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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/30/2015 5:36:02 PM

Saul via John Smallman: You Are, Always Have Been and Always Will Be, ONE with GOD!


Link to John’s audio reading.

Time is running out! Time is of the illusion, of the dream or nightmare, and dreams themselves last only a moment.

Yes, they frequently appear to occupy long and ongoing periods of time, as your expectations, anxieties, fears, and hopes fill your minds with “what if’ thoughts that distract you from living in the now moment, the only ‘real’ time that exists.

The now moment is the eternal moment, the moment in which you were created and which never ends; there is, in truth, only now. Any other time, although seemingly very real, is unreal. That is very hard for you to grasp as you struggle with the endless selection of issues and situations the dream state constantly brings to your attention, which was the whole purpose for constructing it.

It is indeed very confusing for you because of the extreme and inordinate limits that you placed on the human vehicles that you built for yourselves so that you could experience, as convincingly as possible, the state of separation from God, our divine Source; or even apparent complete abandonment by that loving energy field in which all of creation has its eternal existence.

You are, always have been and always will be, One with God! There is nothing else, there is nowhere else, there is only God. And God and You are VAST.

Limited as you presently are by the confining nature of your human bodies, it is utterly impossible for you to have even the slightest understanding of what this means. To you, the Universe in which planet Earth is situated seems unimaginably vast, with planets, solar systems, galaxies, and even other universes separated by unimaginable quantities of empty space. It is mind-boggling, and yet it is nothing!

As you have so often been told, when God created you, He gave you everything that He had: All the power, all the creative ideas, all the energy, and all the Love! You, like He, are Love. You can do anything that He can do.

In a moment of thoughtlessness – there is no such state, but it is the only way with words that I can give you any idea of what happened – you chose to separate yourself from Him to ‘prove’ to yourself that you had no need of Him.

But what is One cannot be split off into pieces, separated into multitudes, left alone or unaccompanied. If separation from your Source was possible – and it most certainly is not – the act of separating yourself off would annihilate you. Your existence would cease instantly as though you had never existed at all.

God creates in Love, always, and Love is eternal. What He creates never ends but lives forever in eternal joy. And when you choose to create, what you create exists with those same divine properties, in a state of eternal joy.

When you go within, to your inner sanctuary, the place where the flame of divine Love – the life force – burns continuously, and if you choose to see through the veil you placed there to hide It, you will then have an absolutely mind-blowing experience, a never to be forgotten experience, and you will understand the meaning of being One with God.

All on Earth at this moment chose to be here to assist in the awakening process. Understand that, being One with God, you had infinite ability to construct the illusion that apparently contains you and all within it of which you are physically aware.

You gave each aspect of yourself – billions and billions of you – free will as God had given it to you. For your awakening to happen, all those billions must freely agree to it.

Collectively, you have chosen to awaken, and your task on Earth is to share and extend the field of Love by constantly demonstrating Love in action. When you complete this task, no one will be any longer be able to avoid seeing and experiencing Love for what It truly and eternally is, and then all will awaken.

To awaken from the dream, to dissolve and disperse the illusion, is humanity’s purpose. Entering the illusion to experience life without God was but a momentary idea that collapsed as soon as it happened. However, you chose to cling to it for the rather wild ride it seemed to provide, and which it continues to provide for so many of you today.

Because you had constructed it with your brilliant mind to be totally believable, it convinced you that it was real, and that the myriad forms in which it presented itself to you were an amazing arena in which you existed, separated from God, from Heaven. An arena from which, if you lived according to the rules – and there are so many rules! – you would one day return to the Presence of God.

And of course it is God’s Will that you return, that you awaken, because His eternal Will for you is infinite and uninterrupted joy. Having momentarily set your will at odds with the divine Will, you have now chosen to realign with It and awaken into His loving Presence, that is, to become once more aware of your inseparable Oneness with Him.

The joy of that awakening is beyond description. Words are far too limiting a medium to use to attempt to depict the wonders that await you on your inevitable and unavoidable awakening. Poets have tried, so have artists and musicians with their creative skills, but none have come anywhere near success, although many of their attempts have been inspiring and uplifting for you.

Bring that moment on by daily entering your inner and most holy sanctuary and remaking the intent that humanity awaken from the dream into the brilliant Light of God’s Presence. That is your divine task, the task you willingly chose to undertake when you made the loving decision to incarnate on Earth at this time.

