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Would you Pay 3 cents per day to get 1000's of page View-I Love it !!
3/28/2010 8:33:02 AM
Hi Everyone,
Most everyone has seen my posts where I say I have Never Paid for Advertising on the Internet for the
past 20+ years.
Well, I can't say that any more!!
It was just too good of a Deal to pass up on.
You have Heard of the Famous Traffic Exchange:
But have you ever Heard of this one:
it is Not A Traffic Exchange:
You can also Join this FREE if you don't want the Gold Membership?
I cannot to my Life think why you would want to past up that one time Price.
there May be a Time Limit for that Price so I wouldn't drag my Feet if you want
1000's of Hits to your pages in a little of No Time !!
Ithaca Tazmart
The Costs is a One Time Payment for Gold Membership for LIFE !!
You would expect to pay at least $100 bucks for a One time Payment....or No less than $50 , That is Not the Case with this one. That's why I paid for it.
The Cost is : $12.97 for a Gold Membership for LIFE !
No Monthly Payments.
The Features are too Many to lists here.
There is Many Many Features. A Highlight of only a Few Features is:
20 Rotators with 10 URL's in each Rotators
. Advertise 200 business or put the same ones in there more than Once!!
No Surfing for Credits, You get Unlimited Credits for Life!!
3. Bonus Promo Codes every Week. No Charge to You!!
4. E-mail your downline with Solo E-mail ads once a Week!!
Plus Many Many More Features.
Put your pages on
20 Traffic Exchanges
with each Rotator in the different Traffic
Exchanges. Most Traffic Exchanges has Free Rotators.
In other words you can put in the URL to your
Rotator without having to assign Credits
to them to get them Displayed.
On Some Traffic Exchanges they are Called : Downline Builder
On other Traffic Exchanges they are called: Rotators
I advertise Not only Traffic Exchanges in the Rotators but also My Affiliate Programs
Which I have about 70 companies I advertise for with More coming now that I can Afford to advertise them without Surfing the TE's and Paying for Credits which I never did pay for Credits anyway!!
The $12.97 Price is Good for New Members only and is Only Good on sign up for ONE time. If you close the Page then that price is Gone Forever!!
Once you see the Features and Bonus's then you will Jump on this One time Price for New Members I am sure.
Now the Real Kicker:
You get 50% Commission on Everyone that Joins and Pays that price on Sign up. My Up line got $6.49 when I paid the $12.97.
Refer 2 Members and you got all your Money back. Refer more Members and it will be pure Profit for you.
There is Not another Deal like that I have Found on over a 100 traffic exchanges and Never have I seen that Many Features for a
Gold Membership
. This isn't even a Traffic is a New Way to get your pages out there to get seen by Targeted Traffic.....
In a Weeks time since I have Joined
Ithaca Tazmart
I have got over 1000 Hits to each of my 10 pages in 1 Rotator that I set up at the time I join a Week ago!!
Got some Sign ups also....More than I expected in that period of time!!
8 Banners with Unlimited Credits...The list just goes On and On!!
Check it out: Weird Name but it is in the United States...
One Time Only Price for New Members Only:
$12.97 for Life!!
You can also Join for Free and Pass up that Price Forever!!
Ithaca Tazmart
Have a Great Day to You and Yours
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