Hey All, I'm known online as the simple task guy?! I just completed my ebook, "They Pay Me $100 A Day" it's going for $10, but I wanted to let you guys know how to get a free copy! I'm not just going to blurt it out, though if you've seen me online you guys know the drill...lol! This ebook tells it all, how to go about doing what I do to generate $100 per day online, whether it's one site or several! Anyone can do it; it doesn't take a techie cause I'm sure not, nor does it take a specialized website as you can tell by my free blog!! On top of that, everything I do is free, so I generate $100 per day online using anything that's free, YES EVERYTHING I DO IS FREE!! Ebook Blog Post: http://paidtomakemoney.blogspot.com/2010/02/new-ebook-they-pay-me-100-day.html So if interested in getting my ebook "They Pay Me $100 A Day" for free, just send me an email and we'll get you the info for receiving the free ebook! Email: cisinc@ymail.com If you would like to pay $10 for the ebook, send an email stating so and we'll send the Paypal email address to send it to! Either way email me and let me know what you want to do! I'm sure the vast majority of you would like the free option, so again, send me an email and we can get you started in the free process to get "They Pay Me $100 A Day" so you can start to generate up to $100 per day online!! Email: cisinc@ymail.com Thanx Taripre$