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Linda Harvey

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Cultural Crisis in USA !
2/4/2010 11:34:24 PM

Pictured below is a young physician by the name of Dr. Starner Jones. His short two-paragraph letter to the White Houseaccurately puts the blame on a "Culture Crisis" instead of a "Health Care Crisis". It's worth a quick read:

Dear Mr. President:

During my shift in the Emergency Room last night, I had the pleasure of evaluating a patient whose smile revealed an expensive shiny gold tooth, whose body was adorned with a wide assortment of elaborate and costly tattoos, who wore a very expensive brand of tennis shoes and who chatted on a new cellular telephone equipped with a popular R&B ringtone.

While glancing over her patient chart, I happened to notice that her payer status was listed as "Medicaid"! During my examination of her, the patient informed me that she smokes more than one costly pack of cigarettes every day and somehow still has money to buy pretzels and beer.

And, you and our Congress expect me to pay for this woman's health care? I contend that our nation's "health care crisis" is not the result of a shortage of quality hospitals, doctors or nurses. Rather, it is the result of a "crisis of culture", a culture in which it is perfectly acceptable to spend money on luxuries and vices while refusing to take care of one's self or, heaven forbid, purchase health insurance. It is a culture based in the irresponsible credo that "I can do whatever I want to because someone else will always take care of me".

Once you fix this "culture crisis" that rewards irresponsibility and dependency, you'll be amazed at how quickly our nation's health care difficulties will disappear.



Linda Harvey

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RE: Cultural Crisis in USA !
2/4/2010 11:58:47 PM
We have known for years the need to fix our welfare, and medical assistance programs !

And we need to say no more to many who think they deserve everything free !

I am sorry I worked hard for 40 years, paid my own doctor visits when I did not have insurance thru my jobs....

Ha ha, we ate a lot of tuna casserole, rice dishes, beans and rice, pbj sandwiches ... I never
expected others to give me food, clothes, place to live, medical coverage ... And I sure didn't have money to waste on cigarettes, beer, wine, drugs ... jewelry ...

I don't understand the attitudes ... of young women who do not want the father on the birth certificate, as it is harder to get welfare and they can go after the father for support ...

hello ... he is the father and suppose to support, feed, cloth and house ! get medical insurance for child !
Mark Gibson

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RE: Cultural Crisis in USA !
2/5/2010 3:35:33 AM


I totally agree with you and what this Doctor had to say.

I will be 47 this year and I remember the good ol' days of people taking responsibility for their actions. Today everyone wants some one else to pay their way. I do my best to teach my kids to take responsibility for their actions wither their good or bad.

This country has gone to the birds sort of speak and unless WE Americans who remember how things used to be step up and say we are tired of this country going to the birds it is never going to get any better. IT IS NOT TO LATE!

I know it won't be easy... BUT it can be done. I just wish my kids could have growen up with some of the same experiences I did. Being able to play outside and not worry about some freak doing soemthing to them, knowing what it was liek to be able to ride their bike all over town and not worry about some freak doing something to them and etc.

I grew up in a small town of about 9000 people and everyone back then knew most everyone in town and was not afraid to leave your door unlocked at night. Just today they arrested a freak that jsut moved here less tehn a month ago for going to hair salons in town and masturbating in front of their store fronts. What is this world coming to?

May GOD bless us.


Mark Gibson

To YOUR success, Mark Gibson
RE: Cultural Crisis in USA !
2/5/2010 8:24:24 PM
Hi Linda, Yes I too am overwhelmed by kids having kids and we pay the price. I am 50 with one grand kid living with me to support. I would do it no matter what, and the state is supporting my daughter as I type. She is working part time, there is nothing that I would love better, but to figure out where and when the country went wrong. I believe we need to take a longer look at our promises to one another. From marriages too all commitments we make to each other. Oh how we need our freedom, but how many people are we going to step on to keep it.
Look at what we fight for is it the real problem or are we disguising it with something else. Could we be wrong? I feel until we all respect ourselves and others and take the blame for what we do wrong. Well get out the wallet and pay. Im sorry to say it is a sad situation when you look around and people are ashamed at what has taken place. Yes we can blame it on the banks, politicians or the corporate giants. I think it starts with--- KEEP YOUR PROMISE. I believe we all need to practice that.
Thanks your Friend and Neighbor, Howard
Linda Harvey

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RE: Cultural Crisis in USA !
2/5/2010 8:45:27 PM
Howard, I agree "KEEP YOUR PROMISE. I believe we all need to practice that." and take responsibility ... you are one of many who is helping take care of a grandchild or greatgrandchild ...

And there are too many who have no family support to help them .. in total poverty because they did not go to school, get a job, make a commitment to the person before they had children ...

The divorce rate is way too high also .. divorce has been around for hundreds of years just the rate has increased ...

At least your daughter is working part time ... I hope she can somehow
get on her feet to raise her child.

I have a 70 yo friend who is hoping she lives long enough to help her granddaughter raise her great granddaughter (her son is dead, and the gtanddaughter has on help from her alchololic mother). And the uncle is helping the 3 of them .. as they need it, so they are not on public welfare ... the granddaughter got a job at Walmart and is very happy to work, but she has no education ... she will just struggle to survive and raise the kid ...

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