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Donna Zuehl

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Turkey Cutlets
2/11/2010 5:50:25 AM
I made turkey cutlets for dinner and they were quite tasty. This is an easy recipe.


turkey cutlets
panko or other bread crumbs
2 eggs
salt to taste
ground black pepper to taste


Place enough bread crumbs in a bowl to coat all the cutlets.

In another bowl, place enough flour to cover the cutlets. Add salt and ground black pepper to taste. Stir together.

In a third bowl beat two eggs.

Take your cutlets and place them in the flour one at a time. Cover with flour on each side. Then place the cutlet in the eggs. Cover both sides. Next, place the cutlets into the bowl of bread crumbs. Cover both sides. Shake off the excess.

Place the cutlets in a heated skillet that has olive oil to keep them from sticking. Keep the heat on medium and cook until they are brown. Then turn them around and cook on that side until they are brown. Turn the heat down and simmer until done.

You can cut into one cutlet with a knife to see if it is done in the middle.

Serve while still warm.
Linda Harvey

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RE: Turkey Cutlets
2/11/2010 6:05:01 AM
mmm turkey cutlets .. delicious ! I love Turkey, and have a roasted turkey leg for tomorrow !

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Turkey Cutlets
2/11/2010 3:00:51 PM
Hi Donna,

Having an under active thyroid I am not to use soy. So I make my own mayo. I found this recipe some time ago and I really like it.

Misty's Homemade Mayo recipe
4 egg yolks
1 3/4 vegetable oil (I use safflower oil)
4 tablespoons white wine vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon dry mustard

1. Combine all ingredients (except oil) in blender and mix.
2. Turn blender to high and drizzle in oil until and emulsion is formed.
3. If too thick, you can thin with a little cream

It yields 2 cups 15 minutes prep and clean up time


Phillip Black

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RE: Turkey Cutlets
2/11/2010 6:04:27 PM

Hi Donna,

Sounds absolutely delicious. Don't believe I've ever had Turkey Cutlets fixed this way. I've had Turkey a lot of different ways, but not like this.

I'm always looking for ways to use the leftover Turkey at Thanksgiving and Christmas and here's a little something I tried this past Holiday Season.

Turkey Croquettes


  • 1 tablespoon unsalted butter
  • 1/2 cup chopped yellow onion
  • 1/2 cup chopped celery
  • 1 teaspoon chopped fresh sage
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste
  • 1 cup chopped cooked turkey
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon milk
  • 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 2 cups bread crumbs
  • 2 cups cold mashed potatoes
  • Canola, olive or other vegetable oil for deep-frying
  • Turkey gravy, warmed, for serving
close ingredients


  • In a sauté pan over medium heat, melt the butter. Add the onion and celery and partially cover the pan. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the vegetables are soft and translucent, 3 to 4 minutes. Add the sage and season with salt and pepper. Remove the vegetables from the heat and stir in the turkey. Let cool to room temperature.
  • In a shallow bowl, combine 2 of the eggs and the milk and whisk to blend. Place the 1 cup flour and the bread crumbs in separate shallow bowls. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • In another bowl, combine the mashed potatoes, the remaining egg and the 2 tablespoons flour and fold until blended. Have a bowl of cold water nearby. Get your hands wet but not dripping with water. Place about 2 tablespoons of the mashed potato mixture in one hand and flatten into a thick disk. Add about 2 teaspoons of the turkey mixture and form the mashed potatoes into a ball, sealing the turkey mixture in the center. Roll the ball in the flour, then in the egg mixture and finally in the bread crumbs. Set the croquette on the prepared baking sheet. Repeat with the remaining ingredients.
  • In an electric deep fryer, heat the oil according to the manufacturer's instructions to 365°F. Alternatively, in a heavy deep-fry pan over medium-high heat, pour in oil to a depth of 2 to 3 inches and heat to 365°F on a deep-frying thermometer.
  • Carefully place 3 or 4 croquettes in the hot oil (do not crowd the pan) and cook, turning as needed, until golden brown, 3 to 4 minutes. Repeat with the remaining croquettes. Serve hot with gravy. Makes 12 to 15 croquettes.

You can make a wonderful lunch when paired with a tossed green salad or you could also serve the croquettes as an appetizer for a casual cocktail party. Absolutely delicious.

Hope you enjoy.

While I'm here, I wanted to wish you a Very Happy Valentines Day.

Hope You'll Drop By The Forum If You Get The Chance

Have A Blessed & Beautiful Thursday,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Donna Zuehl

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RE: Turkey Cutlets
2/12/2010 4:49:40 AM

Hi Linda,

I have fixed turkey breast, whole turkey, and turkey cutlets but not a turkey leg. How do you cook yours?

