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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/22/2015 6:16:52 PM

The Simple Solution to the World’s Problems


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

I’ve written before that I think the world’s problems are caused from a lack of love and compassion, and we have to love ourselves if we want to have compassion for those who struggle. Sadly, a lot of people suffer from a massive lack of self-love, which is evident in their lifestyle and the way they interact with others.

You can tell if someone lacks self-love by their views or beliefs, the way they treat people and the way they live in general, and the greatest spiritual sickness the world knows – the sickness that causes negative or careless behavior – is the inability to love oneself, which reduces one’s love for the world. When felt on a massive scale, this deficiency causes wars and all kinds of other brutal things that we have to deal with in the world today.

If we can understand the importance of self-love – not just for the world, but for each of us who suffers without it – I think we can make some crucial personal shifts that the world will eventually reflect. As the ‘trend’ catches on, more and more people will jump onboard and rediscover what they’ve been missing for so long. The misery and drudgery that’s often associated with life will slowly fade, and with our self-love rightfully restored, we’ll have no problem coming together to create a new way of living.

When we fall away from love, unhappiness is bound to follow because it depends on love to survive. We can try to be happy all we want, but ultimately, happiness is found in the heart and not in the mind, which convinces us we need to try to be anything other than what we already are. In doing so, it blocks us from our higher consciousness.

If we want happiness, we need love. If we want a life of joy and fulfillment, we have to create it for ourselves. We can’t expect any person, circumstance or material thing to keep us happy, but we’ll enjoy them a lot more when we have love in our hearts and we can express it without holding back.


Love is the root of happiness, and a lack of love is the root of suffering.

Clearing the mind and allowing it to access the heart’s vibrant wisdom teaches us about love’s role in life and spirituality, and we have to put the intuitive teachings we receive into play if we want them to help us grow. If we know that love is crucial, let’s seek it within. If we learn that clearing the mind helps us reconnect with love, let’s clear it often so the energy and insight can flow.

Most of the world has forgotten about love and compassion, and this is why there’s so much violence and chaos here. It’s why people disregard the sanctity of life on a daily basis, and it’s why we have hateful people here who are only concerned with getting ahead in life, no matter what it takes or who they have to hurt.

They’ve forgotten how to love themselves, and they can’t be expected show any regard for others if their love for themselves is so depleted. Some of them have been conditioned to live the way they do, and if you grow up witnessing violence all your life, there’s a chance you’ll carry that into adulthood and become what you witnessed.

Some people grow up with a complete lack of love, compassion or anything that nourishes the soul and unites us as people and spiritual beings. Some have had to witness and be a part of horrendous things, even at an early age, and they perpetuate this lifestyle because it’s all they know. They don’t know love – especially self-love. They know the heavily conditioned environment in which they’ve been raised, and until someone somehow makes them see that a different way of life is not only possible, but essential, they’ll continue to live a loveless life in a world that just doesn’t care.

They’ll carry on the traditions they witnessed as children, and their grandchildren might carry them on too. It’s all caused from a fundamental lack of the most important thing we could ever have as individuals, and while some will tell you that lack is an illusion and we have all the love we could ever need, a lot of people have covered up their love and convinced themselves it doesn’t exist. These are the ones who suffer, and on a subconscious level, they wish they could free themselves from the mental prison they’ve created.

It’s our task to get past all of our inner gunk and rediscover our wellspring of love and bliss, and in doing so, we can help them rediscover theirs too. People won’t wake up and embrace love until they’re ready, so we can only try to set an example and hope that others eventually come on board.

Building the future. Credit:

Nikola Tesla once said he was always working for the future, and we can pair this with our goals and use it as motivation. We want to help people wake up and make positive personal and societal changes, and even if it takes a few generations, we’ll know we contributed to the foundation that eventually and inevitably allowed for widespread social change.

I think that the first step to creating a positive change in the world is to return to love, and it’ll help us work through our troubles and get to a space where they no longer inhibit us so we can focus more on social action. Imagine a time when we no longer have things to be so upset and distracted over, and we can live a simple, peaceful life, connect with everyone who crosses our path on a deeper level and inspire the world to move in a new direction.

