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Shirley Birtles

56 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Three shall set you free !!
1/31/2010 4:19:48 PM

SuperSize your team
David's sensational offer of a $20 registration instead of $32.50 is insane on his part, but you only have 2 days left to take advantage of his madness and SuperSize your team.
Use the next 2 days to your benefit, set a goal
Enrol 3 people today and 3 people tomorrow because David's offer is basically pay for two and get one f*r*e*e.
Your team will follow the Leader , YOU ARE THEIR LEADER, let them know what your are doing and tell them to do the same!
8KAWeek is just the beginning, you have no ceiling so reach for the stars. Because you can!
David's generosity is legendary he want's you to build a solid foundation and huge team as we ready for Monday.
Monday is going to be a very big day and so is everyday thereafter.
Use these next two days and set the dial to your future to abundance with 8KAWeek…
"When you dream alone, it is only a dream. But when we dream and do together, it is the beginning of a new and wonderful reality." David Rosen 2009
More great news ,
We have increase our call schedule to 3 Calls A Day 7 Days A Week.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday!
2:00PM EST - 6:00PM EST - 9:00PM EST
Dial in number 712-432-0075 Access Code 733856#
Be sure to join us on each call, announce yourself and BRING A DATE!
Hear you on the call.
Shirley Birtles
Shirley Birtles 306-363-4889

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