Hey Hey Dear Partner Phil! Sorry I am a little late... I just came back from work. But, NOW, I am in here with You My Friend to Celebrate an AMAZING LADY! And, as You said it Phil... let's Make it BIG... BIG... BIG... BIG... She Deserve Nothing Less than the BEST!  If YOU would allow me Phil, I would like to Bring back here once more, your own words because they so very well expressed who LaNell is indeed... Dearest LaNell... God gave a gift to the world when you were born; a person who loves and cares, who sees a person's need and fills it, who encourages and lifts people up, who spends energy on others rather than herself, who touches each life she enters & makes a difference in the world. May the love you have shown to others return to you multiplied. ---------- Hello Dearest Lanell! I will come back many times from now until Your Birthday My Dearest Friend, because there is so much I want to tell You and NOW is the time. I am so Happy to Partner with Phil in Making this Party the Biggest AdlandPro Party ever. I hope with all of My Heart that YOU can feel the LOVE My Friend for You, a Wonderful Lady who does so much for all of Us here and for the Community itself. Let's start by Singing to YOU a Very Happy Birthday... LaNell I wish You can Let all of this LOVE in My Friend... %20Logo%20-%20Black.jpg) Blessings, Alain