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RE: Wishing All My Friends a Happy St Patrick's Day
3/19/2010 1:24:42 AM
Hi Sara,
Wow, you were a busy lady.

I went out to eat with a friend at Applebe's. A kid at church has a class project. Applebees gives 20% on a persons check for worthy cause, which in this case is Autism. Jimmer, is his name project was to work toward a donation for the Autism kids at a local school. He has a brother Eric, who has Autism. So I tried to get as many to go as I could. We even had extra papers and gave them to people there that helped the cause. I thought it was so neat and felt so good in doing this.
I hadReuben sandwich, I think that was only thing for St Patrick day that they had.

RE: Wishing All My Friends a Happy St Patrick's Day
3/19/2010 4:44:10 AM

I thought I was old when I found myself having to explain who John Wayne and Roy Rogers were, but yesterday, St. Patrick's day (well, it's after midnight here and it might be two days ago now), I found myself explaining who St. Patrick was to two young men, one in his thirties and one in his forties. They knew of St. Patrick's Day, but had no idea who he was.

Have a great day...or night....or whatever it is when you read this...if you read this....heck, I'm going to bed!


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RE: Wishing All My Friends a Happy St Patrick's Day
3/19/2010 7:52:47 PM

Hello Friends,

Just a note to let you all know that I haven't died and I'm not ignoring you. Sara, Myrna, & Donoven, I appreciate your kind Comments and I will respond as soon as I have my Computer access back. One bit of good news that I noticed when I came back online today, the YouTube Videos are back, at least for right now! But then again, that might because the Library Computers don't use IE8.

Anyway, we've had major Cable problems with Time Warner locally and I have had to resort to using the computers at the library, until the Techs can fix the problems. I aprreciate your patience and I will be back with you as soon as my Computers are back online. Very soon I hope. As one who spends up to 15 hours of each day at one Computer or another, believe me when I say, I am going crazy.

Have A Blessed Day My Friends & Thanks Again,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Flag of Phillip Black

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RE: Wishing All My Friends a Happy St Patrick's Day
3/20/2010 11:20:48 PM

Hello My Friends,

Sorry to have missed the Big Day. Hope that your St. Patrick's Day was Special, that you were able to Celebrate it in the Compnay of those you love, and among those who love you, and my wish for you all is that the Luck of the Irish will bless you throughout the year to come.

Have A Blessed & Beautiful Weekend My Friends,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10

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