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Diane Bjorling

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RE: POTW Eligible Member Suggestions
2/7/2013 7:50:40 PM
and a top of the afternoon to you Jim :-)

You have made a valid point and maybe an even more interesting observation and that is people accepting friend requests.

I am all for picking and choosing and I am all for being selective, but I will also say that it helps to accept friend requests especially if you are in business and are wanting people to see you, what you are doing and maybe even how to do it.

I am hoping that people will come in and think about how they are doing things and thanks for raising this point.

As for everything else.. lets see what happens..for now?

How the heck are you by the way?

Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: POTW Eligible Member Suggestions
2/7/2013 9:46:31 PM
Seems quite a few of our Newer nominees those that have never won before. Are like Christina A. here. Unable to view profile unless we become friends. Sorry I cannot add these people to the POTM, because I cannot verify their details and they ignore friend requests. Sorry, about that. Also with many of our nominees being past winners, that request not be part of the nominated class. It is nearly impossible to field a team of candidates.

So I have to ask DO Adlanders want this to continue? Plain and simple we need nominees that are qualified and visible to ALL!


I would like to nominate Christina A. for nomination of the POTW. This wonderful new member is an active person with a very cool forum. If you would kindly see if she is eligible, it would be appreciated.
Best regards,

To protect privacy of our members, all new accounts for quite a while are created with default settings to be only accessible to friends. New members might not realize that this is the case or know how to change it or know what are implication of this. This might be a hindrance when doing what you are doing but in the long run those members are being protected against unscrupulous cyber-stalkers and cyber-bullies as well as criminals who for various reasons can get into possession of somebodies' personal details and use it to slander, discredit, impersonate or defame any of our members.

If you can't obtain the details of the person from where you are and they are not responding, this is probably not of interests to the individual. Either they don't care or they don't want to.

If we can't get enough people who either can't be verified or nominated, we need to find other ways to engage our members.

Currently we are preparing several proposals of contests, where members privacy will be protected and when we will reward actual activity on this site or other sites for the sake of promotion of this community. This will be much more useful for Adlandpro and for the participants as there will be attractive prizes and those who participate will build tangible business through those activities.

Bogdan Fiedur

Rajaram S.K.

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RE: POTW Eligible Member Suggestions
2/8/2013 11:38:09 AM

Dear POTW team,

I would like to second the nomination for Rajaram S.K.


Luis Miguel G.

Dear Luis.,


S.K. Rajaram
Patricia Bartch

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RE: POTW Eligible Member Suggestions
2/9/2013 8:23:10 AM
im still recuperating from elbow surgery and at this time i can't be in nomination. i don't know for how long, sorry i can not do this.

last year, i think i had been nominated for person of the week in 2 elections and neither time was voted as the POTW but
there are many other people who have time for POTW ~~ POTM. they deserve to be in the contest.

i'm sorry but please take my name off the list and thank you very much for considering me,

( Hello kitty cat girl ... AND... happy valentine's day )

Hi Jim

POTW Nominees No Problem This is a New Year So everyone is fair game
Here are 8 to get you Started.
Some semi Active and others High Activity
Mix And Match want more down the road remind me

#53 Maria Cabra

#6 Roger Bjornerud

#7 Marvin Whitehead Jr.

#15 Stephen Hauser

#24 Patricia Bartch

#30 Myrna Ferguson

#39 Andrey Lyashkov

#41 John Flood

#47 Jo Matthias


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Nellie .

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RE: POTW Eligible Member Suggestions
2/10/2013 10:55:08 PM
Hi Friends and POTW, Please take my name off the nominees list. I still would like to see some of my friends win. I will be honest and tell you that I don't like the elections. Some will actively campaign for someone and try to keep the others from winning on the poll. Just my opinion. But I will be happy to continue participating and greeting friends who have won. Cheers, Nellie

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