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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/27/2015 5:59:47 PM

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Sheldan Nidle Update - May 26, 2015

3 Cimi, 4 Pax, 11 Ik

Selamat Balik! We come now to report to you what is happening on your world. The dark cabal remains full of tricks. The dark forged a world in which dishonesty and deception were to be honored and the dishonesty and trickery is truly immense. This fact led to an outbreak of such deception that it soon became obvious that only those trusted by the Light were able to carry out their assignments swiftly and fairly. Thus, we have decided to employ only those who can complete their designated duties without incident. To accomplish this, we have created a service pool made up of a special group of Beings. Unlike most humans, these individuals are quite capable of easily carrying out their assigned duties. Over the past few months we have carefully chosen these magnificent individuals to resolve a number of current difficulties and enable us to complete the new transfer system. Therefore, we are now finishing some tests and intend to begin en masse in the coming month. Nonetheless, there is still more to tell you about what we are doing to safely send out your blessings.

Over the past few months, we have been working closely with our earthly allies and the Agarthans on how best to defeat the many restrictions put forth by the dark cabal and their banker friends. We began with a series of mass arrests of the lower echelon personnel. These people were most closely associated with the daily workings of this onerous system. The effect of this was as before: it created only a temporary slowdown in the operation of their system. It was then decided to help many other nations to invest in a more fair and free transfer system, which had the ability to bypass the current one. This system was prudent. However, this alternative was not really designed to globally begin until the end of this Gregorian Year. Hence, it was decided until then to use a system where the key personnel was to consist of individuals that were reliable and trustworthy. It is this system we have presently turned our attention to, and it seems to be a most wonderful temporary fix.

As we are busy resolving this set of problems, our liaisons are advising those who are forming the new NESARA government. This particular step is the beginning of a process, which is to eventually lead to galactic society. Your governance needs to become an open transition between what is the best for you (open governance) and your fully conscious future. Government was originally the province of the privileged. In your society, money "talks." It is how elections and legislatures are controlled and managed by the oligarchy (the few really wealthy families). This arrangement is really not something that can support public policy. Government requires that it be opened up to all. This is where NESARA came in. We support it simply because any aging non-responsive system needs a massive re-structuring. This redo needs to restore this system back to its original principles. This is where NESARA now stands: at the very edge of manifesting. As the blessings pour in, this system can finally be relevant to these times!

NESARA is based on you becoming willing to aid those who comprise this governance. As you become one in prosperity, you can start to interact with this governance and even become a public pool of competence, which can use its general wisdom to aid the changes required to return this governance to its original purpose. This new higher consciousness society can more easily understand the direction NESARA mandates. Hence, there is to be a broader consensus on how to move this governance through its four difficult months of change. After that, you are to be a very informed electorate, which can elect those who further carry on the changes proposed by the NESARA government. One of the things to be implemented by this governance is an end to the UFO cover up. This allows us to open a dialogue between us. This is the beginning of a transfer of wisdom and technology that is to be the foundation for a truly wondrous society. It means as well that we can land and introduce our mentors to you.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! The present time is about focus and divine service. Long ago, Heaven decreed the length of your time in limited consciousness was to go. In these sacred decrees, Heaven clearly stated that your existence in this strange reality was to be limited to a period of just over twelve and one-half millennia. You have served that period faithfully. In effect, you have met every requirement and proved your mettle to Heaven. Heaven has, in good faith, sent us help. This help has made possible the events that are just beginning to happen. These events include your blessings and new, transparent governance. These things are to greatly alter how this reality operates. We have asked you to learn focus. Use it to support the manifesting of a number of important events. At present, the old, dark cabal is fading. Use this focus to continue to imagine a new reality. Together, we can create a wondrous new reality!

What we are discussing is how you have used your abilities to overcome a great frustration caused by the dark and used by them to lengthen their time in power. Nevertheless, you are magnificent in continuing to believe and despite numerous obstacles to see all of this through. The dark is now rapidly fading as its many heinous schemes fail. You are to be commended for this. What we simply ask as we reach the end of this long, dark tunnel is to carry on. Support those elements, which with the Creator’s mighty will, are to cast out these demons and replace their horrors with the wonders of the Light. In this repose, you are to prosper, gain wisdom and finally reunite with your spiritual, space and Inner Earth families! Much joy is to be yours! Rejoice and truly celebrate what lies ahead.

Thus, you have much to be thankful for! Heaven and her multitude of helpers are paving the way for a new reality and a new, all-inclusive consciousness. You are about to learn much about yourselves and your distant ancestors who came here to be the stewards, along with the cetaceans, of this grand reality. You are to discover your next series of events, which are to cast you into the first phase of your divine service with Heaven. You are to start to spread your excellent joy and wisdom to every aspect of this galactic reality. Your lengthy time in bondage leaves you with a grand inner wisdom about how the dark worked in this galaxy. Out of this comes a means to teach and to permit the Light to penetrate every aspect. You are to be truly celebrated and make your star nation legendary! Of this, and many other things make us truly joyous about you.

