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Donna Zuehl

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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Roger Bjornerud, The 220th POTW!
3/9/2010 4:32:06 AM

Hello Roger,

Congratulations on being selected as POTW. Your biography is interesting. I did not know you have fibromyalgia, which I have, too. Did you know that I have a fibromyalgia forum? Perhaps you can stop by when you have a chance to look over the articles I have posted on the subject.

Take care now. Enjoy your time in the spotlight.


Leonie Parker

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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Roger Bjornerud, The 220th POTW!
3/9/2010 5:20:30 AM

Hi Roger,

Hearty congratulations. Yes, it may have been my vote as I have never voted before and was very late trying to organise it. Not that I haven't tried before but never seem to be able to get my vote registered.

Regarding your fibromyalgia; one of your co-contenders for the title, Donna Zuall has a site devoted to fibromyalgia. She posts articles of interest from time to time, one just recently.

I thought I may have been afflicted with it but conclude that it really is osteoarthritis alone which I have had most of my life. It was becoming extremely painful last year and nothing the doctors could suggest helped. I have since discovered relief from Stem Enhance, whatever it does its certainly makes me feel so much better. It is great to feel well again.

If you want to look at the site it is So many people with a variety of health problems all tell me that they are surprised with the feeling of wellness.

Again congratulations and thank you for all your help



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Arve Thornes

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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Roger Bjornerud, The 220th POTW!
3/9/2010 7:56:04 PM
Hi Roger

That was an interesting bio you writhed so we can learn to know you better.I know and understand that you are a true fighter.

Also want to thank you for those kind words mention on me.

We will bee in touch.

Have a fantastic day

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John Partington

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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Roger Bjornerud, The 220th POTW!
3/9/2010 8:45:36 PM

Hi Barry,

Congratulations Roger enjoy your week in the spotlight.

Best Wishes


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Phillip Black

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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Roger Bjornerud, The 220th POTW!
3/12/2010 10:27:48 PM

Hi Roger,

Sorry to be so Tardy to your Party. Don't know how it slipped up on me. Just wanted to stop by and say...

Enjoyed Reading Your Bio.

Take A Well-Earned Bow. You Deserve It!

Have A Great Week My Friend,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10

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