This can only happen when we love ourselves, and once we do, our love will pour out of us and reach everyone who’s forgotten about it, helping them wake up and inspire the people around them to shift their minds and open their hearts too. Self-love is the simplest and most effective solution to the world’s problems, because it causes us to care for our fellow man. Once we care, we’ll no longer allow poverty or other horrendous human rights abuses because we’ll have finally learned to love (and fight for) one another.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/22/2015 6:21:16 PM


Bob Fickes ~ Message From Lady Master Purity


Beloved Friends in the Light, I Am Lady Master Purity.
I welcome you in the Light of Love and the Crystal Flame of Purity.
Many of you have felt the change that is moving across the Earth. The Flame of Purity creates the Crystal Pyramid of the new Consciousness. It is this Crystal Ray that removes all the old styles of thinking and behaving so you can see more clearly and embody the highest level of Consciousness.
Perhaps you are struggling with the old memories and habits of your present life and worried that the problems you are facing can never change. But, Dear Ones, this is all the action of Divine Purity. Purity is the architect of your new Consciousness. We are here to help you. Whatever you are feeling now will soon come to a close. This is the beginning of new vision and an entirely new way to see your life as a living Master of Light and Love.
Without Purity you will return to your old ways eventually, no matter how good you try to be. Let go, Dear Ones. Let go. The troubles that confront you now are only a shadow from your past. Let go and let the new Crystal frequencies empower you to see more clearly. Within the cycles of the coming Full Moon you will receive a Heart Crystal composed of Pure Light.
You cannot see this Flame of Purity. It is your own true self. You will know that it has come through good deeds and change of habits. Your life will become saturated with Divine Purity and the old habits will no longer hold fast to you. Let Go Dear Ones and allow the frequencies of Purity to wake up.
Whatever you have been doing, proclaim the following affirmation:
“I Am Divine Purity. I Am free of the past now and hereby let go of my old habits. I Am breathing the Divine Purity in everything I do. I Am Clear and I Am Present. May my own Purity overcome the pull of the past and set me free!”

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/22/2015 6:29:44 PM

Harmony of Being: Returning to Our True Nature

22nd September 2015

By Steve Taylor Ph.D

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

From time to time, we all have experiences when restlessness and discontent fade away, and we’re filled with a sense of ease, well-being and harmony. We become free of pressure to keep busy and the need for stimulation, and rest at ease within ourselves and within the present moment.

I call these experiences ‘harmony of being.’ They usually occur when we’re quiet and relaxed and there’s stillness around us – for example, when we’re walking through the countryside, working quietly with our hands, listening to or playing music, or after meditation, yoga or sex. The chattering of our minds fades away and we feel a natural flow of connection between ourselves and our surroundings or other people.

Sometimes these experiences seem to come out of nowhere, for no apparent reason. You might experience harmony of being for a brief moment when you wake up in the morning after a good night’s sleep – just for a few seconds, before your thoughts start chattering away about the day ahead, your mind is empty and still, and you’re filled with a sense of well-being and wholeness. Or another morning, when you wake up early, go downstairs and sit at the breakfast table. There’s quietness and stillness around you, and you feel quiet and still inside too, a glow of contentment spreading through you. You look through the window at your garden, just beginning to reveal itself in the dim light, and you’re suddenly you’re struck by how beautiful it is. You feel as if you’re seeing it in a different way to normal, seeing flowers and plants that you don’t normally notice, and the whole garden seems so still and yet at the same time so wild and alive.

Or you might experience harmony of being when you’re watching your children play in the garden in summer. You look around you, at the sunlight splashing through the trees and the perfect blue sky above you, and listen to your children’s laughter – and the scene seems so perfect that time seems to stand still. Or even when you’re driving down the motorway and are suddenly struck by the beauty of the evening sun, shining between the clouds and across the fields – just for a few moments, you feel lit up inside too, and a warm glow of well-being flows through your whole being.

Harmony-Generating Experiences

Spontaneous experiences of harmony like these are quite rare though. Usually harmony of being is linked to certain activities or situations. For example, there are some sports which often give rise to the state. Several joggers and long-distance runners have told me that running has a powerful psychological effect on them, making them feel very calm and alert, and more ‘grounded’. One colleague told me that he goes running every day because ‘It helps clear my mind, helps me get back to myself. It puts me back in tune with the world again, after all the hassles of work. All the work stuff fades from my mind and I just take pleasure from where I am, from the elements around me.’