Today, we gave you a better perspective on what is currently happening on your world. The delays of the dark are now ready to break. The Light is readying for grand events, which are to start to propel you into a new reality. Be gracious and be able to express this in a most magnificent joy! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/27/2015 6:17:55 PM

The Oracle Report, Wednesday, May 27, 2015



First Quarter Moon Phase: step out, take action

Moon In Virgo/Libra (5:43 pm ET/9:43 pm UT)

Goddess of Wisdom: Tara (Goddess Who Guides)

God of Will: Ian (God of The East)

Skill: expect the best

True Alignments: initiative, letting down defenses of the heart, independence, seeing appreciating the blessings of one’s life, elegance, access, mind over matter, excitement, dramatic life changes, spreading one’s wings, moving beyond limitations

Catalysts for Change: blaming others, projecting one’s feelings or responsibilities onto others, rejection, dependency, refusing to improve one’s situation, mistrust, longing for something that is believed will never happen, hopelessness, missing an opportunity

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a mature woman reawakened to romance”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

Today the Sun moves to the degree of the Sabian symbol of “an old-fashioned well.”

In the old paradigm of consciousness, we imaged a little stone or wooden well. In the new paradigm of consciousness, the image expands into a vast tunnel extending to the core of the Earth. It’s a direct tap line straight to the Source. What we used to see as little springs feeding the wells of life we now see as the torrent of life itself. Opportunities present themselves when this energy is in effect.

Opportunities are also featured in the degree where Mercury retrograde is slowly churning the energy of “newly opened lands offer the pioneer new opportunities for experience.”

There is an undercurrent of expectation that follows today’s energy and feeds the lunar month’s themes of the reawakening of something inside of us, love stories, and realignment of our values. Venus is disseminating the Sabian symbol energy of “a young woman awaiting a sailboat” and the Earth is disseminating “Cupid knocking at the door of a human heart.”

What are we waiting for?

What do we need to leave at the door?

This energy wants to “take us” to other “places.” It wants to take us beyond what we’ve thought was possible. It wants us to go deeply within ourselves to do whatever we need to do right now, knowing that we are tapped in with the Infinite and never alone. It wants us to remember who we are.

That said, we may find that we need to stand up for something, someone, or some idea today. Circumstances develop that move us away from situations that are not in our highest and best interests. What is “just” and “right” or aligned with the values of freedom, love, expression, and HUMANITY pummels efforts to limit these things today.

There are a lot of symbols and imagery in play today — wells, sailboats, doors, pioneers, land, water. Wherever you go today, remember that you are well-supplied straight from the Source.

(If you weren’t able to tune in to Phoenix Rising Radio last night, I covered a lot of information about current events and energetics, Bilderberg 2015, how Uranus’ upcoming retrograde at the Eris Point will activate the Middle East, Ukraine, and Russia, currencies, and much more. Uranus will station retrograde [appear to move backward in the sky] on July 25 through December 25. It will be nothing less than revolutionary! You won’t want to miss this discussion, wise owls. Listen to the archive here:

Many thanks to Phoenix for inviting me and allowing forum for this information.)

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/27/2015 6:25:10 PM

Are You Blocking Valuable Guidance From The Universe?

(Body Mind Soul & Spirit) We all have many things we are wishing and hoping for, and the universe is constantly sending us opportunities to have the things we want through the Law of Attraction. When we are open to the guidance the universe is sending us, good ideas and proper directions are plentiful, and we get to where we want to be quickly and easily. Unfortunately, sometimes we block some of this valuable guidance from the universe.

One way I have found we often block the guidance from the universe is in our conversations with other people. It is fairly common for us to close our ears when friends, relatives and acquaintances offer advice, suggestions or just general information. Sometimes this happens because we are too busy thinking of the next thing we want to say. Other times, our egos are offended, because we feel the advice implies we aren’t smart enough or that we don’t know things things we feel we already feel we have a grasp on.

However, in my life, I have been noticing that a LOT of the directional guidance the universe has been sending to me has been received through conversations with other people. For example, I never initially intended on adding a blog to my website, but my little brother suggested I do this to generate more traffic, and he was 100% right. Now, my blog has helped me reach a lot of people whom otherwise might never have found my website.

In other instances, a good friend of mine gave me some valuable advice on how to sell my home that saved me hundreds of thousands of dollars. Another friend recently offered me some business advice that significantly helped me expand my social media following.

I have receive countless suggestions and ideas from my friends, relatives and acquaintances like these that have helped me to come closer to my dreams and have brought me a lot of successes. While I used to get a little offended when someone offered unsolicited advice, now my ears perk up, and I get excited because I know I might be receiving a hint from the universe on how to get where I want to be and achieve the goals I am reaching for.