You have infinite support from all in the spiritual realms in every moment, so when you experience doubts, fears, or anxieties, call on us and we will respond. You will feel our loving presence if you let go of those doubts, fears, and anxieties even for a moment; and reassured by the experience, you will find the strength and the determination to bring all Home to the Presence of God.

With so very much love, Saul.

“Saul: You Are, Always Have Been and Always Will Be, ONE with GOD!” channeled by John Smallman, May 29, 2015, at

Source Link: John Smallman’s Blog

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/30/2015 5:50:55 PM

Commander Ashtar via Natalie Glasson: Your Current Flight of Ascension


This time upon the Earth, which will span all of your lifetime, is a period of powerful awakening. Everything within you has the opportunity to awaken and blossom into the magnificence of the Creator; this signifies that the same opportunities are available within your reality and experiences.

Never before have we witnessed such powerful awakening, at an accelerated rate and with a greater conscious awareness. You are beings of awakening; you are supporting the conscious development and evolution of yourself and those present upon the Earth in your future.

It is time to honour the emergence of the divine taking place within your being, as this will magnify your experience tremendously.

Your awakening of the divine within you is occurring on more levels of your being than you can possibly be conscious of. Light explosions are taking place within your physical body erupting into your cells like a fast flowing river, influencing your organs and all aspects of your physical body in transforming into quicker vibrations of light.

The light of the divine is flowing through your being, creating transformation within your etheric, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies, as well as all aspects of your auric field.

The light you are receiving is of a higher and quicker vibration than you have experienced in your current lifetime. It flows from the divine Creator through your soul, with one purpose of transformation; magnifying your being to become a true and absolute representative of the divine Creator.

Take a moment to imagine your soul bringing forth from the Creator such supreme light and consciousness that it instantly transforms your entire being on a physical and energetic level. These transformations are like miracles within your being, creating renewal, rejuvenation, healing, and emergence of consciousness, with a greater and divinely realistic self-worth.

This moment is so breath-taking, it is akin to a rebirth which is occurring for you now and will continue for the rest of your life, enhancing and developing.

Each time you wake up from your sleep, you have more light within your being. Each time you breathe consciously, you invite transformation to take place in deeper levels of your being. Each time you speak, you project more light, and every time you think and feel, you immerse yourself deeper into the eternal truth of the Creator.

We wish for you to know and acknowledge how magnificent you are, how wonderful your dedication, and how beautiful your transformation. If you doubt our words, then these are energies which require to be observed and resolved.

Your ascension is occurring so beautifully, there is simply a need for you to recognise this, acknowledge and believe it in your heart, and therefore allowing the magnificence of your ascension to become your reality and experience upon the Earth.

When you are consciously aware of the magnificence taking place within your being, or simply believe and know this to be the case, then you enhance your experience of your true transformation, allowing it to become a deeply inspirational and empowering aspect of your reality.

In many ways we are asking you to believe in yourself and your evolution so you may see the miracle of transformation you are and can further evolve into.

In order for you to allow yourself to bring forth this consciousness, which is of wonder, love for yourself, and astonishment at the miracle of light occurring within your being, there is a need to let go of the consciousness of the mundane.

This consciousness speaks to you of everything in your life, including yourself, as being mundane, dreary, monotonous, and ordinary. We wish you to let go of the consciousness of the mundane, recognising yourself as transformational, magnificent, and beautiful, which is the truth and your true consciousness.

yoga-628111_1280-300x256It is a consciousness which leads you into a deeper space with the Creator. It is also a conscious state which can be challenging, as you encourage yourself to recognise the difference between the knowingness of your soul of your true magnificence, and the false interpretation of your ego of your magnificence.

When you can allow yourself to recognise the magnificent transformation occurring within your being from your soul rather than from the seat of your ego, then you will allow yourself to truly acknowledge the truth of the Creator.

If you are constantly trying to acknowledge yourself and accelerate your spiritual ascension from your ego, or even as a mental perspective, then you may never allow yourself to feel completely satisfied and fulfilled nor will you allow yourself to acknowledge the magnificence of the Creator.

We wish to share with you a very easy way to distinguish between the knowingness of your soul and the false identity of your ego. In all creations and recognition of yourself from the seat of knowingness of your soul, you will recognise the presence of love, unity, and peace.

The love will be for yourself and others, the unity with all aspects of the Creator including yourself, and the peace an expanding space within you.

