If you have already voted thank you. If you have not there is about 24 hours left until the poll closes. If you know someone that has not voted let them know they still have time but they better hurry.
Vote for your friend or make new friends voting in the Person Of The Week .
Thank you. Barry and Bogdan. What a wonderful line-up. My choice was an easy one. But congrats to everyone on the ballot just for being there.
Quote: Thank you. Barry and Bogdan. What a wonderful line-up. My choice was an easy one. But congrats to everyone on the ballot just for being there. Judy
Thank you Judy,
It's great to see all the votes coming in. The poll will close this afternoon, so there is approximately 6 hours left to vote. It is still close and anything can happen.
Quote:HiI vote for Roger Björnerud He promote him self different from the rest.Let the best man winArve
He promote him self different from the rest.Let the best man winArve
Hello Arve,
Thank you for your vote.