If you sell any product, service or opportunity online then you need a top-notch "incentive" to give away to potential prospects to solidly motivate them to take a look at what you have to offer.
The service I am talking about is an incentive give-away that is sure to entice prospects to submit your capture page Opt-in form or click your click-thru link or to take whatever action you want them to take. They WILL WANT to buy from you or join your list to get what you have to offer.
Let's face it, sometimes people just need a little push to get them headed in the direction of taking you up on your offer. And I have the perfect "nudge" to start funneling prospects through your sales process.
It is amazing how few online marketers understand the good business practice of using incentive offers to turn prospects into buyers. And, it is even more amazing that those few who do use incentive give-aways offer one measly eBook and think that will be enough to get people motivated to take action.
This new service provides a massive download vault that will impress even the experienced Internet marketer. Instead of offering one eBook, imagine offering a gigantic library of eBooks, software, scripts, articles, information, Etc.
Are you a serious online marketer or do you just "play around" with it? If you are serious about making money online then make the decision today to get your own Lifetime account so you can offer the perfect incentive to get people to take action on taking a look at your product, service or opportunity.
How important is it to use an "incentive give away"? It is important enough that ALL successful Internet marketers employ incentive give aways!
But first, click the link under this sentence and take a look at the incentive pre-launch so you can appreciate how amazing this service is going to be.
Get your own lifetime account today and start earning money today.