Even in the most exciting experience, the peace created within you will be ever-expanding. In creations and recognition of yourself from the seat of your ego, you will recognise the presence of feeling better than others. There may be an air of competition and separation, as well as a feeling of arrogance. There may be a feeling of being satisfied, but this may not last as new needs and desires would arise.

In truth, when love, unity and peace are experienced within your being, you know you are recognising yourself and reality from the truth of the Creator within you.

Recognising the simplicity of life and your own being can guide you into a deeper space of oneness with the Creator, and yet we are asking you to recognise the magnificent transformational experience which is continuous within your being.

This is not to recognise with your ego, it is to see the truth unfolding through eyes willing to witness the truth of the Creator within your being.

We wish for you to realise how beautifully magnificent you are while experiencing love, unity, and peace within your being. When you think of and perceive yourself in mundane and disempowering ways you experience separation from the true miracle of your being.

Take time to sit peacefully with the intention of observing the magnificent transformation of light occurring within your being. Even if you cannot perceive how the transformation could be taking place, simply encourage yourself to be aware, observant, and ready to receive the understanding.

If you feel your ego arising, then send your love to your ego, the thoughts, energies or experiences it wishes to create, or the reaction it wishes to generate within your being, which may not be aligned with your truth.

The ego may manifest creating a self-importance which results in any form of energetic or physical separation, or it may materialise as a victim or doubtfulness within you.

All of these manifestations simply require your love, acceptance, mfg. and release, free from your response. We wish to say that self-importance and self- love can seem and manifest as the same experience, and yet self-importance creates separation within you, and self-love create the vibration of unity within your being.

Here is an intention to support your observation of the magnificent transformation of light occurring within your being:

‘I now allow and support myself in recognising the truth of all aspects of my being. I open my senses and awareness so I may acknowledge with ease and perfection the awakening, emergence and blossoming occurring within my being due to the continuous flow of the Creator and my greater acceptance of the truth manifesting within my being.

‘I am now ready to recognise myself and inner transformation from the seat of my soul, from a space of love, unity, and peace with myself and all aspects of the Creator.

‘I am transforming; every cell, organ, and aspect of my physical body is magnificently transforming into a supreme beacon of light.

‘I recognise and acknowledge this with ease and truthfulness.

‘I am transforming; every aspect of my auric field and entire being is magnificently transforming into a supreme beacon of light. I am ready and willing to accept and experience this as my truth now.

‘As I go within my being, I am able to observe the transformation and rejuvenation of my being whenever I wish, bringing forth my greater confidence and trust in my ascension practices and experiences.

‘I invite my guides and soul to support my conscious awareness as I observe within my being now. Thank you.’

Take time to breathe deeply while trusting yourself to recognise the truth within your being.

We came forth to you to support you in recognising more fully the aspect of the Creator within you. We wished for you to acknowledge you are never stagnant or delayed in any way, in your ascension. Transformation and ascension are occurring within your being right now.

We also wanted to encourage you to bring your observation to the subtle ways of the ego and your soul’s knowingness, so you may allow yourself to live in a greater space of truth within you, encouraging yourself to move beyond the process of reaction to the presence of your ego.

Allow yourself to be observant of your ego and soul’s knowingness. Both can be subtle or blatant.

Please know we are here to support you, always.

We send to you our love and encouragement eternally,
Commander Ashtar
Overseer of the Airborne Ascended Master Team

“Commander Ashtar: Your Current Flight of Ascension,” channeled by Natalie Glasson, May 29, 2015, at

Source Links: Sacred School of OmNa, Natalie Glasson OmNa School

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/30/2015 5:55:47 PM

Open: The True Nature of the Spirit Warrior…Are You One?

OpenWhat the world needs most of all right now, is for the new breed of ‘Spirit Warriors’ to step up and step out. It needs people to dive into centre stream; to take a risk, that we can truly change the worldwide reality by having the courage to change our own.

It is said that madness is doing the same thing day in day out and yet expecting different results. Well, there’s plenty of madness out there right now! So where do you stand?

