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Jim Allen

11253 Posts
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RE: Advertise Your Business Here In 2010
11/10/2010 11:54:05 PM
Hey Rudy,

Now more than ever keeping those vehicles up and running is key, for sure.

The topic of taking care of one car and other vehicles has been my soap box for years. Amsoil Inc. has been offering API rated 100% synthetic lubricants for almost 40 years. I've been an Independent Dealer with Amsoil for more than twenty. See for details on the newest products, XL and OE Synthetic Motor Oils.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

11253 Posts
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RE: Advertise Your Business Here In 2010
11/21/2010 8:21:12 PM

If you sell any product, service or opportunity online then you need a top-notch "incentive" to give away to potential prospects to solidly motivate them to take a look at what you have to offer.

The service I am talking about is an incentive give-away that is sure to entice prospects to submit your capture page Opt-in form or click your click-thru link or to take whatever action you want them to take. They WILL WANT to buy from you or join your list to get what you have to offer.

Let's face it, sometimes people just need a little push to get them headed in the direction of taking you up on your offer. And I have the perfect "nudge" to start funneling prospects through your sales process.

It is amazing how few online marketers understand the good business practice of using incentive offers to turn prospects into buyers. And, it is even more amazing that those few who do use incentive give-aways offer one measly eBook and think that will be enough to get people motivated to take action.

This new service provides a massive download vault that will impress even the experienced Internet marketer. Instead of offering one eBook, imagine offering a gigantic library of eBooks, software, scripts, articles, information, Etc.

Are you a serious online marketer or do you just "play around" with it? If you are serious about making money online then make the decision today to get your own Lifetime account so you can offer the perfect incentive to get people to take action on taking a look at your product, service or opportunity.

How important is it to use an "incentive give away"? It is important enough that ALL successful Internet marketers employ incentive give aways!

But first, click the link under this sentence and take a look at the incentive pre-launch so you can appreciate how amazing this service is going to be.

Get your own lifetime account today and start earning money today.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

11253 Posts
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RE: Advertise Your Business Here In 2010
3/20/2011 12:28:36 AM
I just finished a new video called...
"The Most IN-DEMAND Job on Earth"

Go watch it here:

This "Odd-Ball" job didn't exist 18
months ago but demand is SO high right
now a total jug-head can demand $5K-
$10K a month part-time or full time.

A close friend of mine that was recently
unemployed is doing this now and she
is rakin-it in.

I'll spill the bean in this video.
Go watch this video now:

See ya soon,

P.S. If your not making $10K a month
right now I strongly suggest you watch
this video.

This could be your golden ticket!

Go watch the video now:

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

11253 Posts
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RE: Advertise Your Business Here In 2010
3/20/2011 8:18:52 PM
If I can show you how to invest a little today and create a
solid income in less than 12 months, would you be

Works for Me...

This system works for me.
It will work for you.
It will work for others who join us.
It works...

Get your special invite account at the link below:

How do you make it online?

You have something that is needed.

You have something that is affordable by everyone.

You have something that gives you everything.

You have something that is easy to use.

See for yourself at the URL below.

What are you waiting for?

Have you ever heard the saying that you can't wait until all
the lights are on green before you start your trip. You wait
at airports, you wait in traffic, you wait for your food in
a restaurant, you wait in line to get gas, you wait for your
next raise, you wait-wait-wait.

We are so conditioned to waiting that most people will put
off a decision that could change their life because they are
waiting for more information or waiting for more money or
waiting for that business opportunity that will make them
millions of dollars and they won't have to do a thing.

If that is you, keep waiting. If, on the other hand you want
to grab the bull by the horns and get moving today, then you
will want to join me now.
Check us out and then get started today. The lights are all
green right now...

You need something that works

You have seen the ads that promise instant millions and
unlimited income potential and work from home or fire your
boss. Let's face it, those are just hyped up ways to get
your money and they don't care whether you make it or not.

What you need is a system that will let you start making
money quickly and easily.

And something you can afford and something that is in demand.

You can get it all right now.

Focus on this one

The meaning of focus as defined by Webster's: A center of
interest or activity; Concentrate; Well defined

Why am I telling you this and why should you care? Because
if you are going to make money online or be successful, you
need to focus!

Would you want the pilot of your airplane to focus on
something aside from flying? Would you want your surgeon to
focus his attention on 3 or 4 people in the same operating
room? Of course you would not! These are far fetched
scenarios, but just as these professionals focus on their
job, you need to do the same while making money online.

There are 1000's of ways to make money online, but there is
only one way to truly succeed and that is to focus on one
program--Give 100% to one program and you will succeed.

After you have learned the ropes of this one program, then
you can branch out to other offers.

This is the step process and it works---

Get your account at the URL below:

The Everyone Program

What is the Everyone Program?

This is the program that everyone can use, afford and have
success with.

You get all the following:
* 50% affiliate program
* Autoresponders, Ad Trackers, Capture Page Creator, Online
Training and Support, Advertising and more.
* Complete action plan and agenda that you can use to build
your business.
* Payouts every week--Never wait for commissions again.

Until now, only the big players could make money online, not
it is our turn.

Check it out today and you'll see what I mean.

Why am I contacting you?

I am seeking motivated people for a new program.
I don’t want freebie chasers.
I don’t want people who think they can make money for free.
I don’t want people who are going to do nothing and then
complain when they don’t make money.
I don’t want people who can’t help others.
I definitely don’t want quitters or progam jumbers

I do want people who have been burned in the past.
I do want people who want to work from home.
I do want people who can afford $96 onetime payment.
I do want people who are going to stick with the program.
I do want people who are tired of the hype and lies of
working online.

If you qualify, get a free account at the URL below, upgrade
and let’s get moving.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jack Sunshine

5397 Posts
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RE: Advertise Your Business Here In 2010
3/29/2011 1:18:36 AM

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