Swimming can also give rise to harmony. Once, when I was talking to a group of students about meditation, a young woman said to me, ‘That’s what I do when I go swimming!’ She went on to say that…

When I’m swimming, I get into the rhythm of my movements and the gliding feeling of going through the water – I get so into it that I forget everything. I just feel the water against my skin and look up at the light shining on the water and the waves moving across the pool and it all looks perfect. When I get out of the water and get changed I feel happy and peaceful.

More dangerous and demanding pursuits can generate harmony too, such as climbing, flying or diving. Activities like these require so much concentration that they help us to forget the niggling concerns of daily life. The demands of the present – to make the next manoeuvre or avoid a potential danger – focus the mind so much that thought-chatter fades away and the future and the past cease to exist. As a result, climbers or pilots sometimes experience a sense of wholeness and contentment, becoming intensely aware of the beauty of their surroundings, and even feeling a sense of oneness with them.

Sex often gives rise to harmony too, for similar reasons. The sensations we experience during sex are usually so pleasurable and powerful that they have a mind-quietening effect; thoughts about the past and future fade away, as we become completely present. Afterwards, you’re filled with a soothing glow of well-being, lying there with your partner in your arms, listening to the sounds of the night and staring into the warm, rich darkness. And then, you might pull back your curtain and look at the scene outside your window and feel that everything is somehow different. The clouds gliding across the sky seem somehow more real, as if an extra dimension has been added to them, and the black spaces between them seem somehow richer and thicker than before. And on the streets everything seems to be in its right place, the cars parked in front of your house and the trees and the streetlights along the side. The light of the lamps seems radiant and somehow benevolent.

Contact with nature is a major source of harmony too, and one of the main reasons why so many of us love the countryside. The beauty and grandeur of nature draws our attention away from thought-chatter, and the stillness and space relax us even further. As a result, our minds become quiet, and our ego-boundaries become softer, so that we transcend separateness and feel connected to our surroundings.

Building design in harmony with nature, Styria, Austria.

The Sources of Harmony

So what is it about meditation, sex, climbing or running which generates harmony of being?

The most important factor is that all of these activities provide a focus for the mind. There’s a steady stream of attention directed at a particular object, and this has the effect of quietening our thought-chatter. And when the mind is quiet in this way, we become free of both the disturbance and negativity of our normal thought-chatter. We feel a sense of inner stillness because there literally is stillness inside us. Our being becomes calm, like the still surface of a lake. And this also means that the super-critical person inside our heads – who’s always criticising our behaviour and reminding of the things we should feel bad about in the past and worry about in the future – disappears. There’s no one to make us feel guilty, to make us worry about the future, or bitter about the past.

In these moments, we become aware that, although the surface of our being is filled with disturbance and negativity, beneath that there is a deep reservoir of stillness and well-being. The surface of our being is like a rough sea which sweeps you to and fro and makes you feel disoriented and anxious. But if you wear diving equipment and go beneath the surface, you’re suddenly in the midst of endless silence and stillness.

The lack of discord inside us means that we’re free from the compulsion to do, and able to be.In fact, this ability to do nothing is one of the most pleasant aspects of harmony of being. We can sit down at the table or walk around the house and be content just to be here. There’s no impulse to turn on the television or the radio, to reach for a magazine or to check your e-mail or to phone a friend for a chat.

Permanent Harmony and Sanity?

These moments of harmony don’t have to be fleeting. In fact, this is basic aim of all spiritual traditions, and all spiritual practices: to generate a state of permanent inner harmony. This is what we call ‘enlightenment’ – a state in which the discord of the human mind is truly healed. In my new book Back to Sanity, I propose an eight-stage path of self-development leading to a permanent state of harmony, including practices such as ‘transcending negative thought patterns,’ ‘Healing the mind through quietness and stillness’ as well as traditional practices such as service and meditation.

