POTW Award VOTE There will be at least a list of 4 names to vote on every week and as a member you can vote by selecting one of the members from the list of the eligible in a polling thread. The member with the most votes will be Person of the Week.
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA For a member to be eligible as one of the POTW vote they must have been logged in for the last 30 days, have a photo and a forum and not be a previous winner of the POTW within the calendar year. The selection of the 4 members (candidates) to appear on election list will be based on meeting the above eligibility criteria and be one of the more active as well as one of the top posters through the previous week. As a member you can send in a suggestion for another member to make them eligible for a future voting list.
As a Member what does this mean to me and what do I have to do? As a member of Adlandpro you can look at the 4 eligible names below and review their profiles for the Person of the Week. Then cast a vote for your choice in the poll below.
219th POTW AWARD Cast a vote to select your choice of POTW:
This poll has expired.
Total Votes: 78
Please login to vote. Winner for the 219th POTW will be announced Thursday February 25, 2010. Regards, Barry Scott