Education Grows Across Africa

NOTE: This is a guest post from Ann Cotton, President and Founder of Camfed International. This piece was originally posted on

Empowerment is a deceptive word. It is meant to capture a sense of an individual’s control over her own life, of her ability to make choices. But it also often contains a sense of passivity: a hint that power is being granted to individuals, handed over to them like a bag of grain. The word contains within it the tussle between the powerful and the powerless and the implicit sense that for the weak or poor to thrive, the transfer of ‘power’ — be it knowledge, ability or wealth — must be all in one direction: downwards from the strong or rich.

In fact, true power is not about handouts or handovers. It is about eliminating barriers — such as ignorance, poverty or hunger — so that individuals have the chance to achieve their potential. Crucially, true empowerment that benefits the many, not just the few, comes not when power is transferred from one individual to another, but rather when it is shared: for individuals to flourish, they need to be given the means to discover how to fly and not simply handed wings.

Angeline Murimirwa knows this from personal experience.

Angie — who is profiled in the book, “Half the Sky” — was born in Sadza, a rural district in Zimbabwe, southern Africa. Her parents were subsistence farmers. They grew little or no surplus food to sell for basics, let alone for school fees, which every child in Zimbabwe must pay to go to secondary school. Angie clearly remembers wearing a torn dress to school, having no shoes and little to eat and being sent home to collect school fees, which she knew her family did not have. Yet she knew she was a bright child. She would hear neighbors say things like “manhanga anowira kune vasina hari” (“those who harvest so many pumpkins are often the people who do not have clay pots to cook them in”) — meaning her mother had a clever daughter, but could not afford to capitalize on it.

Angie sobbed when she got her results at the end of primary school: not out of joy, but out of pain. Though she achieved one of the best results in the entire country, she knew that without money for school fees or clothing, she would not be able to go to secondary school. It was then, she says, that she felt the real power of poverty: education could give her the knowledge and skills that would enable her to make her own choices in life, choices her parents were unable to make for want of such opportunity. Without money, she would never be able to access that education.

Study after study has shown that one of the most important factors in eliminating poverty is the education of women. In the five African countries in which Camfed operates, the chief barrier to them accessing that education is money, not cultural resistance as is often assumed. In the 20 years Camfed has operated, no parent has ever refused a bursary for their child.

Angie was one of the first girls Camfed supported through school. She was given not just the fees to pay for schooling, but also a uniform, shoes and school equipment. Access to this education did not give Angie wings. The money that provided her with a bursary did not in itself “empower” her, but they gave her the knowledge and the skills she needed to fly. “It was like being told you too can have this, can be whoever you want to be. It is not the preserve of a select few,” says Angie. “It was confirmation that this is possible, attainable — even by you.”

And, importantly, they gave her an understanding of “what might have been” and what could be had those doors not opened, which Angie now uses to help others realize their potential as the Executive Director for Camfed in Zimbabwe and Malawi.

“I have acted on the potential that poverty had suppressed in me. I’ve made meaningful decisions not just for myself but to support family and friends,” she says. “I’ve learnt to challenge oppressive situations and voice my objections whenever I realize someone’s ignorance is being exploited. I have gained the confidence to be the real me.”

Education has a snowball effect. When Angie left school, she and 300 other girls who had been supported through school founded Cama, an alumnae network for young women who had been helped by Camfed. The Cama network, which started with just a few hundred women in 1998, now numbers more than 17,000 across five countries.

Cama offers peer support, mentoring and training in financial literacy, health and ICT, assisting women to set up businesses, become health workers or train as educators. The young women of Cama are business people, doctors, teachers, lawyers and politicians.

But it is not so much the individual achievements of its members that make Cama remarkable. What makes it powerful and empowering in the truest sense of the word is the way in which the group shares power. Cama members give their time to train and support girls and their families in their communities, extending the benefits of their own education well beyond their own personal sphere. And they directly finance the education of thousands more children, including those to whom they are not even related.

Cama members gain their strength both from the education they have received, which gives them the confidence and ability to make their own decisions about their futures, and from the support they derive from, and give to, one another. As the proverb says: “Alone I go faster, together we go further.”

