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Roger Bjornerud

1658 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Typo - Do you know Judson Laipply?
1/14/2010 11:14:53 AM

It's really easy to get typos.
You type one letter extra, mistype and think it's correct, or
maybe you have a keyboard like mine. "s" only works when it wants.

Either way, typos has various effects, from almost unnoticeable
to totally devastating for your business and/or your personal life.

A typo made me join Twitter yesterday.
No, I'm not going to ask you to "subscribe" or whatever they do
there, I only joined Twitter for one reason:

To get in touch with Judson Laipply.

If you recognize the name I am impressed.
I had no idea that his name was Judson Laipply until I tried to contact him.

You might know Judson Laipply as the guy who does the "Evolution of dance".
Looking at the number 1 hit when searching on Youtube it says: 134,652,534 views.
He has other videos there too, so his total views are much higher.
Not to mention all the people that take his video and post it as their own.

So why am I trying to contact Judson Laipply?
Am I some crazy stalker guy who like dancing men and want to get to know them better?

The reason I try to contact him is a typo.
For some reason I am good at noticeing typos and other errors, and
when I looked at his Youtubeprofile I thought his url was a "t" short.

I checked the url with and without "t" and I was right.
I'm not the first to notice this though, and I'll tell you how I know. :)

Someone bought the domainname that Judson Laipply wrote on his profile.
Instead of telling Judson that he has a typo, the person decided to make
money from Judsons mistake. And it gets worse..

35% of the proceeds from Judson Laipplys site
goes to charity, which means the person doesn't take advantage of only Judson,
but also takes advantage of children and other people in need.

I tried sending Judson a message via Youtube, but it's not unlikely that my
message drowned in his inbox. Drowned in 1000s of other messages.

I tried via his contactform on his webpage, which I thought would work
much better than my attempt via Youtube, but nothing.

He's really active on Twitter, 4 messages yesterday, so I think my
chances are best there and I will keep trying until I make it.

The main point which I want you to get from what I write is this:
Always copy/paste your urls into ads etc. Never type your urls.
Check that your url works.

While you are down here why don't you do me a favor and click
on the link below that has the word "guess" in it.

Here's a tip for you: The answer is NOT Christina Aguilera. :)

PS. I am good at seeing other peoples typos, not my own.. ;)

Roger Bjornerud - Back from vacation - Planning the next :)

Free Leads System . Click here to visit my Blog 5 Key Formula Steps

Roger Bjornerud

1658 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
I got in touch with the dancer :)
1/19/2010 10:01:09 PM

I tried every way I could find to get in touch with
Judson Laipply, Youtube, his websites, Twitter and Facebook.

If you don't know who Judson laipply is, visit this link:

It was Twitter that worked, atleast that's where he replied.
Only problem is you can only send Direct Messages to persons
who follow you. He is not following me of course so I have
to trust that he sees the reply I wrote to something else. :)

Also, not too easy to communicate when you have limited
amount of text to do it with. If you use Twitter you know. ;)

If you haven't guessed today you can click this link and do it now:

When you guess you make atleast 1 of us smile.. :)

Roger Bjornerud - Back from vacation - Planning the next :)

Free Leads System . Click here to visit my Blog 5 Key Formula Steps

Bill Brown

480 Posts
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RE: I got in touch with the dancer :)
1/21/2010 1:05:37 AM
Hi Roger,

You should consider advising him to serve a DMCA on the site that is taking advantage of his domain name as it sounds like it was done in bad faith.

Roger Bjornerud

1658 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
1/21/2010 1:29:58 AM

Digital Millenium Copyright Act - I don't know the details of that or any other act. :)

Ill faith, absolutely.
There is no copying involved though.
Just taking advantage of a typo, and the effect of it
should be gone the second Judson corrects the typo.

I would be happy just to see it corrected. :)

Roger Bjornerud - Back from vacation - Planning the next :)

Free Leads System . Click here to visit my Blog 5 Key Formula Steps

Roger Bjornerud

1658 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
Maybe I should make a video
1/23/2010 2:22:18 AM

I know Judson Laipply reads my messages, or atleast the one
he replied to, but it doesn't help. The url is still wrong.

Just now I got the idea that I could make a video, because
Youtube is a videomedium and are often used as replies to videos.
Only problem is: I've never made a video of my screen.

The idea is to make a small video showing how to locate the url
and make it as clear as possible where the typo is.

If you have an idea of what program to use, please tell me. :)

Speaking of videos.
When I have 100 guesses in the guessingthread I will draw a winner
of a prize. Not the main prize, but something to show that it's real.
I'm thinking of making a video of that too.

That's easier ofcourse, because I have already made and uploaded several,
but I was thinking I could make one with better quality.
A real camera instead of my mobile.
I will test and see how I do.

Have to check that the typo is still there before I send this.
Yes, still there..

Roger Bjornerud - Back from vacation - Planning the next :)

Free Leads System . Click here to visit my Blog 5 Key Formula Steps
