As "Climategate" unfolds, the debate about
global warming is now beginning to take a more prominent place in public awareness. While the e-mails that were hacked from East Anglia University's computer have shown us how the so-called climate scientists had been virtually tripping over themselves to falsify the data, it would be appropriate to take a step backwards and look at the question of global warming from a broader perspective. Below I present five cogent facts that cast doubt upon the existence of global warming, adduced by looking at what real science has discovered about the Earth's climate, by seeing how there is no real consensus among scientists in support of the theory, and by examining two instances where hoaxers have been caught red-handed trying to pass off lies to bolster the global-warming conjecture. We will also see how plain common sense can sometimes help one see through these things.
Fact #1: We are actually entering an ice age, not an age of global warming.
The possibility that we could soon be entering, not a period of global warming, but instead, an ice age, was being discussed back in the seventies before a lot of this scientific kookiness began (See next paragraph). The impetus for this idea came from the early 1900's, when Serbian scientist, Milutin Milankovitch realized that the amount of solar insulation reaching the Earth and how it is distributed over the Earth's surface determines the Earth's climate (not CO2, as global warming advocates today maintain). He also discovered that ice ages are governed by three orbital cycles of the Earth, namely: 1) the 26,000-year period of the precession of the equinox where the Earth literally wobbles on its axis, which is combined with the advance of the perihelion (the point at which the Earth is closest to the sun) to produce a 21,000-year cycle; 2) the 40,000-year cycle of the variation of the tilt of the Earth's axis from between 22 to 24.5 degrees; and 3) the 90,000 to 100,000-year cycle of change of the eccentricity of the Earth's elliptical orbit from nearly circular, to an eccentricity of 0.06, and back again. This, coupled with the fact that at the present time in geological history, the northern hemisphere has the predominance of its landmass situated in or near the polar regions which allows for the buildup of huge glacial formations on land, has caused a 90,000-year period of glacial advance in the northern hemisphere, followed by a 10,000-year interglacial warm period, all of which has been going on for the last two million years. We are presently at the end of the 10,000-year interglacial. Exactly when the next period of glacial advance will start is not known. It could already be under way now. (1)
Milankovitch's theory was reconfirmed during the 1970s when a study by Imbrie, Hayes, and Shackleton based on sea-sediment cores came out, and still remains classical theory to this day. It is well worth the time of the reader to look into Milankovitch's theory. I myself find it fascinating how the changing tilt of the Earth, its wobble, and the changing eccentricity of the Earth's orbit over time, as well as the added effect of continental drift, determine ice ages, with the implications being, I think, much scarier than the global warming bugaboo stories. It also suggests, ironically, that if global warming were indeed true, it should be something to be welcomed rather than something to be alarmed about, because the temperature rise that such warming would supposedly cause might tend to offset the glacial advance.
Fact #2: Cosmic radiation has a much larger role in determining climate than CO2.
In 1997, Danish scientists H. Svensmark and E. Friis-Christensen discovered that cosmic rays ionize air molecules, transforming them into condensation nuclei for water vapor, causing cloud formation, which in turn, causes cooling. When the solar wind emanating from the sun is strong, it tends to shield the Earth from the cosmic radiation, causing fewer clouds and warming of the Earth. When the solar wind is weak, more clouds form and the Earth tends to cool. The average length of solar activity cycles is 11 years. The current sunspot cycle is weaker than the preceding cycles, and the next two cycles (22 years) are expected to be even weaker, meaning more clouds and colder, not warmer, weather.
Fact # 3: There is no consensus among scientists that global warming exists.
Over 31,000 scientists have signed a petition stating that there is no convincing evidence showing that greenhouse gases are causing or will cause catastrophic heating of the Earth.
Fact # 4: The "Hockey Stick" Hoax.
American scientist Dr. Michael Mann was discovered to have faked the data to try to show that the 1990s was the warmest decade in history and totally eliminate from the climate record the well-documented medieval warming from 700 to 1300 AD, when temperatures were actually much warmer than now. The temperature curve from 1000 to 1900 AD in Mann's reconstruction is relatively flat and then spikes upward like the bend in a hockey stick. The intent of the fakery was to demonstrate that human industrial activity caused the purported increase. The fakery was exposed by two Canadian scientists, McIntyre and McKitrick. McKitrick actually showed that Mann's computer program generated hockey-stick curves even when random data were inserted.
Fact # 5: Al Gore has been proven a fraud in a British court.
In October 2007 the High Court in London, England identified nine errors in Gore's movie An Inconvenient Truth which were so much at variance with accepted scientific truth that the UK Government ended up having to send a notice to every secondary school in England making clear the errors in the film. One of the lies is that low-lying Pacific coral atolls are already being flooded due to sea level rise caused by global warming, when there is no scientific evidence of any such sea level rise at all. Another lie is that polar bears, in order to find ice that has melted away, are being killed byswimming long distances, when in actual fact, the amount of ice in the Beaufort Sea where this is supposed to be taking place has actually grown in the last 30 years. There were in fact at least 35 lies that were found to be in Gore's movie, although only nine of them were actually presented in court.
What common sense can tell us about global warming.
If what I've presented above hasn't shaken any belief you might have had in global warming, then I would suggest that you just use your common sense. Contrary to what seems to be implied by global warming advocates, if all the ice in the oceans of the world melted, it would not change the sea level one bit. Liquid water and floating ice displace exactly the same volume of water. Do the following experiment: allow some ice cubes to float in a pail or glass of water and measure the water level, and then see what the water level is after they've melted. You'll find that the water level is exactly the same. Of course, if it ever got hot enough for the land-based glaciers to melt, that would be a different story . . .
One might also ask, if the CO2 level were actually increasing, wouldn't that tend to cool the Earth instead? Since increased levels of CO2 tend to spur plant growth, wouldn't this increased growth tend to have a cooling effect on the climate, due to the fact that more incident radiation is being transformed into biomass, as happens when plants absorb sunlight? An increase of CO2 would therefore also tend to increase food supply, and consequently, help alleviate hunger in the world.
In conclusion, the sooner this notion of global warming is gotten rid of, the better. There are many urgent things in the world that need to be dealt with, such as the world food shortage, the massive lack of development particularly in the Third World countries, and the whole accelerating world economic collapse. If we were to take a clear-headed, scientific look at these problems, instead of having our vision distorted by some ideological viewpoint or arbitrary theory, we would be much better at dealing these very real problems.
List of Sources
(1) Laurence Hecht, "The Coming (or Present) Ice Age," 21st Century Science & Technology Special Report: The Coming Ice Age. 21st Century Associates, November 1997.
Gregory F. Fegel, "Earth on the Brink of an Ice Age," Pravda RU
Zbigniew Jaworowski, "Solar Cycles, Not CO2, Determine Climate." 21st Century Science & Technology.
"Global Warming Petition Project."
John L. Daly, "The 'Hockey Stick': A New Low in Climate Science."
Christopher Monckton of Brenchley, "35 Inconvenient Truths."