In harmony of being, life becomes a glorious adventure, full of joy and wonder. And one of the most striking things about this state is how natural it feels. That’s because it’s our most natural state, a state in which we come home, to our innermost nature.

How to Generate Harmony of Being

  • Have contact with nature. The stillness and beauty of nature can quieten the chattering of our minds and bring a sense of inner peace.
  • Help other people. Altruistic acts connect us with us and help us to transcend separateness.
  • Mindfulness exercises. When you have a shower, brush your teeth, eat your meals or any other daily activity, give your full attention to the experience rather than to thoughts inside your head.
  • Make friends with quietness and inactivity. Timetable periods for ‘doing nothing’ during the week. Quietness allows our minds to settle into a state of harmony.
  • Go running or swimming. Sports like these can heal the surface discord of our minds puts us in touch with the harmony underneath.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/23/2015 12:32:41 AM

GFP Newsletter - 9/22/2015

will's picture

There are no boundaries to human capacities. All boundaries are our beliefs; there are no boundaries. Man is part of infinity, and the part is equal to the whole - that is the law of higher mathematics. In the world of lower mathematics, the part is never equal to the whole, the part is smaller than the whole, obviously. In the world of higher mathematics, the part is equal to the whole, never smaller than the whole - because the part is the whole. Just as the whole contains the part, the part contains the whole. They are not separate at all, nowhere separate. No boundary divides the part from the whole. It is one reality seen in two ways.

When you see the dewdrop, it is one way of seeing the ocean, that's all, because the dewdrop contains all that the whole ocean contains. If one dewdrop is understood, if you have analyzed one dewdrop, you have known all the secrets of all the oceans, not only of this earth, but wherever the ocean exists, on other planets, on other earths. And scientists say there are at least fifty thousand planets where water exists, life exists. Wherever water exists, that one dewdrop has revealed to you the whole secret of all possible oceans. Analyzing one dewdrop, you will come to the truth of H2O, and that contains all.

Man is a dewdrop, man contains the whole. There are no boundaries.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/23/2015 6:15:33 PM

The Oracle Report, September 23, 2015

Although I continue to watch the news,
at the moment very little is happening.

I share the following headlines, in no particular order :)

The Pope’s Schedule in the United States

As Pope Francis Arrives in DC, Federal Workers Strike Against Poverty Wages

Zerohedge: Guest Post: Is The Pope’s Dream Our Totalitarian Nightmare?

Pope Pushes Climate Change Fight While US Catholics Rake in Fracking Money

Pope Francis Begins 6-Day Visit to US

10 controversies swirling around Pope Francis’ visit to the US — RT USA

Pope starts U.S. trip with tone of conciliation


Skull and Bones: The disgusting initiation ceremonies at the heart of the American Establishment

Zerohedge: The New Middle Class: Set Free By The Facts

Gibbous Moon Phase: trust, analyze, prepare, digest, alchemy

Moon in Capricorn/Aquarius: (@ 6:51PM EST)

Goddess of Wisdom: All (led by Shodashi, Goddess of Beauty/Goddess Who Fulfills Our Highest and Best and Matangi, The Administrator)

God of Will/Desire: Kathe (God of the South)

Skill: Be the wise owl in the tree.

Catalysts for Change:

True Alignments:

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a girls basketball team” (unifying)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

Mercury Retrograde is still here, and having effgects with Communication and Technology. The air about Northern Virgina is challenged to say the least.

THERE WILL BE A NEW REPORT TODAY – Not sure when but Laura will try to post sometime today. Please check back for updates.

PHOENIX RISING RADIO – From Laura: I will be on Phoenix Rising Radio on Truth frequency radio tonight at 10 pm ET to give my analysis of what’s going on. The full link is:

Thank you for supporting The Oracle Report!

SPECIAL NOTE TO WISE OWLS FROM ANDREW: When I posted this message on Facebook, a call went out for Wise Owls to send in Donations to help get Laura a new computer (after a wild Goose Chase getting her present computer fixed, she had to buy a new one) . Thank you to all those who donated last month towards my new Computer. So if you are able, please donate what you can towards the new computer Laura just purchased. She gives so much of herself for this community and to spread the daily reports. This is a chance to give back and help make her work just a little bit easier. Thank you!

The Oracle Report

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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