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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/9/2010 5:38:10 PM
Hi Luis,

What is this about retirement? Things are going to change, we are going to change, remember what Jill said about being 29 again. Oh, My gosh to be look 29 again. WOW bye to those nasty lines and sags, Hello smooth skin. I don't think any of use on this planet can understand in our state of consciousness, just how wonderful it is going to be.

Hi again Myrna,

I only was joking, I am feeling younger than ever! And I know it is going to be just like you say. One of the things that make me think we are closer than ever to it is how my body has been recently reacting exactly as described, for example, in Sheldan Nidle's reports explaining those lower backaches, shoulder pains, heart and liver problems as mainly due to the bringing in of the diaphragm, new heart and thymus chakras to it... yes, it is going to be so wonderful!

Love and Hugs,


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/10/2010 2:21:59 AM

Dear Friends,

Yes, more and more people believe today that a New Age is coming. From New Agers to religionists, and from philosophers to historians to simple individuals, a lot of people think a new age is about to start in which the world will undergo radical changes.
But their particular outlooks vary no less radically. New Agers believe in an era of peace, love and bliss with humanity united as a one and only race. Many of them believe that man has first to realize that we all have God within ourselves and the capability to evolve into perfect beings, and that if enough of us make contact with this higher divine consciousness and start patterning our thoughts according to the same highly inspired goals, we will get this New Age of peace and love to be ushered in. Not a small achievement indeed.

Others think the New Age is already here. Remember Aquarius, the song? Well it predicted the coming of the New Age by the time the Moon was in the seventh House, and Jupiter aligned with Mars. Then peace would guide the planets, and love would steer the stars. This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius... But is it really? The Aquarian alignment as described in the song was reached on the 14th February of 2009, and it could be the Earth then entered the Aquarian Age. And yet...

More recently, Jose Arguelles discovered the system of cycles based on the old Mayan Calendar and determined that the year 2012 would be the end of their 396 year Baktun
involving a Transformation of Matter, the collapse of global civilization and an era of information, crystal-solar technology and galactic synchronization. Again, it could be. But the discovery and subsequent investigation has created such a stir around the Mayan "End of Time" that if not on its own, the simple believe in this year 2012 thing might certainly influence whatever is going to occur by that time.

In a world ultimately governed by quantum physics, anything can happen.

Furthermore, I myself subscribe to this believe in 2012 as a probable turning point in the history of our planet. It surely coincides with my own studies which, while mainly based on the Hindu doctrine of cosmic cycles, also have a date around 2010 - 2012 as a most important benchmark in the global evolution. And whether or not I am right on this point, I am almost certain that a most crucial change will have occurred in our planet by the time the year 2012 has gone.

In subsequent posts I will review other outlooks.

Best Wishes,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

This map shows a version of the boundary between Pisces
and Aquarius. From "Welcome to the Age of Aquarius"

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/10/2010 9:12:27 PM


When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars

This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
The age of Aquarius

Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revalation
And the mind's true liberation

When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars

This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
The age of Aquarius


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Myrna Ferguson

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4/11/2010 1:39:20 AM
Hi Luis,

I have always like that song, it just never gets old, sound as good to me now as it did in the 60's

I brought you the moon. lol

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/14/2010 1:01:00 AM

The Alien Factor (Part 1)

There are so many elements included in the “Alien Factor” that from the start one feels overwhelmed just trying to approach it, let alone describe it comprehensively.

Until a few years ago, I, like many people, tended to disregard all extraterrestrial participation in the New Age phenomenon; even more, I did not want to know a thing about aliens and the like, the mere idea seemed so blatantly bizarre. And yet ... One day Jill Bachman’s forum, A Journey to the Mountain of Love, came to modify this appreciation.

It did not happen overnight, but when I started to read the incredibly copious material presented in the forum I saw there were many points of convergence between their omnipresent good and bad aliens and, for example, the pantheon of demigods and asuras inhabiting the higher and lower realms or planets of the Hindu cosmovision or, for that matter, the hosts of angels and demons that Christian, Jews and Muslims alike are supposed to implicitly believe in.