Are you one of the New Spirit Warriors?
Here’s how to tell…

22 Ways to tell if You are a Spirit Warrior:

  • A Spirit Warrior recognises that they, and only they, create their reality. In other words, they fearlessly embrace every person, situation and circumstance that they have drawn, as their own manifestation. And they’re prepared to deal with that (see Law of Attraction unveiled).
  • A Spirit Warrior realises that ‘fearlessness’ is not to be without fear; rather it is to be continually confronting and breaking through fear in the moment it arises.
  • A Spirit Warrior does not blame or project at others. Not even the crazy situation we now witness in the world. She accepts the outer mirror created by group karma, and works tirelessly to unravel it (understanding karma).
  • A Spirit Warrior doesn’t complain or constantly try to fix the ‘pain’. They recognise that the pain is the place where the light enters, and that transcendence of the physical is the path to immortality. Therefore, of the pain they say… “bring it on!”
  • A Spirit Warrior is not afraid to let go of a creation or manifestation once it has served its purpose. Which could mean moving on from a de-energising relationship, job or location. Even when the path forwards is uncertain, they dive all in (seeManifesting Miracles with White Magic).
  • A Spirit Warrior knows the difference between surrender and giving up. Surrender is aligning with the truth that they can feel unfolding, whereas giving up is being wishy washy, and too easily accepting of ‘anything goes’.
  • A Spirit Warrior knows the difference between judgment and discernment. It’s vitally important to call reality the way it is, in order to navigate the path between the obstacles in life. But to judge another or a particular circumstance as always being the same, is to ‘condemn’ it, and then form a fixed relationship to it (see The Ray 4 Diplomat in You).
  • A Spirit Warrior is careful with the word ‘never’, so as not to condemn a particular situation to a particular fate. He is aware that ‘always’ may change.
  • A Spirit Warrior is not afraid to go against the herd, even at the risk of getting trampled by it.
  • A Spirit Warrior is not afraid to suffer, or to die, for a cause greater than themselves.
  • A Spirit Warrior knows that death is merely the passage into a new life. And therefore fearlessly lives the life they now have.
  • A Spirit Warrior is profoundly honest with themselves.
  • A Spirit Warrior is not afraid of the truth.
  • A Spirit Warrior fearlessly expresses themselves, no matter what the outcome. Yes, diplomacy and tact are important to them too, but that doesn’t mean compromising your own soul. It’s all about ‘the dance’, finding the most accessible and appropriate way to express your truth (see The Seven Rays of Divine Impulse).
  • A Spirit Warrior is selfless, yet not afraid to express the self. The self is far from being some bland, colourless or wishy washy existence. It is vibrant, alive, full of animation, charisma, colour and expression.
  • A Spirit Warrior is forgiving of himself and others. She recongises that all life’s circumstances are created for learning purposes: that there is no such thing as evil intent. All create according to the reality model that has been built up inside. Forgiveness helps unravel the distortions that people hold onto (see radical forgiveness).
  • A Spirit Warrior understands the difference between non-efforting and commitment to a cause. Yes, it is essential to let go of struggle and attachment. But nevertheless, it is going to take commitment, patience and perseverance to bring light through the darkness.
  • A Spirit Warrior knows when to put something down, and when to pick something up.
  • A Spirit Warrior lives day to day, moment by moment from their intuition. They’re constantly tuning within and asking “what would you have me do now?” and “how would you have me do it?”
  • A Spirit Warrior is constantly witnessing the objectivity of synchronicity, allowing it to reveal what’s really going on in the moment, not accepting the filter the ego might be placing on it.
  • A Spirit Warrior allows others to make their own mistakes and walk their own path. He may lend support, but doesn’t disempower by taking ownership of their issue.
  • A Spirit Warrior truly understands the nature of love: overcoming that which separates oneself from other sentient life, and instead compassionately embracing that which unites all (see video Who are You, and How to Be That?).

The Spirit Warriors are here!

There’s a new era of Spirit Warriors emerging. These spiritual warriors are not afraid to feel their fear. They have the courage to be vulnerable through the deepest challenges and to be profoundly honest with themselves. They are committed with every fibre of their being to unravel the layers that keep them bound to the lower paradigm, no matter what it takes! They come from all walks of life, of all ages, joining hands, finding a common thread of beingness and are hiding NO MORE!

The question is… are you one of them?



“The True Nature of the Spirit Warrior…Are You One?” by Open, May 22, 2015 at…are_you_one

Original link: The True Nature of the Spirit Warrior…Are You One?

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/31/2015 5:36:47 PM

The Voice Within: No Words Can Describe the Unknowable


An intuitive reading by Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Note from Wes: This reading’s title might seem to contradict my article from yesterday, “Spiritual Revolution and the Power of Words”, but while words are limited when it comes to spirituality, I still think they’re a great help along this journey.