Nowhere is the power of this snowball effect more in evidence than in Angie. In July of this year, the primary school girl who once washed teachers’ dishes just to get a pen stood before government ministers, national officials and nearly 1,000 rural girls to celebrate the launch of 24,000 new Camfed secondary school scholarships in Zimbabwe.

“Today is an amazing, paradigm-shifting, mold-shattering and trendsetting day,” she told the crowd.

“In June 2010, we asked young women Camfed had supported to complete school how many children they were now each supporting to go to school. On average each of them was supporting three children. This included their siblings, relatives and neighbors and non-relatives. Can you imagine how many more children will be in school once the 24,000 girls for whom we are gathered today go through school?”

“It is an unstoppable positive tide.”

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Photo credit: Camfed. Angeline Murimirwa with students.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/23/2012 4:31:31 PM
Asia Has an Important Role to Play in Protecting Antarctica's Wild Ocean

This post is courtesy of our friend Julian Chen at Antarctic Ocean Alliance.

With less than 100 days to go until the body that regulates Antarctica’s marine environment meets to decide what is protected and what is left open for exploitation, Asia’s moment for environmental leadership is now.

Having seen the breathtaking wildness of the land and ocean of Antarctica on a visit in 2010, I joined the Antarctic Ocean Alliance (AOA) team to help ensure this area remains the same for future generations when they come to visit. As I’m based in China, I especially want to reach out to those living in Asia because we have such an important leadership role to play in standing up for marine protection at this important time.

Unbeknownst to most of us, the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) will meet in late October to decide what areas the Southern Ocean — the world’s biggest global ocean commons — will be protected. Made up of 24 countries plus the European Union, CCAMLR meets behind closed doors and with no media access. I’ll be at that meeting to take the voice of those of us who believe we should protect this amazing environment to delegates there.

Home to almost 10,000 of the world’s most unique species, including seals, penguins, colossal squid and sea birds, the Southern Ocean truly belongs to all of us. The AOA has proposed protection for 19 key habitats in key ecosystems and the importance of these areas for biological and climate change research. If successful, the AOA’s proposed areas would be the largest network of ocean reserves in the world.

Naturally, there are countries who want to continue fishing in these waters, primarily for two species: a top predator species, the Antarctic toothfish, and krill, a tiny shrimp-like species that is increasingly sought after for fish oil supplements and uses such as aqua-culture. As CCAMLR is a consensus body, their meeting is sure to see a struggle between those who would like to protect the region, and those who would like to see industrial activities increase. The outcome is far from certain.

In September, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) will meet in Jeju, South Korea. Hundreds of global experts will be in Asia and we have a lot to learn about what’s at stake in our global oceans. Just after the IUCN meeting, my colleagues and I will be joined by two Antarctic scientists and a policy expert and will meet with government officials in China and Korea to ask them to consider showing leadership for environment protection for these waters.

But the AOA needs your help! Join us and “Join the Watch” so that we can ensure CCAMLR delegates know we are asking for serious protection of this ocean environment. Other AOA supporters include oceanographer Dr. Sylvia Earle, Korean actor Yoo Ji-Tae, actor and UN Biodiversity Ambassador Edward Norton and entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson, as well as environment groups such as Greenpeace, WWF, Korea’s KFEM, the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) and my own organization, Greenovation Hub.

In Antarctica, we have a window of opportunity to do what we’ve been unable to do in most of the rest of the world’s oceans: protect them form overexploitation.

As Edward Norton says: “We can send a clear signal that millions of people are watching this process… Don’t let us down.”

Together in Asia and around the world, we can show real leadership in protection Antarctica’s beautiful marine environment while we still can.

Find out more at and join the almost 80,000 people from around the world who have Joined the Watch of CCAMLR to ask for long-term protection for Antarctica’s ocean for us and for future generations. And tell those you know to do the same.