Based on my belief in Earth’s uniqueness as a dwelling for intelligent beings, however, I still tended to disregard their existence. In effect, many of the Earth’s “inborn” characteristics seem to have been essential not only for the appearance of the countless species that it hosts and nurtures, but also in the development of man’s intelligence and in the emergence of civilization. (1)

All ancient traditions perfectly knew this and how it made the Earth unique among all other planets. Furthermore, the Earth was regarded as the very center of the universe, with gods from the higher planes supposedly descending to take their birth on this Earth so as to be able to ascend one day to their highest destination, the spiritual Heavens. (2)

So where did all this leave those alien multitudes coming over here in their huge interspace ships to reputedly uplift us to higher vibrational levels, awaken us into higher dimensions and ultimately “save” the Earth, a minuscule planet lost in the immensity of the universe, at the precise end of these degraded times, in order to usher it with all of us, animals, plants and everything else into the upcoming New Age?

In all this I was feeling at a loss. Then a few texts caught my eye as if by miracle. These texts recognized the Earth is unique and we are unique, and all was okay because now all seemed to fit in with the sacred traditions.

But then another, more serious difficulty arose. What to make of the cumulus of conflicting texts? Some of them seemed to come from highly suspect channels. What could we make of them?

To some, a few spurious channels may be an indication that all of it is but fairy-tale, but I don’t want to be that radical and prefer to use discernment, as Jill at the Mountain and some channels themselves recommend. Even here, yet another difficulty arises: what if they are genuine yet vicious channels? What if they are only an instrument of the dark forces? Like in a suspense movie, we ourselves may be playing the role of useful instruments of evil, where only disaster and chaos can ensue.

A quote from the Gospel comes handy at this point: “(For false Christs and false prophets will arise) and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.” The very number of chapter and verse number makes one shiver here: Mathew 24:24, a number sacred among the most sacred, as to indicate the quote is tremendously important.

This is the reason why in the course of this thread I will try to either dissipate or confirm any misgivings that anyone, including me, may have about this most important matter.

* * *

(1) Among those characteristics, there is the fact that the “dark side of the Moon” always remains dark, or in other words, it always keeps one face towards the Earth; at least, that is what has been occurring over the last few millions of years. Also in our current experience, the gravitational influence of the Earth slows down the Moon’s rotation, in the same way that the much smaller gravitational influence of the Moon creates the Earth’s tides and other interesting cycles, both on a daily and on an approximately monthly basis, which affects the lives of humans, animals and plants alike.

Another essential characteristic is the relationship between the distance from the Earth to the Sun, which is very approximately 108 times the Sun’s diameter, and the distance from the Earth to the Moon, which on its part is, also very approximately, 108 times the diameter of the Moon. Despite the abysmal difference between the Sun and Moon’s in size and mass, this characteristic makes them look like they are the same size.

Main and foremost among these magnitudes is the length of the cycle of precession of the equinoxes, traditionally calculated as 25,920 common years (108 x 240), and the period of time required for the Earth’s axis projection to describe, responding to the motions of rotation and wobbling of the planet while orbiting the Sun, a full circle and return to its exact point of departure so that the equinoctial point, one of the two times of the year in which the night and day are of identical length, turns out to be the same as it was at the beginning of the period.

Over the past millennia, this latter cycle, along with the lengthening of the Earth’s orbit around the sun and the fluctuation of its axis’ tilt, has played a crucial role in the economy and the cultural development of the present humanity by creating the necessary conditions to propitiate them. In particular, it has stimulated man’s curiosity, inventiveness and creativity and furthered the emergence of civilization.

(2) In effect, we find among the Hindu doctrines the notion that it is only from this planet that God and the supreme destination can be attained - that is, that only those perfected humans who are at last born on this “intermediate” planet Earth, after countless re-incarnations in both the heavenly and the hellish planets, and either as a reward or a punishment for their good or bad past actions, are entitled to reach God and his supreme abode in the highest heavens. For their part, the inhabitants of both the higher and the lower planets, angels and demons alike, must be reborn on this Earth and build enough merit before they can become again eligible for such supreme goal.

Thank you,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

UFO sighting recorded and reported by Gary Heseltine,
a British Police officer. Photo: GAIL SHUMWAY

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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