Yeah I agree with you about folks that go other places and post inaccurate information just because someone is "Not a Friend". Especially when their accusations are not followed by proof. Some kind of a legal opinion by someone other than "scra...this" wouldn't you agree?...............
Yes, I do agree and would also like to add to this. It is unfortunate that most do not understand that privacy settings and applications with in Social Media Sites is not our biggest problem with Personal and Business Privacy Invasions. It is what other's post and share with photo's, articles, search engines recognized forums, and much more, that is at someone else's expense. They fail to understand, or care that what they are doing is not only a privacy thing, but they are now falling into the same category for what they are complaining about or slandering of someone else. So do you go after the person that is trying to make you look bad because of what they don't understand or like?
Me, probably like a bull with horns driving up their backside. But then the other side of me say's just delete it and more on. This one is and can be a very difficult decision as to what I would do.
I cannot imagine why other than personal, petty reasons, that have no bearing on the topic of the conversation at the time folks would not participate in the conversation. Especially when the door and floor are always open. Don't you agree?
Participating in a conversation is normally and wisely advisable to keep it to what you are educated with, and have some knowledge in. The door is open and should be thought out just a little as to keep it somewhat in a professional and intelligent matter. I know some that has no idea as to what they are saying just copy and paste articles and stuff they looked up to post to look good I guess. I find myself more and more not commenting on music, and singers here as I am a hard critic and probably say "what is that?" Maybe hurt someones feelings and start up something that is unnecessary. Point being, not all conversations and comments are and will be left alone.
"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything". Me? well, not always. I can't always hold on to my thoughts.
Yep the politics are everywhere. As you may have noticed this forum not just this thread has been on that topic for sometime and are welcome in this thread too. I noticed many new political forums started up here in the past few months too.
This is one that I am very uneducated with as far as Politics, and it is a shame because I am an American citizen. I know I need to be involved more as our country is in great danger with too much. I hear things is all, and not versed enough to comment or to contribute to these political forums.
You said in one of your posting's on my forum that:
I help others find their niche and share the evergreen products all marketers use and the services too. So there may be some networking happening too, here appears. I also use social media, social networking, and branding for those virtual and brick and mortar businesses that need a web presence and ranking. I am your all around go to guy. If I don't know it I know who does.
Please, if you could be involved in this forum. It is not completed yet but there will be more added to it and I think you would be a good player.