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Linda Harvey

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RE: See the beauty in others
2/13/2010 2:19:11 AM
Harassment for being biracial or a minority, a certain religion ... still goes on in USA ... just not as bad as other countries.

I pray for us all to just get along and make the world a better place for all !

RE: See the beauty in others
2/13/2010 4:01:34 AM

Yes, Linda and Kathleen, Roger;

Harrassment (due to parental, peer and social difference. that we use to harrass, hate, kill other human beings} is not new. I have read in some out of this earth literature, that it can take yet 800 years of male rule with less rationality, more muscle fighting.... for us earth humans to wake up, to become alert, conscious of the truth of love, real freedom, peace among all humans and to become a earth of peace with women leaders.

Linda, your mom was a great role model for you and all of us. and yes in time we will " all ... just get along and make the world a better place for all !"

Kathleen, summed it up well with; "we can learn what we need to learn from anyone who wants to teach us if we want to learn it."...
"People need to work hard, set goals, and do their best."

Differences of cultural background and desire to succeed or desire to just do 4 themselves what they want (self ish ness) (Greed) shows up or self less ness living for others.

We all need to meditate, think, pray, and work 4 personal peace and truth 2 grow in us and in our family, our state, our country nation, or continent, the world, other worlds, the universes---- So we become one with the essence of and in everything and everyone, consciousness, spirit, Creation [being non-being, maker of worlds and nature, primal power of the start of everything everywhere in the universe and on earths]

thanks for your openness and honesty and lack of fighting and hate, hurrah! Rebecca

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: See the beauty in others
2/13/2010 8:35:56 PM

Hi Rebecca and Linda and Roger,

I was thinking overnight, what's the difference between people who give up and people who work hard? The people who give up depend on falling upon someone or something such as government handouts to take care of them. What's the difference between teenagers and young people who quit school, have babies they can't take care of, and get in legal trouble, and give up and life is crummy and difficult anyway and I can't afford to go to college, I don't have a car...or young people who stay out of trouble and try hard and work their way thru getting their own education and picking themselves up from past problems and aiming higher? Self-respect, wanting their parents and family to be proud of them, and not ashamed of them, wanting their kids to grow up and know they tried hard and didn't just fall into the dirt where they stood.

What's wrong with USA the past few decades? The government gives people an excuse to fall and fail and stay fallen and not dust themselves off. Parents give in too easily and don't keep a firm stance. Kids are kids, they are not in charge of the household, they don't call the shots, or shouldn't...when did the kids get the control? Why don't parents be parents anymore? My father was a father, when I posted the accomplishments of my relatives, it all boils down to my father being strong-minded, he's not a big person, my brothers are much taller than he is, I'm less than 2 inches shorter than he is, it's not about height or physical strength, it's about being a firm parent, and not letting kids overrun the situations, maintaining respect, at the maximum "teen years" he had a household of 6 kids age 11 to 19, and we did what we were told, when we were told to do it. Where are the parents like that nowadays? Are people afraid to PARENT? It's a verb, not just a noun, people NEED to PARENT, not just be called a parent because they had children.

RE: See the beauty in others
2/13/2010 11:47:59 PM

Kathleen dear; I am really enjoying your comments. All of us need acceptance, and i feel that letting people [you] talk on adland and other forums, arenas is so important to us all.

You spoke of respect, taking pride in what we do and wanting to please the family/friends we want to notice us with love, goodness, openness and respect... Not with 'oh, great, you failed again, where is her Self'discipline? or why doesn't he stand up and Take Responsibility 4 his own actions'

I really feel Mr Dr Spock's earlier attitudes (book on child rearing) for parents at home... Religious Leaders thousand of years ago - distorting spiritual truths brought to us by many prohetic ones, including Jmannuel (Jesus), then Madelyn O'Hares taking spiritual guidance (Bible) out of the school government & society, plus local education being Federalized (government controled). Also our congresses taking undue control and power over citizens and not 'serving us'.

Spock felt we should not say 'no' to kids. He gave us reason to lapse into 'okey, whatever you want'. We [parents] gave up our rights as parents to guide carefully our kids safely and rightly.

I Don't understand who, how or why; but sometime many thousands of years ago the real truth of creation of nature, earth, worlds, universal truths was changed/distorted. The lessons taught humans by Jmannuel and other prophets, like Mohammed, 7 in all; were slightly changed - to allow the religious leaders of the various religions around the globe to keep us humans from learning universal truths about what happens after death, life- why we are here, spirit vs religion dogma, other planets- ufo contacts.

Our government took over local control of our kids education,,, I feel to dumb us down. and easier take control or allow some charismatic leader become a tyrant nicely maybe a (dictator)? Usa education level is way below many other nations acedemically, esp in science and math.

Linda Harvey

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RE: See the beauty in others
2/14/2010 12:08:10 AM
"people NEED to PARENT, not just be called a parent because they had children."

Kathleen that is so true and part of the problem now !

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