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Jim Allen

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RE: COMMON SENSE and You thought you had some
8/25/2010 2:07:06 PM
Barack Obama Elementary Opens in Maryland

It amazes me that he, has written his own autobiography before accomplishing any real measurable success. "Or did the radical Bill Ayers write it?"

Did any of you read "Dreams of My Father"? his father abandoned him and his mother! At least that is the tale he tells.

Now he is having schools named after him. This is usually an honor given after a successful term in office.

People keep feeding at this trough, as they are putting the hinges on the gate and the locks.

Wake up folks!

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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The Main Battle Rifle is just as important of a prep as food/water and shelter/h
8/25/2010 2:30:58 PM

The Main Battle Rifle is just as important of a prep as food/water and shelter/heat.

Without a good rifle you won't be able to keep your other preps in a collapse or SHTF situation.

If you don't have a good rifle, you will have to count on your government....maybe that's what your government wants.

Maybe that is why they want your rifle?

If you prepare for the worst, hope for the best and Vote for your Freedom. Just maybe the SHTF will never come to play.

Lots of good info is available to you, become informed and the above will not be needed. Peaceful solutions are the best. VOTE while you still can.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: The Main Battle Rifle is just as important of a prep as food/water and shelter/h
9/7/2010 1:35:59 AM
New Blockbuster Movie Exposes the Left's March towards Socialism.

I Want Your Money
trailer...Set against the backdrop of today's headline - 67% of Americans don't approve of Obama's economic policies, the film takes a provocative look at our deeply depressed economy using the words and actions of Presidents Reagan and Obama and shows the marked contrast between Reaganomics and Obamanomics.

The film contrasts two views of the role that the federal government should play in our daily lives using the words and actions of Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama. Two versions of the American dream now stand in sharp contrast.

One views the money you earned as yours and best allocated by you; the other believes that the elite in Washington know how to best allocate your wealth.

One champions the traditional American dream, which has played out millions of times through generations of Americans, of improving one's lot in life and even daring to dream and build big.

The other holds that there is no end to the "good" the government can do by taking and spending other peoples' money in an ever-burgeoning list of programs.

The documentary film I Want Your Money exposes the high cost in lost freedom and in lost opportunity to support a Leviathan-like bureaucratic state.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: The Main Battle Rifle is just as important of a prep as food/water and shelter/h
9/7/2010 1:53:40 AM
Some more education for those confused.

How Communism was seen in 1952 when the truth was widely known about its threat to freedom.

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

11253 Posts
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RE: The Main Battle Rifle is just as important of a prep as food/water and shelter/h
9/7/2010 2:06:31 AM
Atheists are Champions of Mass Murder, They Killed 150 Million People in the Name of Atheism.

cosmotonerecords | May 30, 2009

Song: "My Words Will Not Pass Away!" by Rafael Brom

Rykov, Lenin's successor in the Council of Soviet Commissars, corroborated: "It is our duty to inculcate in the minds of nations the theories of international friendship, pacifism, and disarmament, encouraging their resistance to military appropriations and training, without ever relaxing our own efforts in building our military equipment.''

Manuilsky, a prominent Soviet professor at the School of Political Warfare, said: "The bourgeoisie will have to be put to sleep. We shall begln by Launching the most spectacular peace movement on record. There will be electrifying overtures and unheard-of concessions.

The capitalist countries, stupid and decadent, will rejoice to cooperate in their own destruction. They will leap at another chance to be friends."

And Khrushchev, a more contemporary Soviet prime minister, said: "We cannot expect Americans to jump from capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans doses of socialism until they suddenly awake to find out they have Communism.'' 

Today, Marxism-Leninism represents a most complex and powerful doctrine developed by Communist theoreticians and practitioners in every corner of the world. 'Its universal library offers dynamic political weapons and comprehensive theories, diversified approaches and seductive slogans.

On one side of the globe, there is the Yugoslav moderate theory of reformed Communism and participative economy which lures masses into socialism. On the other side of the earth there are Chinese slogans which are more productive in inflaming a Communist revolution.

Marxism-Leninism is particularly effective on the semantic level where it exhibits a devastating duality. It lulls its adversaries to sleep, while at the same time it mobilizes its followers to revolutionary action.

The Communist International's Seventh Congress concluded that open use of revolutionary terminology does not promote the Marxist-Leninist drive for world domination. Therefore, "revolution" has been changed into "liberation," "world conquest by the proletariat" has speen changed into "peace and socialism," "armed seizure of power and liquidation of the bourgeoisie" has been rephrased to read "peaceful and gradual transition to socialism.''

Even the word "Communism," which every revolutionary is so proud of, has been changed into "progressive, "anti-Fascist" or "liberal."

Further, to confuse their adversaries, the Marxist-Leninists have devised a new language which uses old words in the basic vocabulary. When they say "imperialism arouses the wrath of the people and digs its own grave," they mean "through our manipulation of the local Communist parties, and with a vast auxiliary corps of dupes ; and sympathizers, we so arrange matters that the free enterprise system and democracy are destroyed from within.

All we need to do is push it into the grave."

Thus, the free, complacent, conscience-stricken, guilt-ridden, sex-sodden, drug-driven, decadent, and often antagonistic societies have been manipulated by goal-oriented, dedicated, and shrewd Marxist-Leninist dialectics into a notorious period of so-called peaceful coexistence and plain overt hostilities.

"Ditente" has become not the hope of free people everywhere, but rather their doom. "Ditente does not necessarily spell out the end of the struggle between the two social systems," says Pravda. "The struggle will continue between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie."

In other words, the so-called ditente is nothing more than a form of Marxist-Leninist art skillfully geared toward pacifying the American public by encouraging them to act ridiculously nice while the Communists kick the daylights out of them. The result is that the free world continues to shrink.

Democracies cannot handle periods of low-tension confrontation. They have - an almost universal desire to believe that peace is the natural condition of man, that armies are temporary nuisances, that conflicts of interest can be dissolved simply by a policy of good will. Unfortunately, nothing is further from the truth; but for some reason free people prefer to believe it.

from MARXIST FUNDAMENTALS by Prof. Libor Brom

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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