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RE: Romantic Poetry Section 1.
2/13/2010 2:06:53 PM

Drink, my son, the nectar of her lips,

Taste the sweetness of her love.

Intoxicate yourself with sips,

Of this wine sent from above

Drink the seal of a covenant made,

With this woman and her heart.

Break not the rules that she has laid,

Less forever her love depart.

Thank you for the poetry!
Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Romantic Poetry Section 1.
2/13/2010 3:49:07 PM

Sara has invited all her friends here. She is an old romantic (sorry, not soooo old).

Support Johnny, he is such a romantic guy.

February will be all roses.


RE: Romantic Poetry Section 1.
2/13/2010 6:08:32 PM
Thank YOU sara, for reading my poetry and for your support.
RE: Romantic Poetry Section 1.
2/13/2010 6:10:49 PM
Sara has been so very supportive and I appreciate this so much. I also appreciate the support you have given me.
2/13/2010 6:38:58 PM

We're tied together by love
Both your heart and mine
Two souls deep in love
Until the end of time
Beautiful as a dove
Pure as angels white wings
The voices you hear from heaven
As angels start to sing
You know you can't escape
You never will nor can
You realize how strong love is
Between a woman and a man
You must know that
You'll never be set free
For I'll never escape love
Just as you'll never escape me.