There’s a subtle yet noteworthy difference between writing and channeling.

Writing allows you to give your perspective on various issues while also allowing you to access your greater awareness and pull some expressions and observations back up to the surface, while channeling bypasses the mind (while still using its translating capabilities) to offer the expression of your higher consciousness.

Your higher consciousness is always with you and always wants to help you along your journey, and to access its guidance clearly or properly, you have to be willing to release any false notions of what this connection should be like or what your spiritual evolution should be like in general.

You’re going to be surprised, amazed and appalled a lot as you continue to rediscover your true Self, and your previous understanding of life and spirituality will expand as old ideas fall away to be replaced with new ones that are more aligned with the truth of your existence.

You’re learning a lot as you access your higher intuitive wisdom and make every effort to keep this connection intact, and the enthusiasm with which you seek this connection will determine how much you’re able to receive as well as the purity of the information.

It’s important to be diligent when it comes to channeling, and while you can approach anything with an open mind, you’ll also want to be somewhat skeptical or discerning about some things you learn – whether it’s something from the internet or something you intuitively pick up on.

As long as your intent is pure, you should be able to connect with your higher consciousness and convey the intuitive expressions that can result, but it’s still helpful to be diligent and on the lookout for anything that seems off.

As it stands right now, a lot of people who consider themselves spiritual have trouble believing that you can actually channel your higher consciousness, and skepticism about this subject is understandable.


You want to get as clear and authentic of a picture of spirituality as you can, and some feel that certain concepts or ideologies fog the clarity they seek.

When it comes down to it, you have to approach your spirituality in a way that works for you, and if something clearly helps, there’s no reason not to pursue it. If something else seems silly or just doesn’t fit with your understanding, then feel free to reject it and leave it for others who it might help.

You don’t have to let the opinions or judgments of others – for or against any concept – keep you from doing exactly what’s right for you.

Nor do you have to defend your understanding or the choices that result from it, and true alignment with the Self imparts the understanding that all are on their own path and all must be free to experience it exactly how they want.

You’re free to walk your path uniquely, and others are granted the same freedom. If some people disagree with your choices, remember that they’re on their own path and all is still in perfect order.

As many of you are learning, spirituality isn’t as much about believing in certain concepts as it is gaining experience and knowing, for yourself, what is and isn’t the truth for you.

You can throw all of your beliefs and ideologies out the window if you want, because they only point to what already exists deep within you, which you can now pull up to the surface. You can do away with the ideology that you have a higher self or a set of spiritual guides, for example, and simply connect with your higher consciousness.

You can do away with the idea that you’re ‘channeling your higher self’ or anything else that’s rooted in specific beliefs or ideologies, and at the end of the day, you can let your greater connection stand on its own two feet without needing to label or define it.

If you connect with your higher consciousness by exercising and feeling the thrill and invigoration that can result, then do that. If ‘channeling your higher self’ helps you feel connected with this greater awareness, then feel free to do that – just try to understand what you’re really doing.

If music keeps you centered and aligned with the Self, then play as much as you want.


It doesn’t have to be about your beliefs or what you think will help you along your path – it’s about what you’ve experienced and what you know will help you instead of hurting you and keeping you from making progress.

Those of you who channel can do away with any previous notions of what channeling is or even who you connect with, because the truth is much different from what you’ve come to understand. This doesn’t mean your understanding is incorrect, and it’s the best understanding you can have at this stage in your growth and evolution.

The truth, however, is far stranger than what any of the greatest enlightened minds or ‘new age’ authors have conceived, and you’ll only grasp the unknowable when you’re back in this higher consciousness – the very higher consciousness that guides you.

You’ll only truly understand spirituality when you’re on a higher level, and none of the terms used here do justice to the description of a higher state of consciousness.

No words can describe the unknowable and the unmovable, and you’ll have to keep exploring your higher consciousness in whatever ways work best to understand what’s really happening and where you’re really going.

You could say you’re ascending into a more heavenly existence, but what you’ll be born back into is far beyond anything you perceive as heavenly. It’s much, much better than even your most imaginative notions of heaven, and little by little, you’re bringing pieces of it down and expressing them on earth.

Keep it up, because you’re achieving more than you can possibly know. You’re pioneering a new way of life that understands and respects your sacred spirituality and the spirituality of the planet that hosts your life, and whether you realize it or not, you’re making a significant impact on others.