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Photo by John B. Weller

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/23/2012 5:05:32 PM

Sheldan Nidle Update 8-21-12…”The Divine has given all of you a most wondrous gift…”

“These members of the dark cabal believe that you will be unable to effect these changes globally; we are ready to prove them wrong. We have spent the past decade letting various groups of ‘allies’ use their abilities and resources to oust this vast, dark conspiracy from power. All have basically failed in this attempt, in spite of our liaisons pointing them in the right direction. The reason for these failures was the underlying false assumptions that form your collective worldview. To get the job done, we are to employ different means and technologies. We are also helping to form groups of government employees wholly dedicated, like us, to the principles of the dawning new era. These groups exist throughout your world, and we are to assist them in bringing the prevailing chaos into a new heavenly order. This orderly, supportive new reality can become the bridge that leads you to the very brink of full consciousness. Its new governance can welcome us and assist us in moving you to the crystal cities in Inner Earth where you can complete your sacred transformation.”


  • In Asia and Europe a general rebellion continues against the dollar and its debt-based fiat system. In fact, the new gold-backed currencies are beginning to show their hand.
  • …the new system is predicated on two central factors: universal debt forgiveness and the return to a precious-metals-backed monetary system.
  • To avert a global economic meltdown, Earth’s sacred secret societies are preparing a way to sequester the last dark cabal.
  • This process of change is tied to the ongoing shift in consciousness.
  • We are waiting for the final agreements which permit us to legally terminate the dark’s power complex.
  • …the Anunnaki… set up the system that still gives their chosen Earth minions control over every aspect of your lives. This system is now to be totally dismantled by us.
  • We are also helping to form groups of government employees wholly dedicated, like us, to the principles of the dawning new era.
  • The divine plan firmly decrees that you are to return to full consciousness shortly. Your current political, financial, and social systems will be dismissed as soon as it is possible… you will come into global prosperity, universal sovereignty, and a full knowledge of who you and Gaia truly are.
  • The Divine has given all of you a most wondrous gift: you have been granted divine grace. This gives us, who are to mentor you during your return to full consciousness, a dispensation to transform this realm into its highest vibrations in an even shorter time than was envisioned by the divine plan.
  • …we have assembled a means by which our sacred associates can begin to introduce our teachings to your world. We intend to provide a great deal of information that will end the many lies and misinformation you have been given…
  • We ask you be discerning and patient. Much is preparing to manifest. It will be but the beginnings of the promises that Heaven made to you when your current era of darkness began.


Sheldan Nidle Update 8-21-12
9 Etznab, 6 Uo, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We come to give you another report on what is transpiring around your world. In Asia and Europe a general rebellion continues against the dollar and its debt-based fiat system. In fact, the new gold-backed currencies are beginning to show their hand. Further, the pressing need for debt forgiveness is demonstrated by what is going on in Iceland, where the peoples’ revolution is illustrating just how easy it is to counteract the chaos that is the dark’s agenda. The gigantic global debt and its resultant social problems need to be resolved quickly; indeed, the mess now spreading in Greece and most of southern Europe exemplifies this core issue. It is for this reason that the new system is predicated on two central factors: universal debt forgiveness and the return to a precious-metals-backed monetary system. Preventing its swift introduction is the waning, albeit still powerful, presence of dark control. To avert a global economic meltdown, Earth’s sacred secret societies are preparing a way to sequester the last dark cabal. We form part of this complex operation and intend to use our technology to assist in its removal.

This process of change is tied to the ongoing shift in consciousness. As you know, our mission is an integral part of a divine pledge to return you to full consciousness, and hence the dark’s agenda can no longer hold. We are waiting for the final agreements which permit us to legally terminate the dark’s power complex. One aspect of this complex, which is key to breaking its hold over, you is a pattern of cultural and social beliefs which they inculcated into you and which bind you unquestioningly to them. These mental ‘prison bars’ will be shown up for what they are by our next series of actions. It is disconcerting to us that so many have bought into this very ill woven tapestry of lies! You are sacred souls who have been reduced to a degree of mindlessness that can accept some truly unworthy notions of Heaven and your origins on this world. These falsities are compounded and daily reinforced by a power structure that was manned by individuals who were carefully chosen by your former masters, the Anunnaki. This group of off-worlders set up the system that still gives their chosen Earth minions control over every aspect of your lives. This system is now to be totally dismantled by us.

