Hey Did You Know?
Targeted Mailing List Builder
Are You Serious About Building Your Online Enterprise?
The truth is, no matter how hard you try to succeed on the internet, eventually you will realize that you need a targeted Mailing List. It's no secret that the biggest and most profitable online marketers are those that have built a laser-targeted mailing list. If you've haven't tried to build a list yet there's great news! Adlandpro can make this very easy and profitable for you.
Plan Your Marketing Strategy
When you sit down to map out your marketing strategy, part of your goal is to identify your target audience and channel your efforts into building/maintaining your list. This list should be composed of people who are interested in the need that your product or service caters to. If you sell videogames, your list will be people who are interested in Entertainment. If you are a travel counselor, your list will be composed of people who want to see the world. Get it?
How Adlandpro Can Help
Through site promotion efforts and advertising your service/business through the correct channels, you should have traffic coming through your website that is interested in what you are offering. If you don't have this yet, you should check out our other premium services that will help you do this. The next step is to start collecting information for your list. Here's where we come in.
- Our HTML/Text Newsletter is a Professional-Looking Newsletter which we distribute on behalf of your company that will create a professional image in the eyes of your subscribers because it looks like it came right from your own company.
- Your newsletter shows only your ads so that only your company is showcased in the newsletter. If your mailing list only sees your ads they are more likely to buy your services instead of going elsewhere.
- Personalized Distribution allows us to distribute each of your newsletters formatted with your customer's name giving your newsletter a more familiar feel.
- A new, relevant, and informative article each week provides fresh content that your readers will enjoy and look forward to receiving. The chance that your newsletter will wind up on a blocked list minimizes and your message gets through. Your mailing list will be more responsive to information that is new and you appear more knowledgeable and credible by providing useful information to the customer and your customers will find the articles that we use applicable to their own businesses as well.
- Spam-Filter Certified/Tested content and formatting ensures a 92% chance of delivery to every email box that it is sent to. This translates into lower failed delivery rates and increased number of recipients.
- The Pre-Created Newsletter means that no research or effort is required on your part to produce and distribute your very own newsletter. This will create tremendous value in your services while not having to spend time or resources compiling and distributing a newsletter yourself.
- The Easy List Builder means that setting it all up requires very little effort so you can start building a mailing list quickly and easily.
- Newsletter Business Aliasing creates and distributes a newsletter that looks like your publication from your company and your mailing list will appreciate your company more.
- With 2 Newsletters Subjects to choose from your subscribers will have more options for the type of newsletter they want to receive and this will provide the impression that your company provides a wide range of quality resources.
- Newsletter Archives will allow your customer to view previous issues and more articles This will give the customer more information than he/she needs and makes you look more knowledgeable.
[ Click For a Sample Marketing Newsletter ] | [ Click For a Sample Business Newsletter ]
You have to agree, it's so easy, affordable, and sensible to start building your opt-in list today that there's no longer any excuse not to do it! In fact, Adlandpro will do most of the work for you so you can't afford to miss this offer!
Click below to get:
- Your own personalized business newsletter (2 Newsletter Subjects to choose from)
- Your ads displayed on each newsletter each week. That's 4 ad displays per month on average!
- Access to the archives for your customer to view previous issues of the Digest.
for only $10.95 USD!