The world will awaken in its own time, and for now, everything you contribute makes it easier for others to shift their perspective and find a new understanding of life, spirituality and the new paradigm that’s already emerging.


Share freely.

I’m a twenty-one year old spiritual writer, blogger and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including
The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) andTwitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/31/2015 5:40:28 PM

Feel Good News: Sunday, May 31, 2015

feelgoodnewstoesHappy Sunday, dear friends. It is finally here, and I could not be more excited!

What, you ask, could make me this excited? Well, the warm weather of course! We spent so much time in the dark, freezing cold of winter this year, and the warm weather was not quick to come our way.

We got teased with brief pockets of sunshine and balmy breezes, and then got slammed right back into weather that threatened frost. That tipping point into real change was so frustrating! The back and forth of it brought up not a little bit of discouragement within me. I mean, I knew summer was coming, but when would it get here?

A tiny voice whispered to me today. Actually, it laughed at me. How many times have you felt the same way about the changing world? How many times have you felt that tipping point and the back and forth sea saw of progress forward, only to be pulled back?

Loads. The seasons remind me though, that change, at this point in the cycle we are in, is inevitable. Treating ourselves gently is of course key to staying balanced during the shifting times.

I realized today that I have to pat myself on the back more, as I shift through family life changes, seasonal changes and earth changes all at the same time! Talk about multi-tasking! I am up for the challenge though, because no matter what, the shifts will come, so way better to go with it than resist.

After all, what’s on the other side is what I have been dreaming of for a very long time!

Red Noses raise multi-millions for children in need in the US.

Red Nose Day and its related charity events have raised over 1.5 Billion in support funds for children in need in the UK for over 27 years. This year the noses jumped the pond and began fundraising in the US.

Many high profile celebrities joined the cause which was also supported by the US company Walgreens. The campaign culminated with a night of comedy that raised over $21 Million to support children in need.

While we have all been focusing on grass roots support of individuals around the world, it makes me happy to see celebrities stepping up with their time and promotion to help such a worthy cause. When celebrities understand that their fame can be used to bring tremendous awareness and strong calls to action for their followers, we jump forward towards a world that works for everyone!

Mega-Stars Joke Around And Raise $21 Million For Charity in a Few Days on Feel Good News

Foster parents line up to take in at-risk animals from a flooded shelter in Texas.

This past week, Texas and Oklahoma experienced extreme storms with major flooding. When the Town Lake Animal Center, a no-kill shelter in Austin, Texas started to flood, the animal rescue team took to social media for help.

Within hours, the line of foster volunteers was long. About 80 animals were placed in temporary foster homes until the flood waters receeded and it was safe for them to be housed again. Quite a few of the fostered animals have found forever homes through the experience as well. This is another great example of how social media can stimulate a significant call to action within a crisis.

Pets In Austin Find Loving Foster Homes After Being Displaced By Floods by Cameron Ready forHuffington Post Good News

Taking it to the people.

As the legal debate on same-sex marriages continues at the Supreme Court level in the US, Ireland simply decided to ask the public what they wanted.

After a recent vote on the subject, the country spoke loud and clear. They wish to legalize same-sex marriages and support the rights of all citizens to wed. This is not only a powerful statement of acceptance, but an example to the world that asking citizens what they truly want is far better than applying the law to life issues.

Ireland Votes to Legalize Gay Marriage by Liz Pleasant for Yes Magazine

How Johnny’s Love Transformed a Grocery Store.

This short video describes an amazing transformation that occurred at a local grocery. A new regional manager was hired to inspire customer appreciation and service, and so she told the staff that they could make a difference in their customer’s lives.

She received a phone call from a young man named Johnny who has Down’s Syndrome. He said he wasn’t sure he could inspire anyone, but then he had an idea.

With the help of his dad and a few pieces of copy paper, he literally changed the lives of all the customers and his entire store, proving that one person can be the catalyst for love to enter the lives of many.

How Johnny’s Love Transformed a Grocery Store on Karmatube

And finally…

Animals doing what they do best.

Animals have an innate ability to simply be themselves. They certainly don’t care what anyone thinks of them. It’s wonderful to spend a few minutes observing them and having them open our hearts and give us a giggle! Enjoy!

Wonderful Animals being themselves on YouTube
That’s the good news for today. Have a happy day. Please join Gavin Harrill for the Golden Gaia News Roundup on Monday.

Be Well. Be Joy. Be Love!


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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