These members of the dark cabal believe that you will be unable to effect these changes globally; we are ready to prove them wrong. We have spent the past decade letting various groups of ‘allies’ use their abilities and resources to oust this vast, dark conspiracy from power. All have basically failed in this attempt, in spite of our liaisons pointing them in the right direction. The reason for these failures was the underlying false assumptions that form your collective worldview. To get the job done, we are to employ different means and technologies. We are also helping to form groups of government employees wholly dedicated, like us, to the principles of the dawning new era. These groups exist throughout your world, and we are to assist them in bringing the prevailing chaos into a new heavenly order. This orderly, supportive new reality can become the bridge that leads you to the very brink of full consciousness. Its new governance can welcome us and assist us in moving you to the crystal cities in Inner Earth where you can complete your sacred transformation.

This transformation is why we are here. The divine plan firmly decrees that you are to return to full consciousness shortly. Your current political, financial, and social systems will be dismissed as soon as it is possible to reorder the fundamental nature of your global society. Here, you will come into global prosperity, universal sovereignty, and a full knowledge of who you and Gaia truly are. This knowledge will introduce you to your Ascended Masters and to your Inner Earth cousins, and you will also begin to absorb information about the true history of this world and the Milky Way Galaxy. As we have often said, there is a lot for you to learn. These truths will prepare you to comprehend the nature of galactic society and the huge potential that you possess, allowing you to flower into physical Angels who can work alongside us and the Angelic Hierarchies, and help to unfold the grace and glory of the Creator’s Plan. You will become true co-creators with the Divine and rejoin the gleefully waiting, fully conscious human family!

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come today to talk about your growing blessings. The Divine has given all of you a most wondrous gift: you have been granted divine grace. This gives us, who are to mentor you during your return to full consciousness, a dispensation to transform this realm into its highest vibrations in an even shorter time than was envisioned by the divine plan. This decree has been sent to our sacred associates, and we are jointly coordinating the legalities that will substantially alter your global banking system. This sets the stage for the distribution of your prosperity funds, which will be accompanied by new governance in many countries around the globe. These developments will lead quickly to disclosure, not only of the Galactic Federation of Light but also of your cousins of Inner Earth.

In accordance with these plans we have assembled a means by which our sacred associates can begin to introduce our teachings to your world. We intend to provide a great deal of information that will end the many lies and misinformation you have been given concerning the teachings of the great souls whom all of you honor with your prayers and blessings each day. It is essential that you begin to understand the truth about what each of us taught you long ago. This knowledge, which we will be able to give you personally now, will prepare for your final steps to full consciousness and allow you to see your spiritual and space families in a new light. You will become true disciples of the great messages given to us by AEON and the divine throne of the Creator!

These coming teachings will set the record straight concerning many of our influential lives in which we were given the opportunity to explain the simple truths and laws of Creation. We intend to use this period to lay to rest the misconceptions that have built up over the intervening time since many of us made that sacred journey to teach you and guide you along a sacred path. We come to transform the many schisms and needless hatreds that tore these great messages apart. The dark has done its work well! But now we come to set right and restore to Love what was imparted to you all those millennia ago. This is done in joy and in divine Light. We welcome this opportunity and look forward to teaching you and preparing you for your own path to Love, Light, and the highest states of joy!

Today, we returned to bring you another message. We ask you be discerning and patient. Much is preparing to manifest. It will be but the beginnings of the promises that Heaven made to you when your current era of darkness began. This darkness is to lift, and a new epoch of Light begins. Be in joy, and ready to accept the gifts of Heaven! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/23/2012 5:08:23 PM

Time Flies on the Road to Ascension

2012 AUGUST 23
Posted by Steve Beckow

Yesterday (Aug. 22, 2012), SaLuSa said something that has been commented on a lot lately – that time continues to speed up.

“There is so little time left and that is still speeding up, so try to keep your attention on the great future that awaits you. It will be well beyond anything you can imagine, and perhaps you will consider that your personal changes will be the most acceptable.” (1)

Many of us are familiar with the articles and videos on the Mayan calendar some years ago that said that time speeds up by a factor of twenty each time we enter a new “underground,” “wave,” or time period. (2) I certainly don’t claim to be an expert in the Mayan calendar, but the notion that time is speeding up has widespread support among our sources.