So, if you are looking to open yourself to more of the guidance from the universe, be aware that sometimes guidance will come to you directly through another person-and it’s possible this person might be completely unexpected or unqualified. This isn’t because you are stupid or inexperienced, but rather because the universe is answering a question you have or it is trying to help you reach your goals. The person you are speaking to has simply become a conduit for the universe’s message to you.

While not every suggestion will be a golden nugget, some of them will be. You’ll know the difference, because a good idea will make you feel like a light bulb has just turned on inside of your head.

With this in mind, the next time your best friend gives you relationship advice, or your mother talks to you about a strategy to advance your career, do yourself a favor and consider the advice, if even for just a minute. They just might be telling you exactly what you need to know in order to make one of your dreams come true.

Andrea Schulman is a former high school psychology teacher and the creator of Raise Your Vibration Today, which provides free and easy Law of Attraction techniques. She will be available for group educational seminars and webinars starting in the summer of 2015.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/27/2015 6:27:27 PM

You’re Here to Help Others, so Keep Your Strength


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

I wrote an article a few days ago entitled ‘Stay Strong, World Changers’, and I’d like to return to the subject of strength because it’s relevant to my life and my experiences lately.

Life will send things our way that make us want to throw in the towel, and I’ll admit that my hardest times have left me wondering what I should do next or if I should even try to continue. It’s easy to let the pains and burdens of life keep us from being who we are, but their hold over us gets stronger when we keep giving in to them.

We have to look difficulty and negativity in the eye and boldly proclaim that they won’t stop us from shining our light. We have to find our sacred center no matter what difficulties we have to deal with every day, and we can’t expect the world to be strong if we don’t persevere and keep our own strength.

How are we going to change the world if we can’t even get past our own issues? We came here to persevere through all of the hard times we knew we’d have to face, and when the pain piles up and we don’t feel like we can keep going, we have to remember that we aren’t the only ones who suffer.

Everyone around us suffers in one way or another, whether they’re ‘conscious’ or not, and the first step to healing our own issues is recognizing that we aren’t alone in the struggle to stay centered and active in the midst of all of the pain.

Realizing that everyone is struggling in their own way can allow us to see our struggle in a new light, and if we allow ourselves, we can rise up and become a voice of reason through all of the pain, chaos and uncertainty.

It requires us to get past whatever holds us back, but if we can do this, we can emerge into the world as a force for love, compassion, and most importantly, healing. We can lend an ear to the people around us who struggle as much as we do, and we can do it with an open heart and a mind that’s willing to commit to the pursuit of helping others.


We can change the world by first looking deep within to heal whatever keeps us from fulfilling our role, and no matter how much progress we make, there’ll be times when the negativity or depression is just too strong and we have to bow out for a while, work on ourselves a little, and reemerge ready to contribute again.

We can’t ignore any negativity that comes to the surface, and our pain will never go away if we don’t embrace it and heal it. It’ll always be there to remind us of everything about ourselves and our life we don’t care for, and until we deal with it, it’ll always be a monkey on our back that we can’t seem to shake.

We can shake it, but we have to keep trying and refuse to give up when it overwhelms us. We have to use all of our inner faculties to surface and heal our pain, and helping others will become a lot easier once we achieve this.

We’ll be able to use our experience to help others through their pain, and while we aren’t necessarily here to help people through every little problem, we are here to help them heal so they too can emerge and uplift the world.

We’re here to help those among us who also have the potential to get the world’s attention, and the next time you face an impossible obstacle, even one that makes you feel massively depressed, just relax, take a deep breath and try again when you’re ready.

I’d imagine this life is one of the hardest things we’ll ever do, and if you subscribe to a similar outlook on spirituality as me, you’re likely convinced that things will get easier as we raise our vibration and greet higher states of consciousness.

I genuinely believe the struggle will lessen as we raise our vibration, and our challenges will be a lot different. We’ll still be challenged and we’ll still have to look for solutions to certain issues, but the difference will be that we aren’t weighed down by the heaviness of a dense reality that seems driven by fear and hatred.

We’ll exist in a much lighter, freer state of consciousness, and the pains and difficulties that once brought us down will be seen for what they really are: illusions that we were convinced were real. They aren’t, and all it takes to realize this is an active investigation of every last ill that brings us down.


They don’t have the power over us that we’ve given them, and we can work our way through them if we’re willing to persevere and call on our higher consciousness to assist us when the cards seem stacked against us.

Nobody ever said we have to go through this journey alone, and especially when it comes to our creative and spiritual work, we have more assistance than we realize and all we need to do is open up to benefit from it.

It requires an open heart and a diminished ego, and if we have trouble opening the heart or feeling any kind of love, we might want to look within to figure out why our love seems blocked and why we can’t seem to find any positive, balanced or aligned emotions.