For instance, ascended masters like Hilarion tell us that “the acceleration of time is speeding up.” (3) Matthew, whom I regard as an ascended master, has also been saying similar things for years:

“Hold paramount in your thoughts that your linear time is speeding into the timeless continuum, where Earth’s Golden Age already has arrived!” (4)

“Knowing about these major leaps forward and other marvelous life-changing developments to come, you can feel joyous, excited, confident and soundly prepared to surmount whatever challenges you may encounter during the next few months. And those months will seem to fly by—your sensation of time passing faster and faster will keep increasing as the planet continues ascending.” (5)

Jesus through Pamela Kribbe offers the corollary that the resolution of situations can also come rapidly:

“Believe that the resolution can come quickly. Know that it can come quickly, because you are the masters of the destiny of the collective consciousness. Hear that well: you are the masters of your reality and the collective consciousness reality. You are the masters of the destiny and how quickly it can come.” (6)

The celestials also told us in 2011 that we were:

“… approaching the core of the dimensional spiral you exist within – time as you know it, speeds up, and will be perceived by many as switching places with the aspect you know as space. Within this is connection to the higher energies as more and more of you come forward to attune yourselves to the healing awareness and intelligence of the various frequencies of Love Light.” (7)

The galactics have been telling us regularly as well. We quoted SaLuSa earlier. He tells us that “you are noticing how much faster time is still speeding up. It is a sure sign that the vibrations are rapidly lifting up, and a guarantee that you will experience the upliftment that goes along with it.“ (8) He states that “it is a strange experience for you, and means it will feel as if there is insufficient time to get all of your work done.” (9) But Mira the Pleiadian informs us, as Jesus did, that “the collapsing of time will hasten … changes.(10)

Kryon chides us to remember next time we wake up wondering what has changed that time speeding up is proof that the shift has come.

“Let me ask you, Lightworker, can’t you feel that which is time speeding up? Consistent time is a paradigm you have been used to since you were born, and the perceived change makes you nervous, doesn’t it? In some cases, it wakes you up at three in the morning when the cells are saying, “What is it that’s different?” The next time you’re awakened and the cells are asking you what’s wrong, I want you to talk to them, as the boss of your own DNA. Remind them of the time you planned for, for it has arrived. The shift is here.” (11)

Whether we take the counsel of the Mayan calendar or from our sources that time is speeding or whether we see the increasing light on the planet is what is speeding time up, we are being propelled closer and closer to Ascension. SaLuSa adds that the increase in Light “will continue exponentially, as the more your vibrations increase the more Light you attract to yourself. … Now perhaps you can see how the path of Ascension draws you away from the lower vibrations.” (12) And Matthew tells us that “the unstoppable intensity of the light is propelling Earth ever closer to the Golden Age, where no darkness of any kind can exist.” (13)

Therefore the remaining four months should pass more quickly than any period of time up till now and bring us to the doorstep of our star portal before we have time to catch our breath. How a world will transform, economies be reconstructed, new civilizations join us, truth be revealed, healing occur, and all of us strap ourselves in for our journey to another dimension is entirely unknown to us at this time. Nevertheless we’re told that all of this will occur and at a pace that will dazzle us.


(1) SaLuSa, Aug. 22, 2012, at

(2) “Mayan Underworlds,” at

(3) Hilarion, Aug. 19, 2012.

(4) Matthew’s Message, Jan. 11, 2011, at

(5) Matthew’s Message, July 4, 2012.

(6) Jeshua through Judith Coates, 12 April 2011, at

(7) Magenta Pixie and the Nine, Oct. 30, 2011, at

(8) SaLuSa, May 4, 2012.

(9) SaLuSa, Jan. 20, 2012.

(10) Mira the Pleiadian, Aug. 17, 2011, at

(11) Kryon, Live Channelling, Boulder, Colorado, Sunday, January 16, 2011, as channelled by Lee Carroll, at

(12) SaLuSa, Sept. 14, 2009.

(13) Matthew Ward, Sept. 21, 2009.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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