We’ll figure it all out if we stay dedicated to our inner search and to the creative work that can help us explore our issues, and strength will always be important to our creative and spiritual exploration.

Strength will see us through when we struggle too much to carry on, so stay strong and don’t listen to that critical voice in your head that makes you think you’re nothing and you should just give up. Please don’t give up, because the world needs your light and chances are that you’ve only begun to understand what you can do.

Keep active and keep your strength intact, and call on your intuition frequently to receive the internal guidance we all require to thrive. The higher self is very real, and this higher consciousness is with us in every single moment. After realizing it exists, the next step is to call on it to receive its strength, support and assistance.

Once we’re connected with our higher consciousness and we can funnel any difficulty we experience up to it, the stresses will become easier and we’ll be able to focus more fully on our passion and our purpose.


Share freely.

I’m a twenty-one year old spiritual writer, blogger and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/28/2015 6:25:26 PM

We Are the Source of Our Own Bliss

Crystal 1


If my nature is bliss, then many things flow from that.

One is that I am the source of my own bliss and, by extension, we are all the source of our own bliss.

That doesn’t mean that bliss is not to be had from a myriad of circumstances seemingly “around” me, seemingly “external.” Bliss undoubtedly is the sea of consciousness we’re all swimming in.

It means that, in reality, there is no “external. “ Everything is happening inside me, inside you, inside us. In the final analysis, there is no me, no you, no us. At the ultimate level, this conversation would not take place: there’d be no need and no occasion for it.

In the final analysis, there’s only the subjective, not the objective. That there’s considered to be an “objective” is itself the crux of the matter, the root of the illusion. There’s nothing but God, and, since we’re a part of everything that is, we must also be God.

At the highest levels of consciousness, there’s no separation. And there’s no one to see there’s no separation.

As Rumi said:

“When I have sacrificed my angel soul,
I shall become what no mind e’er conceived.
Oh, let me not exist!
For Non-existence
Proclaims in organ tones,
‘To Him we shall return.’” (1)

No mind has ever conceived of non-existence. No one has ever known non-existence. When someone knows non-existence, that someone ceases to be.

Sri Ramakrishna offers the example of the salt doll that wanted to measure the depth of the ocean:

“Once a salt doll went to measure the depth of the ocean. (All laugh.)

“It wanted to tell others how deep the water was. But this it could never do, for no sooner did it get into the water than it melted. Now who was there to report the ocean’s depth?” (2)

SaLuSa described the ultimate in evolution just the other day: “Evolution is constantly taking place. The ultimate is to return to the Godhead but that is way ahead of you at present.” (3)

The “ultimate” is a “return” to the “Godhead.” But that is “way ahead of you” at present.

At the highest level of consciousness, at the “ultimate,” no other exists than the “Godhead.” The Godhead is a name for God at a level of consciousness beyond whatever thoughts we have about God at present.

It was originally intended to signify the Transcendental One beyond the Trinity of Heavenly Father, Divine Mother, and Child of God or Self. Hindus would recognise that Trinity as Brahman, Shakti, and Atman and the One as Parabrahman.

But I’m giving it a more flexible meaning here. I’m using it to refer to the ultimate and absolute level of consciousness, beyond anything we’ve plumbed in any of our human explorations.

Even if that highest level be a constantly-receding phenomenon, I’m using it to refer to what is beyond that. The Unqualified and Unqualifiable. The Unconditioned and Unconditionable.

But knowledge of that is “way ahead of you” at present. It’s ahead of any being that exists in form or formlessness. In fact “knowledge of it” is impossible because the mere phraseology points to an objective observer and a phenomenon objective to the objective observer.

And, since there’s no existence apart from God, there’s also no possibility of the rise of an objective observer at the highest level of existence. … Or non-existence.

All is subjective.

Franklin Merrell Woolf spoke of “consciousness without an object.” (4) All traces of separation there disappear: a separate form, a separation in consciousness, any trace of an existence separate from God, any trace of a separate “me” – all disappear, back into Oneness.

If “I” disappear, well, then….

I cannot say that I’d find myself in yet another, more umbrageous “I” because the “I” that would find that out would not exist.

There would be no one for whom or in whom such a question would arise. There would be an “I.” And that “I” would be All there is. Beyond That, there’d be nothing existent or non-existent.


(1) Anne Fremantle and Christopher. In Love with Love. 100 of the Greatest Mystical Poems. New York, etc.: Paulist Press, 1978, 58.

(2) Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Swami Nikhilananda, trans., The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 102-3.

(3) SaLuSa, May 22, 2015, at

(4) Franklin Merell-Wolff, Philosophy of Consciousness without an Object. Reflections on the Nature of Transcendental Consciousness. New York: Julian Press, 1973.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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